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Ertel Collection (Westhofen) (inventory)
Stadtarchiv Worms, 227 · Sammlung
Teil von City Archive Worms (Archivtektonik)

Inventory description: Dept. 227 Collection Ertel (Westhofen) Scope: 122 units (= 10 archive cartons = 1.5 m) Duration: 1716 - 1990 To be taken over On 5 February 2013 Mr. Georg-Jakob Ertel from Westhofen handed over two large cartons with documents on the history of the Catholic parish of Westhofen as a deposit to the municipal archive of Worms. With this material, the basis for the Ertel collection was laid in the city archives as an archive collection of Dept. 227, since further later levies are intended. According to Mr. Ertel himself, he had fished the documents out of a large quantity of papers, which - coming from the provenance of the parish of Westhofen - were intended for disposal a few years ago, in order to evaluate the contents of the documents for research purposes. Since an archival processing also seemed to make sense with regard to a further possible scientific use, an agreement was reached between him and the City Archives on the deposit. A handwritten parish chronicle, led by Pastor Geeb/Geb (1803) and continued by Pastor Schott (1857), Mr. Ertel wished to keep it for the time being for provisional processing, a later addition to the collection is intended. Mr. Ertel had already drawn up a list of 33 envelopes and two files in advance, in which almost all the pieces were listed. The numbering of this list was adopted as an old signature in the course of the redrawing. There were now 122 units of description, which comprise 1.5 linear metres in ten archive cartons. The duration ranges from 1716 to 1990; blocking periods had to be set for some files for data protection reasons. The material originates mainly from the 19th and the first half of the 20th century. The two former file folders, for which Mr Ertel had produced his own tables of contents, were dissolved and the documents were transferred to acid-free folders, which were to be preferred for conservation purposes. Several units of description were formed, which are linked by means of old signatures and attached copies of Ertel's folder lists. The classification was created after the indexing on the basis of the main content. In some fascicles, partially damaged file aprons [sheets used rather than aprons] contained references to a previous classification system based on simple numbering; the main subjects used there are essentially also to be found in the present classification. Content The archival documents concern the content of the Catholic parish of Westhofen with its branch parishes of Monzernheim and Blödesheim [today Hochborn]. The classification has created five thematic focal points, which are briefly outlined below. On the one hand, there are numerous ordinances, decrees, communications and circulars on parish administration, which were sent mainly by the higher spiritual authorities to deaneries and parishes, but also by civil authorities. On the other hand, correspondence and other documents are available which directly concern the parish of Westhofen, its administration and the work of the respective pastors and the church council, as well as various statistical information. Correspondence, circulars, etc. from the tenure of Pastor W. Oestreicher provide information about church life during the Nazi era. Church accounts are available on a larger scale, some of which even form a series (1797 - 1806, 1819 - 1825, 1869 - 1872 [without 1871]), and further documents on asset management. In addition there are foundations to the parish, here the Blanck'sche Stiftung is mentioned, to which also material can be found in the estate Kirschbaum (StadtA Wo Abt. 170/46), and above all extensive directories about Mess-Stiftungen in the Catholic church in Westhofen and in the Filialgemeinden. Fascicles that deal with the Haubische Gült and the Arnsteiner or the Duboische Gült in Osthofen in favour of the Westhofener church are to be emphasized (StadtA Wo Abt. 227 Nr. 47, Nr. 48 u. Nr. 119). A further content section deals with building issues of the church and other buildings belonging to the Catholic parish and their furnishings (including inventories). The establishment of the sisters' house in 1902 and the activities of the sisters (sewing school, infant school) are also reflected in the files. Information about the Catholic school can be obtained about the building, as well as about teaching (rather general), about the school assets and various statistical data, furthermore about the establishment of a simultaneous school in Westhofen against the protest of the Catholics. A legal dispute with Jacob Weisheimer, who lived in the immediate vicinity of the schoolyard, is documented in detail (StadtA Wo Abt. 227 Nr. 58; 1838 - 1848). Church life is reflected in various directories of sermons and catecheses held and in books of preaching. In addition, various documents are available on pilgrimages, processions, retreats, confirmation classes and the activities of ecclesiastical associations (e.g. Brotherhood to the Most Holy and Immaculate Heart of Mary [StadtA Wo Abt. 227 Nr. 65]). Important for individuals and individual families was the necessary granting of a dispensary for marriages and the religious upbringing of children from mixed-confessional marriages. Various publications and newspapers or newspaper cuttings were incorporated into the last classification group. Worms, March 2013 Margit Rinker-Olbrisch Supplementary archive holdings Stadtarchiv Worms: Dept. 170/46 Kirschbaum family estate (concerning Blanck'sche Foundation) Landesarchiv Speyer (currently): Gemeindearchiv Westhofen Hess. State Archives DA: Dept. G 15 here: No. 15/2 with inspection reports, statistical data (e.g. on the community of Westhofen, 1898) Literature EBERSMANN, Jakob: History of Westhofen, Monzernheim and Blödesheim, Worms, 1909 GRÜNEWALD, Julius/ STROH, Heinrich: Chronicle of the market town Westhofen: Contributions to the history of the community of Westhofen, Westhofen, 1974 GRÜNEWALD, Christoph Julius Johannes: Von Westhofener Häusern und Leuten, Westhofen, 1984