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Praun, Albert (inventory)
BArch, N 591 · Bestand · 1914 - 1970
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: born 11.12.1894 in Staffelstein; admission to Fahnenjunker 1.10.1913; Lt. baye bayer. 1. telegr.Btl. 19.9.1914 (P. 7.1.1913); Reichsheer; Kdr. Nachr.Abt. 38 1.10.1935; Lieutenant Colonel 1.3.1937; Colonel 1.8.1939; Major General 1.8.1942; Lieutenant General 1.2.1943; General of the Intelligence Force 1.10.1944; 2. World War: N.R. 696 1.9.1939; Nafü 7. army 1.2.1940; Nafü Pz.Gr. Hoth 19.5.1940; Nafü Pz.Gr. Guderian 1.6.1940; Nafü Mil.Bez. C. France 15.7.1940; Nafü Pz.Gr. 2 11.12.1940; Nafü 2. army 6.10.1941; Führ. I.R. 482, 486, 4. Pz.Gr.Brig. and 18. Pz.Div. 25.4.1942; 129. I.D. 24.8.1942; Nafü Hgr. Mitte 1.10.1943 - 1.4.1944; 277. I.D. 12.4.1944; Chef H.Nachr.W. in OKH and Chef d. Wehrm.NVW 11.8.1944; German cross in gold; Knight's cross Processing reference: preliminary index Inventory description: Preparations, letters from the time of the war captivity 1945; news connections during the Second World War. Essays, material collections; Telephone and telex connections, 1935 - 1945; History of the Artillery Regiment 129, 1940 - 1945; Investigation into the radio service of the Russian, British and American armies in the Second World War; News connections between the command authorities during the war of agitation in 1914; Notebooks, 1926 - 1942; Manuscript on the use of television for strategic warfare in the future, 1954; Manuscript "Erich Fellgiebel, der Meister operativer Nachrichtenverbindungen" with material collection on Fellgiebel's work; Manuscript "Erich Fellgiebel, der Meister operativer Nachrichtenverbindungen" with material collection on Fellgiebel's work. July 1944; notes from the time as commander of the news department 38; IX. corps in the Eastern campaign 1941; correspondence from the activity for the Historical Division, 1946 - 1954; letters to the wife Hella, 1939 - 1945; pictures citation: BArch, N 591/...