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27025 Theodor Rehbock estate (existing)
KIT-Archiv, 27025 · Bestand · 1889-1950
Teil von KIT Archive (Archive Tectonics)

Contents: An overview of the contents can be found in the classification. History of origins: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Theodor Christoph Heinrich Rehbock (*12.04.1864 in Amsterdam, 17.08.1950 in Baden-Baden) studied civil engineering in Munich and Berlin from 1884 to 1890. After the diploma examination and the government building leader examination he worked from 1890 to 1892 in Berlin at the Reichstag building administration, then from 1893 to 1894 in the Bremen building administration. After passing the government building master examination in 1894, he worked in Berlin as a consulting engineer for hydraulic engineering and undertook journeys through Europe, to Canada and the USA as well as to South America and 1896/97 to southern Africa. In 1899 he was appointed full professor at the Technical University of Karlsruhe, where he established the river engineering laboratory and served as rector in the academic years 1907/08, 1917/18 and 1925/26. In 1934 Rehbock was emeritus. Pre-archival inventory history: Foreword by Klaus-Peters Hoepke in the provisional find book: "The inventory changed location several times between its creation and its transfer to the university archive. In 1943 Rehbock obtained permission from the rector to bring his papers from the river engineering laboratory to his house in Baden-Baden to arrange them. When Baden-Baden became a military restricted area in the autumn of 1944, Rehbock moved it to his alternative quarters in Ried b. Benediktbeuren/Obb. At the end of the war he took her back to Baden-Baden. Since his house was confiscated by the French military administration, he had to move again - taking his papers with him. During Rehbock's lifetime, but at the latest after his death, individual pieces of furniture, parts of his library, these papers - probably supplemented by parts of the written private estate - reached the Technical University of Karlsruhe. In September 1992 Prof. Dr. techn. Peter Larsen and PD Dr.-Ing. Hans Helmut Bernhart of the Theodor Rebock Institute arranged for the fundus to be transferred to the university archive. Furthermore Dr.-Ing. Andreas Richter from the Institute of Hydromechanics handed over a bundle of Rehbock manuscripts of the lecture on weirs to the archive in January 1995; it was added to the collection under the serial number 63a. The inventory listed below is made up of parts of the service room estate and private papers. In view of the distances travelled, experience has shown that it is hardly probable that the fundus that existed around 1943 is still completely preserved. After the war, for example, there must have been two folders with the correspondence that Rehbock had kept with the nestor of German hydraulic engineering, Hubert Engels from Dresden, a colleague he held in high esteem. In any case, the effects of war had destroyed not only countless measurement records, plans, etc. but also the historically valuable and extensive collection of site plans of the Rhine models: According to Rehbock, the already print-ready collection documented "the best I could achieve in the experimental world". (So to Anton Grzywienski, 15.12.1946, no. 162) [...] In Baden-Baden Rehbock actually dealt with arranging his papers. He probably used the registration plan as a basis, according to which he had correspondence, sketches, plans, etc. filed during his active time in the river engineering laboratory. (This registry plan no longer exists, so that the presumed losses can no longer be determined). Above all, Rehbock added explanatory remarks for posterity to individual folders or documents. Many documents then contain underscores, paint strokes or margin notes made with coloured pencils (red, purple or green). Unfortunately, it is not always clear whether these are traces of processing from the course of business or later highlights, which it seemed advisable to place roebuck in view of posterity." Archive history: Most of the documents were transferred from the Theodor Rehbock Institute to the university archive in September 1992. A small levy was made in January 1995 from the Institute of Hydromechanics (No 63a). The Institute for Hydraulic Engineering and Cultural Engineering, which emerged from the Theodor Rehbock Institute, submitted further documents in 1996, which Hoepke classified partly in "Signatures" he had created and partly under No. 351-381. Numbers 370-381 included 1,345 photographic glass plates. These were included in a provisional list in late 2003 and filmed and digitised at the turn of the year 2003/04. On 02.06.2008 the addition 29/? was added to the inventory as signature number 406. Explanation of the order: The order of the inventory was established in its basic features according to the order carried out by Theodor Rehbock. Changes took place in the initial stock formation in the university archive (see Archivische Bestandgeschichte) and in the digitisation of the finding aid in 2005. Indexing information: In the second quarter of 2005, the finding aid available in electronic form was easily edited and imported into the finding aid database. The existing classification was adopted largely unchanged. During the digitization of the finding aid, signatures with alphanumeric additions were changed to purely numeric signatures. Classification overview: 1. personalia 2. colonial matters 3. university matters 4. memberships 5. manuscripts 6. divining rod 7. structural engineering 8. technical contacts in the USA 9. tooth sleeper patent and its exploitation 9.0 general 9.1 German projects 9.2 Company Dyckerhoff 9.3 Company Philips

Althoff, Friedrich Theodor (collection)
Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, VI. HA, Nl Althoff, F. T. · Bestand
Teil von Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

The present estate of Friedrich Theodor Althoff (1839-1908), Prussian Ministerial Director in the Ministry of Culture, was given to the Prussian Secret State Archives in 1921 as a gift from the widow Marie Althoff. In 1924, 1935, 1936, 1951, 1958 and 2000 further smaller parts of the estate were transferred to the (Prussian) Secret State Archives (PK). The estate contains primarily personnel documents, comprehensive reference files from official activities, extensive official correspondence with a large number of partners, newspapers and newspaper clippings and a small partial estate of the widow Marie Althoff, mainly with her correspondence after 1908 The correspondence was filed by Althoff himself according to two types, alphabetically according to the names and professions of the senders, so that both groups (by database query) are to be searched. An additional peculiarity is that about 500 letters are enclosed with other correspondences, namely when the letter writers mainly expressed themselves about other, third parties. In these cases, the letters were not filed under the senders, but under the names of those about whom they were written. Modern distortion maintains this order, but ejects the names concerned in the respective distortion titles. (Example VI HA, Nl F. T. Althoff, No. 805 alphabetical correspondence "Kohl - Koppy" also contains in "Kollmann, Julius, Basel, 1887 - 1888 (3)" a letter by Gustav v. Schmoller about Julius Kollmann from 1884). In the course of entering the database, the individual correspondence partners in the correspondence volumes were added to the contents notes using the register. The number in brackets indicates the number of letters. For the former divisions A I and A II (today No. 1-655) there is a separate detailed analysis volume which should be consulted during research. Its contents are not part of the database, as they would have gone beyond its scope. For the complete technical processing of the magazine, which took place in 2012, the discount was re-signed according to serial numbers for the sake of simplicity. A corresponding concordance can be found at the end of the search. Distortion began in 1921 by Ludwig Dehio. Mrs. Krähe created the list of letter correspondents. In 1939 G. Wentz dispersed the correspondence. In the years 1960-1962 Renate Endler recorded the estate again, including a revision. From 1975-1976 a further revision was carried out by Holger Schenk. The following files were already missing when the still valid find book from the 1960s was compiled: A I No. 18 Academic Freedom, 1905 A I I No. 144 Criminalist Seminar, Halle, 1885 - 1896 A II No. 98 Eduard Simon, 1906-08 B No. 7 Baltzer B No. 21 Cantor B No. 28[Content unknown] B No. 69 Hermite B No. 137 Bd. 2 Netto B No. 168 Bd. 2 Schottki Bei B No. 48 Frobenius, B No. 65 Heffter, B No. 70 Heffner und B No. 169 Sturm missing the main part. The old numbers B No. 98, B No. 106 and B No. 167 are also missing, according to remarks in the find book; in the group "Correspondence Althoff's correspondence sorted by sender's profession", which is very intensively indexed, the contents of the missing pieces have also been included in the database, since their contents may be of partial interest, even if the individual letters no longer exist. These letters then bear the addition"(missing)". The following autograph of Althoff is also kept in the "Small Acquisitions" collection of the Geheimes Staatsarchiv PK: I. HA Rep. 94 Small acquisitions, No. 1711 Friedrich Althoff to an unknown person: Transmission of 4 facsimile Primaner essays of the Joachimsthalschen Gymnasium in Berlin from 1901 on the topic "The Beinstellung der Monmämäler in der Siegesallee" with Marginalien Kaiser Wilhelm II, The database was entered by Mrs. Pistiolis, the database correction, determination and addition of the runtimes on the basis of the contained notes and preparation of the foreword was done by the undersigned. With the introduction of the new tectonics in the GStA PK, the estate of Friedrich Theodor Althoff, formerly headed as I. Department Rep. 92, was incorporated into the newly formed VI. Department of Family Archives and Bequests in 2001. According to the Internet database "Kalliope, Verbundsystem Nachlässe und Autographen der Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin", another extensive part of the manuscript section of the Staatsbibliothek Preußischer Kulturbesitz is located. This section contains 23 boxes with correspondence, documents, manuscripts, photos, prints and the death mask. Further correspondence of Althoff (312 sheets) is kept in the document collection Darmstaedter (2c 1890) of the Staatsbibliothek Preußischer Kulturbesitz. Duration: (1723) 1778, 1824 - 1908 (1909 - 1919) and without date Scope: 23 running metres Last assigned number: To be ordered: VI HA, Nl Friedrich Theodor Althoff, No.... To quote: GStA PK, VI. HA Family Archives and Bequests, Nl Friedrich Theodor Althoff, No.... Berlin, August 2013 (Chief Inspectoress of the Archives, Sylvia Rose) Life Data February 19, 1839 Born in Dinslaken Father: Friedrich Theodor Althoff (1785-1852), Prussian Dömanenrat Mother: Julie von Buggenhagen (née. 1802) from 1851 1856 to 1861 Gymnasium in Wesel (1856 Abitur) Studied law in Berlin and Bonn from 1856 Membership of Corps Saxonia with subsequent honorary membership 1861 State Exam 1864 Referendar 1867 Legal Assessor Exam 1870 Lawyer 1871 Legal adviser and consultant for church and school matters in Strasbourg from 1872 Dr. h.c. associate professor of French and modern civil law (1880 full professor) in Strasbourg 1882 university lecturer at the Ministry of Culture 1888 secret senior government council 1896 honorary professor at the University of Berlin 1897-1907 ministerial director of the I. Education Department (universities and secondary schools) 1900 chairman of the scientific and scholarly staff of the University of Berlin 1897-1907 professor at the University of Berlin 1896 honorary professor at the University of Berlin 1896 honorary professor at the University of Berlin 1896-1907 ministerial director of the I. 1901 Honorary member of the Göttingen Society of Sciences 1904 Title "Excellence" 1906 Title "Professor" 1907 Title of a "Real Privy Council", Crown Councillor October 20, 1908 died in Berlin-Steglitz Friedrich Theodor Althoff had been married to Marie Ingenohl (1843-1925) since 1865 and had no children. The life data were taken from the literature given. Furthermore, the personnel file Althoffs, 1882-1939 (I. HA Rep. 76 I Sekt. 31 Lit. A Nr. 15, incl. Supplement 1 2) is to be compared. Literature " M. Althoff (Edit.), From Friedrich Althoff's time in Berlin. Memories for his friends. Jena 1918 (printed as manuscript) " A. Sachse, Friedrich Althoff and his work. Berlin 1928; F. Schmidt-Ott, Experiences and aspirations. 1860-1950 Wiesbaden 1952, p. 5 u. ö. " New German Biography, vol. 1, Aachen - Behaim. Berlin 1953, pp. 222-224 " C.-E. Kretschmann, Friedrich Althoff's estate as a source for the history of the medical faculty in Halle from 1882-1907. Halle 1959 " G. Lohse, Die Bibliotheksdirektoren der ehemalmals Prußischen Universitäten und Technische Hochschulen 1900-1985. Köln 1988, p. 1 u. ö. (Publications from the Archives of Prussian Cultural Heritage, vol. 26) " R.-J. Lischke: Friedrich Althoff and his contribution to the development of the Berlin scientific system at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. Berlin 1991; J. Weiser, The Prussian School System in the 19th and 20th Centuries. A source report from the Secret State Archives of the Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation. Cologne, Weimar, Vienna 1996, pp. 194-197 (Studien und Dokumentationen zum deutschen Bildungsgeschichte, vol. 60) " Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon. 16th Herzberg 1999, Sp. 29-48 " St. Rebenich and G. Franke: Theodor Mommsen and Friedrich Althoff. Correspondence 1882-1903 Munich 2012 (German Historical Sources of the 19th and 20th Centuries Vol. 67). Description: Biographical data: 1839 - 1908 Resources: Database; Reference book, 1 vol.

Kempowski-Biografien 6691/1-17 · Akt(e) · 1840er Jahre - 1940
Teil von Archive of the Academy of Arts

6691/1:<br />August Schreiber (1839 Bielefeld - 1903 Barmen): Diaries and workbook:<br />- Diary, Sumatra, July 1867 - Dec. 1872<br />- Diary Jan. 1873 - Febr. 1903 (Jan. 1903) 1873 - April 1874 daily entries, thereafter only list of the places), thereby: statement of assets, 1898 and insurance policy, 1877<br />- diary, South Africa, Jan. - Aug. 1894<br />- work book, 1874 - 1903 (the one on the hs. List of mentioned diary 'England and Scotland 1864/1865' missing)<br />6691/2:<br />August Schreiber: Autobiographische Schriften<br />- 'Erinnerungen an Sumatra', 1866 - 1872, Handschrift<br />- 'Kollekten-Blätter für die Rheinische Mission', 1883 (the contributions probably originate mainly from A. Schreiber)<br />- 'Third Visit to Sumatra', brochure, Barmen, 1891<br />- 'Five Months in Security', book, Barmen, 1894<br />- 'A Mission Journey to the Far East', book, 1898 - 1999, Bertelsmann 1899 (?)<br />6691/3:<br />August Schreiber: Aufsätze und Veröffentlichungen:<br />- ' Die inneren Schwierigkeiten des Missionarufes', Lecture, Halle, 1901<br />- 'Die Menschenrechte der Eingeborenen in den Kolonien', Bremen, 1901<br />- 'Cultur und Mission in ihrer Einfluss auf die Naturvölker', Barmen, 1882<br />- 'Missionspredigt und angesprochen ....', Weilburg, 1881<br />- 'On the Characteristics of the Mission Areas of the Rhenish Mission', Barmen, 1883<br />- 'The work of the Rhenis Miss. Society amongst the Battas of Sumatra', Barmen, 1893<br />- 'The Evangelical Mission, a Proof of the Truth of Christianity', Erfurt, 1894<br />- 'Mission and Colonization', Kiel, 1885<br />- 'The Battas on Sumatra', Barmen, 1876<br />- 'The Battas in their relation to the Malays of Sumatra', Barmen, 1874<br />- 'Short outline of a Batta' theory of forms ....', Barmen, 1866<br />- 'The Gospel According to S. Matthew' (in Batta script), 1878<br />6691/4:<br />- [o.A. Author]: 'Aus der Lebensarbeit des ...', Barmen, 1906, 3 Ex.., Text identical in: 'Christlicher Volks-Kalender 1905'; Subject: Biography August Schreiber:<br />6691/5:<br />- August Schreiber: Letters to the Family, 1840s - 1903, Konvolut<br />6691/6:<br />- August Schreiber: Letters to his later wife Anna, née Möller (Bridal Letters), 1862 - 1867, Convoluted <br />6691/7:<br />- August Schreiber: Manuscripts of sermons and devotions <br />6691/8:<br />- August Schreiber: Convoluted excerpts from his letters and sermons (presumably written by his son August Wilhelm), Manuscript <br />6691/9:<br />- Letters, v.a. to Anna Schreiber, née Möller, 1860s and later (the inscription 'An Frau Pastor Frieda Zahn', Anna Schreiber's daughter, is not applicable), Karton<br />6691/10:<br />- Letters of condolence, obituaries, etc. zum Todde August Schreibers, 1903, Konvolut<br />6691/11:<br />- Franz Zahn: Letters and Reports of the Pastor and Missionary, China, 1899 - 1908, Konvolut<br />6691/12:<br />- Franz Zahn: Sermons, China, 1915 - 1916, 1924 - 1925, 1931 - 1940, China<br />6691/13:<br />- Franz Zahn or August Wilhelm Schreiber: Manuscripts, essays from China, presumably for 'Ostasiatischen Lloyd', approx. 1920, typewriter<br />6691/14:<br />- Anna Zahn: Diary, China, 1901<br />- 'Der kleine Missionsfreund', booklet, in it: Anna Zahn: 'Aus dem Leben einer chinesischen Frau'<br />6691/15:<br />- 'China's Millions', 'Missionsblatt Barmen', 'Der Ostasisiatische Lloyd', Various copies of magazines, 1901 - 1909<br />6691/16:<br />- W. Dietrich: 'Rückblick auf die fünfjährige Arbeit der Rheinischen Missions in China', 1897, manuscript, handwriting<br />6691/17:<br />- Materials for the estate: e.g. circular letter of the Barmer Mission from 1931<br />contains also:<br />- Photo of members of the mission house Barmen, 1902, on it also members of the family Schreiber, oversize, last box

Schreiber, August
Coll. Schulz, Erich
Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, VIII. HA, Slg. Schulz, E. · Sammlung
Teil von Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

The name of the town Sonnenburg on the southern edge of the Warthebruch in the Neumark was first mentioned in a document in 1295. At that time the von Sonnenburg area formed part of the Templar border. In 1341 Margrave Ludwig of Brandenburg granted the noble family of Uchtenhagen permission to build a fortification in Sonnenburg. In 1426/1427 Sonnenburg with about 10 villages came into the possession of the Order of St John, which had a decisive influence on the further development of the town. The Sonnenburg Castle, which was rebuilt between 1661 and 1668, was from 1514 to 1810 the seat of the master of the Ballei Brandenburg and the order government. In the Johanniterkirche, completed in 1522, the knighthood was awarded to the newly accepted knights of the order until the time of the Weimar Republic. Through the meliorations, which were carried out in the 2nd half of the 18th century in the Warthebruch, the income of the Johanniterorden in the Ballei Brandenburg could be increased considerably. In addition to the 10 villages already mentioned, 37 colonies and establishments as well as 6 outbuildings belonged to the Sonnenburg Order in 1792. Between 1856 and 1858 a new hospital was built in Sonnenburg, which was maintained by the Order. Since the last quarter of the 19th century, the town of Sonnenburg has been home to several small factories and businesses, including silk weaving, brickworks and steam sawmills. The railway connection to Küstrin, built in 1896, gave the hay trade in Sonnenburg a stronger boost. With 3649 inhabitants, which the city had in 1939, it was one of the small towns in the province of Brandenburg before the Second World War. Until 1945 Sonnenburg was the seat of a local court, which was subordinated to the regional court Frankfurt/Oder. The prison built in Sonnenburg between 1832 and 1836 served as a National Socialist concentration camp from 1933 to 1945. The people imprisoned there were shot dead in January 1945. The following collection contains extensive material on the history of the town of Sonnenburg and the Order of St John in the Brandenburg Bailiwick. It was compiled by Erich Schulz, a native of Sonnenburg, between 1977 and 1991, and was placed in the Secret State Archives immediately after his death in the autumn of 1991, according to a testamentary decree (Akz. 69/91). Erich Schulz has collected sources and literature on the history of Sonnenburg in his collection. He has tried to document all areas of public life in the city, mainly from the turn of the century to 1945. The focal points of his collection activities with regard to the Order of St John were the order buildings in Sonnenburg as well as the order offices and commanderies located in the Ballei Brandenburg. Part of the correspondence that Erich Schulz conducted with private individuals and public institutions in the course of his investigative activities also reached the Secret State Archives along with the collection. In addition to copies of sources, publications and maps, the collection mainly contains extensive pictorial material. Under (order) no. 6 of the collection you will find the manuscript for a publication on the history of Sonnenburg planned by Erich Schulz, which, however, was not realized. The pictorial material collected for the planned publication was exclusively duplicates; these were added to the pictorial collection of the Secret State Archives (IX. HA, (Order No. VII 2492). The books and brochures contained in the collection (cf. pages 26 - 27) are kept in the service library of the Secret State Archives. Erich Schulz kept his collection in about 90 largely numbered files. For a Lumbeck trial, which is currently taking place in the Secret State Archives, the material was taken from the folders. A list was compiled of the smaller contributions to the history of Sonnenburg written by Erich Schulz and his brother Paul Schulz (see pages 21-25). The undersigned Mrs. Lärmer and Mrs. Linke were involved in this work. When the collection was indexed, Erich Schulz's order of the material was retained. The (order) nos. in the index are to a large extent identical with the numbers of the file folders. Erich Schulz's own list of the contents of his collection, which can be found under (Order) No. 99, has been completely revised for this finding aid book. The material collected in the collection of Erich Schulz on the town of Sonnenburg and the Order of St John should be evaluated primarily in the course of local historical studies. When ordering from the collection, please indicate: VIII HA, Erich Schulz (order) No. Volume of inventory: 4.9 running metres. Berlin, 10.2.1994 Ingrid Männl Supplement: The numbers 15, 16, 31, 44-49, 63, 80, 85 are blank. Life data of Erich Schulz 1917 Erich Schulz born in Sonnenburg/Neumark. His father Franz was from 1921 - 1945 janitor of the city school in Sonnenburg 1931 - 1934 apprenticeship at the city administration in Sonnenburg 1934 - 1935 administrative assistant at the city administration in Sonnenburg 1935 - 1945 soldier 1945 - 1950 in Russian captivity of war 1950 - 1972 in the building main trade in Berlin 1972 - 1977 managing director in Unterlüß/Südheide 1977 - 1991 plant of the collection about the city Sonnenburg and the Johanniterorden 19.2.1986 Award of the honorary needle of the Johanniter order to Erich Schulz by the master of the Ballei Brandenburg 27.9.1991 Erich Schulz deceased in Unterlüß Description of the stock: Life data: 1917 - 1991 Find aids: Database; Findbuch, 1 vol.

Ernst Dammann (1904-2003)
M 245 · Akt(e) · 1929-1977
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Medical testimonies for the Dammann couple, 1932; curriculum vitae, instructions, vows of secondment, 1933; "First impressions from Tanga and Digo, 1933; Statistics of the German Protestant Church in Tanga, 1933; Programme of a field service in Tanga (Druck), 1934; "Die Mitarbeit der Bethel-Mission an der Suaheli-Literatur, 1934; Correspondenz, 1929-1937 u. 1949-1977; reproduction of a letter by Jakobo N. Lumwe and J. Ngombe, 1950; "Zur Wiedergabe biblischer & christlicher Personennamen in Suaheli, 1953; Bibliographie von Ernst Dammann (Druck), 1969

Estate Lange, Erich (Title)
NL 070 · Bestand
Teil von Library Georgius Agricola Freiberg

Lange, Erich (1889 - 1965) Prof. Dr.phil.; Professor of Fuel Geology 1946 President of the German Geological Survey; Director of the Geological Service of the GDR The estate contains: Excerpts from the file 1957 "Preparation of the commemorative event 10 years StGK (Staatliche Geologische Kommission) (contains among other things: material, elaborations and handwritten notes) Correspondences Personal letter of Gottlieb A. Seberna Handwritten notes among other things from and to geological books, to Cameroon, manuscripts to geological observation in French, German and English. Colonies (e.g. East-Adamaua), excerpts from the journal of the German Geological Society vol. 84(1932), photographs of tree trunks in a basalt stream near Meiganga

In today's colonial historiography, as far as the colonial rule in Togo is concerned, two names are certainly to be emphasized: Dr. habil. Peter Sebald († 2018) and Prof. Dr. Trutz von Trotha († 2013). The research results of these two scientists offer a detailed study of German rule in Togo 1884-1914. Numerous archive sources, monographs, anthologies, courses, journal articles, lectures from their estates now serve as valuable sources of information for current research. Peter Sebald and Prof. Trutz von Trotha on the history of German colonialism and Togo in particular. The family of Peter Sebald roughly sorted out 40 metres of running files and books in around 50 cartons in order to forward them to the ZMO. The estate consists of three parts: Materials ordered by Sebald himself, disordered documents and books. In addition to these three parts, there are 11 cartons of the estate of Trutz of Trotha, which still have to be sorted, the first and most important part being the documents sorted out by Sebald himself. These were accommodated by Sebald in 149 folders and placed in a rotating shelf. These documents can be classified according to chronological, geographical-regional, thematic, authorial and archive signatures, the second part being an unsorted stack of documents devoted to a wide range of topics, from personal political views to scholarly works by other authors and final theses by students. These documents were sorted and arranged from November 2017 to April 2018. During the processing of the second part of the estate, various materials came to light: flyers, brochures and copies of published Togo literature, archival files, numerous manuscripts of his own works, newspaper articles, invitations to events related to the region, a large number of photographs from the period of colonialism to the present day, correspondence on various topics related to Togo. (Author: Leibniz Centre for Modern Oriental Studies, Library, Humanities Centres Berlin e.V.)

Faecke, Peter (inventory)

Best. 1825 contains files from the estate of Peter Faecke (born 1940) - writer, editor, composer, journalist, reporter, screenwriter, editor and publisher - which form the basis of his work as an author, especially manuscripts and material collections. The estate covers a term from 1961 to 2010.I. Takeover and useThe Peter Faecke of Cologne, who was elected, handed over his estate together with the list of papers to the Historical Archive of the City of Cologne on 29 November 2009. This was acquired under inventory number 2009/52. On 30.06.2010 he added further documents, which were registered under the access number 2010/20. Further taxes remain to be seen. In the tectonics of the archives, the estate is classified under the inventory number 1825 in the department of bequests and collections. six moving boxes filled with standing files, which contained perforated and stapled documents, were taken over. The files showed only minimal damage such as slight wrinkles, compression and dusting. After order and distortion at the end of 2011, the material worthy of archiving was removed from the standing files, cleaned, demetallized, re-bedded for archiving purposes and provided with the assigned signatures. Since January 2012, the original version of the Writers' Legacy has been available in the analogue reading room of the Historical Archive of the City of Cologne and is not subject to any restrictions on use. When citing, the form HAStK, order 1825, no. [] must be observed.II. Order and DistortionFirst of all, the stock was roughly sifted and compared with the list. Accordingly, with a few exceptions, the existing order of files was retained and only repealed where it was possible to create independent contexts or where it could be clearly seen that there had been an erroneous sorting on the part of the predecessor. Following the Bärschen principle, each standing folder and each extracted unit was then assigned a temporary number. After a thorough examination, a comprehensive description of the contents of each file unit was then made. As a result of this and in accordance with the rules for the indexing of estates and autographs, a basic thematic division of the holdings into general documents and documents relating to the work was carried out. In addition, a more specific subdivision of the manuscripts and material collections was made, oriented to the genre, and the units were pre-sorted accordingly. Afterwards an order was operated according to chronological principle and the order after final, sequential numbers was added. Subsequently the data base distortion took place in the archive software ActaPro. The two overarching classification points General, Correspondence and Criticism as well as Works and Collections of Materials were compiled, and the latter was subdivided into novels, radio contributions, screenplays and non-fiction texts. The units were then recorded and assigned to the respective classification points in the same way as the presorting, with the title field usually corresponding to the specific publication title and the exact content being made accessible by means of content and thesaurus notes. The formulation deliberately did not distinguish between manuscripts and typoscripts in the literal sense of the word, but referred to any draft text or concept, whether handwritten or typewritten, as manuscripts. Finally, cross-continuance indexes of objects, locations and persons were carried out and the inventory information was displayed on the meta level. Via an EAD-compliant interface, the data records of the holdings were exported to the archive portal of North Rhine-Westphalia, which guarantees Internet research.The indexing of Peter Faecke's estate was carried out as part of a practical indexing work for the master's degree in archive science at the Potsdam University of Applied Sciences in November and December 2011 in the indexing rooms of the Restoration and Digitisation Centre of the Historical Archive of the City of Cologne by the editor Nancy Nowik under the guidance of Dr. Gisela Fleckenstein, Head of Department 3 - Bequests and Collections.III. BiographyPeter Faecke was born on 3 October 1940 in Grundwald in Silesia. In the course of his expulsion from his homeland, the family moved to Hannoversch Münden in Lower Saxony in 1946. From 1961 to 1965 he studied Romance Languages, German and Philosophy in Göttingen, Berlin, Hamburg and Paris. In 1965 Faecke became the youngest editor to date of Westdeutscher Rundfunk in Cologne and remained loyal to WDR until 1990 as an editor in the Department of Culture and Science. His main role was that of rapporteur on Third World culture. He was significantly involved in the development and expansion of the literary program in radio at all. From 1982 to 1985, he also managed a media development project for German Development Aid in Peru, which was intended to serve the expansion of the state broadcasting system there, but had to be discontinued prematurely due to a worsening civil war. Peter Faecke also worked as a novelist during his studies and continues to do so successfully today. Since 1969 he has been a member of the Writers' Association P.E.N. Centre Germany and the Association of German Writers (VS). In 1971 he was even appointed guest lecturer for German literature at the University of Texas/USA in Austin. 1991 to 2003 he worked as a freelance journalist and writer at the WDR, travelled to Latin America and Africa for longer periods of time for research purposes and took action as a reporter from crisis areas.a. 1965 the Lower Saxony Prize for the Promotion of Literature for Young Artists, 1966 the NRW Prize, 1967 the City of Cologne Prize, 1978 a Villa Massimo Scholarship in Rome and 1991 as well as 1994 scholarships from the German Literature Fund e. V. Darmstadt. At the turn of the millennium he began publishing his own books within the BoD Norderstedt publishing house. With the founding of his publishing house Edition Köln in 2002/2003, Faecke established himself as a publisher of German and international fiction, crime literature and non-fiction. Edition Köln also serves its readers with eBooks.IV, among other things. Bibliography in selection (partly unpublished)The following list is intended to provide an overview of Peter Faecke's audio, literary and editorial oeuvre and thus of the diversity of his media work:a) Novels:1963 Die Brandstifter (former: Die Muschel), first published by Walter-Verlag, Olten und Freiburg;1965 Der rote Milan, first published by Walter-Verlag, Olten und Freiburg;1970-1973 Postversand-Roman - 11 regelmäßige Lieferungen, mit Wolf Vostell, first published by Luchterhand-Verlag, Neuwied/Darmstadt/Berlin;1982 Das unaufstostoppame Glück der Kowalskis. Prehistory, first published by Claassen Verlag, Düsseldorf;1988 Flug ins Leben, first published by Unionsverlag, Zurich;1991 Der Mann mit den besonderen Eigenschaften, unpublished (the manuscript was later completely discarded); after a new beginning this led to the novel Hochzeitvorbereitungen auf dem Lande, in the final version the second volume of the Kowalski project);1995 When Elizabeth Arden was nineteen, first published by Elster-Verlag, Baden-Baden and Zurich (revised version appeared as Landschaft mit Gärtner, first volume of the definitive Kowalski tetralogy);Die Zwei Bücher von der Heimat: I The lost years, and II The livestock dealer, the fool and the writer, publication unclear (precursor of the arrival of a shy man in heaven);2000 Arrival of a shy man in heaven, first published by Edition Köln at BoD, Norderstedt;2003 Wedding preparations in the countryside. The Kowalski Project II, Schelmenroman, first published by Edition Köln, Cologne (revised version of Arrival of a Shy One in Heaven); 2004 The Secret Videos of Mr. Vladimiro. Criminal pictures. The Kowalski Project (third volume of the Kowalski tetralogy), first published by Edition Köln, Cologne;2007 Die Geschichte meiner schönen Mama. The Kowalski Project IV, first published by Edition Köln, Cologne; 2007 Landschaft mit Gärtner. The Kowalski Project I, published by Edition Köln, Cologne (revised version of Als Elizabeth Arden neunzehn war);2007 Der Kardinal, ganz in Rot und frischbügelt (Kommissar Kleefisch-Serie I), first published by Edition Köln, Cologne;2008 Die Tango-Sängerin (Kommissar Kleefisch-Serie II), first published by Edition Köln, Cologne;2010 Fragment Wer getötete Kiki Diamant? (Der dritte Fall für Kleefisch), ebook reading sample published;b) Radio contributions:1965 Preface to the reading Der rote Milan (production: DLF);1966 Book criticism of Dieter Wellershof's Ein schöner Tag (production: WDR, Kulturelles Wort);1966 Criticism of Jacov Lind's Post Scriptum (production: WDR, Literarisches Studio);1966-1967 Kulturkommentare (production: WDR);1967 Erlebte Zeit - Die goldenen Jahre, aus der Sendereihe Wissenschaft und Bildung (Production: WDR);1967 Die Wiener Gruppe: Texte, Gemeinschaftsarbeiten und Chansons vorgestellt von Gerhard Rühm (Production: WDR, Kulturelles Wort);1968 Beitrag Kritisches Tagebuch (Production: WDR);1969 Hörspiel lesen sehen (Produktion: WDR);1969 Sendereihe Dokumente und Collagen (Production: WDR III. Programme, main department radio play);1970 programme Deutsche Wochenschau (production: SWF/SDR);1972 radio play Köln, Hohe Straße (production: WDR);1972 programme Literatur und Wahlkampf: Berichte und Analysen zur Beteiligung von Autoren am Bundestagswahllkampf 1972 mit Jürgen Alberts (production: WDR, Kulturelles Wort);1972 Lang-Gedicht Sätze für zwei und mehr, aus der Sendereihe Literarisches Studio (production: German long poem, sentences for two and more, from the series Literarisches Studio (production: German literary studio): WDR, Kulturelles Wort);1972 Moderationtext Deutsch in Texas - Berichte, Texte, Tonbänder zu einem Arbeitsauf Aufenthalt in den USA (Production: WDR3);1973 Radio play Hier ist das Deutsche Fernsehen mit der Tagessschau mit Rainer Ostendorf und Hein Brühl - Versuch einer alternativen Tagesschau in Zusammenarbeit mit Schülern der Hauptschule Köln-Kalk (Production: WDR III. Programme, main department radio play);1973 programme Die Biographie der Dinge - das Handschuhfach mit Rainer Ostendorf, from the series Literarisches Studio (production: WDR, Kulturelles Wort);1973-1974 radio series Die Fred Kowalski-Show (production: WDR, Kulturelles Wort);1976 radio play 48 PS - Zur Biografie der Autos mit Rainer Ostendorf (production: WDR);1976 programme Kein Fressen für die Banken! - The citizens' initiative Rheinpreußen-Siedlung in Duisburg-Homberg (3), from the series Bürger- und Arbeiterinitiativen in Nordrhein-Westfalen (Production: WDR, Kultur und Wissenschaft, published as audio book in the Studio für Strategische Kommunikation, Reithofen [1980]); 1977 Broadcast "Mit Prozessen überziehen... - Peter Faecke on proceedings against the citizens' initiative Rheinpreußen-Siedlung in Duisburg-Homberg Part 2 (9), from the series Autoren als Gerichtsreporter (production: WDR, Kultur und Wissenschaft);[1977-1979] Langzeit-Reihe Landprojekt (production: WDR, Kultur und Wissenschaft, as editor);[1978] Das Gummersbacher Testament - Zur Geschichte des Niedergangs der oberbergischen Textilindustrie. Materials, Memories, Conversations with Gerd Haag;1979 reportage by Klaus Wildenhahn and Gerd Haag "Da wo die Kamine smäu, da müssen später hin (1), aus der Reihe Leben und Arbeiten in Südwestfalen - ten approaches to the province;1979 Report by Gerd Haag and Heiner Taubert Every cow I put more in the stable has to be abolished by another farmer (2), from the series Life and work in South Westphalia - ten approaches to the province;1979 Report Komm her, was brauchst Du die Gewerkschaft, ein Bier kriest Du von mir (6), from the series Life and work in South Westphalia - ten approaches to the province;1979 Report by Friedhelm Melder Komm schon mal zum Wochenende - Die Bedeutung der Region als Naherholungsgebiet am Beispiel des Biggeseeses (8), from the series Leben und Arbeiten in Südwestfalen - ten approaches to the province;1979 Report by Dirk Gerhard Das Vergangene ist nicht tot, es ist nicht einmal vergangen (10), from the series Leben und Arbeiten in Südwestfalen - ten approaches to the province;1979 Resolut, with headscarf, basket, red cheeks, and something stupid in his head? - Women in the country. Prejudices - judgments, worked out with rural women from the Olpe/Sauerland district in encounter with women from Cologne and Gummersbach, recording and compilation by Mechthild Buschmann and Peter Faecke;1981 Patria o Muerte - Eine Westdeutsche Journalistengruppe in Kuba (production: RB/WDR/SFB);1981 show Guantanamera;1981 We say so openly, the bourgeoisie does not ...- radio stations in Cuba or Radio Reloj: Das Radio mit der Uhr;1983 series Leben und Arbeiten in Dortmund - nine approaches to the Ruhr area with Lothar Romain (production: WDR, Kultur und Wissenschaft);1985 reportage Lima die Schreckliche - report about a working stay in Peru (production: WDR/RB/SFB);1985 Report Lima the Terrible - II Report about a little man with a hat;1985 Report Lima the Terrible - III Report about Presidents;1985 About the Overflowing of the Andes;1985 The Long March of the Miners - Self Testimony of a Peruvian Miner's Woman (Production: WDR, Culture and Science);1986 Living you took her from us... - The Teatro Vivo from Guatemala. Reports on and from Central America on the occasion of a theatre performance (production: RB);1987 Report Das Kreuz des Südens (production: RB/SFB/SWF);1987 Programme Back to the Rio de la Plata - Zur Lage exilierter Rückkehrer nach Lateinamerika mit Hein Bruehl;1988 Report Nicht ich bin der Fremde, die Fremden sind die anderen - Portrait of the songwriter Daniel Viglietti from Uruguay (production: WDR3/RB);1989 reportage Chapinlandia - Ein Reisebericht aus Mittelamerika (Production: WDR1, Kultur und Wissenschaft);1993 broadcast Comrade Führer - Baghdad, two years after the 'Operation Desert Storm': Monitored Observations in Iraq (Production: SFB);1994 reportage Welcome, by my Eyes! - Journey through the autonomous region Kurdistan (Northern Iraq) (Production: SFB/WDR/SWF);1995 Documentation Petrified Forests, Dry Water - Journey through the Republic of Namibia (Southwest Africa) in the 5th Year of Independence (Production: SFB3);1996 Report The Elephant Bull and the Writers - Comments on Cocoa Land in Namibia, the Dying Himba Tribe and the German-Born Romancier Giselher W. Hoffmann, taking into account my own bias as an author (production: WDR/SFB);2000 broadcast Wenn bei uns ein Greis stirbt, dann burnt an entire library, from the series Forum Literatur, a.o. episode Amadou Hampaté Ba, the narrator and cultural archivist of the Sahel countries (production: WDR);2001 radio play Die geheimen Videos des Herrn Vladimiro (production: WDR);o. D. Funkerzählung Ein Fisch zuiel;c) Screenplays:1994 Documentary film screenplay Fritz lebt. Secret offender and Viehlosoph (production: Tiger TV GmbH, director: Elke Baur);1994 feature film script Eine Liebe zum Land (working title);d) factual texts:1964 Krebs und Katze;1967 essay clatch as clatch can;1971 text For example Cologne: Hohe Straße;1972 Excerpt from Als Elizabeth Arden neunzehn war, in: Akzente;Essay Köln: Bahnhofsvorplatz;Article Arbeiterpathos und literarische Sonntagsmalerei;1973 Gefahr ging eigentlich nur von Linksaußen Volkert aus dem Arbeitstitel: About the chancellor election '72 in the FRG;1974 essay Hohe Straße, in: Notebook - Neun Autoren, Wohnsitz Köln, Kiepenheuer

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, M 660/034 · Bestand · 1879-1982
Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

1 On the biography of Walther Reinhardt: Walther Reinhardt was born in Stuttgart on 24 March 1872 as the son of the then captain August Reinhardt. He attended the Gymnasium in Ulm, the Lyceum in Ludwigsburg and the Gymnasium in Heilbronn. Afterwards he changed to the Kadettenanstalt in Oranienstein and to the Hauptkadettenanstalt Groß-Lichterfelde. On 9 February 1891 Reinhardt joined the Grenadier regiment of Queen Olga No. 119 as Portepeefähnrich. In 1892 he was promoted to lieutenant, in 1897 he was appointed to war academy and subsequently commanded as lieutenant in service at the Great General Staff. Three years later, on March 10, 1904, Reinhardt was promoted to Captain, leaving the Grand General Staff in office. On April 22, 1905, he joined the General Staff of the XV Army Corps in Strasbourg before serving as Company Commander in the Infantry Regiment Alt-Württemberg No. 121 in Ludwigsburg from February 25, 1907 to April 19, 1909. On 20 April 1909 Reinhardt was transferred to the General Staff of the 26th (1st Kgl.-Württ.) Division. He returned to the Grand General Staff as Major on September 10, 1910. On 3 November 1912 he was assigned to the General Command of the XIIIth (Kgl.-Württ.) Army Corps. Reinhardt was a staff officer of the XIII Army Corps and on August 2, 1914 he entered the First World War. He was appointed Chief of the General Staff of the Württemberg Army Corps on 23 January 1915. On 18 May 1915 he was appointed lieutenant colonel. From June 1916 to February 1917 Reinhardt held various command posts, each of which he held for only a few months or even a few weeks. From 26 June to 16 July 1916 he was commander of infantry regiment 118, before becoming chief of staff of the XVII Army Corps from 17 July to 20 November 1916. On 21 November 1916 he took over the post of Chief of Staff of the 11th Army in Macedonia. The appointment as Chief of Staff of the High Command of the 7th Army on 10 February 1917 led him back to the Western Front. On 23 May 1917 Reinhardt was awarded the Order of Pour le Mérite with oak leaves for his achievements in the conquest of the Chemin des Dames. He also received the Commander's Cross of the Royal House Order of Hohenzollern with swords for his military achievements. On April 18, 1918, Reinhardt was promoted to colonel, and by cabinet order of November 4, 1918, Reinhardt was transferred to the Prussian War Ministry to organize the demobilization of the army. Two months later, on January 2, 1919, Reinhardt took over the office of Prussian War Minister. After the dissolution of the Imperial Army, Reinhardt became the first Chief of Staff of the new Imperial Army on 13 September 1919. During this time he was also appointed Major General. Only a few months after taking over his new duties, Reinhardt resigned as Chief of Staff at the end of March 1920, following the Kapp Putsch, and took over the Döberitz apprentice brigade for a short time before becoming Commander-in-Chief of the Wehrkreiskommando V in Stuttgart as Lieutenant General on 15 May 1920. In personal union he exercised the functions of a commander of the 5th division as well as the state commander of Württemberg. He retained his position as commander of the military district command V for almost five years. On 1 January 1925 Reinhardt was appointed commander-in-chief of Group Command 2 in Kassel. Two years later, in December 1927, he retired from the army and took charge of a course for older officers. These "Reinhardt courses" lasted beyond the death of their creator until 1932/1933. Furthermore, he devoted himself to the preparation of publications mainly on military and historical topics. Walther Reinhardt died in Berlin on August 8, 1930. 2 On the estate of Walther Reinhardt: The estate of Walther Reinhardt comprises documents from his military service as well as private correspondence. In addition, manuscripts for lectures and publications, which Reinhardt wrote above all after his retirement from military service, form a not inconsiderable part. The documents are supplemented by Reinhardt's collections of newspaper clippings, particularly from the years 1918/1919, most of which were in the possession of Reinhardt's daughter Lotte Reinhardt, Director of Studies, after his death on August 8, 1930. On September 7, 1939, the latter handed over 13 tufts of files and three war diaries to the former Heeresarchiv Stuttgart, and on September 11, 1940, further archival documents, namely photographs (some of them in albums), newspaper clippings, and official personnel reminders. The documents from Reinhardt's estate were arranged chronologically in the army archives, stapled into folders and recorded. The repertory with a foreword by Major General Sieglin was available on 15 October 1940, and a small part of Reinhardt's estate was handed over to the Potsdam Army Archives shortly after his death. In a letter dated 11 September 1940, the Heeresarchiv Stuttgart attempted to obtain the transfer of this part of the estate in order to merge it with the Stuttgart holdings in process at that time. On 23 October 1940, however, the Heeresarchiv Potsdam announced that Reinhardt had "no private records" in his custody. The Heeresarchiv Stuttgart does not seem to have made any further attempts to gain possession of the Potsdam partial estate. Since the Heeresarchiv Potsdam was destroyed immediately before the end of the Second World War and most of its holdings were destroyed, the documents handed over there from Reinhardt's property are presumably lost today.17 February 1961 Lotte Reinhardt handed over to the Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, which had meanwhile taken over most of the holdings of the former Heeresarchiv Stuttgart, further documents of her father in her possession (letters, records, drafts, printed matter, newspaper clippings). In the summer of 1964, Oberstaatsarchivrat Dr. Uhland ordered and listed these archival records, which were then combined with the older holdings. The collection folders bound by the Army Archives were dissolved several times in order to be able to chronologically classify pieces belonging to them. These studies also showed that the recording in the Army Archives was incomplete, and in some cases incorrect. The new holdings comprised 56 folders, which were structured according to the chronological order method of the Army Archives. In some of the tufts formed, subfascicles were formed. Before the transfer to the Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Lotte Reinhardt had made available the estate of her father, Professor Fritz Ernst (Heidelberg), in her possession, who used it for a publication (Ernst, Fritz: Aus dem Nachlass des General Walther Reinhardt, Stuttgart 1958). It seems that individual pieces remained with Professor Ernst and that even after his death (22 December 1963) they no longer came to the owner. Between 1964 and 1987, his daughter Lotte Reinhardt repeatedly submitted documents from the estate of Walther Reinhardt. On December 29, 1964, Lotte Reinhardt handed over newspaper clippings and writings. There were also copies made by Professor Ernst. The archival documents were sorted, recorded and placed to the corresponding bundle numbers. In addition, two new tufts were formed. This increased the size of the estate to 58 folders. Lotte Reinhardt also handed over further archival records on 27 August 1969, 7 March 1970, 12 March 1973, 6 February 1978, April 1978, 16 August 1978 and 26 January 1987, mainly to Walther Reinhardt for private correspondence (letters to parents, wife, children) and newspaper clippings. The M 660/034 holdings were reopened in September 2010 by the candidate Sylvia Günteroth under the guidance of Dr. Wolfgang Mährle. In the course of this work, a classification of the documents was carried out which replaced the previous chronological order. The allocation of the documents that had been archived until 1964 to individual clusters and the division of these archive units into subfascicles have been retained. The existing title recordings were carefully revised. The previously unrecorded archival records that had been archived between 1969 and 1987 were sorted and recorded. The estate of Walther Reinhardt now comprises 89 tufts with a total volume of 1.6 linear metres. 3. References to sources and literature: Sources:- Walther Reinhardt's personal file: M 430/2 Bü 1684;- Biographical documents: E 130b Bü 235, Q 3/60 Bü 29, Q 3/60 Bü 32, Q 3/60 Bü 47; M 743/1 Bü 11- Photographs: Q 3/60 Bü 32; M 703 R 170N19; M 703 R190N10; M 703 R191N17; M 707 Nr. 1213; M 743/1 Bü 11Publications Walther Reinhardt's (selection):- Reinhardt, Walther: Six Months West Front: Campaign Experiences of an Artillery Officer in Belgium, Flanders and the Champagne, 3rd edition, Berlin 1915 - Reinhardt, Walther: In der Picardie: Pictures from the position war in the west, 3rd edition, Berlin 1917 - Reinhardt, Walther/Zenker, Hans: Wehrwille und Wehrgedanke in Deutschlands Jugend: 2 lectures at the Freusburger Schulungswoche 1929, Berlin-Charlottenburg 1930 - Reinhardt, Walther: George Washington. Die Geschichte einer Staatsgründung, Frankfurt 1931 - Reinhardt, Walther: Wehrkraft und Wehrwille: aus seinem Nachlass mit einer Lebensbeschreibung Walther Reinhardt, Berlin 1932 Literature: - Ernst, Fritz: Aus dem Nachlass des General Walther Reinhardt, Stuttgart 1958.- Kohlhaas, Wilhelm: Walther Reinhardt: General der Infanterie, 1872-1930, in: Lebensbilder aus Schwaben und Franken, 17th volume, Stuttgart 1991, pp. 306-316 - Mulligan, William: The creation of the modern German Army: General Walther Reinhardt and the Weimar Republic, 1914-1930, New York 2005.Stuttgart, May 2011Dr. Wolfgang MährleSylvia Günteroth

Werner, Anton von
Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, VI. HA, Nl Werner, A. v. · Bestand
Teil von Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

The painter Anton von Werner was born on 9 May 1843 in Frankfurt an der Oder. He belonged to the Düsseldorf School, his teachers were K. Lessing and A. Schrödter. He became famous after 1870 for his [...] paintings to glorify the Hohenzollern monarchy (e.g. Moltke in Versailles, Kaiserproklamation) [...]. In 1875 A. v. Werner became director of the Berlin Academy of Arts. His long-standing friendship with the poet J. V. v. Scheffel led him to produce illustrations for all of Scheffel's works. A. v. Werner died on 4 January 1915 in Berlin. Literature: Adolf Rosenberg: Anton von Werner in: Velhagen and Klasing's artist monographs. "Erlebnisse und Eindrücke 1870-1890" (Self Biography), Berlin 1913 The estate consists of written records and numerous drawings. For the latter a special list was made in 1951 by Mrs. L. Enders. The materials were found after the war when the archives of the former Prussian Secret State Archive and the former Reichsarchiv were transferred to the former "State Archive" in Merseburg. The documents are partly very damaged; correspondence and manuscripts are incomplete. Nothing can be determined about the origin of the stock. The annual reports of the former Prussian Secret State Archives (Rep. 178) do not mention it. A note "Lilli von Werner 1941" merely proves that he could not have reached an archive before 1941. Presumably it was outsourced during the war with the holdings of the GStA or the Reichsarchiv, without any written information having been preserved about it. Scope: 3 running meters (plus drawings) period ca. 1867-1915 Merseburg, 26 April 1960 Herricht short preliminary remark to the drawings: In April 2002, for the sake of simplicity, the drawings were re-signed according to serial numbers (starting with the fictitious number 5000) with the candidates Mrs. Gesell, Mrs. Neumann and Mr. Breitfeld. A corresponding concordance can be found at the end of this finding aid book. At the beginning of 2012, the drawings from the former number 9 (50 individual sheets) were recorded in detail and separated into separate units of description (No. 5740-5787). Among these drawings was also the missing second half of No. 5385, which were now brought together. The present overview represents a preliminary state of affairs until the pending corresponding processing of the remaining drawings has been completed. Berlin, 2.7.2013 Chief Archive Inspector Sylvia Rose Description of the holdings: Lebensdaten: 1843 - 1914 Findmittel: Datenbank; Findbuch, 2 Bde