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State Museum of Natural History Stuttgart
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Ludwigsburg, EL 229 · Bestand · 1796-1994
Teil von State Archives Baden-Württemberg, Dept. State Archives Ludwigsburg (Archivtektonik)
  1. important note: This find book is hopefully a preliminary aid for orientation in the stock. The title recordings were made directly during the recording and evaluation of the documents in the Natural History Museum so that the documents could at least be provisionally indexed and transferred to the State Archives for use. This of course meant that only a superficial development could be carried out. 120 units are in the portfolio. 2nd History of the Natural History Museum: The Staatliche Museum für Naturkunde Stuttgart has its origins in the ducal Kunstkammer. In 1791 an independent "Naturalien-Kabinett" was separated from this, which was responsible for the collection of minerals, plants and animals. In 1827 the Natural History Cabinet received a new building in Stuttgart's Neckarstraße, which it used together with the State Archives. The files contained in the collection bear witness to the not unproblematic proximity of two cultural institutions, which obviously worked against each other to assert their mostly scarce means. The building was rebuilt several times, in the 1860s by extending the wings towards Archivstraße. In 1944, the building was destroyed by the Natural History Museum and the State Archives; the natural history collections were then stored in Rosenstein Castle. In 1900 the Natural History Cabinet was given the modern name Natural History Collection, which was used until 1950. Since 1950 it has been the State Museum of Natural History, and in 1817 the Natural History Cabinet was placed under the authority of a newly established supreme authority, the Royal Directorate of Scientific Collections. This stood above the public library, the collection of coins, medals, art and antiquities and the collection of natural objects. On April 1, 1919, the Directorate of the Scientific Collections was abolished, the Natural History Collection as well as the State Library directly subordinated to the Ministry of Culture, and it was assumed that the tradition of the Directorate of the Scientific Collections had been largely destroyed in the Second World War together with that of the Ministry of Culture (see also below under 5.). Fortunately, among the documents of the Natural History Museum, there were numerous files from the Directorate of Scientific Collections. 3. content and order of the holdings: the documents provide information on the development of a princely collection of precious objects into a scientific enterprise and a museum that is becoming more and more accessible to the public. In this context, the general administrative acts presented here particularly reflected the practical affairs of the company: time and again, the securing and construction of premises, the procurement of the necessary furniture and personnel issues are at stake. In view of the disturbed situation of tradition in the Ministry of Culture, the documents of the Natural History Museum and the Directorate offered for separation were taken over completely up to and including 1945, provided that they were not completely meaningless redundancies with regard to content. In addition, there had also been assignments of documents and processes of the museum to the files of the directorate (and vice versa) in the Natural History Museum. A technically correct separation of the provenances could only be achieved here through individual analyses. For this reason, it was decided at the moment not to divide the holdings into a "Directorate of Scientific Collections" and a "Natural History Collection/Museum". Even a separation into an old collection until 1945 and a newer collection for the State Museum of Natural History after 1945 would not be possible and meaningful without detailed analyses. Such files, which clearly originated with the Directorate (identifiable by the file number, among other things) and were closed at the time of their existence, were assigned to the classification group "1st Directorate" with the final provenance "Directorate". Otherwise, it was occasionally necessary to decide according to the main focus of the file or to assign the file unit to the point "5. files (provenance not yet clarified)" until the situation was clarified; this was particularly often the case for files with a very long duration. Otherwise, the classification follows a chronological principle; in view of the small volume of the documents, it seemed reasonable to refrain at least for the time being from a factual subdivision. The Directorate in particular obviously followed a stringent file plan, which could not, however, be found. In the natural history collection, the file number apparently played a subordinate role, and the collection is expected to grow further in the coming years. 4. terms of use: Individual file units are still subject to protection and blocking periods according to the Landesarchivgesetz. 5. reference to other documents: Accounting documents of the Directorate of the Scientific Collections are in the inventory E 226/230 of the State Archives Ludwigsburg. it is to be assumed that also older documents remained in the Natural History Museum, where they are partly still needed. 6. literature: Dehlinger, Alfred: Württembergs Staatswesen in its historical development until today. Vol. 1 and 2, Stuttgart 1951 and 1953, § 250 and § 270 Cf. also the introduction to the holdings E 226/230 Ludwigsburg, February 2, 2004 Dr. Elke Koch