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Description archivistique
Stadtarchiv Worms, 077/14 · Fonds
Fait partie de City Archive Worms (Archivtektonik)

Inventory description: Abt. 77/14 Turngemeinde 1846 Worms (Dep.) Scope: 107 archive cartons (= 747 units = 12 linear metres) Duration: 1861 - 2007 I. Acquisition and condition Documents on the history of the Turngemeinde (1 archive carton) had been handed over to the municipal archives at an unknown point in time (between 1975 and 1988) without depositary reservation. The actual archives of the gymnastics community were collected on 7 and 16 May 2008 at the gymnastics community Worms 1846 after preliminary talks with the honorary chairman Herbert W. Hofmann and conclusion of a contract with the club, where they had been kept in the basement and in the top floor of the tower of the Jahnturnhalle, at the latter location also in the context of a permanent exhibition in showcases. These two storage locations were, as far as can be reconstructed with certainty after the transport to the city archives, noted in the field "Remark" with "Cellar" or "Tower". A pre-archival order above the file units could only be found on the envelopes for some files of the 1920s (numbering 1 - 44); a registration plan was not available. A brief reference to the reorganization of the archive by Peter Hofmann is contained in the file Dept. 77/14 No. 480. However, the first known overview of the archive is that of Prof. Dr. Harald Braun in his Festschrift der Turngemeinde of 1995 (see below). The preparatory work for this work also includes the copies of Worms and foreign archives, transcriptions and notes summarised in No. 626. The condition of the material is perfect. II Provenances In addition to the actual record keeping of the gymnastics community, other places have contributed to a small extent to the written material and photographic material as it was taken over by the city archives. They were left in the inventory with reference to the respective provenance. Apart from the above-mentioned author of the 1995 commemorative publication, Prof. Harald Braun, recognizable are - above all Nikolaus Doerr, 1st Chairman, of whom there are also files concerning his activities as a member of the City Council and Chairman of the City Sports Association; - Peter Hofmann, 2nd and 3rd Chairman, Altersturnwart as well as expert advisor for physical education at the City Education Authority; - Willi Hein, Oberturnwart, Gaujugendturnwart. With the photo albums and collections private origin is mostly probable. Hermann Fendel, Josef Fischer, Willi Hein, Anton Hilken and Wilma Wolfrath can be identified as previous owners. The archives of the gymnastics department of the F.C. Blau-Weiß Worms of 1933 for the years 1948-49 (Dept. 77/14 No. 588, due to the change of departments of the temporarily forbidden gymnastics community) and of the gymnastics club 1883 Alsheim (Dept. 77/14 No. 217, probably in connection with Peter Hofmann's activity for the club, of which he was an honorary member since 1936, can be found of foreign clubs. III. archival indexing The indexing took place in 2008/09. Due to the quite clear delimitability of the older part of the tradition from the beginnings up to prohibition and reestablishment of the gymnastics community after World War II on the one hand and the following time up to today on the other hand, the stock was divided into an older (up to 1945) and a newer part (from 1945) during the preparation of a file plan. For a certain part of the material a new formation was necessary, which is then marked with "NF" after the serial number. IV. Cassations of documents in the amount of 7 archive boxes was collected after review by Mr. Herbert W. Hofmann, honorary chairman of the gymnastics community. V. Literature: - Philipp Baas, Geschichte der Turngemeinde Worms von Weihnachten 1846 bis Ostern 1908, Worms 1909 - Festschrift zum 110jährigen Jubiläum der Turngemeinde 1846 Worms, Worms 1956 - Schmahl, Hans J., 125 years of the gymnastics community in 1846 Worms, Worms 1971 - Harald Braun, Geschichte der Turngemeinde Worms e.V. von 1845/46 bis 1995/96, Alzey 1995 (in it a first short, incomplete overview of the archive of the gymnastics community) as well as numerous publications to the individual departments and printed statutes etc., which are proven in this stock in the printed publications or in the file context and in the online catalogue of the city library. There are no restrictions on use. Martin Geyer, Worms City Archive, May 2009

Ministry of Public Works
Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 93 B · Fonds
Fait partie de Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Responsibility for construction has changed several times since the introduction of the Ministerial Constitution in Prussia in 1808. Since 1808 building matters were dealt with in the 2nd Section for Trade Police in the Ministry of the Interior, in 1814 they were transferred to the Ministry of Finance. In 1817 an independent Ministry for Trade, Commerce and Construction was formed from the corresponding section, which was dissolved again in 1825. After the dissolution of this ministry, the building cases were successively assigned to different ministries and were returned to the Ministry of Finance in 1837, where they remained until the creation of the Ministry of Public Works in 1878. The newly created Ministry was also responsible for railways (see: I. HA Rep. 93 E). As the central authority for building construction, railways, roads and hydraulic engineering, the Ministry and its subordinate authorities and bodies were responsible for planning, designing and supervising the execution of the works carried out by the State in these areas. The Ministry cooperated with the military building authorities in the construction of military buildings. When the Ministry of Public Works was dissolved in 1921, the railway administration and part of the hydraulic and road works were transferred to the Reich. The rest of the portfolio was divided among the Prussian Ministries of Trade and Industry, Agriculture, Domains and Forests, and Finance. The building construction was transferred to the Ministry of Finance and formed its own department there. Heinrich Waldmann has conducted a detailed investigation into the history of the ministry (including the previous authorities). Annex V of the paper also contains an overview of the periodicals published by the Ministry. The indexing and organization of the building department of the Ministry of Public Works was carried out in 1968 by the archivist Maria Lehmann under the guidance of the lecturer Heinrich Waldmann. At the same time, the files that had accumulated at other ministries before the creation of the Ministry of Public Works were brought together in this inventory. This also applies to files of the building construction department of the Ministry of Finance, in so far as they were proven to be assigned to the Ministry of Public Works. The stock Ministry of Public Works is divided into four departments: 1 Administration 2 Building construction 3 Road and bridge construction 4 Hydraulic engineering In the years 1995/96, the part of the stock remaining in Dahlem Ministry of Public Works (208 VE) was dissolved and for the most part included in the stock I. HA Rep. 93 B Ministry of Public Works incorporated. 61 file volumes were assigned to the Railway Department (I. HA Rep. 93 E). The production of a finding aid book was all the more necessary, since so far as finding aids only the finding aid card index provided in the year 1968, meanwhile badly readable, partly damaged and not yet finally edited was present. Some title recordings were checked for questionable spelling of individual place and person names or questionable dating on the basis of the tape in the outdoor magazine. In the stock Rep. 93 B the former stock Rep. 93 C was already incorporated in Merseburg. In the literature a part of the files of the Ministry of Public Works are still cited with the inventory designation Rep. 93 C and old file number. A corresponding concordance was therefore compiled in a separate volume. In 1992, 12 linear metres (405 units) of files from the Prussian Ministry of Public Works were transferred from the Bundesarchiv Potsdam to the Geheime Staatsarchiv PK. In November 1990, the files had been transferred to the Federal Archives under the provenance of the Reich Ministry from the Military Interim Archive Potsdam, into which they had entered in 1971 from the Administrative Archive of the National People's Army. These files, which have been valid since the Second World War for lost files, concern lighthouse and nautical marker matters on the Prussian coasts of the Baltic and North Seas in the period from 1800 to 1932. A large number of the volumes contain maps, site plans, technical drawings with scale specifications, construction sketches as well as blueprints of lighthouses and lighthouse parts or other inventions in nautical marker matters. About 100 files form the file group "Handakten des Seezeichenausschusses" . Most of these files were recorded by Dr Meyer-Gebel, Dr Strecke and the undersigned in the period 1992 to 1993. The incorporation of these archival documents and the technical processing of the magazine into the hydraulic engineering department took place in 1996. Furthermore, from the end of 1996 to 1998, 110 packages (905 units; approx. 15 linear metres) with the designation "Rep. 93 unprocessed access Magdeburg" were recorded, which were stored at the end of the inventory. The origin of the name "Zugang Magdeburg" is not comprehensible. In the inventory file "Economy and Transport" from the period from 1959 to 1974 no such information could be found. In contrast, in the file "Aktenzugänge, 1965-1974" (Access to Files, 1965-1974), it was possible to ascertain a case of a larger file transfer from the German Central Archive Potsdam in 1970. The archives mainly consist of hydraulic engineering documents, including river regulations, harbour, dune, bank and lock constructions, as well as memorandums, calculations, maps and plans (some coloured) on the construction and extension of waterways. These include 29 volumes from the Planning Chamber of the Ministry of Public Works, including an inventory extract of the maps and town plans available in the Planning Chamber. Oversized maps or plans as well as drawings were taken from the holdings and assigned to the XI HA General Map Collection. 211 file volumes, mainly journals and index volumes, have been incorporated into the Railway Department (I. HA Rep. 93 E) of the Ministry of Public Works inventory. When the files were entered into the Oracle database of the Secret State Archives, the data records of the holdings already entered under the old IT system were corrected or standardised. In February 1999 the magazine-technical processing took place. The Department of Hydraulic Engineering is now the most comprehensive collection of the Rep. 93 B Ministry of Public Works. Due to the frequent change of responsibility for the building industry, the holdings of the I. Main Department Rep. 77 Ministry of the Interior, Rep. 87 Ministry of Agriculture, Domains and Forests, Rep. 120 Ministry of Trade and Industry and Rep. 151 Ministry of Finance are to be consulted in addition to the holdings listed below. As part of the preparation of an inventory of the Prussian building administration until 1848, files from the Ministry of Public Works, among other things, were made accessible in detail. Berlin, January 2000. signed Constanze Krause Find resources: database; table of contents, 1 vol.; find book, 3 vol.; concordance, 1 vol;