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Correspondence S
Best. 614, A 650 · Akt(e) · 1920-1958
Teil von Historical Archive of the City of Cologne (Archivtektonik)

Scope: fol. 1-299. Provenance(s): Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum.Contains:Stelzmann, Alexander, Köln-Nippes, Puebla, Uerdingen Departure as director of the German School 1920 - 1958 to Guatemala, 1920; dispatch of ethnographics from Latin America to Cologne, 1922; lectures in the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum, 1935; loans for a Mexico exhibition in the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum, 1935; Purchase of a Südsee-Keule; Strache, Wolf, Stuttgart, Verlag die Schönen Bücher 1953 - 1958 Claims of the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum for display fees, specimen copies and specimen photographs; publication of a special volume "Plastik der Primitiven" (Sculpture of the Primitives) compiled from the ethnographic holdings of the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum. Publication of illustrations from the work Plastik der Primitiven for an advertising brochure of Chemiewerke Homburg A.G., Frankfurt, 1955; photographer's permit for Benin sculptures of the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum for an illustrated book about the sculpture of Benin, 1957/58; unauthorized publications of objects of the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum in illustrated books; Strässer, Carl, Stuttgart, signal system 1953 - 1956 purchase of a sound system for the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum, brochures; including: New draft for technical guidelines for Schultonbandgeräte, 6 pp. Reproduction; Stülpner, Kurt, Leipzig 1930 - 1956 Loan of literature; application as ethnologist at the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum, 1934; cf. 1938/40, reference of the National Socialist German Workers' Party - the head of the Auslands-Organisation-Rückwandereramt-Sozialabteilung; (cf. 1955/56) and enquiry of the Zentralstelle für Arbeitsvermittlung im Vermittlungsausgleich, Frankfurt, about job opportunities 1955/56; (for St.) Supardi-Heldt, Nera Maria, Rotterdam 1954 - 1955 Exhibition of the paintings of her husband, the painter Iman Supardi, about Indonesia in the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Mueseum; from Sydow, Eckart, Berlin-Charlottenburg 1927 - 1942 photo orders; discussion of ethnographic problems; purchase of ethnographics for the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum on his expedition to Nigeria, at the beginning of 1936, 1935; Research trip to the grasslands of Cameroon and collecting for the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum in 1939; travel grants from the Cultural Department of the Federal Foreign Office and the German Research Foundation, 1937; financial participation in the research trip through the Ethnological Museum in Basel; entry permit for the French Mandate in Cameroon; Woermann Linie-Deutsch-Ostafrika-Linie, Hamburg und Reederei E. Laeisz, Hamburg concerning free or discounted passage for from S. to Lagos; transmission of ethnographics to the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum; death of S. 1942. Damages: Cat. B (can only be used as a digital copy) Old signatures: 650.

Exchange of letters L - Z
Best. 614, A 35 · Akt(e) · 1932-1937
Teil von Historical Archive of the City of Cologne (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Länderkundliche Arbeitsgemeinschaft, Ortsgruppe Leverkusen-Küppersteg Führung, 1937; Landesstelle der Reichsvereinigung Deutscher Lichtspielstellen, Cologne "Questionnaire for the future members of the Reichsvereinigung Deutscher Lichtspielstellen e. V., Berlin und ihrer Landesverbände" for the purpose of obtaining membership, o.D.; Rheinische Landesbildstelle, Cologne Loan of ethnological films for the promotion of the Winterhilfswerk, 1934; Lepper, W., Honnef Taxation of an amphora; Lettow-Vorbeck, Ada von, Neckargemünd Photos of crosshairs from the works of Willi Foy, 1937; Lieverwirth, O.H., Kaiserslautern Acquisition of ethnographic collections from Dutch East India; Lippmann, Martin, Frankfurt Collection activity for the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum on his expedition to South Nigeria, 1935; Lohbeck, Ernst, Wesel Acquisition of ethnological photos; Lübbert, Konteradmiral, Berlin Acquisition of a "Neumecklenburg-Schnitzerei, 1936; Ludwig, Julius, städt. Deputy, Cologne planned special exhibition for the year 1936 on the occasion of the Olympic Games, 1936; 1st "Wajang", shadow play, batik and magnificent weapons from Java 2. bark fabrics from all over the world 3. ikat and other fabrics from Indonesia. Zöhrer, Dr. Ludwig G.A., Vienna Lecture in Cologne about his trip to the Tuareg in 1935, 1937; Mexican Consulate, Cologne (Consul Leopold Kiel) Special exhibition "Arts and Crafts of the Mexican Indians", 1935; National Socialist German Workers' Party, local group Köln-Zollstock Dienstbefreiung für den Pg. Josef Kessel sen. für Wahlvorbereitungen, 1936; Baumgarten, Letterhead: Nationalsozialistischer Deutscher Studentenbund (N.S.D.St.B.)), Cologne Leave of absence from the museum service for the management of training camps of the N.S.D.St.B. from May to August 1934; Neuerburg, Heinrich "Haus Neuerburg", Cologne Loan of 5 ship models for the exhibition "Schiff und Schiffahrt", 1935; Neuss, Waler, Honnef Donation of a Finnish wedding ring, 1937; Nordische Gesellschaft Köln Lecture events of the Westkontor; therein: Lecture programme for the Kontore, 2 p., 1934; founding of an association to support the Düsseldorf museums; information about the association to support the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum regarding its founding. Number and social status of the members, use of membership funds, 1933; Chief President of the Rhine Province (Haake, Chairman of the Association of Rhineland Local Museums), reorganization of the association in organizational and statutory terms, 1934; Pressler, C.W., Berlin, purchase of an Indonesian collection, 1934; Kameradschaft 1. Oberrh. Infantrie-Regiment 97, Cologne, leadership; therein: Invitation of the comradeship to the monthly compulsory meeting on March 14.1936; theme of the lecture by Captain Schröder: Own experiences in war and peace in our former colony Deutsch-Ost-Afrika; 1936; Reichsarbeitsdienst, Dienstabteilung 3/212 Kevelaer Dienstabteilung 3/212 Radevormwald, provision of ethnographics for the decoration of the team rooms, 1936; Reichs- und Preußischer Minister für Wissenschaft, Erziehung und Volksbildung, Berlin Runderlaß wegen unentgeltlichen Eintritts für Provinzialkonservatoren und selbständige Kunstwissenschaftler zu den Museen, 1935; Reichsnährstand, Landesbauernschaft Rheinland, Bonn Description of the traditional costumes in the district of Cologne, 1935; Reichspostdirektion Köln Establishment of a special post office in the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum on the occasion of a stamp exhibition and the special show: "Ethnology and Stamps", 1937; Reichs-Rundfunk G.m.b.H., Reichssender Köln Radio report on the 30th anniversary of the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum on 12.11.1936; Giant, Günther, Lord Mayor, Cologne Invitations to exhibitions of the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum, 1933-1936; Rodens, Franz, Cologne Agreement with Andreas Scheller on a report in the Westdeutscher Beobachter on Cologne museums and especially on the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum, 1933; Söderström, Jan, Furuberg, Sweden Information on Ethnographika, 1934-1936; Scheller, Maria, Cologne Replacement of two by their deceased spouse (Andreas S., Cologne); The German writer, Günther, and the German writer, Günther, are the first to be informed about the history of the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum.), 1932-1933; Schoeller, Mrs. Hugo, Düren, acknowledgement of receipt for the donation of the New Guinea collection of her mother Mrs. Geheimrat Peill, 1933; Pater Schüttler, Missionshaus Knechtsteden, loan of ethnographics for an Angola exhibition, 1937; Stagma (Staatlich genehmigte Gesellschaft zur Verwertung musikalischer Urheberrechte), Cologne, copyright claims for the works of art lent out on 2 January 1933; Pater Schüttler, Missionshaus Knechtsteden, 1933; and the collection of the works of art lent on 2 December 1933.3.Works performed in a concert in 1932, lawsuit, court summons; 1933-1934 Stollenwerk, Karl, Monschau Literatur zur Rassenforschung, 1935; Stotzenbrug, Liese, Essen Ankauf Peruischer Trinkgefäße, 1936; Väth, Felix, Mainz Ankauf Südamerikanischer Ethnographika, 1934; Haake, Heinz, Landeshauptmann (Chairman of the Verband der rheinischen Heimatmuseen) Dissolution of the association and its organs in its present form, scheduling of a constituent meeting of the association in its new form, 20.6.1934; West German Observer G.m.b.H., Gauverlag der NSDAP Köln-Aachen darin: Die Völker der deutschen Kolonien in Afrika - Special exhibition in the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum, 1 p., maschrftl., copy; Die Völker der deutschen Kolonien in Afrika - Visits the special exhibition in the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum, 1 p., maschrftl., copy; A life as a researcher in New Guinea. Lecture: Pater Franz J. Kirschbaum "Sprachen, Kulturen und Geisterkult bei den Eingeborenen Nord-Neuguineas", 3 p., maschrftl., copy, 1936; Reichsrundfunk-Gesellschaft, Reichssender Köln u.a. Lectures by Andreas Scheller about sports competitions of non-European peoples (during the Olympic Games) 1936; Zollamt Köln duty free import of ethnographics, 1937 old signatures: 35.