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Franz Prince of Arenberg to Karl Bachem, Berlin

Received reply from Count Clemens Droste on Vischering, who is relying heavily on the continued cooperation of Arenberg and Bachem. Arenberg will not continue to do this, "because he can do a bit of work very well. Thank you for the bishop's address. He also received a telegram from Dr Karl Hespers. In the evening Arenberg is ordered to dinner with Cardinal Georg Kopp, "who is ordered to Potsdam for breakfast today. On Saturday he is in Berlin for the board meeting of the Kolonialgesellschaft, where a petition damaging the Catholics has to be averted. Persons and corporations involved: Arenberg, Franz Prinz von (1849-1907), diplomat, member of the Prussian House of Representatives and the Reichstag, Zentrumspartei.Droste zu Vischering, Clemens Heidenreich (1832-1923), Prussian landowner, Reichstag deputy, Zentrumspartei.Hespers, Franz Karl (1846-1915), cathedral capitular in Cologne, long-time chairman of the Afrika-Verein deutscher Katholiken.Kopp, Georg (1837-1914), bishop of Fulda 1881-1887, prince-bishop of Breslau 1887-1914, member of the Prussian manor.

Public lectures, public education associations
Best. 608, A 276 · Akt(e) · 1890-1897
Teil von Historical Archive of the City of Cologne (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Suggestion of the Gürzenichkommission to hold public lectures of scientific content (1890); negotiations, correspondence with possible speakers regarding the content of the lectures, dates, among others with Karl Aldenhoven, Arthur Pabst, Hermann Josef Stübben, August Hegener, Otto Leichtenstern, Josef Andries, Josef Hansen, Heinrich Wiethase, Alexander Wirminghaus, Oberlehrer Karl Hespers, Franz Joly, Friedrich Karl Heimann, Otto v. Otto, etc. Falke, Anton Kisa, Government Master Builder Carl Schilling; Lectures offered by Attorney Dr. Brüggemann, Saarbrücken, concerning Invaliden-Versicherungsgesetz (1891), des Hilfslehrers an der Höheren Bürgerschule, Jeismann, concerning history of literature, Kölner Bezirksverein Deutscher Ingenieure betreffend Erfahrungen aus dem Betriebe von Kühlanlagen (1891), August Gerber vom Deutschen Samariter-Verein über die Genfer Konvention und die Aufgaben des Roten Kreuzes (1893), Vorschlag eines Paters Pius OSB [Der Orden des heiligen Benedikt]; Announcements in the press; government decree concerning the promotion of such public education evenings, with reference to the Düsseldorfer Bildungsverein and its entertainment evenings (1892, with copy of the file sent by Düsseldorf); activity report of the Verein für Volksbildung in Nippes (1892); Investigations into popular education efforts in the city, reports by senior teacher Johann Heinrich Hubert Hemmerling concerning the Cologne Volksbildungsverein (with statutes of 1874); report by Aldenhoven on his lectures to the working class in the Red Lion, Severinstraße 95, by senior prosecutor Oscar Hamm concerning the scientific lectures and the small chance of reaching the working class; Statuten Geschäftsberichte, Bücherverzeichnis von 1892 des Vereins für Volksbildung in Nippes (1892); Report to the Government concerning Volksunterhaltungsabende in Köln (1892); Offer of the Verein für Volksbildung in Nippes, Andries, for the realisation of Volksunterhaltungsabenden in Köln (1894, with annual reports for 1892, 1893 and brochure: The folk art evenings according to significance, development and institution..., print, Berlin 1894; transfer of the events to the association (1894, with programme of the 1st and 2nd centuries, 1894). Evening, newspaper article); Volksunterhaltungsabend des Volksbildungsverein Deutz (1894); further events of the association from Nippes (1895-1896); advertisement of the Gesellschaft für Verbreitung von Volksbildung, Berlin, for membership (1896, with advertising sheets, statute of 1875); request of the pianist Karl Grothe, Potsdam, for the Gürzenichsaal (1896); invitation of the Kölnischer Kunstgewerbe-Verein to the 5th Volksbildungsverein Deutz (1894); invitation of the Kölnischer Kunstgewerbe-Verein to the 5th Volksmuseum in Berlin (1895-1896); invitation of the Kölnischer Kunstgewerbe-Verein to the 5th Volksmuseum in Berlin (1896). Lecture evening: v. Falke über Leinenspitzen (1897); Bedenken Lent gegen diehalten öffentlicher Vorträge im Verein zur Förderung des naturhistorischen Museums (1896); flyer "An alle Freunde der Volksunterhaltungs-Bestrebungen, Berlin 1897, Druck; invoices of the costs for the transfer of the Gürzenich to associations; submission by the Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft Abteilung Köln, Wilhelm v. Recklinghausen, concerning the transfer of the Isabellensaal (1897).file reference: HI XIII 7 11402 HI 176.