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Colonial objects ("temporary title")

In the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Ordenskunde e.V. there are various collectors of colonial objects. These include individual photos and albums, certificates (award certificates of orders and decorations as well as official letters, reports and contracts), diaries and other objects from the colonies. Among other things, cooperation between the colonial powers also plays a role. There are also private estates of colonial soldiers and inhabitants of the former German colonies.

Dr. Carl Peters (inventory)

The part in the district archives from the estate of the German colonial pioneer Carl Peters, who acquired the core area of the later "D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a", was mainly compiled by his wife Thea née Herbers and enriched by copies and transcripts from the Federal Archives Koblenz and the then Central State Archives Potsdam as well as by materials from the Berninghaus family - Asta Berninghaus was a sister of Thea Peters. At the beginning of the 1950s the collection came into the possession of the archives of Altena Castle. In eight boxes, the estate contains documents, correspondence and newspaper clippings, most of which relate to the disciplinary proceedings and insults brought by the colonial politician. In addition to these documents there are photos and personal belongings. In addition, the collection was supplemented by books and essays on colonial topics, in particular by and about Carl Peters. The indexing was done in 1990 by the trainee Elke Röscher. Biography: - 27.11.1856 born as son of a pastor in Neuhaus a. d. Elbe - studies in Göttingen, Tübingen and Berlin - 1879 doctorate in history - 1880 Oberlehrerexamen in history and geography - since 1881 stay in London, occupation with the English colonial politics and administration - 1883 return to Berlin - 28.03.1884 Carl Peters founds the "Society for German Colonization" - September 1884 departure for East Africa, in the same year conclusion of colonial contracts with the chiefs of Useguna, Uguru, Usagara and Ukami - 12.02.1885 foundation of the DOAG ("Deutsch-Ostafrikanische Gesellschaft") - 27.02.1885 signing of the first colonial letter of protection by Wilhelm I. for the area acquired by Peters - March 1889 to August 1890 expedition to liberate Emin Pasha, conclusion of further contracts in Africa - 01.07.1890 Helgoland-Sansibar-contract - 1891 dispatch as Imperial Imperial Commissioner at the disposal of East Africa - 1992 cooperation in the German-English border regulation in East Africa - 03.05.1894 Appointment to the statutory "commissioner" - 13. to 16.03.1896 colonial debate of the Reichstag, attack Bebels against Peters, soon afterwards move to London, journalistic activity, foundation of a business enterprise - 24.04./15.11.1897 disciplinary judgements against Carl Peters for misconduct towards natives: Dismissal from the Reichsdienst (legal consequences of the verdict were reversed in 1937 by Hitler in favor of Peters' widow) - 1899-1911 Trips to South Africa: Managing Director of the Carl Peters Estates Company - 1905 pardon from Kaiser Wilhelm II.Peters gets back the title "Reichskommissar" - 1907-1909 various insult suits especially against editors of social democratic newspapers - 1909 marriage with Thea Herbers - 1914 Carl Peters is granted his pension by grace - 10.09.1918 died in Waltorf near Peine

Peters, Carl
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Ludwigsburg, PL 718 · Bestand · 1927-1988
Teil von State Archives Baden-Württemberg, Dept. State Archives Ludwigsburg (Archivtektonik)

Preliminary remark: Karl Hein was born on 20 February 1901 in Frankfurt/Main. After passing the one-year voluntary examination, he joined the Royal Prussian Railway Administration in Frankfurt in 1916, where he was initially employed in field service at railway stations and offices as well as in telegraph and radio service. In 1927 he won a prize at the 4th International Telegraph Competition in Como and obtained the Funkpatent I in Berlin. Great. From 1934 to 1941, he was responsible for drawing up express train timetables and bus traffic on Reichsautobahnen in the timetable department of the Reichsbahn Directorate in Frankfurt. Between 1941 and 1945 he organized the Wehrmacht vacation traffic and courier services at the Reich Ministry of Transport in Berlin. Immediately after World War II, Karl Hein was employed as a travel official at the Frankfurt regional office of the United States Zone in connection with U.S. Railway stations (Railway Grand Divisions and Second Military Railway Service), where he was responsible for rebuilding rail traffic. From 1947 until his retirement in 1964, he was employed in the operations department of the Head Office of the Railways (HVE), later the Head Office of the German Federal Railways (HVB), from 1947 until his retirement in 1964, and from 1948 as head of their travel agency. In this function, Karl Hein had the task of organising and supervising train journeys for high-ranking personalities, in particular heads of state and members of government, at home and abroad. Since he took part in these special train journeys himself, he came into personal contact with almost everything that had rank and name in the Federal Republic of the 50s. Among others he accompanied Theodor Heuss, Heinrich Lübke, Konrad Adenauer, Ludwig Erhard, Charles de Gaulle, Schah Reza Pahlevi, Jawaharlal Nehru and Indira Gandhi, Alcide de Gasperi, Emperor Haile Selassie I. of Ethiopia, King Paul I. of Greece, Archbishop Makarios, etc.The highlight of his career was undoubtedly his participation in Adenauer's trip to Moscow in 1955, which resulted in the establishment of diplomatic relations between Bonn and Moscow and the release of the German prisoners of war. For his work he received numerous awards, such as the Federal Cross of Merit and Officer's Crosses of Orders in Italy, Greece, Madagascar and Liberia. Karl Hein collected numerous memorabilia on his travels, especially postcards and photos, but also file material, invitation cards, travel programs etc. and kept them carefully, partly glued on photo cardboard and inscribed. This collection was donated by his daughter Lydia von Prondzynski, Bad Oberdorf, to the Ludwigsburg State Archives in 1991. It documents not only a special piece of railway history at a time when trains were still travelling as "rolling embassies" of statesmen through documents about technical details of the trains looked after by Karl Hein and about the condition of the routes travelled, but also allows a charming look behind the scenes of major state visits.The present stock PL 718, which comprises 0.4 linear m = 15 archive units, was ordered and indexed by the undersigned in February 1991. The computer-aided fair copy of the repertory was obtained by Hildegard Aufderklamm.Ludwigsburg, March 1991Leuchweis

Landtag, II. chamber (inventory)
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, 231 · Bestand · 1816-1939; Fotos: Ende 19. Jahrhundert - ca. 1934
Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. General State Archive Karlsruhe (Archivtektonik)

Preliminary remark: The Baden constitution of 1818 had created a parliamentary two-chamber system. In contrast to the representatives of the estates assembled in the first chamber, the representatives of the people in the second chamber were elected by universal suffrage, in which the mass of citizens could cast their votes. The political debates in the Ständehaus in Karlsruhe were to play a not insignificant role in the upswing of the liberal movement in the first half of the 19th century. In 1904, direct suffrage was introduced for the second chamber. With the end of the constitutional monarchy, the first chamber of the Landtag disappeared. The Baden constitution of 1919 abolished class voting rights and introduced women's suffrage. On 30.1.1934, the history of the Badischer Landtag came to an end after 115 years with the National Socialist law on the abolition of the popular representations of the Länder. The archives of the Landtag were delivered to the General State Archives in 1934 and 1942, the photos of the members of parliament in 1943. These photos can be found under the heading No. 40k Members of the Estates. The minutes and invoices of the first and second chambers are summarized in fonds 231. The petitions of the population to their members of parliament, some in alphabetical order and some in chronological order, are very extensive. The present index was converted into an online find book in 2009 with funds from the German Research Foundation and then edited by Michael Bock. Karlsruhe, October 2009Dr. Rainer Brüning

Regional Hospital Bernburg (existing)
Landesarchiv Sachsen-Anhalt, Z 121 (Benutzungsort: Dessau) · Bestand · 1877 - 1976
Teil von State Archive Saxony-Anhalt (Archivtektonik)

Note: The holdings contain archival material that is subject to personal protection periods in accordance with § 10 Para. 3 Sentence 2 ArchG LSA and until their expiration is only accessible by shortening the protection period in accordance with § 10 Para. 4 Sentence 2 ArchG LSA or by accessing information in accordance with § 10 Para. 4a ArchG LSA. Find aids: delivery list (internal) registry formers: The Landes-Heil- und Pflege-Anstalt Bernburg was opened on 1 October 1875 after a construction period of two years. First director was Dr. Moritz Fränkel. One year later she was placed under the command of the Landarmendirektion. Initially, the institution was able to admit 132 patients. The number of patients increased in the following decades and reached a peak of 424 in 1914. 19 male and female nurses were employed to look after the sick, their positions being occupied by deaconesses from Neuendettelsau and from 1885 from the Oberlinhaus in Nowawes near Potsdam. In 1882, an agricultural "colony" was attached to the institution for the purpose of occupational therapy. During the National Socialist era, part of the institution was separated and used as a "euthanasia" institution. More than 14000 people died in their gas chambers in the years 1940-1943 within the framework of the "Aktion T4" and the "Sonderbehandlung 14 f 13". In 1942 the hospital was renamed several times under the auspices of the state - "Anhaltische Nervenklinik", "Nervenklinik Bernburg", "Bezirkskrankenhaus für Psychiatrie und Neurologie" and "Landeskrankenhaus Bernburg" - before the "Salus gGmbH" took over the hospital in 2000. Inventory information: Irrespective of the changes in naming and social conditions, the collection reflects the period from the establishment of the Landes-Heil- und Pflegeanstalt Bernburg in 1875 to the 1970s of the 20th century. In terms of content, the Bernburger Anstalt has almost exclusively handed down patient-related medical records, some of which were also available after 1945 separately for diseases. No files from the hospital administration have been transferred to the state archives. The so-called euthanasia patient files are kept in the Federal Archives in the inventory of the Führer's Chancellery, Hauptamt IIb - R 179. The files were taken over in the years 1999, 2000 and 2010-2015. Of the offered medical files, the years up to 1949 were taken over completely and only a small selection of the other patient-related files were taken over into the archive. For almost all of the transferred files, directories had been created by the hospital on which, arranged according to diseases and the respective year of departure of the patient, the personal data of the patient are contained. Included photos: 40

State Ministry Dessau 3 (inventory)
Landesarchiv Sachsen-Anhalt, Z 109 (Benutzungsort: Dessau) · Bestand · 1847 - 1941
Teil von State Archive Saxony-Anhalt (Archivtektonik)

Find aids: Findbuch 1982 (online searchable) Registraturbilddner: Staatsministerien als obererste Verwaltungsbehörden entstanden in den anhaltischen Teilfürstentümern als Folge der Revolution von 1848 und per Verordnung vom 5. April 1848, die eine dreistufige Staatsverwaltung ein eingeleitetitete. After the attack of the Bernburg Line on Anhalt-Dessau-Köthen in 1863, the former State Ministries of Dessau and Bernburg formed the State Ministry of Dessau on 13 September 1863. The Anhalt state ministries were formally responsible for all departments as higher authorities with "directing, ordering, supervising and executive power". There was no division into individual ministries. For the execution of certain specialist tasks, the governments and their specialist departments were subordinated to them as intermediate authorities, which in turn subordinated the district directorates as subordinate authorities. The separation of the judiciary and administration at all levels has been achieved through the establishment of specific judicial authorities. With the loss of the independence of the Länder and the establishment of the Reich Governor for Braunschweig and Anhalt, the State Ministry lost importance. When, after the end of the war, the old state of Anhalt was first incorporated into the province and then into the state of Saxony-Anhalt, a state ministry became obsolete as the highest authority. The tasks of the various ministerial departments, insofar as they were not directly assumed by the provincial government in Halle, were transferred to the newly formed central authority of the Dessau district administration. Inventory information: Most of the files were transferred to the Zerbst State Archives between 1923 and 1935, where they were filed under Rep. 9. Additional information: The filming took place as part of the GDR backup filming (so-called Fercher films). Cards included: 11 Photos included: 65