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Archival description
1947 in front of the mission house in Amedzofe, missionary E. Vöhringer from Accra, sent out 1933, married 1934. Now in America, Mrs. and Mr. Beverdige, plus Reverend Twente, Reverend Grau.
1947 in front of the mission house in Amedzofe, missionary E. Vöhringer from Accra, sent out 1933, married 1934. Now in America, Mrs. and Mr. Beverdige, plus Reverend Twente, Reverend Grau.
2 schoolboys in Ho with bush antelope (left Kwaschi-Komla (Missionary Wiegräbes Boy) in Ho
2 schoolboys in Ho with bush antelope (left Kwaschi-Komla (Missionary Wiegräbes Boy) in Ho
A Togo teacher (Lomé district)
A Togo teacher (Lomé district)
Agu planting 1906/07
Agu planting 1906/07
Akpafu: Boys playing. Inspector Stoevesandt and teacher
Akpafu: Boys playing. Inspector Stoevesandt and teacher
Anä Bridge under construction
Anä Bridge under construction
Anäbrücke under construction
Anäbrücke under construction
At work in Akpafu
At work in Akpafu
Atakpame Market
Atakpame Market
Atakpame Market Auction
Atakpame Market Auction
Baptisms in Atakpame. Missionary Schröder and Pastor Mallet (d.)
Baptisms in Atakpame. Missionary Schröder and Pastor Mallet (d.)
Baptists and confirmands from 1922 in Lomé. Christened and confirmed on 17.12.1922 by R. Baeta
Baptists and confirmands from 1922 in Lomé. Christened and confirmed on 17.12.1922 by R. Baeta
Barnabas Kofi Dzantor former teacher in Togo, now journalist in Accra, Sept. 1952 (Bremer Missions-Schiff, 1952, 116. annual report 1952)
Barnabas Kofi Dzantor former teacher in Togo, now journalist in Accra, Sept. 1952 (Bremer Missions-Schiff, 1952, 116. annual report 1952)
Breakfast rest on the way to the camel gorge on 4.10.1910. From left to right: R. Beselin with the dog of Togo: "Castor", behind him Th. Keding, then Erich Meyer, P. Fuls and Frau
Breakfast rest on the way to the camel gorge on 4.10.1910. From left to right: R. Beselin with the dog of Togo: "Castor", behind him Th. Keding, then Erich Meyer, P. Fuls and Frau
Building the Kpalime Church. Missionary Wellbrock with workers
Building the Kpalime Church. Missionary Wellbrock with workers
Carving works from Togo owned by Pastor Wessel in Reelkirchen in Lippe
Carving works from Togo owned by Pastor Wessel in Reelkirchen in Lippe
Chef Niko and cowherd Kuma at Schossers
Chef Niko and cowherd Kuma at Schossers
[Christian in Ho washing a baby. 1929 A. Funke]
[Christian in Ho washing a baby. 1929 A. Funke]
Church choir in Ho. 1927, 28th teacher Akama
Church choir in Ho. 1927, 28th teacher Akama
Cotton station in Notsie. Atakpame district
Cotton station in Notsie. Atakpame district
[Group on tour]
[Group on tour]
[Haussa moves to Akkra, picture 4 of 5 - drummer]
[Haussa moves to Akkra, picture 4 of 5 - drummer]
Haussa women at work in northern Togo
Haussa women at work in northern Togo
[Haussa's move to Akkra, picture 5 of 5 - Armored Warriors]
[Haussa's move to Akkra, picture 5 of 5 - Armored Warriors]
Ho, termite mound. l. Missionary Wiegräbe, r. Mrs. Funke
Ho, termite mound. l. Missionary Wiegräbe, r. Mrs. Funke
Hunters in their equipment in South Togo, on a factor farm in Kpalime.
Hunters in their equipment in South Togo, on a factor farm in Kpalime.
Huts on Olympios plantation near Lomé
Huts on Olympios plantation near Lomé
In front of the cable bridge over the Haho. Missionary Däuble (Atakpame district)
In front of the cable bridge over the Haho. Missionary Däuble (Atakpame district)
In the camel gorge on 4.10.1910 at the ski river. From left to right: Erich Meyer, Frau Fuls, P. Fuls, Th. Keding, Brettschneider, R. Beselin with the dog from Togo: "Castor".
In the camel gorge on 4.10.1910 at the ski river. From left to right: Erich Meyer, Frau Fuls, P. Fuls, Th. Keding, Brettschneider, R. Beselin with the dog from Togo: "Castor".
In white: Godwin (Boy of Inspector Stoevesandt)
In white: Godwin (Boy of Inspector Stoevesandt)
Inspector Schlunk at the Mission House in Atakpame. Brothers and sisters Dettmann and missionary Pfisterer
Inspector Schlunk at the Mission House in Atakpame. Brothers and sisters Dettmann and missionary Pfisterer
Keta, anniversary Nov. 18, 1928 - from left to right front row, sitting: Pastor Ayikutu, Tsito, Pastor S. Quist, Palime, Pastor P. Quist ememeritus, Keta, Missionary Schosser, Akpafu, Pastor Aku, Lomé, Missionar Funke, Ho, Pastor emeritus Binder, Peki behind: Pastor Mallet, Agu. Pastor Gati, Peki. Pastor Buatso, Palime, Pastor Nyalemegbe (Anyako), Pastor Buatsi (Akpafu), Pastor Amegashie (Keta), Pastor Schosser, Pastor Agudetse (Atakpame), Pastor Kwami (Amedzofe), Pastor Kwabena (Ho), Pastor Baeta (with Barrett, Lomé), the clergyman of Ada, Pastor E. Awuma (Kpando), Pastor Alemenu (Peki)
Keta, anniversary Nov. 18, 1928 - from left to right front row, sitting: Pastor Ayikutu, Tsito, Pastor S. Quist, Palime, Pastor P. Quist ememeritus, Keta, Missionary Schosser, Akpafu, Pastor Aku, Lomé, Missionar Funke, Ho, Pastor emeritus Binder, Peki behind: Pastor Mallet, Agu. Pastor Gati, Peki. Pastor Buatso, Palime, Pastor Nyalemegbe (Anyako), Pastor Buatsi (Akpafu), Pastor Amegashie (Keta), Pastor Schosser, Pastor Agudetse (Atakpame), Pastor Kwami (Amedzofe), Pastor Kwabena (Ho), Pastor Baeta (with Barrett, Lomé), the clergyman of Ada, Pastor E. Awuma (Kpando), Pastor Alemenu (Peki)
lepers from the camp near Ho
lepers from the camp near Ho
Lepers from the camp near Ho, 1929 A. Spark. spotted paralysis
Lepers from the camp near Ho, 1929 A. Spark. spotted paralysis
Lettering: Carvings from Togo owned by Pastor Wessel in Reelkirchen near Lippe
Lettering: Carvings from Togo owned by Pastor Wessel in Reelkirchen near Lippe
Load the anechoic factorial. 1908
Load the anechoic factorial. 1908
[Looking into a shop]
[Looking into a shop]
Market hall in Kete-Kratschi, mid-March 28
Market hall in Kete-Kratschi, mid-March 28
Market in Ho
Market in Ho
Market in Keta. View of the lagoon. 1928 A. Spark.
Market in Keta. View of the lagoon. 1928 A. Spark.