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Preface: History of the Registrar Profiler The Faculty of Law of Berlin University has existed since the founding of the University in 1810 alongside the Faculties of Theology, Medicine and Philosophy. The statutes of the University of Berlin of October 1816, which remained in force until the enactment of the "Statutes of the Prussian Universities and Technical Colleges" in 1930, had provided in § 4 for the formation of a "legal department".(1) The constitution and the legal status of the Faculty of Law resulted from the "Statutes of the Faculty of Law of the Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität zu Berlin" of 1838.(2) Thereafter the Faculty of Law had the task of teaching law. The rights and duties of the faculty as an authority consisted 1. in the supervision of teaching in its fields and its completeness; 2. in the supervision of students in scientific and moral respects and the granting of benefits and bonuses; 3. in the granting of academic dignity."(3) The first lectures were held in the winter semester 1810/11 by Professors Schmalz, von Savigny and Biener.(4) The number of students enrolled at the faculty was 53 in the first semester of its existence, then fell to six during the wars of liberation, and then grew continuously after the end of the war (summer semester 1825: 585, winter semester 1830/31: 701). In addition to its teaching activities, the Faculty of Law at Berlin University had since its foundation the character of a so-called "Spruchkollegium"(5) According to the procedural law in force at the time, the Spruchbehörde had the task of drafting judgments in proceedings before the courts. Through the introduction of the Reichsjustizgesetze after the Reich unification from above the Spruchkollegien lost their meaning. Although regular seminaristic exercises had already been carried out since 1819, above all to introduce the older sources of law, it was not until 1875 that a "Legal Seminar" was founded, which had the task of primarily preparing young academics for academic research through exercises in the field of legal history.(6) Since 1908, the Legal Seminar has served the education of all students. In 1887, the German Studies Department of the Law Department became the "Seminar für deutsches Recht" (Seminar for German Law), which was initially directly subordinated to the Ministry of Culture. The Legal Seminar existed until 1945. In addition, the "Criminalistic Seminar" had existed since 1899, which had to train the next generation of university lecturers in criminal law as a specialist seminar. From 1887 to 1896, on the basis of an agreement with the Russian government under the direction of Professor Eck, the so-called "Russian Institute" was concerned with the training of Russian students in Roman law.(7) In the following years, and especially since 1918, several other institutes were founded, such as the "Church Law Institute" in the summer semester of 1917 and the "Institute for Foreign and Economic Law" in the winter semester of 1920/21. On 1.11.1935 the "Institute for State Research" was transferred from Kiel to the University of Berlin. In February 1936, the former Faculty of Law was renamed the Faculty of Law and Political Science, and the areas of political science and economics that had previously belonged to the Faculty of Philosophy were integrated into the new Faculty.(8) Thus, the new Faculty was expanded to include the "Department of Political Science and Statistics", which had previously belonged to the Faculty of Philosophy. The "Kommunalwissenschaftliche Institut", which was founded in August 1928 as the first of its kind in Germany, was also transferred to the Faculty of Law and Political Science. The task of this institute was to provide an introductory training for candidates of higher career in municipal service. On 1.1.1937 a new "Institute for Commercial Law" was founded. The director Professor Hedemann had headed a similar institute at the University of Jena. In 1937 two further institutes were founded, the "Sozialwissenschaftliche Institut für Volkswohlfahrtspflege" and the "Institut für Wohnungs- und Siedlungswesen". The so-called Sozialwissenschaftliche Institut für Volkswohlfahrtspflege, which had been founded by the fascist NS-Volkswohlfahrt, had the task, under the direction of the head of the main office Hilgenfeldt, of working on the area of Volkswohlfahrtspflege. The "Institut für Wohnungs- und Siedlungswesen" (Institute for Housing and Settlement), which was concerned with teaching and research activities in the field of housing and settlement, should also be mentioned. With effect from 1.10.1938, the "Institute for Labour Law", which had previously existed at the University of Kiel, was transferred to the University of Berlin. Professor Siebert became director of the institute. In February 1940 the "Staatswissenschaftlich-Statistische Seminar" was given the name "Institut für Wirtschaftswissenschaft". By decree of the Reich Ministry of Science of 12 March 1940, the "Institute for Air Law" was moved from Leipzig to Berlin and assigned to the Faculty of Law and Political Science. Since the winter semester of 1942/43 there has been an "Institute for Commercial and Company Law" under the direction of Professor Gieseke. In March 1943 the "Institute for Youth Law" was founded, which according to the statutes had the task of teaching and research in the field of youth law, especially in the field of neglect research. The institution was particularly supported by the Reich Ministry of Justice and the Reich Student Leadership.(9) According to the files available, this institute did not seem to have been active until the collapse of the fascist state. In January 1943, the Department of Politics of the Institute for Politics and International Law was transferred from the University of Kiel to the Faculty of Law and Political Science under the name "Institute for Politics".(10) Nothing is known about the effectiveness of this institute, which was moved to Wittenberg in September 1944 and whose director was Professor Ritterbusch. After the reopening of the university in 1946, the aforementioned institutes were dissolved, with the exception of the Institute of Labour Law, Criminalistics and the Legal Seminar. (1) cf. Statuten der Universität zu Berlin, Berlin o.J. S.5 (2) cf. "Statuten der Juristischen Fakultät der Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität zu Berlin", Berlin 1838 (3) ibid. § 3 (4) cf. Vorlesungsverzeichnis und Index lectionum der Universität Berlin für das erste Semester ihrer Bestehens 1810/11, facsimile print, Berlin 1910 (5) cf. "Geschichte der Berliner Juristischen Fakultät als Spruch-Kollegium" by E. Seckel in: Lenz, Max, History of the University of Berlin, vol. 3, Berlin 1910, p. 449f (6) cf. in this regard: Lenz, Max, a.a.O. S.25f (7) cf. UA of HU, Jur. Fak. No. 60 and 61 (8) see Official Gazette of the Friedrich-Wilhelms-University of 1.4.1936, page 7 (9) see UA of the HU Best. UK, No.824 (Institute for Youth Law) (10) cf. UA of HU Best. UK, Nr.823 (Institut für Politik) Registratur- und Bestandsgeschichte 1. Registraturverhältnisse The registry of the Faculty of Law has been administered centrally by the university registry since the University was founded(1) The order within the registry has been arranged very simply in alphabetical keyword order. This order was maintained until 1945. Since the tasks and the structure of the faculty have remained constant since its foundation in 1810, the registry conditions have also remained unchanged. 2. access The holdings have been in the university archives since 1954. As a result of the alphabetical order of keywords, the use was extremely difficult. Only a keyword overview was available. 3. archival treatment The existing keyword order could not be taken as a basis for the order, since there were no factual connections. Therefore, three main groups with the corresponding subgroups were formed. This structure is clear and unambiguous, providing the user with a well-structured inventory overview. A name and subject register is located at the end of the index. The order and distortion was carried out in the summer of 1966. A revision took place in 2008/09/10. (1) see Findbuch Rektor und Senat der Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität zu Berlin, 1835-1945, S.IX, Berlin 1962 in the UA of the HU Quellennachweis: 1.Archivalien: Archiv der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin: Bestand Universitätskurator Nr.823, 824 Bestand Juristische Fakultät (Dekanat) Nr.60, 61 2.Druckschriften: Official Gazette of the Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität zu Berlin from 1.4.1936 Chronicle of the Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität zu Berlin Years 1915-1938 Lenz, Max: Geschichte der Universität Berlin, vol. 3, Berlin 1910 Personal- und Vorlesungsverzeichnis der Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität zu Berlin, 1920-1945 Statuten der Universität Berlin, 1920-1945 Statuten der Juristischen Fakultät der Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin 1838 Vorlesungsverzeichnis und Index lectionum der Universität Berlin für den erste Semester ihrer Bestehens 1810/11, Faksimile-Druck, Berlin 1910 Bestandsgliederung A Fakultätsangelegenheiten 1. Fundamental questions of science and higher education policy 2. Statutes of the Faculty 3. Minutes of Faculty Meetings 4. Election of the Dean 5. Organisation of Studies 6. Lectures, Internships, Courses 7. Course Catalogues 8. Chairs 9. Institutes and Classrooms 10. Study Reform and Curricula 11. Celebrations, Anniversaries, Honours 12. Scientific Societies 13. Conferences and meetings 14. Foreign relations 15. Cash, fees and fees 16. Libraries and publications 17. History of the university and the faculty 18. Habilitations 19. Doctorates and honorary doctorates B Affairs of the teaching staff 1. Professors-S., generalia 2. official clothing of professors 3. busts and pictures of deceased professors 4. appointments and emeritations of ordinary professors 5. income of professors 6. honorary professors, lecturers, assistants, lecturers 7. support of the surviving dependents of professors 8. support of the surviving dependents of professors Voluntary work 9. Expert activity C Student matters 1. Previous training of students 2. Matriculations, exmatriculations 3. Examinations 4. Foundations and support 5. Sports, work service and compulsory military service 6. Disciplinary matters 7. Associations and clubs Citation: HU UA, Faculty of Law.01, No. XXX. HU UA, Jur.Fak.01, No. XXX.