Affichage de 1 résultats

Description archivistique
Reich Ministry for Church Affairs
BArch, R 5101 · Fonds · 1807-1945
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: Established by decree of 16 July 1935 summarizing the responsibilities of the Reich and Prussia in church matters: Transfer of the ecclesiastical affairs handled by the Reich and Preußi‧schen Ministry of the Interior and the Reich and Prussian Ministry for Wis‧senschaft, Education and People's Education to the Reich Minister and Head of the Reich Office for Regional Planning Kerrl (until 1941), then State Secretary Muhs. Inventory description: Established by decree of 16.07.1935 summarizing the responsibilities of the Reich and Prussia in church matters: Transfer of the ecclesiastical affairs dealt with by the Reich and Prussian Ministry of the Interior and the Reich and Prussian Ministry of Science, Education and Popular Education to the Reich Minister and Head of the Reich Office for Regional Planning Kerrl (until 1941), then State Secretary Muhs. Tradition Organisation and business operations of the Reich Ministry for Church Affairs and the Reich Office for Regional Planning: Establishment, tasks and organisation 1933-1945 (20), Internal Service 1935-1945 (58), Budget, Treasury and Accounting 1930-1945 (27), Personnel Affairs 1898-1945 (93), Reich, Länder and other authorities, NSDAP offices, submissions 1921-1945 (278). Common affairs of the Protestant and Catholic churches, other religious communities, associations and federations: General 1932-1945 (21), Ministers and other church servants 1898-1945 (22), Church financial affairs 1852 -1945 (82), Church statistics 1920-1945 (11), Construction affairs 1878-1945 (38), Church and religious life 1933-1945 (40), Press and radio affairs 1935-1945 (33), Churches abroad and in the incorporated, affiliated and occupied territories 1920-1944 (12), Other ideological and religious communities, Free churches, associations and federations 1807-1945 (60). Protestant Church: Landeskirchen und Deutsche Evangelische Kirche (DEK) 1932-1945 (34), Evangelische Kirche der Altpreußischen Union 1925-1945 (7), Sonstige Landeskirchliche Angelegenheiten 1846-1945 (181), Geistliche und sonstige Kirchenbedienstete 1882-1945 (70), Bau- und Grundstücksangelegenheiten 1811-1945 (159), Finanzielle Angelegenheiten 1812-1945 (110), Monasteries, cathedral monasteries 1843-1945 (28), religious and ecclesiastical life 1862-1945 (56), religious and faith communities 1892-1944 (18), Protestant churches in the incorporated, affiliated and occupied territories and abroad, international associations 1835-1944 (66), legal affairs 1880-1945 (34). Catholic Church: Relationship between State and Church 1827-1945 (86), Church provinces, dioceses, parishes 1817-1945 (109), clergy and other church servants 1822-1945 (26), building and property matters 1817-1944 (74), financial matters 1820-1945 (67), Religious and ecclesiastical life 1812-1945 (117), associations, federations, religious communities 1899-1944 (8), Catholic Church in the incorporated, affiliated and occupied territories and abroad 1841-1945 (98), legal affairs 1840-1945 (91). State of development: Publication Findbuch (2000) Citation method: BArch, R 5101/...