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Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 208 A, Nr. 23 · File · 1933 - 1935
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

307 sheet, Contains et al: - Appointment as Director of the Seminar of Oriental Languages, 1933 - Appointment of Mohammed Jahia Haschmi as full-time non-scheduled Lektor for Syrian Arabic, 1933 - Appointment of Riad Ahmed Mohamed as Lektor for Egyptian Arab, 1933 - Recognition of the years of service of the Lektor for New Indian Languages Tarachand Roy, 1934 - Transmission of an overview of the textbooks published by the "Archive for the Study of German Colonial Languages" and of the examination regulations for English, French, Italian, Polish, Afrikaans and Siamese to the Chairman of the Scientific Commission of the D e u t s c h e K o l o n i a l g e s c h e l l s c h a f t State Secretary a. D. Dr. Philipp Brugger, 1934 - Permission for the retired Prof. Dr. Carl Velten in Magliaso to move his residence to England, 1934 - Issue of a reference to the lecturer Devendra Nath (Devendranath) Bannerjea, 1934 - Notification of the Turkish Study Inspectorate in Berlin about the German Turkologists and Oriental Seminars at the German Universities, 1934 - Employment of the D. Dr. Carl Velten in Magliaso, 1934 - Employment of the D. Dr. Carl Velten in Berlin, 1934 - Employment of the D. Dr. Carl Velten in Berlin, 1934 - Employment of the D. Dr. Carl Velten in Berlin, 1934 Schabaz in Berlin as scientific assistant worker at the Seminar for Oriental Languages, 1934 - Support and coordination of the cooperation between the Iranist of the School of Oriental Studies in London Dr. H. W. Bailey and the lecturer for the Ossetian language Gappo (Georg) Bajew (Baiew), 1934 - Permission for Adolf Lane to found the Association for the Study of Living Languages and Cultures (LES-Vereinigung), 1934 - Transfer of the large lecture hall of the Seminar for Oriental Languages to Prof. Dr. H. W. Bailey, Berlin, Germany Dr. Julius Richter for a study group of presidents and professors from the United States of America and Canada, 1934 - Statements [of the Orientalists Erich Bräunlich, August Fischer and Benno Landsberger] on the elaboration of Prof. Dr. Franz Babinger and Dr. Walther Hinz on the state and tasks of Oriental research in the new Germany, 1934 - Integration of the journal "Der Weltkreis. Zeitschrift für Völkerkunde, Kulturgeschichte und Volkskunde" in the publication series of the Seminar for Oriental Languages, 1934 - support of the teacher of Georgian Prof. Dr. Richard Meckelein with the publication of a German-Georgian dictionary, 1934 - support of the student Mehdi Bahrami with the continuation of his studies in Germany, 1934 - establishment of a special course for the learning of the Polish language at the Seminar for Oriental Languages for selected members of the Bund Deutscher Osten e. V. (Association of German Eastern Confederation). (BDO), 1933 - Waiver of enrolment fees for members of the German Employees' Association (Deutsche Angestelltenschaft) and the Reich Professional Groups of the Employees in the German Labor Front, 1934 - Granting of a scholarship to Dr. Walther Braune, Professor of Arabic at the Seminar for Oriental Languages and Privatdozenten in der Philosophischen Fakultät der Universität Berlin, [1935] - Evaluation of the study and examination possibilities of the director of the Central Secondary School in Baghdad M. Darwisch el-Migdadi, 1934 - Employment of the lawyer Dr. Kamuran Aali Bedir-Khan in Leipzig as teacher of Kurdish languages at the Seminar for Oriental Languages, 1934 - Regulation of the cooperation between the Seminar for Oriental Languages and the Reichsfachschaft für das Dolmetscherwesen, 1934 - Granting of a special allowance to the lecturer for Armenian at the Seminar for Oriental Languages Dr. A. Abeghian, 1935 - Handing over of the lecture list of the Seminar for Oriental Languages in commission to the bookshop Arthur Collignon GmbH in Berlin, 1935 - Appointment of Prof. Franz Taeschner as full professor at the University of Münster, 1935 - Lectures on Lamaism held by the sinologist Wilhelm A. Unkrig from Neuheiligensee, 1934 - Increase of the teaching commissions of Prof. Dr. Hans Ziemann, 1935 - Granting of a subsidy to Dr. Hans Ziemann Karl [Heinrich] Menges on the costs for the printing of his dissertation, 1935 - Sending of the West Asian section of the "Mitteilungen des Seminars für Orientalische Sprachen" to the library of the Max Freiherr von Oppenheim Foundation, 1935 - Preparation of a German-Arabic dictionary by Dr. Hans Wehr in Halle (Saale), 1935 - Admission of the stud. iur. Peter Schwab in Berlin and the stud. rer. oec. Otto Wiedenroth in Berlin to study at the University of Berlin, 1935.