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MFQ 1/273 · Objekt · 1903
Teil von The National Archives

4 items extracted from CO 879/82. West Africa. Nigeria - Kamerun Boundary Commission Survey. 4 maps of the boundary between Northern Nigeria and Cameroon (1) IDWO 1818: Country in Neighbourhood of Yola; reference notes on fords and heights; scale: 1:250,000. (2) IDWO 1819: Line South of Yola: also showing rivers, towns and villages; scale: 1:250,000. (3) Plan of Yola: showing the division into Fula (Fulani) and Hausa districts; scale: 1:10,000; compass indicator. (4) IDWO 1821: Faro-Benue Confluence: showing sandbanks, surrounding vegetation, and the agreed main mouth of the Faro River; scale: 1:20,000; compass indicator. Items 1-2 drawn by Captain [G]eorge] F A W[hitlock], Royal Engineers, 7 August 1903; all items zincographed at the Intelligence Division, War Office, December 1903. All items countersigned: Lieutenant Colonel Louis Jackson, Royal Engineers, and Captain Glauning, Yola-Chad Boundary Commissioners, 10 August 1903. Dimensions: (1) 19 cm x 55 cm; (2) 26 cm x 55 cm; (3) 31 cm x 49 cm; (4) 29 cm x 39 cm.

MFQ 1/13 · Objekt · 1904
Teil von The National Archives

5 items extracted from FO 64/1653. West Africa. The area shown is now in Nigeria and Cameroon.(1) IDWO 1921: Nigeria-Kamerun Boundary Commission Survey. Map of area from Lake Chad south to the Alantika Mountains: proposed boundaries; relief, rivers, types of vegetation, towns, villages. Scale: 1:1000000. Reduced on a single sheet from the 3 sheets of IDWO 1902. Lithographed at the Intelligence Division, War Office, October 1904. (2) IDWO 1946: Map showing outline plan of Dikoa [now Dikwa in Nigeria]. Scale: 6 inches to 1 mile [1:10560]. Compass points showing true and magnetic north. Dikoa (Dikwa) Beacon range and distance, latitude 12 ° 2 3 " and longitude 13 ° 55 46 ". (3) IDWO 1820: Yola (now in Nigeria). Sketch map showing division into Hausa and Fulah districts. Zincographed. Scale: 1:10000. Compass indicator. Signed Louis Jackson, Lieutenant Colonel, Royal Engineers, and Captain Glauning, Yola-Chad Boundary Commissioners, 10 August 1903. Zincographed at the Intelligence Division, War Office, December 1903. (4) IDWO 1818: Map of the Nigeria-Cameroon border area in the neighbourhood of Yola. Zincographed. Scale: 1:250000. Notes on fords and heights. Drawn by G F A W [George F A Whitlock], Captain Royal Engineers, 7 August 1903. Countersigned Louis Jackson, Lieutenant Colonel Royal Engineer, and Captain Glauning, Yola-Chad Boundary Commissioners, 10 August 1903. Zincographed at the Intelligence Division, War Office, December 1903. (5) IDWO 1819: Map of the Nigeria-Cameroon border area south of Yola, showing relief, rivers, vegetation, towns, villages. Zincographed. Scale: 1:250000. Notes on fords and heights. Drawn by G F A W [George F A Whitlock], Captain, Royal Engineers, 7 August 1903. Countersigned Louis Jackson, Lieutenant Colonel Royal Engineers, and Captain Glauning, Yola-Chad Boundary Commissioners, 10 August 1903. Zincographed at the Intelligence Division, War Office, December 1903. Dimensions: (1) 54 cm x 32 cm; (3) 31 cm x 49 cm; (4) 23 cm x 55 cm; (5) 20 cm x 56 cm.

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Q 1/2 Bü 272 · Akt(e) · 1909, 1911, 1915 - 1922, o. D.
Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Enthält u.a.: Mitteilung von Ulrich Rauscher über die Bedingungen zur Übernahme des "März", 7.11.1916; Schreiben eines Zivilgefangenen aus dem indischen Konzentrationslager Ahmednagar, 15.10.1917; Plan zur Gründung einer "Internationalen Zeitung" 1921/22; Eingabe des Vereins Deutscher Zeitungsverleger zur Lage der deutschen Presse, 26.1.1921; Eingaben gegen die Einstufung der Stadt Pfullingen in Ortsklasse C, Febr. 1922 und gegen den Erlaß des Reichskanzlers betr. Liquidation französischen Privatbesitzes in Deutschland, Juli 1917; Mitteilung von Conrad Haußmann an Max Warburg zur Wahl des deutschen Gesandten in China, o. D. (Anfang 1920?) Bericht an den württembergischen Ministerpräsidenten von Weizsäcker über eine Unterredung am 2.10.1914 mit dem Reichskanzler, 12.10.1914; Antwort des Reichskolonialamts auf die Beschwerde eines Internierten, zuvor in Duala, Kamerun, ansässigen Beamten wegen seiner Besoldung, 8.6.1917; Anfechtung der Schultheißenwahl in Wildbad wegen der dabei verwendeten Stimmzettel, 1922; Denkschrift über die Notwendigkeit der Frachtverbilligung für Nahrungsmittel, o. D. (Anfang 1920?)

Haußmann, Conrad
PRO 30/57/64/127-128 · Objekt · 1915 Nov 27-28
Teil von The National Archives

Birdwood to Kitchener. His pleasure at Kitcheners visit to Gallipoli. Regrets giving up Anzac command. Evacuation plans. Urges that Sir I Hamilton should receive an honour. To Fitzgerald. The evacuation. Difficulties regarding Helles. French troops togo first. 2 letters. Sent from: MEF.