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Archival description
RMG 2.494 · File · 1890-1939
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Ordinances, circulars, printed matter; Statutes of the Commission for the Suppression of the African Spirits Trade,, Dr., 1910; Der Deutsche Verband zur Bekämpfung d. afrikanischen Branntweinhandelels, August Schreiber, 8 p., Dr., 1914; Publications of the Association, 1937 1938;

Rhenish Missionary Society
BArch, R 2/11627 · File · 1936-1939
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Aid guidelines for teachers of the foreign school service and (in exceptional cases) their surviving dependants of 15 May 1937 Deutsche Akademie in Munich - Publications and brochures about tasks, plans and development, etc.: "10 Years of the German Academy" and "Sense and Tasks of the German Academy", 1938

BArch, RM 16/43 · File · 1908-1909
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Paul Rohrbach: German-Chinese Studies Tsingtau, in : Special print from the Prussian Yearbooks, edited by Hans Delbrück, volume 134, 2nd/3rd issue, Berlin 1908 H. Graf Schlieffen: Politisches Wetterleuchten in Ostasien, in: March, Halbmonatsschrift für deutsche Kultur, edited by Ludwig Thoma et al., 3rd volume, 1st February issue, Munich 1909, pp. 168 - 173 Die Zukunft, edited by Maximilian Harden, XVII volume, issue no. 10, 05 Dec. 1908, Otto Corbach: Fort aus Kiautschau, in: Das Blaubuch. Weekly, h.g. by H. Ilgenstein, Volume IV, Issue No. 6, 1909, p. 135 - 145 Johannes Leonhart: Kiautschou, in: Fortschritt. Halbmonatsschrift für Politik, Wirtschaft und Marinefragen, edited by Johannes Leonhart, Volume 2, Issue 24, Kiel, 15 Dec 1908, pp. 699 - 702

Miscellaneous matters
BArch, N 30/44 · File · 1915-1918 und o.Dat.
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Summary of the publication "Unsere Südsee", o.Dat.; "Die Auslandspresse über den Nationitätenkongreß in Lausanne (vom 27. - 30. Juni)", o.Dat.; Piotr Pawel Kasprzycki: "Die Nationitätenfrage und der Völkerkrieg", Aug. 1915; Dr. von Glasenapp: "Deutschlands wirtschaftliche und finanzielle Kraft", 1915; Count J. v. Korwin-Milewski: "Zurück zum Dreikaiserbund", o.Dat. (ca. 1916); Promemoria concerns two articles published in the Züricher Neuesten Nachrichten of Feb. 9/10, March 1916, about a possible peace mediation of the neutral states and territorial restoration of the status quo ante bellum; Prof. Eduard Meyer: "Denkschrift betr. die deutsche Kriegssituation nach dem Eintritt Amerikas in den Krieg" (print), 25 Apr. 1916; General Landschaftsdirektor Kapp "Die nationalen Kreise und der Reichskanzler", May 20, 1916; General Landschaftsdirektor Kapp "Die nationale Kreise und der Reichskanzler", May 20, 1916; Promemoria concerns two articles about a possible peace mediation of the neutral states and territorial restoration of the status quo ante bellum. Estorff: "Das deutsche Offizier-Korps in der Zukunft", 1 Aug. 1916; Mitteilungen des "Unabhängigen Ausschusses für einen Deutschen Frieden" (Appeal), 23 Aug. 1916; Captain Ulrich: "Deutschlands wirtschaftliche Widerstandskraft und Deutschlands Finanzkraft" (Printing), 10 March 1917; Richard Pretzell and Dr. Otto Hellmut Hopfen: Memorandum concerning the founding of the Neudeutsche Verlags- und Treuhandgesellschaft, Berlin, zur Gesundung des deutschen Pressewesens.- (The German Officers' Corps in the Future). Description of the current grievances in Germany, Apr. 27, 1917; "Das Wirtschaftsleben während der Kriegszeit", edited by Bankhaus Gebr. Arnhold (Druck), Apr. 28, 1917; Memorandum of the Verein Deutscher Eisen- und Stahl-Industrieller and the Verein deutscher Eisenhüttenleute "Zur Einleibung der französisch-lothringischen Eisenerzbecken in das Deutsche Reichsgebiet" (Druck), Dec. 19, 1917; "The economic life during the wartime", edited by Bankhaus Gebr. Arnhold (Druck), Apr. 28, 1917. 1917; "Die staatatsrechtliche Stellung des Thronsugers", edited by the headquarters of the Heeresgruppe Deutscher Kronprinz, Charleville (print), 1. Jan. 1918; Recording of protection treaties under international law (sent by H. Hatzfeldt with letter of 23. March 1918) Wilhelm Hall-Halfen: "Eine für Alle! Overthrowing Financial Project for the Repayment of War Debts" (print), March 1918

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 208 A, Nr. 293 · File · 1923 - 1933
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

355 sheets, Contains et al: - Authorisation of a remuneration to the teacher of Russian [Hermann] Hahn for his temporary work in the library of the Seminar for Oriental Languages, 1923 - Authorisation of a remuneration to the teacher of Russian Alfred Cosack for his temporary work in the library of the Seminar for Oriental Languages, 1923 - Proof of employment for Lina Arendt on her employment as a library assistant, 19th century April 1923 - Proof of employment for Lina Arendt on her employment as a library assistant, 12 March 1924 - Provisions for the exchange of official and scientific publications between [the] Amerika-Institut, Berlin (Zentralstelle für Deutschland) and Smithsonian Institution, Washington D. C. (Central Office for the United States). Berlin] [1924] (print) - Provision by Deutsche Ultraphon AG in Berlin of an Ultraphon speaking machine for teaching purposes at the Seminar für Orientalische Sprachen, 1925 - Involvement of Privatdozent Dr. Erich Schmitt in the library of the Seminar für Orientalische Sprachen and approval of a grant to promote his scientific work, 1925 - Der 8. April, a commemorative day of German colonial history. From a colonial German, reprint: Foreign observatory. Organ of the Bund der Auslandsdeutschen, 15 April 1925 Berlin 1925 (print) - Provision or loan of various publications to Clemens Denhardt in Bad Sulza, 1926 - Authorisation to acquire the two volumes of Harry H. Johnston's "A Comparative Study of the Bantu and Semi-Bantu Languages" for the private scholar Gottlob Adolf Krause in Zurich, 1926 - Authorisation to grant aid to the private lecturer Dr. H. Johnston, 1926 - Authorisation to the private lecturer Dr. H. Johnston to study the Bantu and Semi-Bantu Languages in Zurich, 1926 - Authorisation to the private lecturer Dr. Johnston to study the German language, 1926 Erich Schmitt to promote his scientific work, 1926 - Transfer of various Japanese publications by Emma-Elisabeth Grützmacher in Berlin, 1926 - Granting of aid to Privatdozent Dr. Erich Schmitt for the promotion of his scientific work, 1927 - Granting of study grants to the student Maria-Luisa Hirsch in Berlin for her temporary work in the library of the Department of Oriental Languages, 1927-1928 - Granting of a travel allowance to the Library Council Dr. Maria-Luisa Hirsch in Berlin for her work in the library of the Department of Oriental Languages, 1927-1928 - Granting of a travel allowance to the Library Council Dr. Maria-Luisa Hirsch in Berlin for her work in the library of the Department of Oriental Languages, 1927-1928 - Granting of a travel allowance to the Library Council Dr. Maria-Luisa Hirsch in Berlin for her work in the library of the Department of Oriental Languages, 1927-1928 - Granting of a travel allowance to the Library Council Dr. Maria-Luisa Hirsch in Berlin for her work in the library of the Department of Oriental Languages. Hugo Heinrich Figulla for participation in the 17th International Congress of Orientalists in Oxford, 1928 - application of Käte Asch in Görlitz for the position of supervisory officer in the library of the Seminar for Oriental Languages, 1928 - application of stud. Inga Bielenstein [in Berlin] for the position of supervisory officer in the library of the Seminar for Oriental Languages, 1928 - Granting of study grants to the stud. Inga Bielenstein in Berlin for her temporary work in the library of the Seminar for Oriental Languages, 1928-1933 - transfer of various Russian and New Greek publications by Elisabeth Klehmet in Berlin, 1929 - acquisition of the library of the Seminary for Oriental Languages [...Wolff-Jaffé in Heidelberg offered library of the late Prof. Dr. Eugen Herrmann, 1929 - Application of Ruth Helga Matthiass in Neubabelsberg for a position as secretary in the library of the Seminar for Oriental Languages, 1930 - Proof of employment for Prof. Dr. Herrmann, 1929 - Application of Ruth Helga Matthiass in Neubabelsberg for a position as secretary in the library of the Seminar for Oriental Languages, 1930 - Proof of employment for Prof. Dr. Herrmann, 1929 - Application of Ruth Helga Matthiass in Neubabelsberg for a position as secretary in the library of the Seminar for Oriental Languages, 1930 - Proof of employment for Prof. Dr. Herrmann, 1929 - Application for a position as secretary in the library of the Seminar for Oriental Languages, 1930 August Fischer on his employment as provisional librarian and secretary, 25 November 1930 - Erna Ullrich's application in Berlin for a position as librarian in the library of the Seminary of Oriental Languages, 1931 - Betty Häusermann's application for a scholarship, 1931 - Irma Pillar's application in Berlin for a position as unskilled worker in the library of the Seminary of Oriental Languages, 1932 - Maria-Luisa Hirsch's assignment in Berlin with the cataloguing of Japanese book collections, 1932.

Prussian Navy
Landesarchiv Sachsen-Anhalt, C 20 I, Ib Nr. 3235 Bd. 2 (Benutzungsort: Magdeburg) · File · 1901 - 1917
Part of State Archive Saxony-Anhalt (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Publications on the development and enlargement of the Kriegsmarine, on German colonial acquisition and on the development of the Kiautschou area (illustrated).

Togo: Bd. 3
BArch, N 2345/78 · File · 1889 - 1900
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Printed matter and press releases Contains, among other things: "Colonization of the Togolese territory. Ein Beitrag zur Lösung der sozialen Frage", Kraus, Josef, Munich, 1894 "Togo in 1898/99", in: "Globus. Illustrierte Zeitschrift für Länder- und Völkerkunde", Volume LXXVII, No. 13, 7 Apr. 1900 Krause, Gottlob Adolf: "Einige Stimmen über den Sklavenhandel in Togo", Berlin, 1899