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Miscellaneous, Volume 3
Best. 550, A 1288 · Akt(e) · 1894-1899
Teil von Historical Archive of the City of Cologne (Archivtektonik)

Contains:Advertising material of various publishers and companies for books and school utensils, book recommendations of the superior authorities, complaints and petitions of various kinds; distribution of plants to schoolchildren by the Kölner Gartenbaugesellschaft (Cologne Horticultural Society) with the significant participation of the merchant Max Garthe, premiums for the particularly well-tended plants; Kölner und Berliner Tierschutzverein due to distribution of animal welfare calendars, establishment of school celebrations for pupils and parents, preparation of the anniversaries of the head teacher at the seminar in Brühl Konrad Schumacher and the district school inspector Peter Hopstein, collection of material for the Cologne traffic encyclopedia of Damian Gronen, tax assessment of teachers; invitations, calls and brochures of various associations and institutions: Wilhelm Augusta Teachers' Association in Witten for founding recreation homes for old teachers, German Patriots' Association for the erection of a monument to the Battle of the Nations near Leipzig, Central Office for Workers' Welfare Institutions in Berlin, German Colonial Society in Cologne, Chamber of Commerce. Printed publications: Preliminary result of the census on 2 December 1895 in Cologne (1895); compilation of the operating results of the local health insurance funds, company (factory) health insurance funds and guild health insurance funds for the year 1895 (1896) existing in Cologne and in the incorporated suburbs under the supervision of the Lord Mayor; The census on 2 December 1895 (1896); Lease agreement between the City of Cologne and the Waren-Kredit-Anstalt for the construction of a warehouse at the Rheinwerft shipyard (4 December 1895); Lease agreement between the City of Cologne and the Waren-Kredit-Anstalt for the construction of a warehouse at the Rheinwerft shipyard (4 December 1896). September 1897); tables on the employment agency of the Allgemeine Arbeitsnachweis-Anstalt in Cologne from 1 April to 30 June 1898 (1898); statutes of the Preußische Ruhegehaltszuschuss- und Unterstützungskasse für mit Ruhegehaltsberechtigung angestellte Lehrerinnen (1898); evidence of the planned income from municipal income tax and municipal surcharges (June 1895); evidence of the planned income from state and municipal taxes (July 1896); file number: XII-5-1.Old signatures: Order 403, C-185.