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Newspapers (stock)
Stadtarchiv Hof, Z · Bestand
Teil von Hof City Archive (Archivtektonik)

According to the inventory delimitation in the Hof City Archives, newspapers are continuous collections that appear at least every fortnight. In the case of periodicals that appear less frequently than every fortnight, they are assigned to inventory Z if a periodical has a newspaper-like character in terms of its appearance (newsprint) or content (topicality). In cases of doubt, the finding aids of the reference library series (4° F, 8° F; see OPAC of the Hof University of Applied Sciences) should be used to determine whether a periodical is available in the Hof City Archives. The official gazettes of the StadtHof, the districts Hof, Rehau and Münchberg are in stock BA. Many newspapers have been filmed, also newspapers that are not originally available in the Hof City Archive; in these cases the microfilms should always be used (see holdings MIK-D and MIK-S). The assignment to one of the chapters 1.-4. of the index of the holdings Z has been carried out according to the main content of a newspaper. The Hofer Anzeiger since 1968 is listed in chapter 1.2 (Frankenpost) (except special editions). 1. newspapers from Hof (with additional issues) 1.1. Hofer-Anzeiger and forerunners (1783-1967, 1976) 1.2. Frankenpost (from 1945) 1.3. Oberfränkische Volkszeitung and forerunners (1893-1971) 1.4. Der Streiter für völkische Politik und Gerechtigkeit(1923) 1.5. Völkische Presse. Battle Gazette of the Frankens Peoples Movement (1924, 1925) 1.6. Nationale Volkszeitung. First and only illustrated evening newspaper of Upper Franconia (1929) 1.7.Fränkisches Volk, Bayerische Ostmark, Hofer Tageblatt, Hofer NS-Zeitung (1933-1945) 1.8.Blickpunkt (since 1984) 1.9. Hofer Neueste Nachrichten (1871-1876) 1.10. Hofer Extrablatt -Extrablatt für Hof und Umgebung, Rehau, Regnitzlosau und Umgebung (1980-1990) 1.11. Hofer Fränkische Presse. Independent local newspaper for the town and district of Hof, Münchberg, Naila, Rehau (1949-1950) 1.12. Hofer Tageblatt and its predecessor (1878-1906) 1.13. Sonntagsblatt for the Protestant-Lutheran Church in Bavaria. Edition Upper Franconia and forerunners (from 1926 - 2003) 1.14. Hofer evening newspaper (1895) 1.15. Hofer newspaper. Organ for all popular interests (organ for the Oberfränkischer Webergauverband) (1873) 2. newspapers from other places 2.1.Bavarian day. Publisher: Die 12. Amerikanische Heeresgruppe für die deutsche Zivilbevölkerung (1945) 2.2. Bayreuther Zeitung (1803, 1813) 2.3. Deutsche Rundschau in Polen (1939) 2.4. Dorfzeitung (Hildburghausen) (1872) 2.5. Frankfurter Presse (1945) 2.6. Hessische Post (1945) 2.7. Kulmbacher Tagblatt. Messenger from the Upper Main (1929-1930) 2.8. Munich Latest News. Business newspaper, Alpine and sports newspaper. Theater- und Kunstchronik (1862, 1871, 1944) 2.9. Die Neue Zeitung. An American newspaper for the German population (1946) 2.10. Nordbayerische Zeitung. Fürther Anzeiger (1944) 2.11. The Reich. German weekly newspaper (1943) 2.12. Vogtlandblick. Weekly paper for Plauen, Auerbach, Hof, Oelsnitz, Reichenbach, Klingenthal and surroundings (1994-2010) - Sonntagsblick. Vogtland 2.13. Die Woche (1900-1944) 2.14. Leipziger Zeitung (1826) 2.15. Berlinische Zeitung (1847) 2.16. Augsburger Abendzeitung (1868) 2.17. Neue freie Volkszeitung (Munich) (1885) 2.18th Munich Messenger (1886) 2.19. Hirschberger Nachrichten (1923) 2.20. Liller Kriegszeitung (Lille)(1914-1917) 2.21. The Champagne Comrade (1915-1917) 2.22. Champagne Kriegs-Zeitung (1916) 2.23. Neue Ordnung (Zagreb) (1943) 2.24. Geroldsgrüner Blättla (Geroldsgrün) (from 1993) 2.25. Tagblatt/Bayerische Ostmark Selb/Fichtelgebirgs-Warte (Selb) (1925-1926, 1934-1944) 2.26. Bamberger Tagblatt (Bamberg) (1928) 2.27. Leipziger Zeitung (Leipzig)(1752) 2.28. Dresdener Anzeiger or Nachricht (Dresden) (1730) 2.29. Der Bote vom Waldstein (Zell) (1936-1938) 2.30. Adorfer Wochenblatt (Adorf) (1840) 2.31. Anzeiger für dieStadt Oelsnitz und für allemmtliche Ortsen des Amtes Voigtsberg (Oelsnitz) (1840) 2.32. Voigtländischer Anzeiger (Plauen) (1840) 2.33. Bavarian Diaspora Sheets (Rothenburg o.d. Tauber) (1902) 2.34. Economic reports from the Gau Bayerische Ostmark (Bayreuth) (1942) 2.35th Fränkischer Merkur (Bamberg) (1847) 2.36. Oberkotzauer Zeitung (Oberkotzau) (1934) 2.37. Selbitzer Bürgerblatt (Selbitz) (from 2002) 2.38. Nailaer Stadtnachrichten (Naila) (from 2002) 2.39. Münchberg-Helmbrechtser Zeitung (Münchberg) (1937) 2.40. Mitteilungsblatt der Gemeinde Konradsreuth (from 1985) 2.41. Der Stebener. Official Gazette of the market Bad Steben (from 2002) 2.42. Information sheet of the municipality Weißdorf. Official announcements of the municipality Weißdorf (from2002) 2.43. Information sheet of the market Sparneck. Official announcements of the market Sparneck (from 2002) 2.44. Newsletter Municipality of Köditz (from 2002) 2.45. Stadt-Rundschau-Schwarzenbach a. Wald (from 2002) 2.46. Official Gazette of the City of Rehau (from 2002) 2.47. Helmbrechtser Anzeiger. Selbitzer Zeitung (1936, 1940-1941) 2.48. Showcase. Newsletter of the municipality Döhlau - Tauperlitz - Kautendorf (2005) 2.49. Bayerische Ostmark. Rehauer Tagblatt (1936-1939)/Rehauer Tagblatt (1960-2009) 2.50. Marktredwitzer Tagblatt/Bayerische OstmarkMarktredwitz (1936-1937) 2.51. Kirchenlamitzer Anzeiger. Marktleuthener Nachrichten (1935) 2.52. Allgemeine Zeitung (Munich) (1885-1887) 2.53. Weißenstadter Zeitung (1953-1967) 2.54. My community. Information from the municipality of Döhlau (2009) 2.55. Wochen-Blatt for the market Redwitz and Umgegend/Anzeige-Blatt for the market Redwitz (1845-1850) 2.56. Der Bote ausden sechs Aemtern (1851-1858) 2.57. Ascher Wochenblatt (1850-1853) 2.58. Münchberger Wochen-Blatt (1842-1861) 2.59th Nailaer Wochen-Blatt (1846-1861) 2.60. Zentralarchiv für Politik und Wirtschaft (Munich) (1926 - 1931) 2.61. Oberkotzauer Heimatbote (Oberkotzau) (1997-2004) 3. Amtsblätter, Intelligenzblätter 3.1. Amts- und Mitteilungsblatt für denevang.-luth. church district Hof (1945) 3.2. Bavarian government gazette. Völkischer Beobachter - Amtlicher Teil (1935-1944) 3.3. Bayreuther Intelligenzzeitung/Bayreuther Anzeiger derLandesverwaltungen und Gerichte (1801-1811) 3.4. Bayerisches Intelligenzblatt (1813-1818) 3.5. Kreisamtsblatt von Oberfranken und Vorläufer (1812-1922) 3.6. Mitteilungsblatt desReichskommissars für die Preisbildung (1938-1945) 3.7. Verordnungsblatt der NSDAP. Gau Bayerische Ostmark (1941-1942) 4. magazines, trade journals and other 4.1. DasAusland. Weekly for geography and ethnology (1877-1892) 4.2. The bazaar. Illustrierte Damenzeitung (1889-1894) 4.3. The book for all. Illustrated family newspaper (1898) 4.4.Concordia. Zeitschrift für die Arbeiterfrage (1871-1875) 4.5. Deutsche Kolonialzeitung. Organ of the German Colonial Society (1888-1894) 4.6. Deutsche Wacht (1925) 4.7. FliegendeBlätter (1884-1905) 4.8. Die Gartenlaube. Illustrated family paper (1868-1906) 4.9. The border messengers. Zeitschrift für Politik, Literatur und Kunst (1864-1906) 4.10. Illustrirte Zeitung(1883-1941) 4.11. Illustrated Observer (1943) 4.12. Youth. Munich Illustrated Weekly for Art and Life (1900-1906) 4.13. Motorist practice. Monthly communications for motorists and motorcyclists (1936-1938) 4.14. The criticism. Newsreel of Public Life (1894-1897) 4.15. The Body. Half-monthly publication for all former bodies (1921-1933) 4.16. After work (1915) 4.17. Reichszeitung der deutschen Erzieher. National Socialist teachers' newspaper (1935) 4.18. Over land and sea. Allgemeine Illustrierte Zeitung(1879-1906) 4.19. The survey. Overview of progress and movements in the entire field of science, technology, literature and art (1905) 4.20. Our Army (1943) 4.21.The Wehrmacht (1943) 4.22. World and House. The German Family Gazette (1909) 4.23. Werkmeisterzeitung. Organ of the German Association of Master Craftsmen (1892-1916) 4.24. The Future (1895-1916) 4.25. The Week (1929) 4.26. The Salon for Literature, Art and Society (1870-1879) 4.27. Deutsche Warte. Survey of the life and work of the present (1871-1872) 4.28. Neue Militärische Blätter (1875-1876) 4.29. In the new Reich. Weekly for the Life of the German People in State, Science and Art (1871-1881) 4.30. The Present. Weekly for literature, art and public life (1872-1886) 4.31. Seasons. Zeitschrift für Literatur, Kunst und gesellschaftliche Unterhaltung (1867) 4.32. amusements. A house library of entertainment and instruction (1867) 4.33. From rock to sea. Spemann's Illustrirte Zeitschrift für das Deutsche Haus (1887-1891) 4.34. Europa(1864-1867) 4.35. Deutsche Rundschau (1879-1888) 4.36. Westermanns Illustrirte Deutsche Monatshefte (1868-1890) 4.37. Fliegende Blätter (1849-1887) 4.38. Kladderadatsch(1883-1886) 4.39. Das Neue Blatt. An illustrated family journal (1871) 4.40. Blitz regional (2008) 4.41. German gymnastics newspaper. Leaves for the Affairs of the Whole Gymnastics System (Leipzig) (1861-1895)