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Archival description
HZAN La 142 Bü 398 · File · (1904, 1905) 1906
Part of State Archive Baden-Württemberg, Hohenlohe Central Archive Neuenstein (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Correspondence of Ernst II (e.g. with Kaiser Wilhelm II); congratulatory letter and letter of sympathy; Ernst II's application for leave (approved by Reich Chancellor Bernhard von Bülow); memorandum on the planned reconstruction of the Colonial Administration (copy); newspaper clippings Darin: Reichstagdrucksachen (Results of the nominal votes on the Colonial Office budget, 29th ed.30.3. and 26.5.1906; draft budget for the Reichskolonialamt for 1906 (with memorandum), [1905]; minutes of meetings concerning the colonial budget, 1904/05).

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Q 1/2 Bü 135 · File · 1888-1912
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains: - Programme speech before the voters' meeting Ebingen, printed, 4.2.1887 - Draft of an election programme, printed, 1888 - "Anniversary tax, official assembly and constitution", printed, end of 1888 - Draft "From laborious governing", mechanical, 1888/1890 - Report on the state parliament session in the Swabian Mercury, printed, 1888 - Draft of an election programme, printed, 1888 - "Jubilee tax, official assembly and constitution", printed, end of 1888 - Report on the state parliament session in the Swabian Mercury, printed, 1888/1890 - Report on the state parliament session in the Swabian Mercury, printed, 1888 - Draft of the election programme, printed, 1888 - "Jubilee tax, official assembly and constitution", printed, end of 1888 - Draft "From laborious governing", mechanical, 1888/1890 - Report on the state parliament session in the Swabian Mercury, printed, printed., 5.4.1889 - Jungfernrede Haussmanns in der Abgeordnetenkammer, ed., 10.4.1889 - Speech in the election challenge debate, ed., 18.6.1889 - Speech on the reintroduction of the election envelope, ed., 19.6.1889 - Newspaper report on a speech by voters in Ebingen, ed., 10.11.1889 - Reichstag speech on the colonial bill, ed, 12.6.1890 (three reports) - lecture about the political situation, printed, 14.9.1891 - speech in the voters' meeting in Tuttlingen, printed, 2.10,1892 - "Der Wegweiser", poem Haussmanns, printed, o.D. - speech in Ebingen, printed, 30.6.1894 - report about party congress of the South German People's Party in Aschaffenburg and the speech Haussmanns in the Aschaffenburger Zeitung, printed, 24.9.1894 - Haussmann's toast to the anniversary of the foundation of the Reich, handschr., January 1895 - "Die württembergische Landtagswahl", printed, 19.2.1895 - "Die politische Indolenz", printed, October 1895 - Reichstag speech on the BGB, printed, 12.12.1895 - "So kann es nicht weitergehen - Gedanken eines Steuerzahlers", printed ca. 1895 - Report of the People's Party to its voters on the Reichstag session 1895/1896, printed, o.D. - Toast to Haussmann on the anniversary of the foundation of the Reich, printed, January 1896 - "Ein Minister über Bord" zur Entlassung Bronsarts, printed, 17.8.1895 - General Assembly of the Bezirksvolksverein in Balingen, printed, 17.1.1897 - "On the Threshold of Reform - Constitutional Revision, Proportional Election and the Attitude of the Parties", ed., 17.1.1897 - Haussmann's Article on "Electoral Victory of Democracy in Norway" in "Dagbladet Kristiania", 9.11.1897 - "From Tedious Governance", mach., September 1897 - "The People's Party in Parliament 1895-1900", ed, o.D. - Election program of the Volkspartei by Friedrich and Conrad Haussmann, printed, 1900 - Speeches by Friedrich and Conrad Haussmann in Heilbronn at the Volksparteitag, printed, 16.11.1902 - Speech on two years of service in the Reichtag, handschr., 1903 - Speech of the Landtag on the Betriebsmittelgemeinschaft, printed, 9.12.1904 - Speech as reporter in the Landtag on the administrative reform, mechanical and manual reform, German, English 1904 - Poem "Berlin Politics", handschr., New Year 1905 - Schiller speech, printed, 7.5.1905 - Draft of a constitutional law, printed by the Landtag, 17.6.1905 - Closing speech to the constitutional revision, handschr., 1905 - "Volksrecht oder Herrenrechte? Speech by Wilhelm Keil, printed, 27.6.1905 - "Zur Verfassungsrevision in Württemberg", printed, 9.7.1905 - "Ein Mahnwort aus der Deutschen Volkspartei", printed, 18.7.1905 - "Die Verfassungsrevision in der Kommission", printed, 18.7.1905 - Notes on an Election Speech, hand printed, 1905 - "Die Auswärtige Lage", mechanical, January 1906 - Election Programme of the People's Party, printed, 18.7.1905 - "Die Auswärtige Lage", mechanical, January 1906 - Election Programme of the People's Party, printed, 18.7.1905 - "Die, 12.11.1906 - "An die Reichstagswähler", printed, New Year 1907 - "An die deutschen Wähler, handschr., o.D. - Rede zum Vereinsgesetz, printed, 1907 - Speech in Spaichingen, printed, 13.1.1907 - "Die Bedeutung der Neuwahlen", speech in Ebingen, printed, 19.1.1907 - "Die Reichstagsstichwahl" in Balingen, printed, 3.2.1907 - "Bülow", without author, printed.., o.D. - "Ultra-Montagnini", printed, o.D. - "Die Wahl", printed, February 1907 - "À vous, Allemands", printed, o.D. - "Die neue politische Saison" by Dr. Heinrich Hutter, printed, 30.11.1907 - "Wahl und Moral", printed, 30.11.1907 - "Die Wahl und Moral", printed, 30.11.1907 - "Die Wahl", printed, o.D. - "Die Wahl", printed, February 1907 - "À vous, Allemands", printed, o.D. - "Die neue politische Saison" by Dr. Heinrich Hutter, printed, 30.11.1907 - "Wahl und Moral", printed, 30.11., February 1907 - "Parliamentarism", printed, o.D. - "Old Chinese Poetry", printed, December 1907 - "The New Problem", printed, September 1907 - "The New Crisis" by Dr. Heinrich Hutter, printed, September 1907 - "The New Crisis" by Dr. Heinrich Hutter, printed, September 1907, 21.1.1908 - "Anti-Prussian sausage-likeness", printed, 4.2.1908 - "Imperial incidents", printed, 1.5.1908 - Speech at the regional election in Frankfurt, printed, 4.2.1908 - "Imperial incidents", printed, 1.5.1908 - Speech at the regional election in Frankfurt, printed, 1.5.1908 - Speech at the regional election in Frankfurt, printed.., 28.5.1908 - "Party Merger", printed, 2.6.1908 - "Asia", printed, 18.8.1908 - "The Moltke Case" by Schücking, printed, August 1908 - "The Interparliamentary Conference" printed, 2.6.1908 - "Asia", printed, 18.8.1908 - "The Moltke Case" by Schücking, printed, August 1908 - "The Interparliamentary Conference" printed, 2.6.1908 - "Asia", printed, 18.8.1908 - "The Moltke Case" by Schücking, printed, August 1908 - "The Interparliamentary Conference" printed, 2.6.1908 -, 2.10.1908 - " Congress?", printed, 16.10.1908 - "Alsatian", printed, November 1908 - Speech to the Daily Telgraph interview, printed, 12.11.1908 - "Before the end of the crisis", printed, 14.11.1908 - Speech in Tübingen "Zur innerpolitischen Lage", printed, 24.11.1908 - "Und nun?", printed, December 1908 - "Anno 1908", printed, 2.1.1909 - "König Eduard in Berlin", printed, 2.2.1909 - "The Renewal of Turkey and the Clumsiness of Europe", printed, 1909 - "The Conservative Leadership" by Dr. Heinrich Hutter, printed, 2.3.1909 - "After the Morocco Agreement", mechanical.., Spring 1909 - Easter article for the Neue Freie Presse Vienna, mechanical, 1909 - "Der Kriegslärm", printed, 1.4.1909 - "Die Finanzmisere", printed, 16.4.1909 - "Bülow am Scheideweg", printed, 1909 - "Geheime Universitätsreserve und Universitätsagenten" by Heinrich Hutter, printed, 1.10.1909 - "In the Air", printed, 4.10.1909 - "Der Parteiitag der Deutschen Volkspartei", by Heinrich Hutter, printed, 15.10.1909 - "Reichstagsbrief", printed, 15.12.1909 - "Die Aufgaben des fünfundes Kanzlers", printed, 19.12.1909 - Open Letter to August Bebel, handschr.

Haußmann, Conrad
Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, VI. HA, Nl Schiemann, T., Nr. 265 · File · 1835, 1869 - 1921, 1935, ohne Datum
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: - Lists of some of the correspondence partners, n.d. - Althoff, Friedrich Theodor, Minister of Culture, 1900, 1906 - Arlliez (?), 1900 - Baden, Friedrich Grand Duke v., 1896, 1905 - Barnay, Ludwig, actor to Charlotte Rosenstock, 1895 - Berber, Felix, Prof., violin virtuoso (?) to Heinz Braune, 1905 - Bernhardi, Friedrich v., General of the Cavalry, 1899 - Bigelow, Poultney, writer, retired. - Bethmann-Hollweg, Reich Chancellor, 1913 - Bismarck, Herbert Graf v., State Secretary of the Foreign Office, State Minister, 1894 - Bismarck, Otto Fürst v., former Reich Chancellor, 1892, 1896 - Bley, Fritz, 1917 - Bruch, M.., 1900 (?) - Bülow, Bernhard Prince v., Imperial Chancellor: picture-postcard with depiction Bülow, 1907 - Bülow, Marie Princess v., née Princess v. Camporeale, 1901, 1909 - Burmester, Willy, Privy Privy Councillor, Prof., o. D. - Busch, Moritz, writer [to Victor Hehn ? see no. 240], 1883 - Cambon, Jules, French. Ambassador, o.J. - Casement, Sir Roger David, Irish freedom fighter, 1915 - Collier, 1911, retired. - Conze, Alexander, Director of the Archaeological Institute, 1895 - Cornelius, P. v. and ? to Julius Schweitzer: Kopiererlaubnisschein, 1835 - Deines, v. an Focke, 1896 - Delbrück, Clemens v., Deputy Reich Chancellor, 1914 - Delbrück, Hans, historian, 1895 - Eichhorn, Hermann von, General Field Marshal, 1917-18 - End (?), H., Regierungsrat, 1898 - Eulenburg, 1905, 1935 - Faure, Fernand, Director of the "Revue politique

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 130 b Bü 2455 · File · (1904, 1905) 1906-1911, 1914
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Also contains: Deutsche Marokko-Zeitung, No. 105 from 27.10.1908; Deutsche Marokko-Korrespondenz, No. 46 from 5.11.1908 (?); Memorandum and documents about German mining interests in Morocco, (1806-1909), 1910 (?); Inquiry in the Württemberg Parliament about the German action before Agadir, 1911; Consultation about the amendment of the Schutzgebietgesetz, 1911; Material betr. the concessions in the French Congo, Nov. 1911; two maps, 1911, 1914; reports and minutes of meetings of the R e i c h s t a g , Nov. 1911; Franco-Spanish Agreement on Morocco, (1904, 1905), 1911; memorandum on the replacement of four French companies in Cameroon, 1914.

Contains among other things: Correspondence of Ernst II, Draft of an ordinance and memorandum concerning the R e i c h s k o l o n i a l a m t ; conditions of the German Schutztruppe in South West Africa (including the Herero Uprising, railway construction, port facilities, organisational issues) ; border issues (including correspondence with King Leopold II of Belgium) ; business distribution plans ; budget for 1906 ; newspaper clippings Darin: overview plan of the railway line Windhuk-Rehoboth ; caricature from the "Kladderadatsch" (with illustration of Ernst II).

Contains: Ernst II's correspondence on political matters and with his successor in the office of Bernhard Dernburg; memorandum on the restructuring of the colonial administration; Ernst II's proposals for obtaining the approval of the R e i c h s t a g to the colonial budget (draft letter to R e i c h s c h s c h e Chancellor von Bülow); Ernst II's resignation. (concept); Imperial letter of dismissal (copy); Imperial diploma on the bestowal of the Red Eagle Order 1st Class diamonds on Ernst II; letter of sympathy; newspaper clippings (with illustrations of Ernst II and his successor Bernhard Dernburg).

Diary 1885-1886
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Q 2/3 Bü 7 · File · 10. Nov. 1885 -13. April 1886
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Information on the state of health of King Karl (passim), Fetzer's stay in the retinue of King Karl in Nice (10 Nov. 1885 - 13 April 1886): Fetzer's relationship with Count Dillen and characterisation of the Count by Fetzer (15 and 30 Nov. 1885), Fetzer's interview with Grand Duke Friedrich Franz III von Mecklenburg-Schwerin (27 Nov. 1885 - 13 April 1886). 1885), statements of Fetzer about rumours about a possible appointment of Dr. Kriegs as personal physician of King Karl instead of Fetzer, interview of Fetzer with Woodcock about it (2-8., 12. Dec. 1885); findings of microscopic examinations of the urine of King Karl and Queen Olga (with sketches pp. 55 and 56), relationship of King Karl to State Councillor Griesinger (1., 4., 16. Jan., 1885), and of the urine of King Karl and Queen Olga (with sketches pp. 55 and 56), 28. Febr. 1886), communication of the baron von Herman auf Wain concerning the attitude of King Charles to the Catholic denomination (7. Jan. 1886), engagement of Prince Wilhelm with Princess Charlotte von Schaumburg-Lippe (10., 11. Jan. 1886), Woodcock's disease (19. Jan.-Jan. 1886), the death of his son (10., 11. Jan. 1886). 12. Febr. 1886), completion of work on the 7th volume of the Kriegssanitätsbericht by Fetzer (30. Jan. 1886), Fetzer's report on his conversation with Queen Olga about Charles Woodcock (22. Febr. 1886), Fetzer's meeting with the Afrikareisenden and colonial politician Karl Ludwig Jühlke (3. Febr. 1886), the meeting with the Afrikareisenden and colonial politician Karl Ludwig Jühlke (3. Febr. 1886). March 1886), award of the Württemberg Crown Order to Berthold Fetzer (March 5, 1886), dinner with Edward Prince of Wales, Grand Duke Friedrich Franz III of Mecklenburg-Schwerin and Prince Leopold of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen on the occasion of the birthday of King Karl (6th birthday of King Karl). March 1886), Lord Charles Hamilton's illness and its treatment by Fetzer (March 26 - April 12, 1886, with Fetzer's enclosed findings on p. 206); notes by Fetzer on his reading (passim, with index p. 239-242) Then: programme sheets on cultural events in Nice, newspaper articles on the health of King Charles (9 Jan 1886), sketches of pneumococci (p. 110); statistics on amputations carried out in the French army during the war of 1870/71 (p. 173-174).

Fetzer, Berthold von
Diary 1919
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Q 2/3 Bü 32 · File · 19. Jan. - 31. Juli 1919
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Fetzer's comments on colonial policy (27 Jan 1919), on Emperor Wilhelm II and on the constitution of Württemberg (p. 130); illness of Fetzer's wife Therese (from p. 234); Fetzer's comments on his reading (p. 251 ff.) Darin: "Meinem König", poem by Karl Fetzer, brother of Berthold Fetzer, on 25 February 1919; newspaper article on the peace terms of the Treaty of Versailles

Fetzer, Berthold von
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, P 10 Bü 1329 · File · 1860-1910
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)
  • 1860-1910, Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, P 10 Archive of the Barons Varnbüler von und zu Hemmingen Contains, among others: Letter of condolence; common friends and acquaintances; family matters; political events<br /> Also includes: letter of condolence on the death of Elisabeth, etc. by Cuno von Moltke, Hertha von Danckelmann, King Wilhelm II von Württemberg and his wife Charlotte, Imperial Chancellor Theobald Bethmann Hollweg, Alfred von Bülow<br />Darin: Extra sheet of the Berliner Lokal-Anzeiger "Hauptmacht der Herero geschlagen" dated April 11, 1904 description: Contains a.o..: Letter of condolence; common friends and acquaintances; family matters; political events - also contains: letter of condolence on the death of Elisabeth, among others by Cuno von Moltke, Hertha von Danckelmann, King Wilhelm II von Württemberg and his wife Charlotte, Chancellor of the Reich Theobald Bethmann Hollweg, Alfred von Bülow - In it: Extra sheet of the Berlin local newspaper "Hauptmacht der Herero geschlagen" of 11 April 1904

Contains: Correspondence of Ernst II (among others with Kaiser Wilhelm II, Reich Chancellor Bernhard von Bülow, Prince Hermann zu Hohenlohe-Langenburg and Ernst's successor as deputy head of the Colonial Department Bernhard Dernburg); commissioned as deputy head of the Colonial Department (copy); diploma of appointment as Imperial Plenipotentiary to the Federal Council (copy); letter of congratulations; notes on the emoluments of Ernst II.Newspaper clippings (including an excerpt from a speech of Ernst II by the Reichstag) Darin: Edition of "Die Zukunft" (The Future) with mocking article about Ernst II. "("Ubi Bubi?"), 1906 (printed); correspondence between Prince Hermann and Wilhelm II concerning the appointment of Ernst II.

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Q 1/2 Bü 5 · File
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains: - Article "Ueber die Völkerliga" from the "Neue Zürcher Zeitung", Aug. 13, 1918 (mechanical copy) - Report on a survey on the establishment of a "Deutscher Völkerbund-Liga" (mechanical copy) together with a letter from Fritz Springer, [1918] and Oct. 2, respectively. 1918 - Proposal of the Swiss Committee for the Preparation of the League of Nations for the Realization of the League of Nations, Application for the Establishment of a "German League of Nations" as a Section of the "League of Nations for Freedom and Fatherland" and Invitation to Discuss these Applications, Oct. 7, 1918. 1918 - Proposal to the warring powers for the establishment of peace and for the establishment of the League of Nations, as well as draft of a declaration of Germany to its war opponents by the Swiss Committee for the Preparation of the League of Nations, with accompanying letter, Oct. 1918 - flyer draft for the "Deutsche Liga für Völkerbund" and league flyer "Der Völkerbund", [Oct. or Nov. 1918 resp. 1918-1919] - "Arbeitsplan für die Deutsche Liga für Völkerbund", [1918-1919] - essay "Erzbergers Grundgedanken", signed with "Fidelis", from: "Der Vortrupp" 7 (1918) Nr. 21, p. 401-411 - essay "Walther Schücking. A German Teacher of International Law" by Hans Wehberg, n.d. - Invitation and programme as well as principles for the programme of the International League of Nations Conference from 5-12 March 1919 in Bern together with accompanying letter, Febr. 1919 - Essay "Wilson und der Völkerbundgedanke" by Count Bernstorff in the "Mitteilungen der Deutschen Liga für Völkerbund", Feb. 1, 1919 - Essay "Deutschland und Wilson" by Prof. Dr. Walther Schücking in the "Mitteilungen der Deutschen Liga für Völkerbund", Feb. 1, 1919 - Essay "Deutschland und Wilson" by Prof. Dr. Walther Schücking in the "Mitteilungen der Deutschen Liga für Völkerbund", Feb. 1, 1919 - Essay "Wilson und der Völkerbundgedanke" by Graf Bernstorff in the "Mitteilungen der Deutschen Liga für Völkerbund", Feb. 1, 1919 - Essay "Deutschland und Wilson" by Prof. Dr. Walther Schücking in the "Mitteilungen der Deutschen Liga für Völkerbund", Febr. 1919 - Essay "Die Entente - Deutschlands Wegweiser zum Bolschewismus oder zum Völkerbund?" by Bernhard Dernburg, from: "Mitteilungen der Deutschen Liga für Völkerbund", Febr. 7, 1919 - Essay "Deutschlands sozialpolitisches Programm für den Völkerbund" by J. Giesberts in the "Mitteilungen der Deutschen Liga für Völkerbund", Feb. 3, 1919 - Essay "Die deutschen Missionen und das Völkerrecht" by Prof. Dr. D. Baumgarten in the "Mitteilungen der Deutschen Liga für Völkerbund", Feb. 24, 1919. April 1919 - Essay "Der 'gerechte Krieg'" by Prof. Dr. Gustav Radbruch in the "Mitteilungen der Deutschen Liga für Völkerbund", 28 April 1919 - Part of a draft law on labour law issues from the "Mitteilungen der Deutschen Liga für Völkerbund", o.D. - "Deutscher Entwurf eines Verfassung des Völkerbundes" der Studienkommission der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Völkerrecht unter dem Vorsitz von Prof. Dr. Niemeyer, [1919] - "Proposals of the German Government for the Establishment of a League of Nations" in the "Mitteilungen der Deutschen Liga für Völkerbund", n.d. - Cross section of the press "Der Völkerbundgedanke in Italien" in the "Mitteilungen der Deutschen Liga für Völkerbund", Jan. 1919 - article "Der Smutssche Völkerbundplan" in the "Mitteilungen der Deutschen Liga für Völkerbund", n.d. - cross section "Zug um Zug der Entente-Propaganda" in the "Mitteilungen der Deutschen Liga für Völkerbund", febr. 1919 - newspaper article "Der Völkerbund. Der Entwurf", 15 Febr. [1919] - Letter by Prof. Ruhlmann of the "League for League of Nations", concerning the discussion of cultural policy propaganda abroad in the Committee for Foreign Affairs, with drafts of Haußmann's reply and a letter to the Reich Foreign Minister Hermann Müller, Jan.Feb. 1920 - Invitation by the weekly "Die Menschheit" to comment on what would be the most effective decisions of the League of Nations Assembly, with draft reply, Oct. 1920 - "Article for the Volkswehr. The disarmament question at the League of Nations Conference in Bern" by Count Max Montgelas, [1919] Darin: - Die Tätigkeit des Völkerbundes im Monat August Nr. 5, 1. Sept. 1921

Haußmann, Conrad

Contains: Copies (in extracts) of the request of the Regional Court of Ravensburg to the District Court of Berlin-Mitte for the interrogation of Ernst II and of the incriminated newspaper article by Erzberger; inquiries of the District Courts of Berlin and Langenburg to Ernst II regarding the interrogation date; concept of a reply letter.

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, FA N 2817 · File · 1912-1919
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. General State Archive Karlsruhe (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Hausfrauenverein, school system; death of a son in Southwest Africa (1916) Darin: Pressemeldung zum 80. Geburtstag Hermine Pilets (newspaper clipping, 1918)

Jesuit law
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 74 Bü 243 · File · 1874-1918
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Missionary work of the Fathers of the Holy Spirit in Cameroon; various applications regarding the law; unauthorized exercise of church offices; law concerning punished church servants; execution and repeal of the Jesuit laws Darin: "Allgemeine Zeitung" (Augsburg) vom 21. März 1874

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 40/72 Bü 701 · File · 1914-1919
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: War with Japan and occupation of Kiautschous, 1914; alleged treaty between Great Britain and Japan, March 3, 1914 Darin: publication "Persien und der europäische Krieg" (Persia and the European War), published by Nachrichtenstelle für den Orient, 1915; annual report of China-Export-Import and Bank-Compagnie in Hamburg for 1914

magazine copies
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Ludwigsburg, EL 232 Bü 633 · File · 1926-1928
Part of State Archives Baden-Württemberg, Dept. State Archives Ludwigsburg (Archivtektonik)

Contains: 1st "Süddeutscher Rundfunk", issue 20 of 16 May 1926, issue 22 of 30 May 1926, issue 31 of 1 August 1926, issue 44 of 31 October 1926; 2nd "Stuttgarter Rundfunk", no. 4 of 1 August 1926, no. 9 of 5. September 1926, No. 17 of 31 October 1926; 3. "SÜDFUNK" No. 1 of 18 December 1927 (2 copies), No. 7 of 12 February 1928, No. 8 of 19 February 1928; 4. "Die europäischen Sende-Programme vom Sonntag, den 1. August 1928..." (The European Broadcasting Programmes of Sunday, 1. August 1926)... 1926"; 5th "Der FUNKBASTLER", Issue 31, Year 1926; 6th "Das Bunte Blatt - Stuttgarter Ausstellungs-Nummer", No. 25, 17 August 1924 (7 copies); 7th "Der Kolonialdeutsche", No. 14 v. 15 July 1928

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, N Facius Nr. 144 · File · 1938-1943
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. General State Archive Karlsruhe (Archivtektonik)

Contains Munuskripte (typewritten) 'Die Verwaltungsdrucksachen der thüringischen Staaten vom 18. Jahrhundert bis 1922' (August 1938) 'Der Große Teich in Altenburg. Geschichte seiner künstlichen Gestaltung vornehmlich im 18. Jahrhundert' (June 1940) 'The County of Gleichen-Hatzfeld and the Lordship of Oberkranichfeld in Ernestine Politics from the 17th to the 20th Century'. Jahrhundert' (January 1941) 'Großherzog Carl Alexander von Weimar und die deutsche Kolonialpolitik 1850-1901' (June 1941) 'Thüringische Truppengeschichte, Bibliographie zur Geschichte der thüringischen Regimenter und Bataillone vom 17. Jahrhundert bis 1918' (December 1942) 'Napoleon und die Hasenjagd bei Apolda am 7. Oktober 1808' (January 1943)

Facius, Friedrich
news clippings
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, M 1/3 Bü 770 · File · November 1906
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: The Captain of Köpenick, p. 1; Bismarck's Dismissal, p. 5; Inactive Officers, p. 7; Reform of Military Jurisdiction in France, p. 25; Colonial Pessimism, p. 27/28; Self-loading Rifles, p. 1; Bismarck's Dismissal, p. 5; Colonial Pessimism, p. 27/28; Self-loading Rifles, p. 1 37; Prince Philipp zu Eulenburg, p. 41; Ludwig Ganghofer, p. 49; Refusal to obey from a religious point of view, p. 59; English Army Reform, p. 61/62; Cheap Labour, p. 77; Warrior Association Parties, p. 83

news clippings
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, M 1/3 Bü 758 · File · Januar-Februar 1905
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Enthält u. a.: Ausbildungsfragen im Heere: "Erziehung" oder "Drill und Erziehung", S. 5; Offiziere: Starker Offizierverlust in Südwest-Afrika wegen allzu sichtbarer Rangabzeichen, S. 9; Offiziersehre und Militärehrengericht: Broschüren von Oberst a. D. Hüger und Oberst a. D. Gaedke, S. 14, 15

news clippings
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, M 1/3 Bü 768 · File · Juli-August 1906
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Enthält u. a.: Der Kaiser: Seine Ratgeber, mangelhafte Orientierung, Abnahme der monarchischen Gesinnung, S. 23, 31; Abrüstungsfragen: Armeereform in England, S. 27, 29; Feldzug in Deutsch-Südwestafrika: Glossen von Oberst a. D. Gaedke, S. 39; Sozialdemokratie: Heer und Sozialdemokratie, S. 49; Sanitätsfragen: Einrichtung von Sanitätsinspektionen, S. 51; regierende Fürsten: Kritik der Frankfurter Zeitung, S. 63

news clippings
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, M 1/3 Bü 763 · File · November-Dezember 1905
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Offiziere: Aussichten der Offizier Karrierebahn, p. 47; Transfer of officers, excerpt from a brochure "Militärische Bedenken" by K. von Wartenberg. p. 59; Reichstag: Lieutenant General von Trotha, Commander of the Troops of Deutsch-Südwestafrika: His Appearance in the Reichstag, p. 61; Hague Conference 1899: Criticism of the German Representative, Count Münster, by Alfred H. Fried, p. 17; the Emperor and the Idea of Arbitration, by Alfred H. Fried, p. 31

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Ludwigsburg, EL 232 Bü 629 · File · 1908-1943
Part of State Archives Baden-Württemberg, Dept. State Archives Ludwigsburg (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Inauguration of the Lindenmuseum; Collection Dr. Tafel; Collection Dr. Fritz; Völkerkunde-Museum Bremen; Dr. von Bälz; Karl Mauch Darin: 1st Deutsche Kolonialzeitung Nr.17 vom 27. April 1912; 2nd "Die sozialpsychologische Perspektive der Völkerkunde" by Ths. Achelis; 3rd Announcements No. 9, November 1912, 13th year of the Association of Preceptors and Real Teachers of Württemberg

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 40/72 Bü 769 · File · 1915-1918
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Newspaper article "Colonial Settlement and Population Policy", 4 April 1916 and "The Development of Africa during the World War", 11 June 1917; Statements by General Smuts on the Future of East Africa, January, March 1918

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Q 1/2 Bü 25 · File · 1890-1922
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains: - Redemanuskripte "Die Fehler der bürgerlichen Demokratie" und "Die Jungen und die Zeit", Autumn 1920 Faction Meetings 1914-1916 - Notes for Faction Meeting on Possible Outcomes and Objectives of War, handschr., 29.11.1914 - Notes for Meeting with Delbrück on War, handschr.., 30.11.1914 - Resolution of the Reichstag on war victims, printed, 30.11.1914 - First draft of a demonstration of confidence of the president, handschr., 2.12.1914 - Attitude of the executive committee of the progressive people's party Gross-Berlin to peace goals, mach.., 1915 - Keywords for a speech in the parliamentary group after the Baralong affair, handschr., 1915 - Draft proposal for a potato ban, handschr., 9.3.1915 - Notes on foreign policy questions and peace conditions, handschr.., 10.3.1915 - Draft of a parliamentary group resolution on the expedient reorganization of economic and trade relations with Austria-Hungary, handschr., 18.5.1915 - Invitation to the Minutes of the Party Conference in Eisenach on War Aims and Peace Conditions, masch.,1.

Haußmann, Conrad
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 50/03 Bü 179 · File · 11. Juni 1881 - 6. Dezember 1886
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Relations between Germany and France, Russia, Austria and Great Britain, English occupation of Egypt, German colonial policy, Congo conference, Bulgarian crisis, customs and tax policy, social security, extensions of the Socialist Law, construction of the Reichstag building Darin: Deutscher Reichs-Anzeiger 12.6.1882 und 18.6.1884; Norddeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung 1.3.1883; Berliner Börsenzeitung 8.4.1885

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 50/05 Bü 225 · File · 2. Januar - 30. Dezember 1901
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)
  • January 2 - December 30, 1901, Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 50/05 Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the Württemberg Legation in Munich Includes, among other things, the following German customs policy; Chinese Boxer uprising; Bavarian reserve rights concerning railways and mail; Bavarian Farmers' Day <br />Darin: Allgemeine Zeitung Nr 78 vom 19.3, Nr. 267 vom 26. September 1901; Augsburger Abendzeitung Nr. 95 vom 6. April, Nr. 135 vom 17. May, Nr. 293 vom 23. October 1901; Das Vaterland Nr. 22 vom 31. May 1901; Münchener Neueste Nachrichten Nr. 275 vom 15. June 1901 description: Contains and others: German customs policy; Chinese Boxer uprising; Bavarian reserve rights concerning railways and mail; Bavarian Farmers' Day - Darin: Allgemeine Zeitung Nr 78 vom 19.3, Nr. 267 vom 26. September 1901; Augsburger Abendzeitung Nr 95 vom 6. April, Nr. 135 vom 17. May, Nr. 293 vom 23. October 1901; Das Vaterland Nr 22 vom 31. Mai 1901; Münchener Neueste Nachrichten Nr. 275 vom 15. Juni 1901
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 50/05 Bü 224 · File · 3. Januar - 28. Dezember 1900
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)
  • Includes among others: Bavaria's Relationship to the Reich; German Fleet Policy; Boer War; Boxer Uprising in China; Lex Heinze <br />Darin: Allgemeine Zeitung Nr. 46 vom 16. Februar 1900; Bayerischer Kurier Nr. 347 vom 17. Dezember 1893 3 January - 28 December 1900, Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 50/05 Ministerium der Auswärtigen Angelegenheiten betr. Württembergische Gesandtschaft in München description: Contains a. o.: Bavaria's Relationship to the Reich; German Fleet Policy; Boer War; Boxer Uprising in China; Lex Heinze - Darin: Allgemeine Zeitung Nr. 46 vom 16. Februar 1900; Bayerischer Kurier Nr. 347 vom 17. Dezember 1893
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, FA N 2697 · File · 1885-1893
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. General State Archive Karlsruhe (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Florence Nightingale; English party politics; Catholics in Ireland; Egypt, Suez Canal, Irish in America (28.1.1885); Sir Herbert Stewart [died 16.3.1885] and the English Africa politics (24.2.1885); Afghanistan (23.7.1885); Count [Georg Herbert von] Münster and the German Borschafter in London (25.9.1885); Madagascar and the French colonial politics (4.1.1886); socialist riots in London, elections in Ireland (16.2.1886); Germany and the Russian expansion policy (8.11.1886); Siam and the colonial powers (17.7.1893); coal worker strike in England (27.10.1893) Darin: Poem on the participation of Lord Harry Verney in the funeral of Lord [Anthony] Shaftesbury (21.11.1885, newspaper clipping); Letter of the wife (26.78.1889)

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, FA N 5565 · File · 1918
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. General State Archive Karlsruhe (Archivtektonik)

Contains mainly: Correct. Drafts, speech text, newspaper clippings Darin: Note on [Hans von] Haeftens Information of the Federal Council on military defeats August/September 1918

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 130 b Bü 2225 · File · 1900-1924
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Applications for authorisation to issue shares, 1900-1909; advice on a draft law on the issue of small shares in consular districts and in the Kiantschou protectorate, 1909, 1911; newspaper article on the reform of stock corporation law in Italy, 29./30.1.1914; state authorisation to set up joint-stock companies and ban on the sale of shares or other shares in colonial companies abroad, 1917-1919; grievances and excesses in the formation of joint-stock companies, 1922.