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Ernst Faber, Missionary
180.01.192 · Akt(e) · 1885 - 1899
Teil von Central Archive of the Evangelical Church of the Palatinate

Personalia; Discharge certificate from the Rhein. Missionsgesellschaft; printed publications: The religious observance of one day in seven..., Constitution of the Society for the diffusion of Christian and knowledge among the Chinese, Civilisation...u.a.; German congregation in Shanghai; statement on the Chinese Tract Society; travel report to the interior of China (1887); general communications from China; contact with the Allg. Missionsverein; speeches, reports, conferences; salary statements; annual reports (1892, 1895, 1896, 1897); letters from Chicago

Ernst Faber, Missionary
180.01.192 · Akt(e) · 1885 - 1899
Teil von Central Archive of the Evangelical Church of the Palatinate

Personal details; Certificate of dismissal from the Rhine. Mission society; Printed publications: The religious observance of one day in seven..., Constitution of the Society for the diffusion of Christian and knowledge among the Chinese, Civilization... et al.; German congregation in Shanghai; Statement on the Chinese treatise society; Travel report to the interior of China (1887); General communications from China; Contact with the General Mission Society; Speeches, reports, conferences; Salaries; Annual reports (1892, 1895, 1896, 1897); Letters from Chicago