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Archival description
A.11-297 · File · 1914 - 1930
Part of Central Archive of the Pallottine Province

Contains - Natives in Limburg and Germany, 1908-1934; Betr.Education, repatriation to Cameroon, alleged king's son Manfred Priso - chief Atangana, 1907-1920 - correspondence of Nekes with natives, mostly in Yaoundé, 1908-1913 - chief Taco, power of attorney in legal dispute with him, 1902 - Andrea Mbange, 1930-1933; in it: Memorial article in "Stern von Afrika"- Johann Ngumu, 1909-1913; In it: Travelogue 1909- Vinzenz Tsala, 1912-1913/14; Duration: 1902-1934; Signature: A.11-314Title: Letters from natives after 1914, to PP. Nekes and Seiwert and other Fathers, with translations of the texts into tribal languages Photos taken: - Teachers and students of the seminary in Jaunde (Cameroon), after 1914; description of Nekes on the reverse: "P. Keller sits in the middle, left P. Bonneau and right P. Valkering. They are professors from this seminar", taken from U.1-911

  • Linguistic works; 1902-1917; - Documents by P.A. Halbing concerning Cameroon; Thereby: Narrative about Frater Klosterknecht and experiences in Cameroon, by P. August Halbing; appointment of P. Halbing as deputy assessor of the Imperial High Court, 1904; - Letters by natives, mostly former members of the family. catechists, on/for P. Halbing, 1901-1960; - letters from Matthias Efiem, 1921-1951, - letters from whites to P. Halbing, 1917-1923, 1949-1956; - letters from P. Halbing, 1925-1928, 1950-1953; M - Personallilches, 1954-1956

Miscellaneous, among other things: - Letter from Fr. Kopf from Groß-Batagna and from Fr. Ludwig Bange to Fr. Kopf, Superior in Gross-Batagna, 1901-1902; letter from Duala von Massmann, 1910; report of illness from Fridolin Mboranga, 1914; letter from Fr. Johann Wimmer from internment to Fr. Hoffmann, 1916; - picture postcards to PP. Hoffmann and Sasse with illustrations of: School youth in Cameroon, Catholic family of teachers in Cameroon, Christian natives after the service in Bonaberi, 1913; letters from former catechists to Fr. Sasse, 1927-1953; Marcus Hebga, 1949- with photos taken from U.1-2446 and U.1-2447; Meinrad Hebga, 1952; and: Benefit Gottfried Billason, 1928; Anton Fisenge, 1928; Br. Erwin Jung, 1926; Theodor Lengo, 1927-1929; Joseph Londo, 1927; Joseph Mandene, 1913; 1914; Charles Paul Mbime, 1929; Stanislas Miné, 1956; Pierre-Aloys Mpesa, 1949-1955; Albert Mpot, 1924-1929; Marcus Mankal, 1956; Johann Reyle, 1923-1928; Franz Sie, 1917-1926; Frédéric Songe, 1949-1952; Personal: u.a. Travel Permit for Sasse, 1913; Golden Jubilee 1955; pieces about Bishop Vieter ; Contains among others: Letter from Vieter to Halbing, 1899; Circular letter from Vieter in indigenous language concerning the anniversary indulgence, 1913th letter from Vieter to Sasse, 1914; suggestion by Fr. Alfons Weber to introduce the beatification of Bf. Vieter, 1965

A.11-287 · File · 1892 - 1914
Part of Central Archive of the Pallottine Province

Includes letters to:- Adams, Gustav (reference only)- relatives and friends: brothers Theodor and Wilhelm, 1904-1905; Bueer family, 1905; niece Henriette, 1912- Bauhus, Theodor, art and church painter in Süchteln, 1905-1913- Jöhren, Rev. Father, 1905-1906- Confreres: P. Bancken, 1904-1905; Br. Eugen Christlieb, 1905, 1901; P. Halbing (near Bancken); P. Alojzy Majewski, 1906; P. Massmann, 1914; P. Nekes, 1906-1914; P. Päppl, 1896; P. Rieder, 1902-1914; P. Rosenhuber, 1908; P. Georg Walter, 1893; Letters from and to several confreres:- Weiskamp, Hermann, 1896-1913- Benefactors, Mission Societies, 1906-1911; In it picture postcards:to Bauhus:- View of Bonaberl from Balldorf, 1911- View of Hickory from Akwa, 1911- Duala, Port Authority, 1911- Duala, Government Hospitalan family and friends:- Interior of the St. Peter and Paulskirche in Duala (Cameroon), 1905 to confreres, Massmann:- Buildings of the Catholic mission of the Pallottines in Yaoundé (Cameroon), 1914 to confreres, Nekes:- Abbaasspiel, verbotenes Glücksspiel der Neger, for photographic purposes, depicted by Catholic Christians of the Pallottine mission in Yaunde (Cameroon), 1914- Orphans of the Catholic Church. Mission of the Pallottines to Yaoundé (Cameroon), 1914 to confreres, several:- Bellstadt (Cameroon), 1904- Koblenz, Herz-Jesu-Kirche, St. Castor-Kirche- Ravensburg, St. Jodocuskirche

A.11-286 · File · 1892 - 1914
Part of Central Archive of the Pallottine Province

In it picture postcards:- Kahnpartie auf dem Kribifluss, 1907- Jasuku, secondary school of Marienberg, buildings and pupils, inhabitants and Pallottine Father, 1907- vegetable garden in Duala, 1909 June 30 - Catholic choral society in Duala (Cameroon), 1909 Aug. 10 missionaries with their pupils in Engelberg (Cameroon), 1909 Oct. 22- Cameroon chief with his ministers, 1909 Oct. 27- Der hochw. Herr Apostol. Vicar D. Heinrich Vieter with his missionaries in Jaunde (Cameroon), 1913

A.11-313 · File · 1893 - 1915
Part of Central Archive of the Pallottine Province

Contains:- Letters from natives: Tred Mukuri, T. Walter Meso, Peter Ntouga, Andreas Mbange, Franz Mukuri, Martin Ekwembu, Audt Toko assistant teacher in Duala, 1893-1908;- Brother Wilhelm Borchert, 1893-1895;Including a letter from Brother Jost Imhof and a letter to Fr. Georg Walter;- Br. Engelbert Britz, 1904;- Br. Michael Busan, 1912- Br. Josef Fischli, 1895- Br. Karl Hirlmeier, 1897- Br. Bernhard Hoffmann, 1894-1895- Br. Josef Höver, 1895- Br. Johann Jäger, 1910- Br. Franz Käsling, 1911- Br. Albert Labonte, 1915- Br. Konstantin Kwiatkowski, 1903- Br. Jakob Meurer, 1902, 1907- Br. Hermann Raible, 1912- Br. Johann Schäfer, 1893-1894- Br. Alfons Schilitz, 1894- Br. Josef Stadlin, 1912- Br. Peter Staudt, 1901-1903- Br. Gregor Stenzel, 1903- Br. Wilhelm Stroer, 1898- Br. Heinrich Tenhof, 1905-1908;- Br. Johann Tenhof, 1907- Br. David Wilte, 1903- Br. Bernhard Wöhrmann, 1905

A.11-308, 309 · File · 1894 – 1915
Part of Central Archive of the Pallottine Province

Enthält:- P. Sebastian Bachmair, an P. Georg Walter, 1894- P. Friedrich Bancken, 1895, 1901-1906- P. Peter Breitner, 1893-1894- P. Josef Brey, 1912- P. Franz Gippert, 1904, 1908- P. Max Haarpaintner, 1906, 1908- P. August Halbing, 1900-1909- P. Karl Hoegn, 1903-1912- Br. Jost Imhof, auch an P. Georg Walter, 1892-1894- P. Albert Kersting, 1900-1901, 1901-1903- P. Max Kinsele, 1894-1895- P. Franz König, 1896, 1902-1903- P. V. Kopf, 1903- P. Johann Lettenbauer, 1908- P. Alojzy Majewski, 1903-1904- P. Jakob Mayer, 1895- P. Ludwig Mackert, 1903-1909- P. Ludwig Mackert an Prov. Kolb, 1911-1912- P. Josef Müller, 1896-1898- P. F. Münch, 1899-1903- P. Hermann Nekes, 1901-1903- P. Ludwig Otto, 1896-1900- P. Max Rieder, 1900-1906- P. Simon Rosenhuber, 1904, 1907, 1910- P. Michael Schöller an Bf. Founder, 1899- P. Gustav Schwab, 1898-1908- P. Hermann Skolaster, 1909- P. Heinrich Voß, 1912, 1915- P. Fritz Walter, auch an August Halbing und Signals Bruder Georg Walter, 1893-1895- P. Georg Walter, 1892-1898- P. Franz Xaver Zeus, 1907-1912

A.11-310, 311 · File · 1892 – 1932
Part of Central Archive of the Pallottine Province

Enthält Nr. 310: Teil 1 - Allgemeines,Dabei:- Geschichte der Pallottinerinnen in Kamerun, dashed with an ungenerated Schwester im Auftrag von Kugelmann, masch. 17 Seiten- Liste der Pallottinerinnen in Kamerun Briefe von:- Sr. Agatha, 1896 - No. Agnes, 1900 - Sr. Aloysia, 1896-1899- Sr. Angela, 1896-1900- Sr. Aquina, 1927 - No. Augustina, 1906 - No. Bonifacia, 1907-1909- No. Cäcilia, 1907-1912- Sr. Felicitas, 1896-1909- No. Fidelis, 1892-1895- Sr. Franziska, 1905- Fr. Gertrud, 1896-1908; No. 311: Teil 2 - Sr. Jakoba, 1899-1907- Sr. Johanna, 1899-1904- Sr. Katharina, 1896-1911- Sr. Katharina, 1930-1932- Sr. Klara, 1898-1908- Sr. Magdalene, 1909 - Sr. Margaretha, 1894- Sr. Marianne, 1897-1908- Sr. Martha, 1907-1913- Sr. Monika (Umfangreich), 1894-1904- Sr. Pankratia, 1903-1906- Sr. Paula, 1901- Fr. Petra, 1894-1904- Sr. M. Rafaella, 1922 - Sr. Rosa, 1898 - No. Stephana, 1901-1906- Sr. Vincenzia, 1898 - No. Willibalda, 1906-1909- Sr. Therese Busch, 1896, 1908- No. M. Cauer, 1903 - Sr. Marie Schreiber, 1892

A.11-430 · File · 1921 - 1958
Part of Central Archive of the Pallottine Province

Contains: - General Correspondence, 1921-1942- Statistics, 1922-1953 - Newspaper Reports 1927-1934, 1958 Taken from the newspaper collection "L'effort camerounai" of 31.08. 1958- Letters by Fr. Anton Stoll, Spiritaner in Cameroon, 1921-1933- Letters by Mgr. Vogt and other Spiritans from Cameroon 1922-1933, 1922-1935- Letter by Fr. A. Schmid to P. Voss with photo series about Cameroon including explanations of pictures, 1935- Efforts to return to Cameroon 1915-1924 - References Taken: - Two photos about the activity of the Spiritans in Akono (Cameroon), to letter from P. Stoll of 27 October 1933, taken from U.1-13381Consecration of a Lourdes cave2. Foundation walls of a church in Akono- A photo of the main building of the Small Seminary in Akono, 1933, taken from U.1-1339 - Twenty photos of P. A. Schmid from Cameroon, taken from U.1-1340

Relationships with Brothers
D.1-12 · File · 1914 - 1919
Part of Central Archive of the Pallottine Province

Includes:1. correspondence with Fr. Karl Hoegn, 19192. correspondence with Fr. Ludwig Mekes, 19153. correspondence with Fr. Ronuald Laqua, (1915)4. Correspondence with Brother Peter Staudt, 1918-19195 Correspondence with Fr. Franz Xaver Zeus and Fr. Ernst Ruf (extensive), 1916-1919; Including:- Letter from Fr. Ernst Ruf to Fr. Karl Hoegn, 1915- Letters and experience report from Fr. Simon Rosenhuber, 1914-1916- List of the whereabouts of the confreres and excerpts from letters of some confreres, 1916

Station Duala
A.11-321 · File · 1905 – 1915
Part of Central Archive of the Pallottine Province

Contains:- Letters from Duala, 1905-1912- copies of official documents on the stay under hostile government, 1 - 9 Oct. 1914- Compensation request, 1914-1915; In it:- postcard of the station Kribi (in: Letters, 1907)
