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Archival description
Diehl, Philipp (1837-1920)
RMG 1.606 a-c · File · 1868-1918
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1868-1920 in Okahandja, Usakos; Reports & Letters, 1868-1918; Notes about the first baptism on Okahandja, Jan. 1873; Short history of: Jonker Afrikaner, as he met Damras, March 1873; station reports by Okahandja, 1888-1893; letters to and from missionary Peter Heinrich Brincker, 1888 1890; copy of correspondence with commissioner Nels u. Maharero Tjamuaha, 1890; Report of the Evangelist Elia Kandirikirira, 1891; Presentation: "Is it appropriate that Christians won by evangelists gather in parishes or return to their relatives", 6 pages, hs., 1891; Friedrich Wilhelm Gottlieb Viehe: Opinion on Herero land sales, 1887; Report on the increase in Herero's impoverishment through robbery, request for ideas from the German government, 1902; Reports on the Herero Uprising, 1904; Contract on the sale of land in Windhoek to the German tax authorities, 1904; Loss of property of the Mission and others, 1904; Contract for the purchase of the so-called "Borchard House" in Otjimbingue to Philipp Diehl, 1908; deed of donation of 5,000 marks from Philipp Diehl to Mission, 1912; congratulatory letter and laudatory speech for Philipp Diehl on his 50th ordination anniversary, 1918

Rhenish Missionary Society
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Q 1/2 Bü 18 · File · ? - 1918-01-01
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains: - Three letters from Max M. and Fritz Warburg, concerning the formulation of principles for the League of Nations, the Reich government's public relations work, a possible armistice, the list of proposals for the Peace Council and various persons, Sept. - Dec.Dec. 1918 - Two letters from lawyer and district judge Meisner, concerning the appointment of Prince Max von Baden as Reich Chancellor and the prospects of a favorable peace, together with a letter from former Reichsgerichtsrat H. Dietz, concerning the policies of Reich Chancellors Bethmann-Hollweg, Max von Baden and the State Secretary for the Colonies, Dr. Solf, Oct. 1918 - copy of a letter from Wilhelm Cohnstaedt of the "Frankfurter Zeitung" to the Deputy Reich Chancellor, Friedrich von Payer, re. the impairment of the prospect of an armistice if it is offered in the name of the Kaiser, with accompanying letter to Haußmann, Oct. 8, 1918 - Letter from Otto Schwarz, regarding the assessment of Turkey, Oct. 9, 1918 - Letter of thanks from Friedrich Haux, MdL, for Haußmann's participation on the occasion of Haux's private misfortunes, Oct. 9, 1918 Okt. 1918 - Request from the news department of the Foreign Office, concerning a speech by Haußmann, with stenographic notes, Oct. 9, 1918 - Anonymous letter, concerning the alleged general corruption in Germany, with two newspaper articles on this subject, undated - Masch. Letter from Georg Gothein, MdR, regarding the future political organization of Poland and the role of the Jews, as well as Gothein's newspaper article "Break with militarism", Oct. 1918 - Letter from Dernburg, regarding the participation of America experts in the negotiations with the USA, Oct. 16, 1918 - Four letters and a postcard from Robert Bosch, regarding Bosch's business principles and management style, the possibility of a national uprising and a social revolution, an armistice, Ludendorff, Hindenburg and Prussia, Oct. 1918 - Letter from Clara Zetkin requesting support for her request for her son to be recalled from the front, Oct. 18, 1918 - Letter from G. Stoskopf, regarding the autonomy of Alsace, Oct. 19, 1918 - Letter from Judicial Councillor D. Stoskopf, regarding the autonomy of Alsace, Oct. 19, 1918 1918 - Letter from Councillor of Justice D.F. Waldstein asking whether Haußmann, as a representative of the Progress Party, wishes to accept the declaration of consent to the League of Nations, which Waldstein is asked to do in the enclosed letter from the People's League for Freedom and Fatherland, Oct. 1918 - Letter from Gottlob Eppler on his business card, who sends a letter from his son with a picture of the mood at the front, together with a letter of congratulations from the Ebingen People's Association on Haußmann's appointment as Reich State Secretary, Oct. 15 and 20, 1918 - Two letters from different authors, concerning the necessity, possibility and preconditions of a last great effort, Oct. 1918 - Letter from Hartwig Schubart, retired Royal Prussian Captain, in which he asks for support for the enclosed copy of a masch. The purpose of the letter is to lift the confiscation of Hartwig's book "Deutsche Schuld am Kriege" ("German guilt in the war"), Oct. 22, 1918 - Telegram from Major Walter Bloem requesting a meeting on an "urgent patriotic matter", Oct. 22, 1918 - Two letters from the Reichskanzler (German Chancellor), Oct. 22, 1918 Oct. 22, 1918 - Two letters from the student councilor Humbert, concerning the annexation of German-Austria and the introduction of electoral emperorship, Oct. 23 and 28, 1918 - Letter from Behrens from the management of the Disconto-Gesellschaft in Berlin, concerning the enclosed excerpt from a letter from the police chief of the Berlin police station. Excerpt from a letter from Police President Gerstein, in which he comments on his possible use within the new Reich government, Oct. 1918 - Letter from Björn Björnson, who recommends ending the war and settling the Schleswig issue with Denmark, Oct. 25, 1918 - Letter from Dr. Emil Leimdörfer, concerning a possible abdication of the Kaiser and his son, Oct. 27, 1918 - Letter from Walther Schücking, concerning the journalistic activities of Schücking and several colleagues on behalf of the government, Oct. 29, 1918 - Letter of thanks from former Reich Chancellor Bethmann Hollweg for Haußmann's comments in the "Berliner Tageblatt", Oct. 29, 1918 - Letter from Franz Schieting, concerning the lack of foreign representation of German interests, with stenographic notes, Oct. 30, 1918 - Seven letters from various authors, concerning the bringing about of an armistice and peace, Oct.Nov. 1918 - Twelve letters or postcards whose authors request employment or use or ask Haußmann to become involved in an individual matter on their behalf, Oct.-Nov. 1918 - Five congratulatory letters or cards and telegrams on Haußmann's appointment as Reich State Secretary or with praise for his person and work, Oct.Nov. 1918 - Letter from lawyer Dr. Rheinstrom, regarding the demand for the abdication of the Kaiser, Nov. 2, 1918 - Masch. political and business exposé for a new Berlin newspaper which is to be "based on the radical aspirations within the majority government", with accompanying letter from the author Rauscher, Nov. 9. 1918 - Telegram from the editor Wallishauser, who, as a member of the local parliament, requests instructions for his conduct in the constituent National Assembly, Nov. 9, 1918 - Two letters from various authors demanding the abdication of the Kaiser, Nov. 1918 Also contains: - Anonymous second part of the article "Letters from a German Jew abroad", undated (printed) - Masch. Memorandum "Creation of a Peace Council", masch. List of members of the Peace Council as well as typed and handwritten notes concerning the military and economic program of the new Reich government by Fritz Warburg, Oct. 1918 - M, Oct. 18 and 19, 1918 - Handwritten note by Haußmann concerning the possibility of an armistice, Oct. 1918 - Masch. Draft of a program of the Imperial Government by Baron Walter von Herman-Wain, Nov. 7, 1918 - Letter from Guido Leser, concerning a union of Württemberg and Baden, April 25, 1919

Haußmann, Conrad
RMG 1.628 a-b · File · 1890-1956
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1891-1900 in Okombahe; Letters, station and annual reports, statistics, 1890-1901; Report on Okombahe by Daniel Cloete, 1891; copy e. letter by Chief Manasse Tjeseta, 1894; contract (copy) of the German government with Captain Cornelius, 1894; letter of the voluntary evangelist Julius Kaitjenonjungu, 1897; sketch of the map. Station Okombahe, 1898; Correspondence Wilhelm Schaar with Friedrich Wilhelm Gottlieb Viehe, 1900; Correspondence with Mrs. Martha Schaar, née Sapel, report on the death of Wilhelm Schaar, 1901; private letters to Inspector Johannes Wilhelm Karl Spiecker, 1890-1898; obituary for Mrs. Martha Schaar, 1942; correspondence with the Schaar family, 1919-1956;

Rhenish Missionary Society
Station Duala
A.11-321 · File · 1905 – 1915
Part of Central Archive of the Pallottine Province

Contains:- Letters from Duala, 1905-1912- copies of official documents on the stay under hostile government, 1 - 9 Oct. 1914- Compensation request, 1914-1915; In it:- postcard of the station Kribi (in: Letters, 1907)

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, VI. HA, Nl Waldersee, A. v. · Fonds
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Alfred Graf von Waldersee was born in Potsdam on April 8, 1832, the son of the general of the cavalry Franz von Waldersee. The Waldersees, which originated from an originally Anhalt noble family and later settled in the Mark Brandenburg, served the Prussian state primarily as officers and can therefore be counted among the Prussian military nobility. After his education in his parents' house and in the cadet corps, Waldersee left the latter in 1850 as an officer in the guards artillery and was an adjutant of the 1st artillery inspection in 1858 bus in 1859 and was transferred to the general staff and promoted to major in 1866 by Captain, Prince Charles of Prussia's adjutant in 1865. Waldersee took part in the campaign in Bohemia in the large headquarters, came to the general command of the 10th army corps in Hanover after peace, became military attaché in Paris and aide to the wing in 1870, joined the mobilization as the large headquarters, became chief of the general staff of the army department of the Grand Duke of Mecklenburg-Schwerin in 1871 and was chief of staff of the governor of Paris, while German troops stood in Paris, then from June to September business bearer of the German government in the French Republic. Waldersee then retired into practical service as colonel and commander of the 13th Uhlan Regiment, became chief of the general staff of the 10th army corps in 1873, major general and general à la suite in 1880. In 1882 he became Quartermaster General and representative of the Chief of the General Staff of the Army, in the same year Lieutenant General, soon afterwards Adjutant General of the Emperor. Promoted General of the Cavalry under Emperor Friedrich in 1888, Waldersee was soon appointed Chief of Staff of the Army as successor of Muldke after the accession to the throne of Emperor Wilhelm II and was also appointed to the manor house and to the Council of State. In 1891 he was appointed commander general of the 9th army corps, in September 1895 general colonel of the cavalry. In April 1898 he was relieved of his commanding general position and appointed Inspector General of the 3rd Army Inspectorate. In May 1901 he was promoted to General Field Marshal. By agreement between the allied powers he was given the supreme command during the Chinese Boxer Uprising in the province of Pechili, which he held from September 27, 1900 to June 4, 1901. After his return to Germany he took over the 3rd army inspection again. Since 1874 Count Waldersee was married to an American, the widow of Prince Noer, Marie Esther Lee. Waldersee died in Hanover on 5 March 1904. The Waldersee estate was transferred to the Prussian Secret State Archives in 1935. The estate was published by H. O. Meisner in "Memories of Field Marshal Alfred Grafen v. Waldersee", 3 vol., Stuttgart - Berlin 1922/23 H. O. Meisner "From the correspondence of the General Field Marshal Alfred Grafen v. Waldersee", vol. 1 1886 - 1897, Stuttgart - Berlin 1928 H. O. Meisner "Briefwechsel zwischen dem Chef des Generalstabes Grafen v. Waldersee und dem Militärattaché in Petersburg Graf York v. Wartenburg", 1885 - 1897, in: Hist. Polit. Archive 1930 Vol. I, p. 133 - 192 Fornaschon, Wolfgang "Die politischen Anschauungen des Grafen Alfred v. Waldersee und seine Stellungnahme zur deutschen Politik", Berlin 1935, Hist. Stud. 273 During the reorganization of the estate, attempts were made to bring related pieces, such as diaries and the private files of Waldersee, which had been torn apart by the processing, back into their original context. In cases where a large number of exhibitors were present, the letters were sorted alphabetically. Individual, already existing folders were only sorted chronologically. The letters were also included individually. This detailed list can be found in Appendix 1 of the repertory. For all other letters, a chronological order has been established and an alphabetical register has been created (Annex 2) to make it easier to find individual persons. The large number of newspaper clippings was also sorted chronologically and placed in individual folders. The relevant register (Appendix 3) contains all the available newspapers, listed separately for German and foreign newspapers. No exact signature is given, only the year has been included. The signatures are completely new. Each number is foil-wrapped, the number of sheets is on the inside cover. Additions to Waldersee's diaries contain the number of pages, marked with the letters a ff. The notes and markings with pencil and crayon originate from earlier adaptations, as well as the cutting up of individual pages. For practical reasons, the subsequent separation of individual numbers into several volumes was made during the bookbinding treatment of the estate. Description: Biographical Data: 1832 - 1904 Resources: Database; Reference book, 1 vol.

Waldersee, Alfred von
RMG 2.155 · File · 1895-1946
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Curriculum Vitae and Testimonies, 1895; Health Certificate, also from Bride Maria Neuhaus, 1903 and 1906; Letters and Reports from New Guinea, 1903-1908; Report by E. Kriele on Weber's Conflict with the Government, 1909; Weber's Description of the Case, 1909; Correspondence with the Princely Waldeck Consistory for Weber's Assumption to Church Services, 1911; Employment Certificate, 1911; Correspondence with Maria Weber for Granting Entertainment, 1936-1946

Rhenish Missionary Society