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doctoral studies
Universitätsarchiv Freiburg, B0001 / 3741 · File · 1934-1944
Part of University Archive Freiburg (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Promotionsordnungen, Gebühren; Rechtsgutachten über Prüfungsungsgebühren (Fritz Marschall von Bieberstein, van Calker), 1934; Edict of the Minister of Culture on Examination Content (Weltanschauung und Politik) in Exams with Minor in Philosophy, 1934; Supplement to the Promotionsordnung der Rechts- und Staatswissenschaftlichen Fakultät (Entzug des Doktorgrades), [1934]; Inquiry of the Reich Ministry on philosophy as a compulsory examination subject for doctoral examinations and answers of the faculties, 1935; Inquiry of the Mannheim Local Court on the management of the Faculty of Medicine, 1935; Study and Examination Regulations of the Medical Faculty, 1932; Decree on the forwarding of doctoral and diploma theses to the Reich Planning Office; Decree of the Reich Minister for Science, Education and People's Education of 4 January 1935; Decree of the Reich Minister for Science, Education and People's Education of 4 December 1935.9.1939 with regard to doctorates; keeping of a title and Dr. des.; report on the income of the University Library 1929/30-1934/35, 1935; examination authority of non-Aryan university teachers, 1935; enactment by the Reich Minister with regard to doctoral and habilitation overview of doctoral fees 1932-1934; acceptance of Jewish doctoral students, 1935; publication of dissertations on Volkstums- und grenzdeutschen bzw. Auslandsdeutschen Grenztumsfragen, 1936; Nostrifikation von ausländischen Doktortiteleln, 1936; Prohibition on awarding doctoral theses requiring travel abroad, 1936; Wearing of external (ab)signs of the doctoral candidates (ring and birett); Renewal of diplomas for the golden doctoral anniversary; Writing of dissertations in languages other than German; ProFakultät, 1939; Principles to be taken into account in the revision of the doctoral regulations, [1939]; Facilitation of the doctoral examinations for physicians, 1939; Use of colonial terminology in relation to the Eastern expansion in dissertations, 1940; Inquiry of the Gestapo Bielefeld regarding possible Freiburg doctors, 1940; Promotionsordnung der Wirtschaftswissenschaften, 1938; submission of doctoral certificates, 1941; circular of the party official examination commission for the protection of Nazi writings; dissertations of ideological or political content, 1941; facilitations for participants in war when passing the doctoral examination, 1942; Dissertations on historical-political topics, folklore, border and foreign German questions or foreign German questions published in 1943; Academic degrees of expatriates revoked in 1943; Doctorates approved by the French military government in 1945; Individual cases which require a doctorate in return for renunciation of licensure or licensure; Dissertations on the following topics published in 1943 due to non-compliance Martin Jacobi (03.02.1909), Raphael Landau (02.05.1907 - Feb. 1969), Hans Mansfeld (14.05.1911-28.02.2002), Marianne Boiselle (11.01.1909-07.07.1992); special cases (e.g. rejected promotions): Anton Bauer, Beate Behrend, Bohnstedt, Erich Brenneisen, Josef Decking, Felix Dreyer, Otto Feger, Kletus Fischer, Ernst Fleischhauer, Hermann Freudenberg, Dominik Garantsch, Hildegard Griebel, Albert Griesbach, Haarmann, Liselotte Hesse, Highby; Ferdi Himpele, Hermann Hoberg, Paul Hundeck, Ulrich Janssen, Carl KesKraus, Hans Kronheim, Heinrich Kunath, Bernhard Lantzsch, Erwin Leser, Luckner, Mack, Johannes Majic (09.01.1914), Mellon, Ernst Nitschke, Otto Nuss, Ludwig Obermann, Hugo Ohntrup, Hans Pfitzner, Puttfarken, Rudolf Rasch, Emil Reisser, William Robertson, Schahien, Elisabeth Schmid, Heinrich Schmidt, Joseph Schneiders, Hermann Schnell, H. Schwarz, Heinrich Seeling (06.09.1906), Willi Seidel, Indra Sen, John Redford Shatteicher; August Wilhelm Sohn, Thomas Sommer, Sorkin, Karl Thimm (*03.08.1909), VermehrenWassner, Ilse Zimmermann, Darin: Ludwig Aschoff, Zur neue Studien- und Prüfungsordnung der Mediziner, Sonderdruck aus: Praemedicus 11; expert opinion by Bauch on the dissertation "Die Raumdarstellung in der englischen Landschaftsmalerei" by Thomas Sommer, 1939;