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Landeskirchliches Archiv Stuttgart, D 104, Nr. 33 · Akt(e) · 1901-1942
Teil von Regional Church Archive Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)
  • Also contains:<br />- 'The chronological order of my travel and speaking activities in the home service of the Basel Mission since my return from captivity as a prisoner of war from Cameroon or England, 6 January 1915' (Heinrich Stahl)n* 1901-1942, Landeskirchliches Archiv Stuttgart

1 On the biography of Princess Alexandra zu Hohenlohe-Langenburg: Princess Alexandra Luise Olga Viktoria zu Hohenlohe-Langenburg was born on 1 September 1878 as the fourth child of Duchess Marie (daughter of Tsar Alexander II of Russia) and Duke Alfred (son of Queen Victoria of Great Britain) of Edinburgh in Coburg. She spent most of her childhood and youth in England and Malta, where her father was stationed from 1886 to 1889 as commander of the British Navy, and in the Duchy of Saxony-Coburg-Gotha, which Alfred ruled from 1893 onwards. Alexandra met her cousin of the 3rd degree and later husband, Hereditary Prince Ernst II of Hohenlohe-Langenburg (1863-1950) at an early age on the occasion of his many journeys to England. At the age of 15, she caught his eye especially, and after a fierce advertising campaign with her mother Marie, Ernst received permission to become engaged in 1895. In 1896 the wedding finally took place in Coburg. Alexandra moved with her husband to Langenburg, where he began to prepare for his role as heir to the family estate. Soon the first son Gottfried was born, followed by Marie Melita, Alexandra and Irma and Alfred, who died shortly after his birth. But the plans of the young family changed when in 1899 and 1900 Alexandra's brother Alfred and her father died shortly after each other. Ernst took over the regency in the duchy Saxony-Coburg-Gotha for the still minor heir to the throne Duke Eduard von Albany, so that the new centre of life lay for some years in the Thuringian residences. even after the end of the regency 1905 the hereditary princess stayed with her children except in Langenburg from time to time in Coburg at the court of her mother, while Ernst was often absent because of his political ambitions. Alexandra also undertook numerous journeys, above all to southern France, where her mother owned a country estate near Nice, as well as to Romania, to her sister Queen Mary and to Switzerland. In 1913 at the latest, when Ernst II inherited his father as prince, Langenburg Castle finally became the main residence of the family. Nevertheless, during the First World War, the new prince was again absent for a longer period of time. Due to his leading functions in voluntary nursing, he spent most of his time on the Eastern Front. Alexandra took advantage of this time by also being involved in war care and from 1914 to (at least) 1917 she worked as an assistant nurse in the war hospital in Coburg herself.After the war and the political upheavals in Germany, Ernst withdrew largely into private life, so that his wife was now also able to fully fulfil her role as Princess on the Langburg estates, only interrupted by occasional journeys. Princess Alexandra died on 16 April 1942 in the Deaconess Hospital in Schwäbisch Hall and was buried in Langenburg. 2 On the estate and its treatment: The estate of Princess Alexandra consists mainly of correspondence and contains only very few 'fact files', which largely corresponds to her rather withdrawn role at the side of her husband, who is much more active publicly and organizationally. The documents were probably handed over to the Hohenlohe Central Archives in the 1960s and 70s and roughly sorted there. In the process, it was possible to fall back on Alexandra's own disciplinary measures, which enclosed old envelopes with inscriptions in the sense of a file title with part of the written material. The current distortion was also based on these original file titles, but the depth of development went far beyond this. Hardly any transformations had to be carried out, and only a slight mixing with files of other provenance was found, so that few documents were to be removed. However, numerous fascicles were added to the collection, which were found during the processing of other langenburg estates - in particular those of the husband Ernst II and the daughters Alexandra and Irma - and La 143 Nachlass Fürstin Alexandra, which was arranged and recorded in December 2004 by archivist Thomas Kreutzer as part of a project sponsored by the Kulturstiftung Baden-Württemberg. It comprises 2.4 linear metres. Files and volumes in 107 units with a running time of [ca. 1880]-1942.Neuenstein, in April 2005Thomas Kreutzer 3. further materials:: La 102 Fürstliche HofverwaltungLa 95 Domänenkanzlei LangenburgLa 142 Nachlass Fürst Ernst II. 4. Note: This online finding aid lacks some title records of archival records from the 20th century which are not yet fully accessible. In the Hohenlohe Central Archives there is a complete finding aid book, which also contains the not yet freely accessible archive units.Neuenstein, September 2005Dr. Schiffer

Imperial Protection Forces (Existing)
BArch, RW 51 · Bestand · 1891-1918
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventor: After the German Reich had abandoned an active colonial policy in the first years of its existence due to foreign policy considerations, this changed in 1884. The colonies Deutsch-Südwestafrika, Togo, Cameroon, Deutsch-Neuguinea, Deutsch-Ostafrika and Samoa, formally referred to as "protectorates", emerged. The governorates of these protectorates established in the following period were first under the control of the Colonial Department in the A u s w ä r t i g e s A m t and finally of the resulting R e i c h s k o l o n i a l a m t . The Kiautschou leasehold in China, acquired in 1898, was subject to the R e i c h s m a r i n e a m t . From the very beginning it was necessary to be able to assert and protect the interests of the empire in the colonies by military force. In the initial phase, this task was performed by ships and landing commands of the Imperial Navy. In the German South Sea colonies this remained so until the end. In the African colonies there was a development of their own. In 1889, a troupe of German volunteers with a contract under an active officer (Captain Curt von François) was formed in D e u t s c h - S ü d w e s t a f r i k a , which was initially only to perform police duties. In 1889, in D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a, the Reich Commissioner Captain Herrmann Wissmann set up a troop of recruited Africans to suppress the "Arab Uprising" that broke out in 1888. With the law of 22 March 1891 the "Schutztruppe für Deutsch-Ostafrika" was finally formed from volunteers of the army and navy as well as recruited volunteers, followed by the "Schutztruppe für Deutsch-Südwestafrika" and the "Schutztruppe für Kamerun" with the law of 9 June 1895. A protection force for Togo was planned at times, but was not formed, just as there were no protection forces for German New Guinea or Samoa. Only police troops were formed there. In the respective protectorates the governor held the highest military power, the commander of the protection troop was subordinated to him. The protection troops were responsible for maintaining security and public order. At times the individual protection troops were exclusively occupied with the suppression of insurrections of the indigenous population. To this end, some considerable personnel reinforcements were recruited from Germany. The Schutztruppen were first led by the Reichsmarineamt. With the "Gesetz betreffend die Kaiserlichen Schutztruppen in den Afrikanischen Schutzgebieten und die Wehrpflicht daselbst" of 18 July 1896, the Schutztruppen were subordinated to the Reich Chancellor, administered by the Colonial Department in the Foreign Office. In the Colonial Department, the Department M - Military Administration (Command or High Command of the Protection Forces) was responsible. The Prussian War Ministry (Army Department) took over the organizational support. Command affairs were handled by the Director of the Colonial Department, with Division M as his military staff. With the establishment of the R e i c h s k o l o n i a l a m t by the Most High Decree of 17 May 1907, the command of the Schutztruppen was placed under its control, now as a military command staff with responsible command power. Like the Navy, the Schutztruppen were under the supreme command of the Emperor. Its members were volunteers of the army (or armies of Prussia, Bavaria, Saxony and Württemberg) and the navy, who retired from the respective army or navy for the time of their service in the Schutztruppen and then returned there again. The male German population in the protectorates was subject to compulsory military service. The conscripts in the Schutztruppen were able to meet these demands. In 1913 the Schutztruppe included the following personnel: - Command of the Schutztruppe in Berlin: 80 men - Schutztruppe für Deutsch-Ostafrika: 2758 men (266 Germans, 2492 natives) - Schutztruppe für Deutsch-Südwestafrika: 1970 Mann (German) - Schutztruppe für Kamerun: 1471 Mann (171 German, 1300 indigenous) During the Herero Uprising, the Schutztruppe für Deutsch-Südwestafrika's personnel strength in 1907 was approx. 15,000 men. The outbreak of the First World War hit the German colonies unprepared. Defensive measures against other colonial powers had never been seriously considered, the Imperial Government had assumed that in the event of a European conflict the colonies could be kept out of the fighting according to the agreements in the Congo Act of 1885, despite warning voices from the colonies themselves. On 1 August 1914, therefore, only a state of emergency was declared in the protectorates. It was not until mid-August 1914 that mobilization began in the protectorates, but the armed units there (Schutztruppen, police troops, naval units present) were ultimately without a chance compared with the opponents who were far superior in terms of numbers and materials. The following were lost, partly after fierce fighting, partly without a fight: - on 27 August 1914 Togo - on 7 September 1914 Samoa - on 17 September 1914 Deutsch-Neuguinea - on 9 July 1915 Deutsch-Südwestafrika - in February 1916 Cameroon The Kiautschou leasehold area under the control of the Navy had capitulated after heavy fighting on 7 November 1914. It was only in D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a that the Schutztruppe was able to hold its ground to the end and thus bind considerable enemy forces. Their commander, Major General Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck, only laid down his weapons on 25 November 1918 on order from Berlin. Processing note: The stock RW 51 was originally created as stock for the "imperial protection troops and other German land forces overseas" and comprised 29 units. In 2010, the documents of the East Asian Expeditionary Corps were extracted and, together with the corresponding new additions, formed the newly created holdings RW 61. Since then, the holdings of RW 51 have consisted exclusively of documents of the Imperial Protection Forces and were subsequently fundamentally revised and developed further. Some new additions were added. Description of the holdings: The collection contains the documents of the Imperial Schutztruppen for D e u t s c h - S ü d w e s t a f r i k a , D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a and Cameroon, as well as the command of the Schutztruppen, as far as they are available in the military archives. Characterization of content: The inventory contains only a few real fact files. It consists above all of a compilation of commandos of the Schutztruppe für Deutsch-Ostafrika from 1907 to 1914, as well as a file of the same commandos with reports of subordinated units and offices from 1916. In addition there are documents on organization and supply in Deutsch-Ostafrika and Deutsch-Südwestafrika and in particular some hand-drawn maps. Only two documents have survived on Cameroon. State of development: The inventory RW 51 was originally created as an inventory for the "imperial protection troops and other German land forces overseas" and comprised 29 units. In 2010, the documents of the East Asian Expeditionary Corps were extracted and, together with the corresponding new additions, formed the newly created holdings RW 61. Since then, the holdings of RW 51 have consisted exclusively of documents of the Imperial Protection Forces and were subsequently fundamentally revised and developed further. Some new additions were added. Pre-archival order: The tradition of the Schutztruppen In the Bundearchiv military archive is purely fragmentary. The Schutztruppen archive in the Heeresarchiv was destroyed during the air raid on Potsdam in April 1945. This applies to the personnel files of the Schutztruppen and to the records in the archives of the Schutztruppen in the colonies themselves. The tradition of the command of the Schutztruppen is essentially in the R 1001 R e i c h s k o l o n i a l a m t . The documents of the protection troops remaining in Africa after the First World War are now in the national archives of Tanzania (Dar es Salaam), Namibia (Windhoek) and Cameroon (Duala). In addition, the Belgian Imperial Archives in Brussels contain documents of the Rwandan Schutztruppen. Films on the documents in Windhoek and Dar es Salaam can be found in the Federal Archives in Berlin. Replacement records of the Schutztruppen and their deployments can be found above all in the documents of the Imperial Navy, which as a rule acted in a supportive capacity or, during uprisings, also issued landing commands. In addition, reference should be made to the tradition of the contingents of protection troops in the respective state archives provided by Bavaria, Saxony and Württemberg. Scope, explanation: 30 AU Citation method: BArch, RW 51/...

Contains: Correspondence of Ernst II concerning, among other things, the whereabouts of the Grand Dukes, the refusal of the German side to end the exile, Ernst II's trip to Finland, inquiries about possible bank deposits of the Grand Dukes in the German Empire, political activity of the Grand Dukes and travel requests of supporters of the Grand Dukes.

Verschiedene Briefe und anderes
Landeskirchliches Archiv Stuttgart, D 104, Nr. 51 · Akt(e) · 1893-1938
Teil von Regional Church Archive Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)
  • 1893-1938, Landeskirchliches Archiv Stuttgartn* Contains, among other things<br />- Letters from and to Heinrich Stahl (1875-1954) and Pauline Stahl<br />- 1 billion marks 'for Mother's Day from your old man'<br />- Printed passenger list of Lucie Woermann 1913<br /><br />Includes:<br />- dried coffee leaves from Lobethal<br />- feathers of probably African birds and dried leaves