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Stadtarchiv Mainz, Best. 63 · Sammlung · 1798-1814
Teil von City Archive Mainz (Archivtektonik)

In the 1990s, Heiner Stauder began to build up a collection of printed matter for the French period in accordance with the model of the Landesherrliche Verordnungssammlung (LVO) (collection of ordinances of the sovereign state of France) during the indexing of inventory 60, by leaving only one copy of printed ordinances or news items, insofar as they were present several times in the file volume, in the file. The rest have been separated. Printed matter that was found loose in the old annual bundles of the old FA 60 stock during further indexing was added to this printed matter collection (Order 63). The same procedure was used if the file context could no longer be reconstructed for large quantities of printed matter within an old FA60 bundle. In principle, printed matter was removed from the files in stocks 60-62 and integrated into stock 63 if there were several copies of the same printed matter in the file. If only 1 copy was in the file, it remained in it and - like the other printed matter - was included with a note in it. If printed matter appears in other contexts which can be assigned to this collection in terms of content and provenance, it has been and will be added to this collection.