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Letters and correspondence, 1898-1909; Personal correspondence by Dr. Philipps and a letter by Pastor von Bodelschwingh, 1911, and a newspaper clipping, 1912; family letters, 1914-1919; testimony for Pastor Rösler, 1921; letters from African Christians to Rösler "New Letters from Usambara, 1922

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa
Olpp, Johannes (1837-1920)

Estate:; contribution to the mission history of the Witbooist tribe for the archive of the Barmer Mission House, 139 p., i.e., 1897, the archive handed over by the author in 1904; some more from the unforgettable uncle Max (Huyssen), Dr., no. year; excerpts from Johannes Olpp's "Chronik d. !Kowesi-Stammes von 1780-1880", after the manuscript in the estate of Christian Wilhelm Friedrich Spellmeyer (copy), 25 p., 1890;

Rhenish Missionary Society