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Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, FA N 2522 · Akt(e) · 21. September 1906-1912
Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. General State Archive Karlsruhe (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: English colonial politics (25.3.1907 and others); criticism of the imperial administration in Alsace-Lorraine (17.6.1907); Hedwig von Gemmingen, née Scipio [wife of the district president Karl von Gemmingen-Hornberg] (26.6.1907); public attacks on Friedrich Curtius, his role in Alsace (5.7.1907) Darin: Kondolenz des Generalsekretärs des Badischen Frauenvereins, [Ernst] Müller, zum Tod der Gräfin (1912)

Contains: 1st Eduard Elben, Stuttgart: Honorary membership of the prince in the Landesverein des Evangelischen Bundes, 1894; 2nd Minister of State Sarwey, Stuttgart: Württembergische Landessynode, 1894; 3rd Minister of Culture Bosse, Berlin: Domherrenstelle für Professor Hespers in Köln, 1894; 4th Minister of Education and Cultural Affairs Bosse, Berlin: Domherrenstelle für Professor Hespers in Köln, 1894; 3rd Minister of Education and Cultural Affairs Hespers in Cologne, 1894; 4th Minister of Education and Cultural Affairs Hespers in Cologne, 1894; 4th Minister of Education and Cultural Affairs Bosse, Berlin. Princess Metternich: Letter of thanks for hunting permit for the Marquis de Soys, 1895; 5th letter to Privy Councillor Lucanus, Berlin: Reinstatement of the Police President of the Schlumberger State Committee at the Golden Wedding, 1895; 6th letter to the Berlin State Councilor, Lucanus, Berlin: Reinstatement of the Police President of the Schlumberger State Committee at the Golden Wedding, 1895; 6th letter to the Berlin State Councilor, Lucanus, Berlin: Reinstatement of the Police President of the Schlumberger State Committee at the Golden Wedding, 1895; 6th letter to the Berlin State Councilor, Berlin. Privy Councillor Lucanus, Berlin: Postponement of an Award for State Secretary von Puttkamer and Undersecretary of State Schraut, 1895; 7th Chancellor Clovis zu Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst (Abschr.): Rejection of Voting Rights for the Representatives of Alsace-Lorraine in the Federal Council, 1895; 8th Emperor Wilhelm II.Telegram for the foundation of fleet associations in Alsace-Lorraine, 1895; 9th unveiling of the Kaiser-Friedrich memorial on the battlefield of Wörth; letter of the speaker General von Mischke (with print of the speech), 1895; 10th general physician Hoffmann, Karlsruhe: sending a letter of Margrave Wilhelm von Baden to bad. General Hoffmann of 22.5.1849, 1895; 11.Ambassador Count Eulenburg, Vienna: Request for intervention for his brother, 1896; 12. Ambassador Count Münster, Paris: Passport Law, 1896; 13. Friedrich Curtius, District Director in Thann: Request for transfer with favourable letter of the Grand Duchess Louise of Baden, 1896; 14. Ambassador Count Saurma, Turkey: Communication on the visit of a priest recommended by the prince, 1896; 15th Duke Adolph von Mecklenburg: Intervention for a Frenchman, 1897; 16th letter to General von Bülow, Karlsruhe: Hunting conditions in Alsace-Lorraine, 1898; 17th Ambassador Count Münster, Paris: Passport regulations. With Concept of the Prince's Answer, 1898; 18th Visit of Prince Albert to Strasbourg, 1899; 19th Baron von Woellwarth, Hohenroden: Railway Questions, 1899; 20th Bishop Benzler, Metz: New Year's Greetings, 1901; 21st Visit of Prince Albert to Strasbourg, 1899; 21st Bishop Benzler, Metz: New Year's Greetings, 1901; 21st Bishop Benzler, Metz: New Year's Greetings, 1901; 20th Bishop Benzler, Metz: New Year's Greetings, Metz: New Year's Greetings, 1899; 20th Bishop Benzler, Metz: New Year's Greetings, Metz: New Year's Greetings, Metz. Friedrich Curtius, Strasbourg: Request to retain the salary received so far as curator of the University of Strasbourg, 1902; 22nd report of the Vossische Zeitung on the structural condition of the Strasbourg Cathedral, 1902; 23rd request of the hereditary Grand Duchess Maria Anna of Luxembourg for the admission of nuns expelled from France. With Concept of Rejection by the Prince, 1903; 24th General Colonel von Haeseler, Metz: Letter of Thanks for Congratulations on the Anniversary of Service, 1903; 25th Count Posadowsky, Berlin: Expansion of Hochkönigsburg, 1904; 26th Cosima Wagner, Bayreuth: Letter of Thanks after Returning from a Visit to Strasbourg, 1905; 27th General Colonel von Haeseler, Metz: Letter of Thanks for Congratulations on the Anniversary of Service, 1903; 25th Count Posadowsky, Berlin: Expansion of Hochkönigsburg, 1904; 26th Cosima Wagner, Bayreuth: Letter of Thanks after Returning from a Visit to Strasbourg, 1905; 27th General Colonel von Haeseler, Metz: Letter of Thanks for Congratulations on the Anniversary of Service, 1903; 25th Count Posadowsky, Berlin: Letter of Thanks for the Return from a Visit to Strasbourg, 190. Tickets of the singer Agnes Sorma, 1905-1907; 28th Count Posadowsky, Berlin: Information about the absence of the Minister of Agriculture, 1906; 29th Field Marshal von Haeseler: Construction of the Bettsdorf-Merzig railway line. With Concept of the Prince's Answer, 1906; 30. H. Hergesell, Viego Bay: Report of a Research Trip to the Arctic Ocean, 1906; 31. Postcards of members of the Schutztruppe from Southwest Africa, 1906; 32. Minister of State (ret.) von Soden, Vorra: Promotion of the district director Karl von Gemmingen in Strasbourg, 1906; 33rd General von Arnim, Governor of Metz: Nobilitierung ds Moritz Grunelin in Kolbsheim, 1907; 34th congratulatory telegram to Kaiser Wilhelm II on various occasions, 1898-1905.

BArch, N 1042/155 · Akt(e) · 1922-1951
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Adenauer, Konrad, opening of the International Press Exhibition in Cologne, 1928 Andreae, Edith, 1927 Blücher, Franz, 1946 Boden, envoy, 1927 Bracht, importance of self-administration, 1927 Butler, professor, 1927 Curtius, 1927, 1931 Coudenhove-Kalergi, 1929 Dehler, Thomas, 1947 Dernburg, demand for a union of the liberal parties, 1930 Dietrich, Hermann, Reich Finance Minister, cancellation, to support the appointment of Külz as President of the Reichsfinanzhof, 1931 Eckener, Hugo, 1929 Euler, Martin, 1946 Falz-Fein, Woldemar von, 1931 Glaser, Louis, 1946 Groener, Wilhelm, 1932 Haslinde, 1922 Hedin, Sven (with photograph), 1935 Heuss-Knapp, Elly, 1951 Heye, Wilhelm, Chief of Staff, 1927, 1928 Hilferding, Rudolf, 1927 Hindenburg, Paul von, 1931, 1932 Hummel, Hermann, 1930 Junkers, Hugo, 1931 Kaiser, Jakob, 1946 Kastner, H., 1923 Koenig, General, 1947 Köpke, 1932 Korodis, Lutz, 1942 Külz, Erna, Foreword to the Memoirs of Külz, o. Dat. Liebler, Ralph, 1947 Löbe, Paul, 1932 Marx, Wilhelm, Request for Investigation of the Allegations against Secretary of State a. D. Kempner, 1927 Meissen, Markgraf von, 1944 Meissner, Otto State Secretary in the Reich Chancellery, 1929, 1932 Mossner, Karl, 1946 Müller, Hermann, negotiations on the formation of a government in spring 1929 Naumann, D., 1929 Olbricht, Friedrich, General, 1939 Petersen, Carl, 1931 Pieck, Wilhelm, 1948 Planck, Erwin, 1932 Poeschel, 1932 Pünder, Hermann, establishment of the Federation of Tourist Associations in the British Zone, 1931, 1946 Reuter, Fritz, 1949 Rohrbach, Kurt, 1944 Rotary Klub/Dresden, 1932 Schacht, Hjalmar, Colonial Question, 1927, 1929 Schaumburg-Lippe, Steffan zu, (1931) Schmitt-Ott, 1927 Schober, Police Commissioner of Vienna, 1927 Schönaich, Frhr. von, President of the German Peace Society, 1946 Severing, Carl, 1928 Simons, President of the Reichsgericht, 1927-1929 Evangelischer-Sozialer Kongress Dresden, 1927 Rationalisierung der Gesetzgebung, 1928 Snowden, Lord, British Chancellor of the Exchequer, 1929 Suhr, Otto, 1948 Sydow, Anna von, 1946 Stieve, Dt. Minister in Riga, 1929 Stresemann, Gustav von, 1928 Stülpnagel von, 1932 Westarp, Count von, 1939 Zweigert, State Secretary at the Ministry of the Interior, 1929

Külz, Wilhelm