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NL 249/1/D/745 · Akt(e) · 1889-06-07
Teil von Leipzig University Library

Sends a correction note to the work of his son 'Dove, Karl: Das Klima des aussertropischen Suedafrika mit Ber Berücksichtigung der geographischen und wirtschaftlichen Beziehungen' published in No. 22, 1889 of the Literarischen Centralblatt and asks for it to be printed in the Literarische Centralblatt. The work is only partly a dissertation; and in its extended form an important scientific book. I haven't found the desired sales in Germany yet, despite benevolent reviews by Hann, Partock, Günther, etc.. In this context, the practice at German libraries of only acquiring books by already renowned scientists complains about, whereas young up-and-coming authors are not supported.