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Kreisarchiv des Märkischen Kreises, 91 · Akt(e) · 1939 - 1942
Teil von District Archive of the Märkisches Kreis (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Enth.u.a.: Donated to the Germanisches Nationalmuseum Nürnberg, 1939; loaned to the Landesmuseum der Provinz Westfalen; relations with Richard Hueck; expert reports by Dr. Quincke; 60th birthday of Professor Hamann; general meeting of founders of the Prussian Research Institute for Art History; auctions of antiquarian books Mathias Lempertz; letterhead August Jesper Niedermarsberg, 1940; postcard "Bad Aachen. Dom und Katschhof"; legacy painter Kätelhön; contact to Prince zu Bentheim-Tecklenburg, 1941; report on the activities of the Prussian Research Institute for Art History in Marburg 1940; letter from the State Research Centre for Colonial Economics in Bremen concerning Carl Peters' estate, 1942; postcard "Paderborn - Fachwerkbau am Abdinghofe".

Documents concerning Carl and Thea Peters
Kreisarchiv des Märkischen Kreises, 48 · Akt(e) · 1908, 1914, 1934 - 1943
Teil von District Archive of the Märkisches Kreis (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Article about the engagement of Thea Herbers to Carl Peters, 1908; similar article about the rehabilitation of Carl Peters, 1934; telegram about the admission of Thea Peters to the clinic, 1943; private photos and studio shots of Carl Peters, among them depiction with necklace and pin "Order of the Shining Star" (Sultanate of Zanzibar)

Historical Archive Krupp

Neben Schriftwechseln zwischen der Familie Krupp und Afrikaforschern bzw. in der Kolonialpolitik aktiven Personen (z.B. Carl Peters, Gustav Nachtigal) liegen u.a. Unterlagen und Fotografien zur Deutschen Kolonialgesellschaft, zum Deutschen Kolonialverein und zur Deutschen Kolonial-Eisenbahn-Bau-und Betriebsgesellschaft vor.

Letter copy book by J. Graf von Pfeil: Vol. 2
BArch, N 2225/168 · Akt(e) · Jan. 1887 - Jan. 1893, Jan. 1907
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Copies of letters and reports Pfeils from East Africa, New Guinea, South Africa and Berlin to expedition members (e.g. Carl Peters), to members of settlements and other societies, to relatives and acquaintances

Pfeil, Joachim Graf von
Letters to Hugo Jacobi from Herbert von Bismarck
BArch, N 1558/5 · Akt(e) · 1877-1898
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Berlin residence of Prince von Bismarck, 1877 - 1879 position of Karl Peters and Caprisi, 1892 - 1893 judgments on Caprisi and Arnim, 1894 death of Prince von Bismarck, 1877 - 1898 Reichstag speeches by Herbert von Bismarck and Rosenberg, 1895

Schorn, Family (Existing)

Letters to Peter Schorn (1833-1913), director of the Kreuzgasse-Gymnasium in Cologne, and to his wife Maria née Niedieck (1842-1915) concerning thanksgiving, congratulations on the 80th birthday of P. Sch., Condolences on his death, award of the medal; Kommers 1905, decoration of the auditorium of the grammar school; letters from Clara Wegge, Maria König, Karl Auer, wing adjutant of the Sultan, Louis Lehman, Alexander Schnütgen, Karl Trimborn, Änni Wallraf, Konrad Adenauer, Cologne; letters from son Julius Schorn (1866-1953) to his parents; condolences on the death of his mother, anda. by Anna Pauli, Änni Wallraf, Clara Wegge, Maria von Böninghausen; congratulations on the silver wedding; letters from acquaintances, etc. Oskar Jäger, Carl Rademacher, Erwin Garvens; chronicle of family, time and political events (ca. 1870- 1953) concerning children and youth memories, cathedral construction festival 1880, expansion of Cologne, school and studies, Bismarck, Carl Peters, Wilhelm II. in the Rhineland, student life and fraternity, travelling, world and colonial politics, Count Zeppelin, technology and art, 1st World War, occupation, separatism, Ruhr struggle, inflation, world economic crisis, Hitler, Rhineland occupation, Hitler Youth, occupation of the Sudetenland, 2nd World War World War II, capitulation, denazification, Nuremberg Trials, currency reform, Berlin blockade, GDR, Golden Marriage of Julius Schorn and Elisabeth née Schellen (*1882); Memories of Peter Sch.Documentation on family and contemporary history: travels and stays abroad (1891-1900), correspondence on family history, expert opinions on racial research, Aryan descent of Josa-Maria Schaller, German student association Germania Lausanne; menu cards, invitations to the opening of the Rheinbahn Cologne-Mainz, wedding of Frh. Joseph von Geyr and Countess Sophie von Fürstenberg, Chief Reich Attorney Oscar Hamm, songs for the feast of the German Jurists' Day in the Zoological Garden, farewell party Julius Raschdorff, winter festival of the Architects' and Engineers' Association (1859-1912); Poems to celebrate the arrival of our victorious troops (1871), May Day 1896; programme of the Philharmonic Concert in the Volksgarten 1907; individual numbers of Cologne newspapers (1826-1832, 1848); extra pages of the Kölnische Zeitung on the war 1870-1871, on the death of Wilhelm II., Empress Augusta; Assignate of the French Republic (1790-1796); newspaper article on air sports and aviation, among others. Flight week in Cologne (1909), Schaufliegen in Cologne (1911), Deutscher Rundflug 1911 Etappe Köln, Deutsche Luftsport-Werbewoche (1928); Graf Zeppelin; newspaper article on technology (Mülheimer Brücke (1928), Dombau- Fest 1880, Kaiserbesuche in Cologne, Tornado 1898, First World War, Fibel zur Kriegserziehung; photographs, illustrations: 25th anniversary of the Abiturientia 1887 (1912), Deutscher Studentenverein Germania Lausanne; city and building views of Cologne.