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Archival description

Contains: Correspondence of Ernst II (among others with Kaiser Wilhelm II, Reich Chancellor Bernhard von Bülow, Prince Hermann zu Hohenlohe-Langenburg and Ernst's successor as deputy head of the Colonial Department Bernhard Dernburg); commissioned as deputy head of the Colonial Department (copy); diploma of appointment as Imperial Plenipotentiary to the Federal Council (copy); letter of congratulations; notes on the emoluments of Ernst II.Newspaper clippings (including an excerpt from a speech of Ernst II by the Reichstag) Darin: Edition of "Die Zukunft" (The Future) with mocking article about Ernst II. "("Ubi Bubi?"), 1906 (printed); correspondence between Prince Hermann and Wilhelm II concerning the appointment of Ernst II.

Contains: 1st Eduard Elben, Stuttgart: Honorary membership of the prince in the Landesverein des Evangelischen Bundes, 1894; 2nd Minister of State Sarwey, Stuttgart: Württembergische Landessynode, 1894; 3rd Minister of Culture Bosse, Berlin: Domherrenstelle für Professor Hespers in Köln, 1894; 4th Minister of Education and Cultural Affairs Bosse, Berlin: Domherrenstelle für Professor Hespers in Köln, 1894; 3rd Minister of Education and Cultural Affairs Hespers in Cologne, 1894; 4th Minister of Education and Cultural Affairs Hespers in Cologne, 1894; 4th Minister of Education and Cultural Affairs Bosse, Berlin. Princess Metternich: Letter of thanks for hunting permit for the Marquis de Soys, 1895; 5th letter to Privy Councillor Lucanus, Berlin: Reinstatement of the Police President of the Schlumberger State Committee at the Golden Wedding, 1895; 6th letter to the Berlin State Councilor, Lucanus, Berlin: Reinstatement of the Police President of the Schlumberger State Committee at the Golden Wedding, 1895; 6th letter to the Berlin State Councilor, Lucanus, Berlin: Reinstatement of the Police President of the Schlumberger State Committee at the Golden Wedding, 1895; 6th letter to the Berlin State Councilor, Berlin. Privy Councillor Lucanus, Berlin: Postponement of an Award for State Secretary von Puttkamer and Undersecretary of State Schraut, 1895; 7th Chancellor Clovis zu Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst (Abschr.): Rejection of Voting Rights for the Representatives of Alsace-Lorraine in the Federal Council, 1895; 8th Emperor Wilhelm II.Telegram for the foundation of fleet associations in Alsace-Lorraine, 1895; 9th unveiling of the Kaiser-Friedrich memorial on the battlefield of Wörth; letter of the speaker General von Mischke (with print of the speech), 1895; 10th general physician Hoffmann, Karlsruhe: sending a letter of Margrave Wilhelm von Baden to bad. General Hoffmann of 22.5.1849, 1895; 11.Ambassador Count Eulenburg, Vienna: Request for intervention for his brother, 1896; 12. Ambassador Count Münster, Paris: Passport Law, 1896; 13. Friedrich Curtius, District Director in Thann: Request for transfer with favourable letter of the Grand Duchess Louise of Baden, 1896; 14. Ambassador Count Saurma, Turkey: Communication on the visit of a priest recommended by the prince, 1896; 15th Duke Adolph von Mecklenburg: Intervention for a Frenchman, 1897; 16th letter to General von Bülow, Karlsruhe: Hunting conditions in Alsace-Lorraine, 1898; 17th Ambassador Count Münster, Paris: Passport regulations. With Concept of the Prince's Answer, 1898; 18th Visit of Prince Albert to Strasbourg, 1899; 19th Baron von Woellwarth, Hohenroden: Railway Questions, 1899; 20th Bishop Benzler, Metz: New Year's Greetings, 1901; 21st Visit of Prince Albert to Strasbourg, 1899; 21st Bishop Benzler, Metz: New Year's Greetings, 1901; 21st Bishop Benzler, Metz: New Year's Greetings, 1901; 20th Bishop Benzler, Metz: New Year's Greetings, Metz: New Year's Greetings, 1899; 20th Bishop Benzler, Metz: New Year's Greetings, Metz: New Year's Greetings, Metz. Friedrich Curtius, Strasbourg: Request to retain the salary received so far as curator of the University of Strasbourg, 1902; 22nd report of the Vossische Zeitung on the structural condition of the Strasbourg Cathedral, 1902; 23rd request of the hereditary Grand Duchess Maria Anna of Luxembourg for the admission of nuns expelled from France. With Concept of Rejection by the Prince, 1903; 24th General Colonel von Haeseler, Metz: Letter of Thanks for Congratulations on the Anniversary of Service, 1903; 25th Count Posadowsky, Berlin: Expansion of Hochkönigsburg, 1904; 26th Cosima Wagner, Bayreuth: Letter of Thanks after Returning from a Visit to Strasbourg, 1905; 27th General Colonel von Haeseler, Metz: Letter of Thanks for Congratulations on the Anniversary of Service, 1903; 25th Count Posadowsky, Berlin: Expansion of Hochkönigsburg, 1904; 26th Cosima Wagner, Bayreuth: Letter of Thanks after Returning from a Visit to Strasbourg, 1905; 27th General Colonel von Haeseler, Metz: Letter of Thanks for Congratulations on the Anniversary of Service, 1903; 25th Count Posadowsky, Berlin: Letter of Thanks for the Return from a Visit to Strasbourg, 190. Tickets of the singer Agnes Sorma, 1905-1907; 28th Count Posadowsky, Berlin: Information about the absence of the Minister of Agriculture, 1906; 29th Field Marshal von Haeseler: Construction of the Bettsdorf-Merzig railway line. With Concept of the Prince's Answer, 1906; 30. H. Hergesell, Viego Bay: Report of a Research Trip to the Arctic Ocean, 1906; 31. Postcards of members of the Schutztruppe from Southwest Africa, 1906; 32. Minister of State (ret.) von Soden, Vorra: Promotion of the district director Karl von Gemmingen in Strasbourg, 1906; 33rd General von Arnim, Governor of Metz: Nobilitierung ds Moritz Grunelin in Kolbsheim, 1907; 34th congratulatory telegram to Kaiser Wilhelm II on various occasions, 1898-1905.

Expedition unter Hauptmann Rabenhorst zur Besitzübernahme im Herbst 1886; Stellung von Waffen durch das preußische Kriegsministerium; Verhandlungen über den Verkauf von Witu an die Britisch-Ostafrikanische Gesellschaft.

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, FA N 2999 · File · 1906-1915
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. General State Archive Karlsruhe (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Use of the Grand Duchess for Prince Alexander von Sayn-Wittgenstein (1906); dismissal (1909); death of Bodo von dem Knesebeck (1911); Italy's entry into the war, Austria's role (1915) Darin: Berliner Tagblatt, 25.3.1906 (Colonial policy, Bülow and Hereditary Prince [Ernst] von Hohenlohe-Langenburg); letter by Princess [Maria] von Bülow (1909)

Princes and rulers
Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, VI. HA, Nl Althoff, F. T., Nr. 1041 · File · 1878 - 1908
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Contains: - Arenberg, Prince v., Berlin: Honorary promotion of Mr. Bachem (Kölner Volkszeitung) 22.6.1898, invitation to the colonial meeting 22.5.1896 - Baden, Friedrich Grand Duke v.: meeting with the Minister of Finance Scholz 29.1.1889, return of a book loaned by the hereditary Grand Duke v. Friedrich from Koblenz 9.3.1897 - Bülow, Fürst, Berlin: sending of an excerpt of the Strasbourg Post with personal remarks by His Majesty 4.3.1905 (missing), request for the admission to a Präparandenanstalt for the son of his clerical valet Tappe 12.3.1905 (missing), acknowledgement of the countess Marie from Berlin for the sent Wilamowitz translations of the Greek tragedies 28.12.1901, greeting cards from Norderney with his picture and the signature of Renvers 8.5.1906 - Bismarck, Prince Otto v., Reichskanzler, Berlin: criticisms of the Reich government published in the Strasbourg Post; with marginal remarks by Möller and by the Regierungsrat du Prel from Strasbourg 4.3.1878 - Donnersmarck, Fürst von, Neudeck: Acknowledgement for the transmission of Paulsens "Philosophia militans" 14.6.1908 (missing), Berlin, In Aussicht-Stellung of his visit15.2.1908 (missing) - Eulenburg-Hertefeld, Philipp v., Prince von Hertefeld, Ambassador, Vienna, Gastein: Request for permanent appointment of Dr. Thiele in Marburg 9.9.1899 - Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst: Honorary salary for Detlev v. Liliencron 27.9.1897 (missing), acknowledgement of the princess for the award of the title "Professor" to the ophthalmologist Dr. Thiele (see also the title "Professor") Fröhlich 18.7.1896, Prince Krafft zu Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst because of the Matura examination of his nephew 27.11.1898, Prince Alexander from Colmar recommends the Catholic clergyman Dr. Hoch, who is German-minded and therefore sharply attacked by the French clergy 2.2.1903, Prince Krafft from Javorina thanks for the employment of Fräulein Riedel, the daughter of his Oberforstmeister 8.9.1904 (missing) - Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst, Chlodwig, zu Fürst, Reichskanzler, Berlin: Request for employment of Count Rehbinder in the Royal Library 13.10.1896, the Reich Chancellor because of the meeting with the governor of Alsace-Lorraine, v. Hertling-Halley 19.10.1898 - Hohenlohe-Langenburg, Prince Hermann zu, governor of Alsace-Lorraine: Acknowledgment for the memorandum Spahn gegen philosophische Fakultät in Strasbourg 20.10.1901 - Holstein, Günther, Duke v., Schloss Primkenau: Request for the title "Professor" for Dr. Baron von Küster from Berlin 12.8.1907 - Mecklenburg, Johann Albrecht, Duke v., Potsdam: Request to transfer librarian Ockler from Münster to the Royal Library in Berlin 9.8.1890, thanks for the fulfilment of the above wish 14.10.1890 (missing), request for definitive employment of Ockler in the Royal Library 22.3.1892 - Meiningen, Bernhard Erbprinz v., Berlin: Request for a visit by Althoff 14.12.1889, invitation 3.2.1893 (missing), donation to Dr. Ohnefalsch-Richter and advance payment 17.11.1893 - Prince Wilhelm, Colonel and Regiment Commander, Potsdam: Request for an assistant position for the son of the guard Ockler in the Royal Library 28.10.1885 - Kaiser Wilhelm I., Salzburg: transmission of the appointment to the Council of State of Alsace-Lorraine 8.8.1882 (reference see No. 1056) - Emperor Wilhelm II: document of the Royal Crown Order First Class 20.12.1902 (reference see No. 1056), certificate of appointment to the Real Privy Council with the title "Excellency" with countersignature of all ministers 27.1.1907 (reference see no. 1056) - Princess Irene (Henry of Prussia): Children's Hospital in Kiel 26.10.1905 - Radolin, Prince Hugo v., Ambassador, Paris: Proposal for Dr. Hartmann from Münster as successor of the late canon Aegenvoort 14.4.1903, recommendation for Dr. Glaessner, a pupil of Hoffa 8.4.1908 - Ratibor, Duke v., Berlin: Conference with Baron v. Richthofen and Lord Mayor Bender from Breslau 19.2.1901 (missing), Communication about the audience with His Majesty 26.02.1900 (missing) - Henriette, Princess of Schleswig-Holstein, widowed, Real Privy Councillor Prof. von Esmarch, Kiel: Please for the award of the title "Titularprofessor" to W. Reuter from Bad Ems 27.2.1905.