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Sckär, Charles (1873-1950)
RMG 1.658 a-b · Akt(e) · 1891-1968
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1901-1930 in Ondjiva, Omupanda, Namakunde, Lüderitzbucht, s.a. RMG 1.477 manuscript about Ovamboland; letters and reports, 1901-1950; curriculum vitae (3 versions), applications, medical certificate, 1891-1901; letter from Wilhelm Heumbo, Ondjiva, with d. Request for more teachers for Ovamboland, 1908; annual report of the Ovambo community Lüderitzbucht-Diamantfelder, 1919; death announcement for Karl Sckär, 1950; correspondence with the Sckär family, 1958-1964; death certificate for Wilhelmine Sckär, née Kremer, 1968

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
Wandres, Karl (Carl) Friedrich (1858-1933)
RMG 1.623 a-f · Akt(e) · 1884-1933
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1884-1929 in Warmbad, Windhoek, Keetmanshoop, Lüderitzbucht, Präses d. Nama-Mission; letters, reports, station reports, annual reports, statistics, 1884-1929; private letters to Inspector Ludwig von Rohden, 1885-1886; in 1.623a pages 19-21 are missing, probably 2 watercolours by Blyde Verwacht u. !Nabis im Gei!from Karl (Carl) Friedrich Wandres, ca. 1887; - Map overview of the sold places between Keetmanshoop and Warmbad, ca. 1888; Report of the elders Johannes Witbooi, Warmbad, about his evangelization journey in the area of the Bondelzwarts, 1889; Orders to Friedrich Kämpfer and Friedrich Schindelin, 1888-1889; Declaration of honour of the captains d. Bondelzwarts for Karl (Carl) Friedrich Wandres, 1891; Report about the sermon journey of two elders of the Warmbad community, 1893; Timetable of the Imperial German Reich Post Keetmanshoop - Steinkopf, 1894; map by !Nabis M. 1: 300 & projected mission station, 1896; private letters to Inspector Johannes Wilhelm Karl Spiecker, 1886-1898; Three visits to Rietfontein (Kalahari desert), essay, 1898; About the use of alcohol in our churches, 16 p. hs, 1898; Roman tissue of lies, 1900; Memorandum on land matters in Windhoek, 1903; Festivities for the inauguration of the Mission Church in Windhoek, May 1903; Native Census of Windhoek, March 1903; 1 copy of a booklet with the name of the church. "German Southwest African Newspaper", No. 2, January 1903; 1 copy "Landeszeitung für Westafrika", No. 112, September 1920; copy of a letter by Hendrik Witbooi, July 1889

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft