8 Treffer anzeigen

16,24/1 Witbooi, Hendrik: Fragments of the estate in the National Archives Namibia in Windhoek - Reproductions (holdings)
16,24/1 Witbooi, Hendrik: Fragments of the estate in the National Archives Namibia in Windhoek - Reproductions (holdings)
7,2001 Afrikahaus J. K. Vietor (Bestand)
7,2001 Afrikahaus J. K. Vietor (Bestand)
7.2016 Togo Baumwollgesellschaft mbH and Togo Palmölwerke GmbH (portfolio)
7.2016 Togo Baumwollgesellschaft mbH and Togo Palmölwerke GmbH (portfolio)
Acquisition of land in Togo
Acquisition of land in Togo
Collaboration with Werner and Liny Fischer
Collaboration with Werner and Liny Fischer
Cooperation with Werner and Liny Fischer
Cooperation with Werner and Liny Fischer
Publication of essays by missionary Emil Funke on Islam in Togo
Publication of essays by missionary Emil Funke on Islam in Togo
Zusammenarbeit mit Werner und Liny Fischer
Zusammenarbeit mit Werner und Liny Fischer