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Archival description
Diehl, Philipp (1837-1920)
RMG 1.606 a-c · File · 1868-1918
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1868-1920 in Okahandja, Usakos; Reports & Letters, 1868-1918; Notes about the first baptism on Okahandja, Jan. 1873; Short history of: Jonker Afrikaner, as he met Damras, March 1873; station reports by Okahandja, 1888-1893; letters to and from missionary Peter Heinrich Brincker, 1888 1890; copy of correspondence with commissioner Nels u. Maharero Tjamuaha, 1890; Report of the Evangelist Elia Kandirikirira, 1891; Presentation: "Is it appropriate that Christians won by evangelists gather in parishes or return to their relatives", 6 pages, hs., 1891; Friedrich Wilhelm Gottlieb Viehe: Opinion on Herero land sales, 1887; Report on the increase in Herero's impoverishment through robbery, request for ideas from the German government, 1902; Reports on the Herero Uprising, 1904; Contract on the sale of land in Windhoek to the German tax authorities, 1904; Loss of property of the Mission and others, 1904; Contract for the purchase of the so-called "Borchard House" in Otjimbingue to Philipp Diehl, 1908; deed of donation of 5,000 marks from Philipp Diehl to Mission, 1912; congratulatory letter and laudatory speech for Philipp Diehl on his 50th ordination anniversary, 1918

Rhenish Missionary Society
Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, VI. HA, Nl Althoff, F. T., Nr. 1039 · File · 1885 - 1912, ohne Datum
Part of Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Contains: - Bismarck, Fürst Otto v., Reichskanzler, Berlin: Letter (copy) to His Majesty the Emperor about the scholarly proletariat 16.3.1890 - Berchem, Count v., (Federal Foreign Office), Berlin: Conference with Director A. Hellwig and Prof. Foerster 23.7.1886 - Conrad, Geheimer Legationsrat, (Reich Chancellery), Berlin: Englers Memorandum on the German-Catholic Question in Posen 9.8.1903 - Cramm-Burgdorf, v., (Braunschweigische Gesandtschaft), Berlin: Acknowledgements for the publication "Die Reform des höheren Schulwesens" 5.1.1903, Professor Lexis 1.2.1903 - Dernburg, Excellence, (Colonial Office), Berlin: Oilfruits from Cameroon 10.5.1907 - Eichhorn, v., Really Secret Legation Council, Berlin: Letter from Althoff concerning appeals and cooperation of the Foreign Office and corresponding reply of G. L. R. v. Eichhorn 1.3.1897 - Goudriaan, Jungheer van, Minister of the Netherlands, Berlin: planned conference 20.6.1902 - Gude, v., Swedish-Norwegian Embassy, Berlin: Lymphatic discharge for Swedish hospitals 4.12.1890 - Günther, v., Reichskanzlei, Berlin: Acknowledgement for the brochure by Savigny "Die Reichstagsauflösung" 18.1.1907 - Goering, Heinrich Ernst, Konsul,: Request of the Devant des Ponts for transfer to colonial service 6.3.1885, Cape Town, trip to Damaraland 7.10.1886 - Holstein, Friedrich v., Excellency, Reich Chancellery, Berlin: Visit of A. 14.7.1895, thanks for the news about Hirschberg 23.7.1895, request to A. for a visit 22.12.1901, reports of Prince Eulenburg on the occasion of the Poland excesses o.D., Request for visit to his friend A. in his private apartment 30.6.1906 - Hutten-Czapski, Count, Strasbourg: wish of acquaintance with A. 9.2.1885, Hanover, because of an honorary pension for Freifrau von Manteuffel or a statue for the field marshal of M. 26.7.1885, entry for the teacher Dalkowski in Wilda in Posen because of threatening dismissal 17.11.1885 - Hansemann, v., Minister, Berlin: Thanks to Dr. Triebke for the donation 15.5.1897 - Hohenthal, Count v., Saxon Minister, Berlin: Realabiturienten und das juristische Studium 23.4.1901 - Holleben, v., Excellency, Berlin: Visit in Charlottenburg 29.10.1892, Oberlehrer Grunewald of the Joachimsthalschen Gymnasium 23.9.1901 - Humbert, Really Secret Legation Council, (Foreign Office), Berlin: Letter from A. to him because of missed visit 9.12.1890, Answer to A. because of missed visit 3.11.1897, Conference with A. and Conze 11.4.1892 - Jagemann, v., Badische Gesandtschaft, Berlin: Invitation to the Souper o. D. - Kayser, Dr., Geheimer Legationsrat, (Foreign Office), Berlin: Prof. Baron, Bonn July 1888, Berlin, entry of the Referendar Tübben into colonial service 7.1.1891, letter from Schweinfurth 14.4.1891 - Keudell, Baron v., Berlin: Acknowledgment for the report about Prof. Michel 13.2.1900 - Kiderlen-Wächter, Alfred v., envoy, Hamburg: Request to Dr. Landerer from Stuttgart for reception 21.9.1895 - Klehmet, R., Geheimer Legationsrat, Berlin: Draft of an answer to the petition of the cathedral provost Dittrich 18.12.1903 (missing) - Klewitz, Geheimer Regierungsrat, Berlin: Congratulations on the award 16.10.1904 - Knorr v. Rosenroth, Exzellenz, Darmstadt: Transmission of the commemorative publication of the Technische Hochschule Darmstadt 9.12.1897 - Koeller, v., Exzellenz, Berlin: Acknowledgement for congratulations 19.2.1888, 20.2.1903 - König, v., (Auswärtiges Amt), Berlin: Thanks for information about the Geographical Institute in Weimar 27.1.1892 - Krauel, R., Real Geheimer Regierungsrat und Gesandter, Berlin: Request for a Conversation 27.9.1903 - Krug, Leopold, Prof. und Konsul, Groß-Lichterfelde: Donation of his Herbarium to Dahlem 14.12.1890, Letter of 6.4.1898 - Kusserow, v., Berlin: Appointment of Goering as Commissioner for Angra Pegrena 10.4.1885 - Lanza de Busca, Ch., Graf, Italienischer Gesandter, Berlin: Information about the request of Prof. Volterra to get to know the Polytechnikum Charlottenburg better 23.2.1904, Request for audience for Professor Marigliano 5.1.1901 - Lehmann, Privy Legation Council, Berlin: Invitation to dinner 20.3.1899 - Lewald, Reichskommissar für die Weltausstellung St. Louis: Information about the Villa d 'Este 4.8.1905 - Loebell, Friedrich Wilhelm v., Reich Chancellery, Berlin. Zorn's expert opinion on the Coburg-Gotha domain question 1.12.1904, sending a copy of an article in the Allgemeine Zeitung 22.6.1906 - Marschall von Bieberstein, Freiherr Adolf Hermann, Berlin: Mitteilung über die Gewährung einer Audienz beim Großherzog von Baden 13.4.1888 - Mongenast, envoy, Luxembourg: sending of a work about the Luxembourg Athenaeum 20.7.1904 - Mosler, Privy Councillor, Berlin: Information about the death of his father-in-law, Excellency v. Friedberg 3.6. o. J. - Mühlberg, Auswärtiges Amt, Berlin: Press conference and orthography regulation 13.1.1901 - Mutius, Legationsrat von, Berlin: Acknowledgment for the congratulations on the transfer to Beijing 14.1.1908 - Ochsenius, Dr. (C.) Karl, Consul a. D.., Marburg: Promotion of Dr. Kohl to Professor 23.1.1887 - Pourtalès, Count v. F., Federal Foreign Office, Berlin: Request for a conference 14.11.1893, Acknowledgment for dealing with his question 20.2.1894 - Ratibor, (Prince) Herzog v., Rauden: Agreement to use his name as co-founder of the Academy for German Literature in Weimar 21.5.1901, letter of 26.2.1900 - Richthofen, v., Excellency, Federal Foreign Office, Berlin: Award of the large gold medal to Ambassador White 19.11.1902, Lexis meets with the Prime Minister of Holland Knyper 3.5.1902 - Rangabé, Kleon, Greek envoy, Berlin: Dr. Macke's handwriting about Erasmus and Reuchlin 30.4.1900 - Rotenhan, v., Minister of, Rome: Audience with Cardinal Merry del Val o. D., Return in October to Berlin 13.9.1905 - Roth, A. Oberst, Swiss Legation, Berlin: Lectures at the Berlin University 19.1.1887 - Senden, Baron v., (Military Attaché Madrid): Madrid Chapel 23.3.1908 - Speck v. Sternburg, Ambassador, Washington: Professor Keutgen's recommendation from Jena 4.4.1905 - Speßhardt, Consul v., Lemberg: Registration for a meeting 28.7.1902 - Schwarzkoppen, Hauptmann v., (Reich Chancellery), Berlin: Inquiry about the possibility of a visit to the Botanical Garden by Princess Bülow on 17.6.1907 15.6.1907, agreement on the visit of Princess Bülow to the Botanical Garden on 29.6.1912 - Schlözer, Kurd v., German Legation, Rome: Employment of Dr. Schellhass at the historical institution in Rome 23.2.1891 - Tiedemann, Freiherr v., Berlin: Loss of files 18.5.1886 - Tower, Charlemagne, American envoy, Berlin: Introduction of Mr. Alb. A. Showden as representative of the Carnegie Foundation 29.5.1907, Acknowledgement for Lexis' Louis-Werk and the pictures of Mommsen 10.2.1905 - Usedom, v., (Reich Chancellery), Berlin: Appointment of Fassbender as Professor 18.12.1900 - Varnbüler, v., Excellency, Württemberg Envoy, Berlin: Immediatgesuch des Dr. Brönnle 4.9.1906 - Wilmowski, v., (Reich Chancellery), Berlin: Confession of the officials of the Chancellor 29.4.1895 - Zahn, Legationsrat, Berlin: Visit of the Dutch Prime Minister Knyper to the Reich Chancellery 30.3.1902 - Zimmermann, Legationsrat, Berlin: Request for a visit date (no D.), congratulations on the award (no D.)

HZAN La 142 · Fonds · (1845-) 1868-1951 (1959)
Part of State Archive Baden-Württemberg, Hohenlohe Central Archive Neuenstein (Archivtektonik)

1 On the biography of Prince Ernst II of Hohenlohe-Langenburg: Hereditary Prince Ernst Wilhelm Friedrich Karl Maximilian of Hohenlohe-Langenburg - hereinafter called "Ernst II" in distinction to his grandfather Ernst - was born on 13 September 1863 in Langenburg as the son of Princess Leopoldine, born Princess of Baden, and Prince Hermann of Hohenlohe-Langenburg. He spent his school time in Karlsruhe, his mother's home town, at the Grand Ducal Gymnasium, which he left after graduating from high school in 1881. He then studied law as part of a contemporary university tour which took him to Paris, Bonn, Tübingen and Leipzig between 1881 and 1884. In 1885 Ernst II took his first legal exam at the Higher Regional Court in Naumburg a. d. Saale and during his military officer training at the 2nd Garde-Dragonerregiment in Berlin-Lichterfelde in the years 1886-1889 he also used the available time for extensive social activities at the courts of Emperor Wilhelm I and his son Friedrich. After completing his training, Ernst II advanced in the military hierarchy to lieutenant-colonel á la suite of the army (1914). The hereditary prince then aspired to a career in the Foreign Office, for which he first used one of his frequent stays in London in 1889 as a kind of private 'apprenticeship' at the German embassy. Queen Victoria was a great-aunt of Ernst II, so that he could always move at the highest social level. In 1890-1891 he passed his diplomatic exam and then took up a position as 3rd secretary in the embassy in St. Petersburg. Already in 1892 Ernst II achieved his transfer to London with the help of his father, who had enough influence as governor of Alsace-Lorraine, where he served as 3rd embassy secretary until 1894. In this year the hereditary prince Prince Hermann followed to Strasbourg to work as legation secretary of the ministry for the Reichsland Alsace-Lorraine. In 1896 Ernst II married his cousin of the 3rd degree Alexandra (1878-1942), a princess from the British royal family, whose father Duke Alfred of Edinburgh had taken over the Thuringian Duchy of Saxony-Coburg and Gotha three years earlier. Together with his wife and the offspring who soon followed - Gottfried, Marie Melita, Alexandra, Irma and Alfred, who died shortly after his birth - Gottfried, Marie Melita, Alexandra and Irma moved his centre of life to Langenburg and finally left the diplomatic corps in 1897. He had begun to establish himself in his role as heir when, after the unexpected death of Alexandra's brother Alfred (1899), the open question of succession in Saxony-Coburg and Gotha required a settlement. Ernst II was assigned as regent and guardian for the new, still youthful Duke Carl Eduard, a task he took over in 1900 after the death of his father-in-law, so that he now stood for 5 years at the head of a German principality. After the end of the regency, during which he had acquired the goodwill of his Thuringian subjects through a liberal attitude, Emperor Wilhelm II, his 3rd cousin, gave him the prospect of a position as State Secretary and appointed him in 1905 provisional head of the Colonial Department in the A u s w ä r t i g e s A m t , which was to be upgraded to his own R e i c h s k o l o n i a l a m t . But because of internal quarrels and the resistance in the Reichstag against the financing of the new authority, the hereditary prince had to take his hat off again in 1906. The following year Ernst II returned to the political stage as a member of the Reichstag for the constituency of Gotha, in which he had run as a representative of the bourgeois parties against the SPD. As a guest student of the parliamentary group of the German Reich Party, he sometimes appeared with speeches in the plenum, but everyday parliamentary work remained largely alien to him. As a result of a special political constellation in the Reichstag, Ernst II nevertheless managed to be elected vice-president of parliament in 1909 as a compromise candidate for the right-wing conservative camp. But he was not able to carry out this task for long either, because he did not want to come to terms with the conventions of parliamentary debates. As early as 1910 he used the anti-Protestant "Borromeo encyclical" of Pope Pius X to resign from his office in protest, albeit at the price of no longer being able to play a political role at the national level in the future. In 1913 Prince Hermann zu Hohenlohe-Langenburg died and his son took over the noble inheritance, which also included the county of Gleichen in Thuringia. Ernst II successfully compensated for the loss of leading political offices through his increased commitment to social forces, which rather worked in the background: first and foremost the Protestant Church, the Order of St John and the Red Cross. Within these institutions he held important and influential positions at local and state level, through which - in conjunction with his memberships in numerous associations and federations - he was able to cultivate a broad network of correspondents from noble, political, scientific, ecclesiastical and cultural circles.As commentator of the Württembergisch-Badenschen Genossenschaft des Johanniterordens and honorary president of the Württembergischer Landesverbandes vom Roten Kreuz it was obvious for Ernst II not to strive for a position with the fighting troops, but in the organization of voluntary nursing at the outbreak of the First World War. After a short period as a delegate for each stage in Berlin and on the western front, he was appointed at the end of 1914 as the general delegate for voluntary nursing care for the eastern theater of war, so that he spent the longest period of the war in the eastern headquarters - among others in the vicinity of Field Marshal von Hindenburg. In 1918 he was finally promoted to the highest representative of his organization, the Imperial Commissioner and Military Inspector, and in this function he led, among other things, the German delegation to prisoner of war exchange negotiations with the USA in Bern. Here he benefited from his diplomatic experience, which the emperor had already drawn on in 1915, when he sent the prince to Constantinople and the Balkans as a special ambassador. After the end of the war, Ernst II resigned his high office in nursing and devoted himself again to his church and association activities. He paid special attention to the Protestant Commission for Württemberg, for which he acted as chairman of the Gerabronn district and the Langenburg local group as well as delegate in the regional committee. While the unification of the Protestant regional churches in the German Reich had already been of great concern to him as a Thuringian regent, in the 1920s and 30s he continued to campaign for the Protestant cause at church congresses and church assemblies in Württemberg and at Reich level. In 1926 the Langenburg prince was also appointed senior citizen of the Hohenlohe House, and in the same year he was elected governor of the Balley Brandenburg, i.e. the second man of the Order of St John in the Empire. During National Socialism, Ernst II, as in republican times, stayed away from political offices, especially as he was of an advanced age. From 1936 he invested a large part of his energy in the endeavour to have the Langenburg ancestral estate recognised as an inheritance court and also took care of the publication of his correspondence with the widow composer Cosima Wagner. 11 December 1950 Prince Ernst II died very old in Langenburg, where he was also buried. 2. inventory history, inventory structure and distortion: Before distortion, the estate was in a relatively heterogeneous state, which was due to an inconsistent way of transmission and multiple processing approaches. During the fire at Langenburg Castle in 1963 and the associated temporary relocation of documents within the building complex, the original order probably suffered its first damage, which was intensified in the subsequent period in the course of the transfer of Langenburg archives to Neuenstein. Probably the estate was torn apart and transferred to the central archive in several parts that could no longer be reconstructed in detail. At the latest during the administrative work carried out there in the 1960s under Karl Schumm, the written remains of Ernst II were mixed with other files from Langenburg. Further parts of the estate may also have arrived in Neuenstein in the following decade. Building on the gradually implemented provenance delimitation of the Langenburg archival records, a rough pre-drawing of the estate could be tackled in the early 1980s, but this was not completed. A last addition from the family archives was made to the now formed holdings in 1992 by the delivery of Ernst-related files, most of which had originated in the Langenburg authorities, in particular the domain chancellery.Ernst II regulated his correspondence with the help of registrar-like notes, which he usually affixed directly to the incoming documents. It contained information on the date, recipients and content of the replies and other written reactions. He also noted instructions to his administration and often complete drafts of letters on the incoming mail. In addition, the testator himself already arranged and sorted his documents further by forming units oriented to factual topics and correspondence partners and providing them with notes in the sense of a file title along with its running time. In general, he attached the notes to envelopes of different sizes, most of them used, which served as packaging or were enclosed with the files. Over the decades, Ernst seems to have repeatedly tackled such disciplinary measures, which had a long tradition in the family, without, however, being able to recognize a stringently maintained pattern. Only the rough distinction between factual and correspondence files formed a perceptible red thread, which was also observed in the current distortion. However, it must be taken into account that even in the fascicles formed according to subject criteria, parts of correspondence are often found, only compiled on a specific topic. Although this leads to overlaps with the correspondence series, the fact files were largely left as such and only slightly thinned out with regard to the correspondence partners, since they are mostly units that are comprehensible in terms of content and partly rich in content. While the 'file titles' created by Ernst II normally largely corresponded with the content of the fascicles, it must be noted for the following indexing approaches, also and especially for the preliminary indexing in the 1980s, that the names, dates and subjects noted on archive covers often deviated from the actual content and could hardly be used for the current indexing. The situation was aggravated by the fact that the mixing with files of foreign provenance - including the estates of Ernst's father Hermann and his wife Alexandra as well as the domain chancellery and court administration - could never be completely eliminated and therefore numerous individual files had to be sorted out in the course of the current processing. However, this separation of provenances was not implemented consistently in every respect, but in particular files from the Langenburg and Coburg-Gotha administration, which refer directly to Ernst II, were left in existence; the official records usually differ from the actual estate in the outward appearance in the form of differently coloured folders with file titles, running times and file numbers. Furthermore 2 fascicles on the death of Ernst II and at the end of his reign in Saxony-Coburg and Gotha come from the estates of Ernst's children Gottfried and Alexandra. A special case is Ernst's correspondence with Cosima Wagner, which is kept entirely in Neuenstein, so that not only the letters received from the deceased, but also the letters to the composer's wife (Ernst, his mother Leopoldine and his cousin Max von Baden), stored in bound folders, were recorded as part of the princely estate (see 4.).Thus, the newly registered estate represents an inventory enriched with personal material. In addition, it is to be expected that there will still be isolated files from the estates of relatives whose origin could no longer be clearly clarified (e.g. loose individual pages or fascicles which refer to festive events without naming an addressee or previous owner), apart from the principle of retaining the original separation of factual and correspondence files, massive interventions had to be made in the formation and titling of the fascicles. In many cases, due to later order work, mixing within the fascicles and unclear new file formations had occurred, otherwise about a quarter of the holdings proved to be largely unordered. Even the rather ad hoc sorting carried out by Ernst II himself did not follow any kind of 'file plan', so that content overlaps and repetitions were the order of the day. Therefore, in the course of the current distortion, fascicles were repeatedly reshaped or newly formed under consideration of either thematic or corresponding criteria. The extraction of individual documents for assignment to other fascicles was generally documented by enclosed notes. Individual photographs and photo series with illustrations of Ernst II. were separated and formed into a separate 'photo collection' (see 5.), and in order to provide a better orientation for the user, the find book of most of Ernst II.'s relatives shows the degree of kinship to the deceased in square brackets in the appropriate places.The collection La 142, Nachlass Fürst Ernst II., was arranged and recorded from June to December 2004 by archivist Thomas Kreutzer within the framework of a project sponsored by the Kulturstiftung Baden-Württemberg. It covers 19.4 running meters. Files and volumes in 927 units with a running time of (1845-) 1868-1951 (1959).Neuenstein, in April 2005Thomas Kreutzer 3. Note for use:: During the distortion, cross-references were made in the files that refer to the former bundle number - not to today's order number. To find the corresponding fascicles, the concordance has to be used.Concordance earlier - today's tuft number: 4. Literature:: Heinz Gollwitzer, The Lords of Stand. Die politische und gesellschaftliche Stellung der Mediatisierten 1815-1918. Ein Beitrag zur deutschen Sozialgeschichte, Göttingen 1964, bes. S. 244-253.Maria Keipert/Peter Grupp (Ed.), Biographisches Handbuch des deutschen Auswärtigen Dienstes 1871-1945, Vol. 2, Paderborn et al. 2005, S. 344f.Thomas Kreutzer, Protestantische Adligkeit nach dem Kollbruch - Die kirchliche, karitative und politische Verbandstätigkeit von Ernst II. Prince of Hohenlohe-Langenburg between 1918 and 1945, in: Nobility and National Socialism in the German Southwest. Edited by Haus der Geschichte Baden-Württemberg in conjunction with the State Capital Stuttgart (Stuttgart Symposium, Series 11), Leinfelden-Echterdingen 2007, pp. 42-82 Thomas Nicklas, Ernst II. Prince of Hohenlohe-Langenburg. Standesherr, Regent, Diplomat im Kaiserreich (1863-1950), in: Gerhard Taddey (ed.), Lebensbilder aus Baden-Württemberg, Vol. 21, Stuttgart 2005, pp. 362-383.Frank Raberg (ed.), Biographisches Handbuch der württembergischen Landtagsabgeordneten 1815-1933 (Veröffentlichungen der Kommission für geschichtliche Landeskunde in Baden-Württemberg), Stuttgart 2001, pp. 381f.Karina Urbach, Diplomat, Höfling, Verbandsfunktionär. Süddeutsche Standesherren 1880-1945, in: Günther Schulz/ Markus A. Denzel (ed.), German nobility in the 19th and 20th centuries, St. Katharinen 2004, pp. 354-375 Karina Urbach, Zwischen Aktion und Reaktion. The Southern German Class Lords and the First World War, in: Eckart Conze/ Monika Wienfort (ed.), Adel und Moderne. Germany in European Comparison in the 19th and 20th Centuries, Cologne 2004, pp. 323-351.Freie Deutsche Presse Coburg, 30.12.1950 (obituary).Hohenloher Zeitung, [after 11.12.]1950 (obituary).further materials:La 95 Domänenkanzlei LangenburgLa 102 Fürstliche HofverwaltungLa 143 Nachlass Fürstin Alexandra zu Hohenlohe-Langenburg

Lordship Hueth (existing)
Landesarchiv NRW Abteilung Rheinland, 110.12.00 · Fonds · 1140-1925
Part of Landesarchiv NRW Rhineland Department (Archivtektonik)

The BORCKEschen possessions in the right Rhine part of the duchy of KLEVE consisted of the 4 knight's seats HUETH, ROSAU, OFFENBERG and WENGE together with the subductors BIENEN and PRAEST-DORNICK. The Chamber President and Privy Council, the later Minister of the Budget, Friedrich Wilhelm v. BORCKE, had acquired the houses HUETH and ROSAU from the WYLICH-LOTTUM bankruptcy in 1736 and the RECKEschen Herrschaften OFFENBERG-PRAEST-DORNICK in 1744/45. Since the archives of the previous owners were taken over in whole or in part, the collection consists of 3 main groups: The RECKEsche Archives (I and II), a part of the WYLICH-LOTTUMsche Archives (III and IV) and the BORCKEsche Archives (IV and V) I and II. The Rhenish possessions of the family v.d. RECKE came mainly from the family v. WYLICH zu WENGE, which had died out in 1636 in the male tribe. The heirs were the sister of the last v. W. GERBERGA ( 1637) and her sons 2. Ehe KONRAD und DIETRICH v.d. RECKE. The property included the houses WENGE (at DORNICK) and NEUENHOFEN (in KREFELD-BOCKUM) as well as estates and pastures in the county of 's HEERENBERG. KONRAD v.d. RECKE, later president of the chamber in KLEVE, received these maternal estates during the division. In the year 1670 he acquired the noble house OFFENBERG in exchange for the WYLICHsche house to EMMERICH and pushed through 1677 that this was detached from the rule BIENEN and raised with a part of the peasantry BERGE to the sub rule. In 1678 he also received jurisdiction over PRAEST and DORNICK. The archive accordingly consists of the archive of the family v. WYLICH (I) and the extensive estate of the KONRAD v.d. RECKE ( 1713) (II). The WYLICH Archive also contains the archives of the families NEUENHOFEN-OSSENBROICH (referred to as NEUENHOFEN in the documents section), WISSEL, LOWENBERG and GOHR. III The WYLICH-LOTTUM archive was probably divided after the death of Field Marshal KARL PHILIPP v. W. in 1719, since almost all files are missing here about the house GRONDSTEIN, which was passed on to the 2nd son, and there are also gaps in the holdings of documents. But the valuable official acts of GODART, CHRISTOFFEL, OTTO and CHRISTOFFEL, of which the 3 first officials were in GENNEP (1455-1546), the last two held the office of HETTER (1542-1590), remained on HUETH (now KLEVE-MARK XI d GENNEP and HETTER); furthermore also the estates of Baron JOHANN SIGISMUND ( 1677) with the files of the office HEMERS (now KLEVE-MARK XI d) and of the Field Marshal General KARL PHILIPP. 38 documents which had been alienated from the holdings either in 1719 or during the sale of the estate in 1736 were transferred from the Geh. Staatsarchiv in 1862. They have now been reunited with the stock, having previously formed their own stock of GRONDSTEIN dominion. The properties of the family in the HETTER may come in part from the families HEKEREN and LOEL. In 1645 the house HUETH with BIENEN, BERGE and ANROP was elevated to sub rule. The dominion of GRIBBENVORST-LOTTUM, which originated from the estate of ALEID v. BARSD0NK ( after 1420), had to be asserted in a year-long process with v. MARWICK. GRONDSTEIN came into the possession of OTTO v.WYLICH (married to ELISABETH v. GRONDSTEIN) by inheritance in 1535. (Cf. the old find book: Herrschaft GRONDSTEIN; now file no. 1401) The dominion WEHL was purchased in 1671 and the house ROSAU in 1690 (see also Dep Wylich-Lottum). The files of the HUETH Lehnhof were combined into a special group, since a divorce of the WYLICHschen and BORCKEschen parts was not possible here. V. The BORCKE family owned the house HUETH until their extinction in 1872. From the extensive estates of the budget minister FRIEDRICH WILHELM v. B., the Klevische estates and the v. STEDER fiefs had passed to his son, the general commissioner and later Prussian envoy ADRIAN HEINRICH during the division of the estate in 1769. Under his son FRIEDRICH HEINRICH ( 1825), the decay of the family fortune began. The inherited debts, the loss of sovereign rights including the income flowing from them, the poor economic situation of the real estate after the wars of liberation, but especially the unfortunate outcome of an inheritance process with the stepbrother v. VATTEL. Neufchatel 1819 brought the family into a difficult economic situation. After the death of the count it was probably only the steward SONORÈ as well as the guardians who had to be thanked that the possessions did not come under the hammer. When the estate was divided in 1843, the oldest son Count HEINRICH BORCKE acquired the house HUETH, the remaining farms were passed on to the mother and siblings. From his successor, Freiherr v. WITTENHORST- SONSFELD, the Prussian Archive Administration acquired in 1872 the so-called Old Archive (I - IV) and the estates of the Minister FRIEDRICH WILHELM and the envoy ADRIAN HEINRICH v. BORCKE (files E 1 III 48 et seq.). By order of the Archivdirektion of 5 June 1873, the extensive and valuable estates of both BORCKE as well as parts of the estates of KONRAD v.d.RECKE and Generalfeldmarschall v. WYLICH-LOTTUM had to be transferred to the Geheime Staatsarchiv in Berlin. Following the implementation of the principle of origin (provenance principle), the official files of the budget minister were distributed to the state archives of Düsseldorf, Münster and Marburg in 1889, and the RECKEschen and WYLICH files were also returned to the state archives of Düsseldorf (service files A 7 g 1 88 A.V. 1884/33). The BORCKE estates remained in Berlin (cf. the indexes at the end of the Findbuch, for the Klevische Kammerakten at present the holdings BORCKE-HUETH). When the remainder of the HUETH archive was acquired in 1935, the division of 1889 had to be made the basis. Accordingly, the pieces belonging to the estates of the BORCKE family and the files on the Eastern Elbe possessions to Berlin, individual official files were handed over to the state archives of Münster and Marburg (see the indexes at the end of the find book). The administrative records of the 18th and 19th centuries remained in Düsseldorf, as far as they referred to HUETH and the HALBERSTÄDT fiefdoms, as well as the extensive estate of Count FRIEDRICH HEINRICH BORCKE, who had mainly been active in Grand-Ducal mining services. The youth letters FRIEDRICHS des GROSSEN to the budget minister v. B., which were excluded from sale in 1873, have since been lost (1 letter b. Stromberg, Haus Elverlingsen b. Altena/W., other letters b. Gravert, Gestüt Midlinghoven near Düsseldorf-Hubbelrath; 1921 still available, see Krudewig, Niederrhein. Homeland. 1, 1921, No. 14). The order of the files acquired in 1935 was taken as an occasion to redraw the previously acquired holdings. For practical reasons, the chronological order of the documents was maintained, especially as it was not always possible to assign individual pieces to a particular group. A small collection of documents and files, which had been alienated from the archive by the rector Bröring zu Rees, reached the state archives in 1936 together with his collection and was reunited with the main collection. Düsseldorf, 24 October 1936 signed. Oediger documents Explanation of the designations of origin Bilandt: Documents of the family v. BYLANDT which came to the family WYLICH-LOTTUM (III) by the marriage of JUTTA v.B. with GADERT v. WYLICH; Botzelaer: Membership of the documents preserved only in copies uncertain. Gohr: Estate of ADOLF v. GOHR and his son ADELHARD, passed to the family v. WYLICH (I) in 1605. Hecera: Archive of the family of H. (cf. about them ILGEN, Duchy Kleve I); Probably part of the WYLICH-LOTTUM archives (III). Horns = hair: House HORNE in the office HAMM, originally owned by the family HARMAN (HARME or HARMELEN), later by the marriage of GERBERGA v. HARMAN, née v. WYLICH, with KONRAD v.d. Recke to the family v.d. Recke (see files 1303). Loel: Probably part of the WYLICH-LOTTUM archives (III). Löwenberg: Documents of the family LEWENBERG, after 1485 passed to the family v. WYLICH (I) (through the marriage of HILLE L. with JOHANN v. WYLICH in 1466). Neuenhofen: Archive of the house NEUENHOFEN zu Krefeld-Bockum (owner of NEUENHOFEN and OSSENBROICH) by GERBERIG v. OSSENBROICH 1550 to the family WYLICH (I); history of the family Wylich-Lottum s. Liese, The classic Aachen II 88ff (VI B 354 20) Recke: see II. Wylich: see I. Wylich-Lottum: see III. Wissel: Part of the archive, the v. W. family, probably belonging to the WYLICH archive (GERTRUD v. WISSEL married GODART v. WYLICH in his first marriage). The actual family archive Ossenbruch is located at Brünninghausen i. W. (Freiherr von Romberg) (cf. Rep. 4 III) (now Landesarchiv NRW Abteilung Westfalen ?; cf. handwritten margin note StA Münster in the analogous Altfindbuch 110.12.1, Bl. IX) Depositum Hueth II (from Wittenhorst-Sonsfeld) From the archival holdings at Hueth Castle (documents and records of the castle owners of Wylich-Lottum, von Wylich-Wenge, von der Recke, von Borcke and, lastly, von Wittenhorst-Sonsfeld) was discovered in 1872 by the Prussians. Archive administration acquired the so-called old archive with the estates of the minister Friedrich Wilhelm and the envoy Adrian Heinrich von Borcke. The latter as well as parts of the old archive were transferred to the Geh. Staatsarchiv in Berlin in 1873 by order of the Archivdirektion. The official files were distributed in 1889 to the state archives of Düsseldorf, Münster and Marburg according to the principle of provenance. In 1935 the remainder of the archive of the Hueth dominion was acquired and divided on the basis of 1889. The files acquired in 1872 and 1935 and transferred to the Düsseldorf State Archives were recorded together in the 1936 Findbuch der Herrschaft Hueth (C 135) by the later director of the Düsseldorf State Archives, Dr. Oediger. What remained in the possession of the barons of Wittenhorst-Sonsfeld on Hueth were parts of the family archive of the counts of Borcke and the family archive of the barons of Wittenhorst-Sonsfeld. The Wittenhorst Archive was listed in 1933 by the Landesarchivrat Dr. Kisky in the Findbuch Wittenhorst und Borcke (Hueth) (H 4 XIV); the remaining holdings were inspected and arranged by the Landesarchiv, but could no longer be carried out before the war. This last part of the archive was brought from the damaged archive rooms to the cellars of the Catholic elementary school in Rees by the archive advisory office. When the cellars had to be cleared in 1958, the archive was deposited with the Düsseldorf State Archives (Depositalvertrag vom 27.11.1958; Acc. No. 88/1958; Tageb. No. 3801-H XVII). The deposit consisted of 3 boxes with files, mainly of the 18th and 19th centuries, as well as a box with partly decayed books, a herbarium and various maps. It was placed in Room V. On 16.12. 59 Klaus Frh. von Wittenhorst-Sonsfeld received power of attorney from his brother to remove parts of these records. Dr. Lahrkamp began to record the rest of the completely rearranged and confused files. This work was completed July-September 1962 by the undersigned. The review revealed that more than half of the holdings are still parts of the von Borcke archive, with a focus on 1800 (Count Adrian Heinrich von Borcke, died 1791, Count Friedrich Heinrich, died 1825). The collection also contains individual pieces from the archives of von Borckeschen and Wittenhorst's relatives (Sommer, Bünte, von Goltstein zu Beeck). In order not to pre-empt the owner of the inventory, no money was collected, although a large part of the files are of little value, but only the unworthy pieces were sorted out and placed in a separate envelope. Düsseldorf, September 10, 1962 Dr. Niemeyer Disposals from Hueth, files II 1) Dr. Frhr. v. Wittenhorst, the following archival documents have been handed over: 23.1.60: 13 file titles - 6.2.60: 1 file concerning the church of Haldern; 1 file concerning income, property and debts of Sonsfeld (5 sheets); 5 files back - 13.2.60: appointment of Fr. W. v. Wittenhorst to the dike count 1678 June 28 (document); file concerning capital of the heirs of Sonsfeld 1805 ff. -18311 letter from 1837 family v. Wittenhorst concerning - 26.3.60: Various land register and cadastral register excerpts (8)1 file about Wittenhorst's inheritance dispute from the year 1833 and earlier - 2.4.60: 3 pieces from Salm-Salm - from Wittenhorst 1717; 1 file Eickelbaumschlag zu Haffen 1664-1721; patent from 1845 - 9.4.60: File no. 15 of 27.1.1572 (2 parchments); file concerning a prebend of Soest, no. 962 of 1835; 2 letters of the mayor Vrasselt of 1894 and 1896 2) On 19.6.1963 the following files were handed over to the Geheime Staatsarchiv, Berlin-Dahlem: Nachlaß Friedrich Wilh. v. Borcke Nr. 40) Praebende of the Minister of State Friedrich Wilhelm v. Borcke at the cathedral chapter of Havelberg (with lists of the minores and electi), 1703-1783 - No. 63) Receipts for Chamber President v. Borcke u. Kriegsminister v. Borcke (stamp duty for the purchase of Gut Falkenberg/Mittelmark by Gut Falkenberg/Mittelmark, contributions to the Feld war chest for Lieutenant v. Borcke before 17.1.1760), 1732, 1751-1763 - No. 77) Catalogues and correspondence about the purchase of Gut Falkenberg/Mittelmark by v. Borcke Kupferstichen, 1750-1756 - No. 137) lists of copper engravings and engravers together with correspondence, 1751-1756 - No. 76) letters and invoices of the dealer Trible about jewels, paintings, copper engravings, nippes for v. Borcke, 1756-1762 - No. 119) Correspondence of the Minister v. Borcke, 1763-1769 - No. 233) Letters of the Marshal v. Poland to Dresden, 1769 - No. 36) Measures of the Klevische government concerning the investigation of the state of mind of the Minister Friedrich Wilhelm v. Borcke and administration of the Borcke estates; proceedings against Amalia Rieck, economist on Hueth, for embezzlement, 1768-1769 - No. 53) Files concerning the sale of Borcke's household effects to Mademoiselle Rieken, 1764-1768 - No. 106) Files to the lawsuit against Amalia Rieck (in), 1765-1771 - No. 225) Accounting of Kampen about financial transactions of the Budget Minister v. Borcke, receipt of 1673, 1673-1757 - No. 222) Accounts & receipts for Budget Minister v. Borcke, (1739), 1747-1760 - No. 116) Craftsmen & Supplier receipts for v. Borcke, 1761-1767 - No. 102) Correspondence, accounts and receipts concerning Kuxen, 1764-1768 - No. 153) Auction account v. Borcke'scher Mobilien, 1764 - No. 173) Settlement of process costs v. Borcke approx. von Sonsfeld, 1766 Estate of Adrian Heinrich v. Borcke No. 235) Letters of Nettelbusch from Minden concerning the appeal of the cathedral capital of Kessel against the cathedral capital of Nottel, 1771 - No. 156) Judicatural calculation in the case of the separated Geh. Borck oa. the Geh. Legationsrat v. Borck, 1774 - No. 174) Inheritance collection by A.H. v. Borcke for Christian Klein (1773) and Markus Israel (1772), 1772-1773 - No. 4) Bills for the Geheimrat Baron v. Borcke zu Berlin, as well as auction catalogue of 1764, 1764-1781 - No. 94) Evidence of the debts paid by Adrian Heinrich v. Borcke for his brother Carl August v. B., 1767-1769 - No. 223) Invoices, receipts and purchase offers for Geh. Rat von Borcke, 1770-1789 - No. 149) Clausthaler Gruben-Extrakt, Abrechnung, Kux-Preise, 1773-1782 - No. 172) Dekret des kursächs. General War Court in cases A.H. v. Borcke ca. Rudolph von Bünau together with correspondence relating to the trial Marie v. Borcke oa. Johann Friedrich Gürtler, 1775 - No. 207) Trial v. Borckesche Bediente Anna Dorothea Louise Richter, 1776 - No. 168) Trial von Borcke ca. Erben von Jever, Catjenove u. Schuylenburg, 1783-1790 Amtsakteakte Nr. 254) Requests by textile manufacturers for approval by v. Borcke, 1777 - no. 142) General Designation of the goods and their value purchased by merchants in the Principality of Halberstadt from the velvet and silk factories in Berlin, Potsdam, Frankfurt and Köpenick (1775-1776); passport for factory director Schlegel (1777); claims of widow Schiemenz against the fleeing silk manufacturer Gebhardt (1777); files concerning the following cases Silk stocking factory of the protective Jew Levin Moses Levi 1778, 1775-1778 - No. 205) Proposals to make salmiac a local product in the royal Prussian states and to improve the saltpetre system by Wilhelm Gottfried Pleueqnet and Jacob Andreas Weber with letters of recommendation (J.G. Hehl and v. Reck), 1777 - No. 128) General extract of the Kurmärkischen wool and yarn magazines, 1777-1778 - No. 23) Report of the Prussian War and Domain Chamber of Kleve concerning the Krefeld silk goods at the Frankfurt fair (with supplement: Magistrat zu Krefeld wegen Importschwierigkeiten, Moers 21. Januar 1778), 1778 - No. 150) Input of the Vitriol-Fabrik Schwartz

RMG 1.628 a-b · File · 1890-1956
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1891-1900 in Okombahe; Letters, station and annual reports, statistics, 1890-1901; Report on Okombahe by Daniel Cloete, 1891; copy e. letter by Chief Manasse Tjeseta, 1894; contract (copy) of the German government with Captain Cornelius, 1894; letter of the voluntary evangelist Julius Kaitjenonjungu, 1897; sketch of the map. Station Okombahe, 1898; Correspondence Wilhelm Schaar with Friedrich Wilhelm Gottlieb Viehe, 1900; Correspondence with Mrs. Martha Schaar, née Sapel, report on the death of Wilhelm Schaar, 1901; private letters to Inspector Johannes Wilhelm Karl Spiecker, 1890-1898; obituary for Mrs. Martha Schaar, 1942; correspondence with the Schaar family, 1919-1956;

Rhenish Missionary Society
RMG 1.648 d · File · (o. J.)
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Memories of d. Witbooi Uprising in Gibeon, by Else Spellmeyer; Experiences from the first days of the occupation of Gibeon by the troops of General Mackenzie, by Else Spellmeyer; Ochsenwagen journey to the new beginning e. Mission at the edge of the Kalahari desert (!Gochas) from 27 August to mid October 1901, by Else Spellmeyer; A visit to the diamond fields near Lüderitzbucht; Report on a branch trip (1923), by Christian Spellmeyer; "Gibeon without a missionary", letter by Christian Spellmeyer to d. Brüder d. Vorstandes, January 23, 1936; Various newspaper articles;

Rhenish Missionary Society
RMG 1.648 c · File · (1899-1913)
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Marginalien about the Herero and Witbooi Uprising 1904-1907, about visits of prominent personalities from war and peace in the Gibeon Mission House, reports and rumours, insights and experiences, notes and critiques on cultural and colonial politics, but especially the reproduction of original traits and typical characteristics of Hans and Willi and their siblings Gerhard, Marianne, Thea and others. Ilse - taken from the letters of our parents Christian/Else Spellmeyer née Lange in the years 1899-1923

Rhenish Missionary Society
RMG 1.647 a-c · File · 1892-1952
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1899-1950 in Okombahe, Ghochas, Gibeon, Keetmanshoop, Swakopmund, estate see RMG 1.648; Letters and Reports, 1898-1950; Curriculum vitae, cover letter, medical certificate, photography, 1892-1893; Detailed report on war events in Gibeon, Oct. 1904; Copy of a letter: Mrs. Susanne Judt, née Mohn from Hoachanas to her siblings, Oct. 1904; Essay: Über d. Witboois u. ihre Aufstand gegen d. Deutschen, 18 p.., hs., March 1905; "Windhoeker Nachrichten", No. 12, June 1905; Excerpt from Christian Wilhelm Friedrich Spellmeyer's Contobuch, 1906-1907; Letter from schoolmaster Petrus Jod (copy) to schoolmaster Franz in Windhoek, 1907; field instruction for missionaries in South West Africa (see RMG 1.648), 1932; "Kurzer Rückblick u. Abschied" (1939-1950) in "Geschwistergruß", 1950; obituary for Elisabeth Marie Spellmeyer, née Lange, 1951; obituary for Christian Wilhelm Friedrich Spellmeyer, 1952; "Lesefrüchte" collected for 40 years in South West Africa, Dr.., 1941

Rhenish Missionary Society