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Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Ludwigsburg, E 170 · Fonds · 1848-1920 (Va ab 1818, Na bis 1950)
Part of State Archives Baden-Württemberg, Dept. State Archives Ludwigsburg (Archivtektonik)

The file delivery of the Central Office for Trade and Commerce in Stuttgart. Von Walter Grube: The Königlich Württembergische Zentralstelle für Gewerbe und Handel (Royal Württemberg Central Office for Trade and Commerce) has assumed a particularly prestigious position among the authorities that the German states created for their economic administration in the 19th century. It originated as a state college under the Ministry of the Interior in the same revolutionary year of 1848, in which Prussia, Austria and Bavaria established special trade ministries; the notoriously thrifty Württemberg did not know its own ministry for economic affairs until the end of the monarchy, as Baden had in its trade ministry in 1860-1881. Nevertheless, the "Central Office", above all under the leadership of the great Ferdinand von Steinbeis (1856-1880), was successful in economic policy, which, in addition to the achievements of the ministries of trade and commerce of other countries, was quite impressive. It was thanks to the work of the Central Office that Württemberg, which was poor in raw materials, technically still lagging behind, and had unfavorable transport connections, soon became the actual state of state trade promotion, from which people for a long time tried eagerly to learn, not only in Germany. The Central Office played a decisive role in the restructuring of the Württemberg economic structure in the age of the Industrial Revolution. The historian of her first heyday in 1875 has divided her versatile field of activity into the following groups: 1. "Consultative services" in legislative and administrative matters: trade, customs, trade, banking and building legislation, coinage, measure and weight, commercial security police, iron and salt extraction, transport, taxation and more.a.; 2. teaching activities: trade schools, travelling teachers, trade training workshops, model and teaching material collection, trade model store, library, journalistic work, associations; 3. "Direct influence on commercial activity": markets, trade fairs, stock exchanges, exports, foreign commercial agencies; 4. direct influence on commercial activity": support with capital and technical suggestions for all branches of industry; 5. regimental activity" mainly as a state patent office, state exhibition commission, central authority for chambers of commerce and industry, state calibration authority and in the administration of commercial foundations. Among these activities, in the country conscious of its school tradition, "instructive work" has always rightly been regarded as a special glorious page of the Central Office; the Protestant Prelate Merz once called it a "jewel of Württemberg". Not least due to the educational work of the central office and the commission for the commercial further training schools founded in 1853, a down-to-earth tribe of recognised skilled workers grew from day labourers, small farmers' and vineyard gardeners' sons, from guilt-bound master craftsmen and a poorly developed trading class of that highly qualified entrepreneurship which, in addition to the broad stratum of vital small and medium-sized enterprises characteristic of Württemberg, has created many a company of world renown. The far-sighted way in which the Central Office, overcoming some resistance, drove trade promotion and economic policy in general at that time was still noticeable in its effects up to the crisis resistance of the Württemberg economy, which was widespread and much envied in the thirties of our century.After the state revolution of 1918 had also given Württemberg its own ministries for the economy (Labour Ministry and Food Ministry, 1926 united to form the Economics Ministry), the Central Office for Trade and Commerce was reorganised by decree of the State Ministry of 30 November 1920 under new distribution of responsibilities to the State Trade Office. For the organization of the state economic administration, this was not as revolutionary as the founding of the Central Office, with which a completely new epoch of Württemberg industrial history had begun. But the reorganization was more far-reaching than the repeated renewal of the "Basic Provisions" of 1848, through which the Central Office had repeatedly adapted itself to the changes in economic life and in the relationship between the state and the economy in the course of its seventy-year history. The Central Office, the creation of the revolution of 1848, thus underwent its strongest transformation to date through the revolution of 1918. As one can easily understand, the precipitation of files from the Central Office represents a unique source in the state sector for the economic history of Württemberg in the years 1848-1920. In addition, the Central Office had taken over not inconsiderable files of older semi-private institutions founded or sponsored by the state, such as the "Gesellschaft für Beförderung der Gewerbe" (Society for the Promotion of Trade) founded in 1830 and the "Handels- und Gewerbsverein" (Trade and Trade Association) founded in 1819, and later partly also the "Zentralstelle des landwirtschaftlichen Vereins" (Central Office of the Agricultural Association) established in 1817. The registry of the Stuttgart Central Office for Trade and Commerce in 1920, when it was transformed into the State Trade Office, contained the relevant records of a full century. The Central Office, like the majority of the 19th century ministries and state resource authorities, has not exercised little care in its registry. The first registry plan of the newly founded authority, which was first provisionally housed in the building of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, was drafted in 1850 by Reinhardt's secretary, a booklet of only 37 pages; it remained in force throughout the Steinbeis era until the early eighties. The files taken over immediately in 1848 by the Gewerbeförderungsgesellschaft and the Handels- und Gewerbeverein were incorporated into the individual departments of the registry in 1850. The same procedure was followed when, in 1882, on the occasion of the reorganization of the registry of the Central Office for Agriculture, the previous files of the Central Office of the Agricultural Association had been handed over to the association, as well as again in 1888, when papers from the estate of the well-known national economist Moriz Mohl were handed over to the association. In 1869 a separate room had to be set up for the registry, which until then had been housed in the only chancellery room, and the three "full-grafted" file shelves had to be increased by two new ones. In 1883, not long after the Director (and later President) Robert von Gupp took office, a fundamental reorganization of the further swollen registry overflowing into the corridors and attic had become indispensable. The work was transferred by the Ministry of the Interior to the civil servant Heberle of the Oberamt Schwäbisch Hall, since it could not be handled by the few civil servants of the central office, and was only completed after three years. The new registry plan drawn up by Heberle, now already a volume of 200 pages, has been preserved, while his repertory, four times as extensive, unfortunately did not come to us. For the first time, Heberle systematically separated the current registry (then 1109 fascicles) from the old registry (then 1242 fascicles). On the occasion of these works also the first file cassations of considerable size took place (about 180 fascicles and volumes). The surviving elimination lists show that this was done conscientiously and that there was probably very little collected, which would be of interest to the economic historian today. The order created in 1883-85 has survived the relocation of the central office to the new magnificent building of the Stuttgart State Trade Museum in 1896; even today, a large part of the files can be found in the fascicles formed and inscribed by Heberle. In the new building, in 1901-1902, the old registry, which had already grown into a proper official archive, could be separated and appropriately furnished in the attic. In 1905-1908, Obersekretär Hauser produced a new file plan of 800 pages for old and current registries, using but also improving the Heberleschen order, which was in use until the reorganization of the Central Office in 1920 and has fortunately been preserved. The fact that substantial parts of it then fell victim to the bombs of the Second World War is one of the most sensitive source losses for research. All files of the Central Office, which had been sent to the Ministry of Economy by the State Trade Office in the wake of the organisational changes of 1920, were burnt with the Ministry of Economy, including valuable files on chambers of commerce, trade contracts and customs 1819-1870 as well as on railways 1857-1913. Apart from the ruinous remains, all files of the Central Office that were still in the possession of the Stuttgart State Trade Office during the Second World War have also been destroyed, including not only extensive material from the first two decades of the 20th century, which was still curious at the time, but also some departments dating back a long way, some of which still had files from the "Gesellschaft für Beförderung der Gewerbe" (1830-1848) and its predecessors. These were once two larger deliveries by the Stuttgart State Trade Office from 1930 and 1939, a total of about 40 m (today inventory E 170), and the files of the Patent Commission of the Central Office, which were handed over by the Reich Patent Office in 1939 and which, according to the German Patent Law of 25 January 1877, were not available for inspection. The first volume was sent to Berlin in May 1877 (Reichsgesetzblatt pp. 501ff.) (11 m, today stock E 170a), and finally 60 volumes of invoices from the Zentralstelle (1848/49-1908/09, 2 m), which the Staatsarchiv Ludwigsburg had taken over in 1921 with the invoice section of the former Finanzarchiv (today stock E 224a). The existing registry aids, administrative repertories, handover and elimination directories no longer allow even a rough percentage to be given today of how the volume of this rescued document (a total of 53 linear metres) relates to that of the lost document. But on the basis of Hauser's file plan of the Central Office from 1905-1908 at least the larger and for research most perceptible gaps in the inventory handed down to us can be determined. For example, most of the minutes of the meetings are missing, the files on the well-known Stuttgart State Trade Museum (the second oldest in Europe) and those on the Information Centre for the Construction Industry; in addition to the diaries, the once demonstrably existing files on the large library of the Central Office - the most important of Germany's trade libraries -, on social insurance, industrial legal protection, building legislation, traffic with foodstuffs, luxury foods and utensils have been completely lost. Despite these and other gaps, the preserved files of the Central Office and its predecessors still represent an invaluable source for the economic history of the Württemberg royal period. It is well known that the records of the commercial enterprises, most of which grew out of small businesses, are often extremely incomplete and not easily accessible for general use; the valuable archives of the Stuttgart and Ulm Chambers of Commerce were almost completely destroyed by the Second World War. The central tradition of state industrial promotion thus offers not only the only opportunity to explore the great transformation process of the 19th century as a whole; it is also widely the only source both of the history of hundreds of individual enterprises and of the emergence of economic self-government. This source was already not completely unused. But for a long time, the partially quite inadequate degree of their development prohibited the real exploitation of them. Only the annual accounts of the Central Office (in inventory E 224a) did not require any special expenditure for archival finding aids. In chronological order, you will find detailed evidence of all measures for industrial education and support for trade, of each "sending experts abroad and appointing tradesmen from the same field" (as one of the invoice headings reads), of the purchase of models, drawings, samples, sample tools, machines and inventions, of exhibitions and prize distributions, of the introduction of new branches of industry and the upgrading of existing ones, of the promotion of the sale of goods, of trade associations and craftsmen, and finally of expenditure on fundamental studies of industrial development. Anyone looking for individual companies or persons in the accounts must of course, in order to reach their goal quickly, already be aware of the vintages in question, and must also be content with the fact that 19th century accounts, less informative than some from earlier times, essentially give facts and only rarely motives.In 1949, the State Archives Ludwigsburg was able to complete a hand-written archive repertory for the patent files of the Central Office (fonds E 170a), which had been taken over in 1939 without any index, during the executive board of the then Oberarchivrat Dr. Max Miller. In two volumes (with together more than 1000 pages) it lists the protocols of the patent commission and some general files as well as the chronologically arranged special files on all Württemberg patents examined by the central office in the years 1848-1877 (with name index). In addition, for the years 1841 to 1848, it makes accessible the relevant preparatory files of the Central Office of the Agricultural Association, which was responsible for the patent system at that time, characteristic of the Biedermeier view of commercial economy. The collection, easily accessible since 1949 (a total of 2373 tufts), contains patent files of Swabian inventors (e.g. Daimler, Max Eyth, Magirus, Gebrüder Mauser and Friedrich Voith) as well as numerous patent applications of non-Württembergians (from the rest of Germany, from other European countries and from America), all in all quite considerable documents for the history of technology. It proved to be more difficult for the archive administration to catalog the even more important and far more extensive file deliveries of the Landesgewerbeamt of 1930 and 1939, the first of which is already listed in K.O. Müller's printed "Gesamübersicht" of 1937 (fonds E 170). In the research service of the State Archives, especially since the Second World War, there have been repeated attempts to use these files for surveys of company histories and anniversaries. But the scarcity of the summary handover lists made this an always time-consuming and often unsuccessful effort. Even the question of individual facts and data could embarrass the archivist; there was absolutely no question of a systematic evaluation of the holdings for the economic and social history, which is becoming more and more important from year to year. Paul Gehring's important essays on Württemberg economic history in the 19th century had to be written without the use of these files, especially under the difficult working conditions of the war and post-war years. Under these circumstances, the production of a scientifically useful repertory became an urgent desideratum of both administration and research. Fortunately, in 1958, the efforts of State Archives Director Dr. Max Miller to obtain funds from the State Trade Office of Baden-Württemberg for the temporary employment of a legally and economically trained processor of these trade and commercial files were successful. The typewritten repertory E 170 comprises three state folio volumes of almost 1000 pages and, restored according to the Hauser file plan from 1905-1908, makes the holdings usable right down to their finest ramifications. Some of it certainly is of predominantly regional or even only local historical interest. But much of it shows in surprisingly rich detail how systematically the Central Office used the experiences and models of the then technically and socially advanced German and non-German states (above all Belgium and England) to raise the Württemberg economy. There are numerous files on the secondment of entrepreneurs, technicians and craftsmen abroad for technical and artistic training, on experiments with foreign machines and production processes, on the appointment of foreign specialists, on participation in major international exhibitions from Paris and London to Philadelphia and Melbourne. Thus, the collection of files shows the way in which a 19th-century German middle-class state developed its craft with comparatively modest but skilfully invested financial expenditures and helped its industry to become internationally competitive. At the goal of this way stood, that was the specifically Württemberg of a gemeindeutschen procedure per se, a quality industry of large variety and healthy decentralization. The typewritten finding aid was provided by Rudolf Denk, Walter Grube and Wolfgang Schmierer (completion 1969). Note: This finding aid book is a repertory which has been available only in typewritten form up to now and which has been converted into a database-supported and thus online-capable format according to a procedure developed by the "Working Group on Retroconversion in the State Archives Ludwigsburg". This can lead to a certain discrepancy between the modern external appearance and the today partly outdated design and wording of the title records, in particular:- corrections, deletions and supplements were checked and incorporated.- The title records of archive units found to be missing were taken over and provided with a corresponding note ("Missing since ...." or similar).- If the allocation of new order numbers was unavoidable, the old signature was verified in the respective title record and in a separate overall concordance.

Stadtarchiv Worms, 170/02 · Fonds
Part of City Archive Worms (Archivtektonik)

Inventory description: Dept. 170/2 estate Georg and Barbara Freed Scope: 819 units of description (= 23 linear metres of archive cartons and 9 linear metres of rolled plans) = add. 32 m Running time: 1792 - 1941 Family and foundation In the course of establishing a foundation to the City of Worms, which was decreed in the will, the Worms architect Georg Ludwig Freed (1858-1936) and his sister Barbara (Babette 1855-1941) bequeathed documents to the then museum and the municipal cultural institutes, which were taken over by Dr. Illert in 1942 (cf. Der Wormsgau 2, p. 99). Members of the Freed family had been resident in Worms since the beginning of the 19th century as master painters and whitewashers. They already held important positions in bourgeois associations in the pre-March period, including the Schützengesellschaft, the gymnastics community of 1846 Worms and the fire brigade. Both siblings remained unmarried throughout their lives, their sister Anna Maria (1854) was the wife of the museum director and since 1898 city archivist August Weckerling. The material of the 'Stiftung Freed' includes personal letters, postcards and papers, diaries, documents as well as artisan, artistic and family history documents in a large variety (especially about 1850 to 1935), without any documents obviously being collected after the death of the siblings. A large part of the estate is occupied by the actual architect Freed (numerous sketches, drawings, maps, plans, newspapers, etc.), whose temporal focus lies in his Mannheim years between 1889/93 and 1914. In addition, there are association documents from the entire Protestant-national-liberal milieu, including militaria and national teams or academic associations of the TH Darmstadt. In addition to the documents of his father Georg Fr. Freed from the time since approx. 1840, the closed file tradition of the house Wollstr. 28, which has been inhabited since 1800 and bequeathed to the city of Worms in 1941/42 and later sold privately by the latter (house preserved, part of a monument zone) is also relevant. Family grandfather of G. Freed: Johann Ph. Freed 1794-1845 married with Johanna Friederika Uswald 1798-1823 (daughter of:) Carl Ernst Ußwald from Oelsnitz/Vogtland 1754, from 1796 in Worms, 1818 (= great-grandfather of G. Freed), married Anna Katharina Köhler née. Völcker (1776-1846), was a painter and master draughtsman (family book: no. 87, description Reuter 1968, p. 204 no. 3), three other family books described on p. 212. Elisabeth Margareta Freed, Stiefenkelin of C.E. U.., born 1826 sister: Katharina Anna, 1825-1912 disproportionate stepbrother: Georg Friedrich F., born 1823 Worms (= grandson of C. E. Uswald) learned the painting and whitewashing trade, journeyman years Wiesbaden 1843/44, Dresden 1844, Vienna 1845; in Worms marriage 1851 with Elisabeth Müller (1825-1899), ev, City councillor 1874-1892; 1837-1851 pedigree book (description Reuter 1968 p. 212); died 1896 = father of Georg, Babette and Anna Maria Freed (Anna M. Freed (*1854) married with August Weckerling, who was thus the brother-in-law of the two Freeds, this certainly justified the willingness to donate the collection to the museum run by Weckerling, whose successor Illert acted as executor of the will after Barbara's death in 1941), Son of the pensioner, master whitewasher and town councillor Georg Friedrich Freed (1823-1896, married to Elisabeth Freed née. Müller), 1865-1869 attends preschool, 1869-1875 secondary school in Worms; takes private lessons in higher mathematics and languages in 1875, passed entrance examination, eight semesters as a regular student of the building school enrolled at the TH Darmstadt; also occupies the subjects prescribed for civil service, final examination in autumn 1879 together with the civil service aspirants, participation in study trips and excursions, etc.a. 1878 World Exhibition Paris, 1.4.1880 One-year volunteer reg. 118 Worms, from summer 1881 to summer 1885 for further mainly artistic education in Munich in the studio of Prof. Hauberrisser, there collaboration on large building projects, 1885-1887 active in Berlin in studios of architect Kayser u. v. Großheim, Erdmann

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Q 2/12 · Fonds · 1853-1915 (1950-1987)
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)
  1. history of tradition: On 24 March 1976 the Linden-Museum Stuttgart handed over the scientific estate of the Africa-traveller Karl Mauch (born on 7 May 1837 in Stetten im Remstal, died on 4 April 1875 in Blaubeuren), comprising a total of 0.2 metres, to the Main State Archives for safekeeping. The museum connected with the surrender the condition, also approved by the two sponsors of the museum, the Ministry of Culture Baden-Württemberg and the city of Stuttgart, that the documents of the estate be restored, as far as necessary, in the Main State Archive Stuttgart. The most valuable parts of the scientifically significant estate are the diaries, the sketchbooks and the drawings of Karl Mauch. In addition to the records and other documents left behind by the well-known African explorer, the collection also contains materials from the estate of his brother Joseph B. Mauch. The biographer Karl Mauchs, the secondary school teacher E. Mager from Schwäbisch Gmünd, has taken care of the written legacy of the Africa researcher and provided for the erection of a memorial stone at the seminar building in Schwäbisch Gmünd. The estate was arranged and registered in the course of 1976 by the aspiring inspector Rolf Reiff under the direction of the undersigned. A restoration of the part of the written material that is endangered in its state of preservation is planned for the next few years. 2nd biography: Mauch, Karl (07.05.1837 - 04.04.1875), teacher, African explorer and cartographer; traveled in the years 1865-1872 mainly Transvaal and Matabeleland, discovered the ruins of Zimbabwe in 1871; cartographer of South Africa 3rd content: Contains: Diaries and sketchbooks; notes on geology, botany, zoology, and deposit geography; drawings and maps of his expeditions; Mauch's surveying instruments; documents of his brother Joseph B's estate. Mauch, pharmacist; supplemented by material collections on Mauch's life and work, mainly compiled by his biographer Engelbert Mager, erection of a Mauch monument in Schwäbisch Gmünd, scientific findings and discoveries by other African researchers; literature on Karl Mauch 4. Literature: Karl Mauch: The journals of Carl Mauch. His travels in the Transvaal and Rhodesia 1869-1872 Transcribed from the original by E. Bernhard and translated by F. O. Bernhard. Edited by E. Burke. Salisbury: National Archives of Rhodesia 1969; Carl Mauch: African Diary. In: Hartmut Selke (Bearb.), Swabian globetrotter (Kiechel, Ulsheimer, Mauch). Schwäbische Lebensläufe Volume 9 Heidenheim an der Brenz, 1971; Herbert W. A. Sommerlatte, Gold und Ruinen in Zimbabwe. From diaries and letters of the Swabian Karl Mauch (1837-1875). Gütersloh 1987; A Swabian in the Goldland Ophir? - the discovery of the ruins of Zimbabwe by Karl Mauch in 1871. [Catalogue of the] exhibition of the Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, 1991.
Mauch, Karl
PrAdK 1254 · File · 1897 - 1933
Part of Archive of the Academy of Arts
  • Minutes of the meetings of the Senate Committee for Exhibition Affairs:<br />15 Dec. 1897 (constituent meeting; participants: Heyden, Koepping, Knaus, Manzel, Otzen, Graf Harrach, Siemering, v. Oettingen): Election of Otzen as chairman, resolution to invite the elected deputies to the meetings; discussion about the participation of the Academy in the conception and financing of the Landeskunstausstellung, about its relationship to the Verein Berliner Künstler, about a redesign of the Große Berliner Kunstausstellung (Bl. 1f.).<br />Participants in the meetings in 1898: Heyden, Knaus, Koepping, Manzel, Otzen, v. Oettingen, Siemering.<br />23rd Febr. 1898: Report on the Fechner and Schuch brochures on exhibitions; resolution: summary of the discussion including the relevant work by Heyden (Bl. 2). 1898: Exhibition of the works of the member Michetti, withdrawal of the application of Siemering (exhibition of the works of all academy members), recommendation to apply for an exhibition of the works of the architect Wolff to the Architects Association (Bl. 2f.).<br />Participants in the meetings in 1899: Otzen, Ende, Heyden, Knaus, Koepping, Manzel, v. Oettingen, Siemering, v. Tschudi.<br />30th Jan. 1899: Brochures by Fechner, Schuch and Heyden; discussion about the future design of the Great Berlin Art Exhibitions, question of the jury; establishment of a travel fund to foreign exhibitions for deputies of the academy; proposal: captions instead of exhibition catalogue; division of the exhibition halls and the jury between academy and association of Berlin artists (Bl. 12).<br />24 Febr. 1899: support for an exhibition of works by Paul Meyerheim, Jan./Febr. 1900, unless a secular exhibition is organized; question of the jury [of the Great Berlin Art Exhibitions] (p. 12).<br />30 June 1899: Exhibition of French paintings under the direction of Dramard (President of the Société des Amis des Arts in Paris) in Oct. 1899, review of the selection of works by Koepping (p. 13).<br />Participants in the meetings in 1900: End, Friedrich, Kampf, Manzel, Schwechten, Siemering.<br />14 Nov. 1900 (constituent meeting): Election of Friedrich as chairman; discussion of various proposals for exhibitions: Koner, Chodowiecki, collection of paintings by the banker König, colonial pictures by L. Braun and Petersen; provision of rooms for an exhibition by the Verein der Freunde künstlerischer Photographie (Bl. 13).<br />Participants in the meetings in 1901: End, Friedrich, Kampf, Manzel, Oettingen, Scheurenberg, Schwechten, Siemering, Steinhausen, Renvers.<br />19 Jan. 1901: adjourned (p. 14).<br />23 Jan. 1901: adjourned (p. 14). 1901: Sequence of exhibitions in spring (Kronjubiläum, Koner, Verein Berliner Künstlerinnen, Konkurrenzen); rejection of an exhibition of works by the sculptor Guild; application of the Kunstverein Frankfurt/Main for an organisational merger in exhibition matters; rejection of Fechner's application (request of the imperial court) for the organisation of a portrait exhibition of Bismarck and other famous men of the 19th century. 13 Nov 1901: Re-election of the chairman Friedrichs; rejection of exhibitions of works by Hermione v. Preuschen, Gysis, and the portrait painter Hans Schadow; application for the abolition of the ministerial permit requirement for the exhibition of paintings from foreign collections in the academy; formation of a commission for the design of future academy exhibitions (Ende, Siemering, Kampf, v. Oettingen); on the application of the Vereinigung Berliner Architekten for the conversion of the Landeskunstausstellungsgebäude (Bl. 14f.).<br />16 Dec. 1901: Design of the special exhibitions in the future academy building, financing issues (creation of a separate fund for the exhibitions); rejection of exhibition projects: Association of lithographers, exhibition of the artistic estate of the architect August Orth (page 15).<br />Participants in the meetings in 1902: Steinhausen, Manzel, Oettingen, Scheurenberg, Schwechten, Siemering.<br />19th Apr. 1902: Recommendation for the provision of rooms for exhibitions of the Verein für Deutsches Kunstgewerbe Berlin and the Zentralkomitees für das ärztliche Fortbildungswesen in Preußen (Bl. 15).<br />Participants in the meetings in 1903: End, Calandrelli, Friedrich, Oettingen, Scheurenberg, Schwechten.<br />10th Jan. 1903: Constitution of the committee for 1902/03 and election of Friedrich as chairman; inquiry by A. v. Keller, Munich, for exhibition rooms for the Munich Secession; on the contract of a brewery company for the construction of a restaurant on the exhibition site (p. 40).<br />Participants in the meetings in 1906: Joachim, Otzen, Frenzel, Janensch, Justi, Kampf, Koepping, Lessing, Messel, Meyerheim, Raschdorff, Schwechten, Skarbina, Tuaillon, Baumeister Wendt and Lotter.<br />12 Febr. 1906: Constitution of the committee and election of Kampf as chairman, von Koepping as deputy chairman. Reflections on the exhibition on the occasion of the opening of the new office building at Pariser Platz; Rembrandt exhibition, temporary postponement of a members' exhibition (p. 40).<br />3 March 1906: Debate on the submission of the Leipzig painter Klamroth to Wilhelm II on jury-free exhibitions (p. 40). 41f.).<br />14 March 1906: Decision to open the new office building with an exhibition of works by the members, extension of the committee in preparation for the opening exhibition; appeal to the members to send in works, recommendations for the design of the exhibition rooms (pp. 43f.).<br />21 May 1906: Design of the exhibition rooms; costs of the opening exhibition (p. 45).<br />8 Sept. 1906: constitution of the committee and election of Arthur Kampf as chairman for 1906/07, von Koepping as deputy chairman; design of the exhibition rooms (p. 45).<br />31 Oct. 1906: selection criteria for the architects' objects; duration of the exhibition and catalogue (p. 45).<br />31 Oct. 1906: selection criteria for the architects' objects; duration of the exhibition and catalogue (p. 45).<br />8 Sept. 1906: constitution of the committee and election of Arthur Kampf as chairman for 1906/07, von Koepping as deputy chairman; design of the exhibition rooms (p. 45).<br />31 Oct. 1906: selection criteria for the architects' objects; duration of the exhibition and catalogue (p. 45). 45f.).<br />21 Dec. 1906: Design of the exhibition rooms, catalogue, press conference (p. 46).<br />Participants in the meetings in 1907: Kampf, Frenzel, Friedrich, Gaul, Herrmann, Hoffmann, Janensch, Justi, Koepping, Lessing, Messel, Meyerheim, Otzen, Schwechten, Skarbina, Tuaillon.<br />9 Jan. 1907: Design of the exhibition rooms, invitation cards (p. 47).<br />6 Feb. 1907: Entry regulations for the members of the Verein Berliner Künstler, the Verein der Künstlerinnen, the Secession and for the academy members, conditions of sale (p. 47). 47).<br />27 March 1907: Reimbursement of transport costs for sculptors, remunerations for office workers at exhibitions, further planned exhibition for autumn, invitation to non-members (e.g. Stuck, Leistikow, Sargent, Lederer, Starck, Hocheder, Bl. 48);<br />22 Apr. 1907: Proposals for non-members to be invited to the autumn exhibition, e.g. Sargent, Kuehl, Leistikow; Gobelin exhibition of the company Sargent, Kuehl, Leistikow; Gobelin exhibition of the company Gobelin, Gobelin exhibition of the company Gobelin, Gobelin exhibition of the company Gobelin exhibition of the company Gobelin exhibition of the company Gobelin exhibition of the company Gobelin exhibition of the company Gobelin exhibition of the company Gobelin exhibition of the company. Gerson; Extension of the exhibition commission by members to be elected by the cooperative, proposal to transfer the management of the Academy exhibitions of the Academy to the commission (pp. 48f.).<br />1 Oct. 1907: Constitution of the committee, election of Koepping as chairman; Gussow exhibition (pp. 49).<br />26 Oct. 1907: Equipment of the exhibition rooms, number of works to be submitted, works of L. v. Hofmanns; draft for the organization of the exhibition committee; co-optation of members (Hoffmann, Herrmann, Gaul) into the committee; on the possibility of an exhibition of older English art from the possession of German princely houses (p. 50).<br />11 Nov. 11. 1907: Cancellations by foreign artists (Serow, Besnard) for the exhibition in the Academy; number of works to be submitted; Berlin members; catalogue, poster and admission tickets; sales; for the planned exhibition of English Art (pp. 50f.).<br />11 Dec. 1907: Decision to hold an exhibition of English Art; watercolour exhibition at the suggestion of Wilhelm II. (pp. 51f.).<br />Participants in the meetings in 1908: Kampf, Friedrich, Gaul, Herrmann, Hoffmann, Janensch, Justi, Koepping, Scheurenberg, Schmidt, Schwechten, Skarbina.<br />16. Jan. 1908: Photogravure edition of the exhibition of English Art; exhibition of the Werdandibund (pp. 51f.); exhibition of the Werdandibund (pp. 52).<br />4 March 1908: Income and expenditure of the exhibition English Art; exhibition Fritz Werner and Louis Jacoby; Marées exhibition at the suggestion of Meier-Graefe; exhibition on the occasion of the birthday of Wilhelm II. in 1909 with works by Schadow and members; plan of a memorial exhibition for the members Thumann und Ende (p. 53).<br />17 March 1908: to participate in the Brussels World Exhibition 1910; decision: Marées exhibition not in the Academy; application of the Association of German Sculptors for free admission; organisation of the exhibition committee; season tickets for the wives of the members (p. 53f).<br />23 Apr. 1908: Exhibition of the artistic estate of Peter Janssen; exhibition of older French art by the Deutsch-Französische Gesellschaft; member exhibition Jan. 1909; watercolour exhibition (pp. 54f.).<br />14 Aug. 1908: Constitution of the committee, election of Koepping as deputy chairman; election of the cooperative members to be co-opted; invitations to non-members (e.g. Slevogt, Orlik, Looschen, Kuehl) to the watercolour exhibition; proposals for the redesign of the exhibition rooms; Schadow exhibition, participation of non-members in the exhibition (pp. 56f.).<br />10 Oct. 1908: Watercolor exhibition (p. 58).<br />Participants in the meetings in 1909: Kampf, Friedrich, Gaul, Herrmann, Hoffmann, Janensch, Justi, Koepping, Lessing, Manzel, Scheurenberg, Schwechten, Skarbina.<br />18th Jan. 1909: Structure of the Schadow exhibition (p. 58).<br />26 Oct. 1909: Re-election of the co-opted cooperative members; resolution: no member exhibition in the winter of 1910/11; exhibition of French art of the 18th century. Reisinger's proposal: exhibition of American art; no Menzel memorial exhibition (pp. 58f.).<br />Dec. 8, 1909: planned exhibitions; design of the exhibition rooms; request for plaster casts of Pigalles Venus and Mercury; exhibition of a painting by Melchior Lechter in the Akademie-Saal (pp. 59f.).<br />Participants in the meetings in 1910: v. Groszheim, Amersdorffer, Frenzel, Gaul, Herrmann, Kampf, Manzel, Scheurenberg, Schwechten.<br />19. July 1910: composition of the committee 1910/11 (list of names); constitution of the committee and election of Arthur Kampf as chairman; German Arts and Crafts Exhibition in Rio de Janeiro; exhibition of watercolours and plans of the Chicago Commercial Club in the academy at March's suggestion; exhibition of members 1911 (Bl. 60f.).<br />28 Oct. 1910: Non-members to be invited to the members' exhibition (list of names); co-optation of Frenzel (instead of Herrmann) to the committee (pp. 61f.).<br />21 Dec. 1910: Member exhibition in winter 1911, especially exhibition conditions; exhibition of East Asian art 1911; Knaus- and Woldemar-Friedrich memorial exhibition in connection with a Löfftz exhibition; exhibition of the Italian painters Fornara and Breviati (Bl. 62f.).<br />Participants in the meetings in 1911: v. Groszheim, Amersdorffer, Dettmann, Gaul, Herrmann, Hoffmann, Justi, Kampf, Koepping, Manzel, Rüfer, Scheurenberg, Schmidt.<br />16 Jan 1911: Visit of the rooms of the winter exhibition; Bismarck portrait of Knaus; no permission to exhibit the anniversary portfolio of the Verein für Originalradierung; rejection of Eberlein's request for an exhibition of a work; approval of the request of Justi for an exhibition of the new acquisitions of the Nationalgalerie; renunciation of a Löfftz exhibition; support of a memorial exhibition for Knaus and Friedrich (Bl. 64f.).<br />7 Nov. 1911 (together with the Committee for General and Administrative Affairs): Constitution of the Committee and election of Koepping as Chairman; Debate on an exhibition of homage to Wilhelm II by the artists of Berlin (at Manzel's suggestion); Anniversary Medal (pp. 68f.).<br />Participants in the meetings in 1912: Manzel, Amersdorffer, Engel, Kampf, Koepping, Scheurenberg.<br />9 Dec. 1912: Constitution of the committee, co-optation of members of the cooperative; Hertel exhibition; resolution: no sale of photographs in the exhibitions; exhibitions about Wallot and O. Lessing; Anniversary exhibition: rejection of the exhibition of drawings by Kallmorgen (pp. 72f.).<br />Participants in the meetings in 1913: Manzel, Amersdorffer, Engel, Liebermann, Kayser, Koepping, Scheurenberg.<br />22nd Jan. 1913: Anniversary exhibition: concept for the exhibition, renovation of the exhibition halls, Hoffmann's request for his own space within the exhibition, March's opera house design and the possible exhibition of the other opera house designs (Bl. 73f.).<br />21 Oct. 1913: Constitution of the committee, election of Koepping as deputy chairman, co-optation of members of the cooperative; proposals: Exhibition about Leibl and his circle, member exhibition (p. 76).<br />Participants in the meetings in 1914: Manzel, Amersdorffer, Engel, Jacob, Janensch, Kampf, Kayser, Klimsch, Liebermann, Schaper, Seeling.<br />17th Febr. 1914: Draft of regulations for the exhibitions of the academy; list of suggestions for the guests of the next member exhibition (e.g. Corinth, Trübner, Kuehl, Sterl, Kolbe, Barlach, Zürcher); proposals for collective exhibitions: Koepping, Anton v. Werner, v. Uhde, v. Bartels; rejection of a memorial exhibition for Friedrich Martersteig; no consent to an international art exhibition of female artists (Bl. 77).<br />Dec. 14, 1914: Constitution of the committee and election of Otto H. Engel as deputy chairman; co-optation of cooperative members; planned academy exhibition (p. 78).<br />Participants in the meetings in 1915: Manzel, Amersdorffer, Engel, Hoffmann, Hübner, Jacob, Janensch, Kallmorgen, Kampf, Kayser, Klimsch, Liebermann, Schaper, Schwechten, Seeling.<br />28th Jan. 1915: Preparation of an Anton v.-Werner exhibition; member exhibition (p. 79).<br />15 Febr. 1915: no event of a v.-Werner exhibition on the advice of Wilhelm II; proposals for the members' exhibition, list of guests to be invited, including Corinth, Orlik, Baluschek, Kolbe (pp. 80f.).<br />16 June 1915: constitution of the committee, assumption of the chairmanship by Manzel, co-optation of members of the cooperative; advice on proposals for the purchase of works of art (pp. 80f.); proposal for the purchase of works of art (pp. 80f.). 82).<br />Dec. 9, 1915: Election of Major Schweitzer to the commission as representative of the army for the planned exhibition of war paintings, consultation on the regulations for this exhibition (Bl. 82).<br />Participants in the meetings in 1916: Schwechten, Amersdorffer, Engel, Herrmann, Liebermann.<br />29 Dec. 1916: Constitution of the committee and co-optation of members of the cooperative; proposals for exhibitions in 1917: Alfred-Rethel-, Schwarz-Weiß-, Kriegsbilder- und Türkische Ausstellung (Bl. 84).<br />Participants in meetings in 1917: Schwechten, Amersdorffer, Engel, Herrmann, Hoffmann, Hübner, Janensch, Kallmorgen, Liebermann, Manzel, Major Schweitzer.<br />17 Jan. 1917: Recommendation: renouncement of the planned black-and-white exhibition in favor of a comprehensive Rethel exhibition (p. 84).<br />7 March 1917: postponement of the Rethel exhibition to a point in time after the end of the war; co-optation of Schweitzer to the committee; approval of the regulations for the exhibition of German, Austro-Hungarian, and Bulgarian war pictures (p. 84). 85).<br />Participants in meetings in 1919: Manzel, Amersdorffer, Bestelmeyer, Engel, Franck, Geyger, Kampf, Klimsch, Liebermann, Looschen, Makowsky, Starck.<br />Febr. 1, 1919: Decision to extend the circle of participating artists as far as possible, list of guests to be invited (including Hans Purrmann, Emil R. Weiß, Magnus Zeller, Oskar Kokoschka, Max Pechstein, Emil Orlik, Buno Paul, Paul Mebes, Alfred Breslauer, Peter Behrens; addresses, notes, sheets, etc.). 85f.).<br />14 March 1919: Preparation of the 1919 exhibition: list of guests to be invited, additions to the exhibition commission, proposals for special exhibitions: Tuaillon, Friese, arts and crafts department after consultation with Bruno Paul, for a graphics department possibly with the participation of Käthe Kollwitz, no invitation from architects (pp. 86f.).<br />2 Apr. 1919: Preparation of the exhibition 1919: addition to the guest list, including Heckel, Kirchner, Franz Marc; proposals for special exhibitions: Tuaillon, Friese, Lehmbruck, Dora Hitz, architecture exhibition, determination of studio visits with the intended guests for the selection of the works of art (pp. 87f.).<br />29 Apr. 1919: preparation of the exhibition 1919, invitation of further guests; proposal: portrait exhibition in Nov. 1919 (pp. 88f.).<br />20 Sept. 1919: for the transfer of exhibition rooms to former soldiers; exhibition of portraits; theatre exhibition (pp. 89f.).<br />27 Oct. 1919: exhibition of portraits, including works by Anton Graff from the possession of the Academy as well as works from the possession of Liebermann (pp. 90).<br />Nov. 3, 1919: Cooptation of the director of the portrait department of the National Gallery, Mackowsky, into the exhibition commission; specifications for the exhibition of portraits (p. 91).<br />Nov. 13, 1919: Exhibition of portraits (p. 91f.).<br />Nov. 20, 1919: Exhibition of portraits, et al. Liebermann's suggestion not to exhibit contemporary works (pp. 92f.).<br />December 1, 1919: Definition of the portrait exhibition: no contemporary artists, modern portraits as part of the spring exhibition 1920; new lighting in the exhibition rooms (pp. 92f.). 93).<br />Participants in the meetings in 1920: Manzel, Amersdorffer, Engel, Franck, Geyger, Hoffmann, Kampf, Klimsch, Lederer, Liebermann, Looschen, Mackowsky, Seeck, Starck, Bräuning; Jessen and Freudenberg from the Association of Model Industrialists.<br />11 Febr. 1920: Portrait exhibition (p. 94).<br />24 March 1920: Portrait exhibition; members' exhibition autumn 1920; members' tour of the exhibitions in Düsseldorf, Munich and Dresden (p. 96).<br />21 Febr. 1920: Portrait exhibition (p. 94).<br />21 March 1920: Portrait exhibition; members' exhibition autumn 1920; members' tour of the exhibitions in Düsseldorf, Munich and Dresden (p. 96).<br />21 Febr. 1920: Portrait exhibition (p. 94).<br />21 March 1920: Members' exhibition autumn 1920; members' tour of the exhibitions in Düsseldorf, Munich and Dresden (p. 96).<br />21 Febr />11 Febr />11 />21 Febr />11 />11. June 1920: Member exhibition; visit of various foreign exhibitions; architecture exhibition; black-and-white exhibition spring 1921; theatre exhibition (page 97f.).<br />7 July 1920: guests for the autumn exhibition (list of names); architecture exhibition in spring 1921 (page 99f.).<br />14 July 1920: Liebermann's proposals for the reorganization of the exhibitions in the academy (jury, relationship to modernism, etc.); autumn exhibition, etc: Members of the exhibition commission as jury; Architecture exhibition (pp. 101-103).<br />21 July 1920: Autumn exhibition (press release, programme, admission requirements, schedule; pp. 104).<br />15 Sept. 1920: Exemption from the luxury tax at academic exhibitions; invitations to artists to send out items to the autumn exhibition (including Max Beckmann, Heckel, Hofer, Walser); exhibition 'Farbe und Mode' ('Colour and Fashion') of the Verband der Mode-Industriellen ('Association of Model Industrialists'); request to exhibit works from the estate of Max Klinger (Bl. 105f.).<br />22 Sept. 1920: Approval of the exhibition 'Colour and Fashion', if artistic aspects are decisive; further guests for the autumn exhibition, e.g. Schmidt-Rottluff and Partikel (Bl. 107).<br />7 Oct. 1920: Approval of the exhibition 'Colour and Fashion', if artistic aspects are decisive; further guests for the autumn exhibition, e.g. Schmidt-Rottluff and Partikel (Bl. 107).<br />7 Oct. 1920: Approval of the exhibition 'Colour and Fashion', if artistic aspects are decisive; further guests for the autumn exhibition, e.g. Schmidt-Rottluff and Partikel (Bl. 107).<br />7 Oct. 1920: Approval of the exhibition 'Colour and Fashion', if artistic aspects are decisive; further guests for the autumn exhibition, e.g. Schmidt-Rottluff and Partikel (Bl. 107). 1920: Autumn exhibition, further invitations, exposé (pp. 108f.).<br />Participants in the meetings in 1921: Liebermann, Amersdorffer, Bestelmeyer, Dettmann, Engel, Gaul, Geyger, Franck, Hoffmann, Kampf, Klimsch, Kollwitz, Lederer, Looschen, Slevogt, Starck.<br />7th Jan. 1921: New constitution of the committee, retirement of Manzel, Bestelmeyer, Jaeckel, election of Gaul, Dettmann, Kollwitz; black-and-white exhibition, programme; suggestion by Slevogt: exhibition of stage designs (p. 110).<br />7th Febr. 1921: Non-members to be invited to the black-and-white exhibition, list of names, separated according to artists who were represented at the autumn exhibition 1920 and other artists, e.g. George Grosz, Paul Klee, de Fiori (pp. 110f.).<br />14 March 1921: Black-and-white exhibition, e.g. of drawings by Max Klinger; list of names of non-members to be invited (Alfred Kubin, Emy Roeder-Garbe, among others); exhibition on architecture in landscape and cityscape (pp. 112f.).<br />30 March 1921: black-and-white exhibition, et al. Drawings by Max Klinger; notes on the participants in the exhibition, rejection of Heckel's participation; no catalogue (pp. 114f.).<br />Participants in the meetings in 1922: Liebermann, Amersdorffer, Dettmann, Eichhorst, Engel, Hübner, Franck, Kampf, Klimsch, Kollwitz, Lederer, Looschen, Slevogt, Starck.<br />19th Jan. 1922: Election of Georg Kolbe (for the late August Gaul), co-optation of Eichhorst; spring exhibition: programme, schedule, list of names of non-members to be invited, including Christian Rohlfs, Friedrich Ahlers-Hestermann, Karl Albiker, Renée Sintenis; proposal by Liebermann: memorial exhibition for Gaul (Bl. 115-117).<br />6 March 1922: Memorial exhibition for Gaul in collaboration with Paul Cassirer, autumn 1922; rejection of an application by Eberlein to organize a collective exhibition; spring exhibition, further guests (Bl. 118).<br />Apr. 3, 1922: Spring exhibition (further participants, timetable, catalogue production questionable); Gaul memorial exhibition (pp. 119f.).<br />Dec. 21, 1922: rejection of a Curt-Kroner exhibition; Spring exhibition 1923: timetable, admission requirements (e.g. re-admission of free submissions), exhibition rooms, list of names of non-members to be invited (e.g. Rudolf Levy), programme, selling prices, difficulties in producing a catalogue, exhibition advertising, including the erection of flagpoles (pp. 122f.).<br />Participants in the 1923 meetings: Liebermann, Amersdorffer, Dettmann, Eichhorst, Engel, Franck, Hofer, Hoffmann, Hübner, Kampf, Klimsch, Kollwitz, Lederer, Slevogt, Starck.<br />19 Febr. 1923: Election of Hofer to the commission (instead of the deceased Looschen); Looschen memorial exhibition; sending of the spring exhibition; letter Kallmorgens; exhibition of Berlin art in Nuremberg; academy exhibition in Dresden (Bl. 124).<br />5 March 1923: Spring exhibition (further non-members, e.g. Munch, Dix and Wilhelm Schmid); exhibitions in Nuremberg and Dresden (p. 125).<br />19 March 1923: Spring exhibition (further guests, e.g. Munch, Dix and Wilhelm Schmid).<br />19 March 1923: Spring exhibition (further guests, e.g. Munch, Dix and Wilhelm Schmid).a. Charlotte Berend-Corinth (pp. 125f.).<br />26. March 1923: Spring exhibition (flagpoles, participants; pp. 126).<br />9. Apr. 1923: Spring exhibition (pp. 127).<br />26. June 1923: Reconstruction of the sculpture halls; exhibition in Nuremberg; exhibition of Berlin art in Dresden; exhibition of Italian paintings of the 17th and 18th centuries; black-and-white exhibition; Hungarian exhibition (pp. 128f.).<br />28th Aug. 1923: black-and-white exhibition, with list of names; graphic exhibition in Berlin in connection with artists of the Ruhr area (pp. 131f.).<br />14th Dec. 1923: Kruse's works in the spring exhibition (pp. 132).<br />Participants in the meetings in 1924: Liebermann, Amersdorffer, Dettmann, Eichhorst, Engel, Franck, Hofer, Hübner, Kampf, Klimsch, Kolbe, Kollwitz, Lederer, Pechstein, Starck.<br />10. Jan. 1924: Spring exhibition: Admission of free entries, list of non-members to be invited (Bl. 133f.).<br />8 Febr. 1924: Spring exhibition: spatial distribution of collective exhibitions, to different participants (p. 136).<br />9 Apr. 1924: Spring exhibition: to different participants, evt. No production of catalogues (sheet 136).<br />27 June 1924: Black and white exhibition in autumn 1924, within this exhibition a section with representatives of modern architecture (among others Poelzig, Behrens, Mendelsohn, Mies van der Rohe, Luckhardt), inclusion of watercolours in the black-and-white exhibition, collective exhibitions by Dix, Walser, Albiker, Munch, Zille among others; list of names of artists invited without jury (pp. 137f.).<br />Participants in the meetings in 1925: Amersdorffer, Dettmann, Eichhorst, Engel, Franck, Hofer, Hübner, Kampf, Klimsch, Kollwitz, Kraus, Liebermann, Paul, Poelzig, Seeck, Slevogt, Starck, Schüler.<br />12 Jan. 1925: Exhibition of Italian Art; Spring Exhibition, List of Jury-free Invited Artists (Bl. 139f.).<br />13 Febr. 1925: exhibitions of Italian art and American architecture, Christian-Bernhard-Rode exhibition; exhibition of old Dutch paintings from Goudstikker's collection; spring exhibition, etc.a. Proposal by Hofer: Invitation of the November Group (pp. 141f.).<br />6 March 1925: Spring exhibition, including participation of the Munich New Secession, invitation of members of the Berlin Secession Hans Gerson and Josef Oppenheimer; exhibition of old Dutch paintings from Goudstikker's estate; preparation of the Thoma exhibition (pp. 143).<br />7 Aug. 1925: Corinth exhibition, collaboration with Corinth's widow; black-and-white exhibition, and others. List of names of guests to be invited; cancellation of the Goudstikker exhibition; group exhibition of Austrian artists; collection of Munich artists; Swedish exhibition (pp. 144f.).<br />24th Aug. 1925: Corinth exhibition; black and white exhibition, list of names of guests to be invited; exhibition of American architecture; Swedish exhibition (pp. 146f.).<br />15th Dec. 1925: exhibition of New American Architecture, inspiration and compilation of materials by pupils (pp. 148f.).<br />Participants in the meetings in 1926: Liebermann, Amersdorffer, Bertling, Dettmann, Eichhorst, Engel, Franck, E. Hancke, Hofer, Hübner, Kampf, Klimsch, Kraus, Pechstein, Poelzig, Schüler, Seeck, Starck, Wach.<br />4 Jan. 1926: Exhibition of New American Architecture: supporting programme, formation of a working committee, design of the catalogue (p. 150).<br />5 Febr. 1926: Spring exhibition, etc. Liebermann's proposal to present a collection of masterpieces of older painting within the exhibition; Corinth exhibition; exhibition of designs for the Cologne skyscraper project; Picasso exhibition at the Nationalgalerie (pp. 151f.).).<br />12 Febr. 1926: Spring exhibition, list of names of artists to be invited jury-free (pp. 153f.).<br />23 March 1926: Spring exhibition, including the collection of masterpieces from the second half of the 19th century (pp. 155f.).<br />23 Febr. July 1926: Autumn exhibition, list of names of artists to be invited free of jury; decision: reporting to the members on the results of the exhibitions; exhibition of Wrages Dante woodcuts (pp. 157f.).<br />1 Nov. 1, 1926; exhibition of Wrages Dante woodcuts (pp. 157f.). 1926: to the exhibition of Thoma-Graphik; rejection of an exhibition of Dutch graphics; black-and-white exhibition (pp. 159f.).<br />11 Dec. 1926: Liebermann exhibition, oil paintings and sketches, list of proposed works (pp. 161).<br />17 Dec. 1926: Approval of the list of works for the Liebermann exhibition (sheet 162).<br />Participants in the meetings in 1927: Liebermann, Amersdorffer, Dettmann, Eichhorst, Engel, Franck, Hancke, Hofer, Hoffmann, Hübner, Kampf, Klimsch, Kollwitz, Kraus, Pechstein, Starck, Feilchenfeldt, Krecker, Schomann.<br />6. Jan. 1927: Thoma-Graphik-Ausstellung (Bl. 163).<br />27. Jan. 1927: Spring exhibition, lists of artists to be invited jury-free and non-jury-free, further invitations, e.g. L. Ury, Nolde (pp. 163-165).<br />11 March 1927: Preparation of the Liebermann exhibition, difficulties with lenders; spring exhibition (pp. 166f.).<br />2 Apr. 1927: on the inclusion of Hugo Vogel's portrait of the President of the Reich Court Simons in the exhibition (pp. 166f.). 168).<br />Apr. 7, 1927: Rejection of the exhibition of Hugo Vogel's portrait of the President of the Reich Court Simons (p. 169).<br />May 16, 1927: Liebermann exhibition; honors to Liebermann's 80th birthday Birthday, exhibitions of Liebermann's pastels by Bruno Cassirer, of Liebermann's drawings and graphics by Paul Cassirer (pp. 170f.).<br />8 July 1927: Renovation of the exhibition rooms, determination of the materials and colours to be used, outline sketch for the installation of the doors (pp. 172).<br />27 July 1927: Autumn exhibition, including a collective exhibition by Käthe Kollwitz, debate with Liebermann about Nolde's invitation, list of names of guests to be invited; structural changes: Relocation of the doors in the exhibition halls (pp. 173-176).<br />23 Aug. 1927: Renovation of the exhibition halls; change of the admission requirements for exhibitions: in future only distinction between academy members and guests, renunciation of the designation 'jury-free', correspondence on the rejection of Vogel's portrait of Simons; autumn exhibition, various applications for the organisation of collective exhibitions, addition to the guest list, including Schrimpf (pp. 177f.).<br />Participants in the meetings in 1928: Liebermann, Amersdorffer, Bruno Cassirer, Dettmann, Eichhorst, Engel, Franck, Hübner, Kampf, Klimsch, Kraus, Pechstein, Starck, Solmssen, Jung.<br />11 Jan. 1928: Correspondence on the rejection of H. Vogel's portrait of Simons; co-optation of Georg Kolbe into the commission; Austrian graphics exhibition; spring exhibition, including proposals for collective exhibitions by Hagemeister, Zille, inclusion of competition works for the State Prize, foundation of prizes for painters and sculptors at the academy exhibition, list of names of guests to be invited (Bl. 179-181).<br />8 Febr. 1928: Schönleber exhibition; Albrecht-Dürer exhibition; spring exhibition; Kolbe rejects cooperation in the commission (pp. 182f.).<br />5 March 1928: spring exhibition, et al. State awards granted for the exhibition, medals awarded; exhibition of Swedish 18th century painting; Meurer exhibition; promotion of the academy exhibitions by a financially strong circle of friends; foundation of prizes for private exhibitions (sheet 184f.).<br />30. Apr. 1928: Advice on the participants in the spring exhibition, report on the donated prizes; debate on the provision of academy rooms for an exhibition of Bavarian art by the Munich Secession (Bl. 186f.).<br />23. May 1928: Proposals for award winners of private foundations in the spring exhibition (George Grosz, Erich Waske, Alfred Partikel, Otto Freytag, Hans Joachim Lau, Max Neumann, Ernst Wilhelm Nay); founding of a society for the promotion of art at the suggestion of Max Liebermann (Bl. 188f.).<br />19 July 1928: Cooptation of Bruno Cassirer into the exhibition commission; Slevogt exhibition (pp. 190f.).<br />Participants in the meetings in 1929: Liebermann, Amersdorffer, Dettmann, Engel, Franck, Hoffmann, Hübner, Kampf, Klimsch, Kraus, Pechstein, Starck, Director Drescher, Kommerzienrat Gugenheim.<br />30 Jan 1929: Exhibition of Chinese Art; Life and Knaus Exhibition; Collective Exhibitions within the Spring Exhibition, List of Names of Guests to Invite; Poelzig Exhibition (Bl. 192-194).<br />3 Apr. 1929: Leibl exhibition, definition; Poelzig exhibition; spring exhibition, list of further guests to be invited; exhibition of the State Collection for German Ethnology at the Academy; Knaus exhibition; spring exhibition 1930; Schmutzer exhibition; erection of flagpoles in front of the Academy (sheet 196-198).<br />3 May 1929: Spring Exhibition; Lighting in the Exhibition Rooms (pp. 199f.).<br />28 June 1929: Laureates of Private Foundations at the Spring Exhibition (E. L. Kirchner and Xaver Fuhr, Erich Geiseler and Richard Martin Werner; pp. 201f.).<br />2 Aug. 1929: Ludwig Knaus Memorial Exhibition; Graf Kalckreuth Exhibition; Poelzig Exhibition; Rembrandt Exhibition; State Prize Exhibition; Autumn Exhibition, list of names of guests to be invited without jury (pp. 203f.).<br />Participants in the meetings in 1930: Liebermann, Amersdorffer, Breslauer, Eichhorst, Engel, Franck, Hoffmann, Hübner, Kampf, Klimsch, Kollwitz, Kraus, Pechstein, Seeck, Starck.<br />10th Jan. 1930: Spring exhibition 1930, list of names of guests to be invited without jury, applications for collective exhibitions, e.g. Klimsch, Ludwig Cauer; exhibition of Philipp Franck's watercolours; exhibition of Pechstein's glass paintings for a bathing establishment built by Tessenow; exhibition of the Max Böhm Collection; exhibition of Seché's graphic works (Bl. 205-210).<br />21 March 1930: Spring exhibition; exhibition of the Max Böhm Collection; Daumier exhibition; exhibition on Orlik and his school; participation of the Academy in the exhibition 'Altes Berlin. Foundations of the Metropolis'; Poelzig exhibition; exhibition of modern Japanese painting 1931; international exhibition of the Carnegie Institute; Goethe exhibition (Kippenberg Collection, Leipzig; pp. 211-213).<br />11 Nov. 1930: Debate on the proposal to organise an architecture exhibition 1931; debate on the artists to be invited to the spring exhibition 1931, and on the artists to be invited to the spring exhibition 1931.a. Munch, Hofer, Kolbe, Belling; discussion with the art dealer Flechtheim (pp. 214-216).<br />Participants in the meetings in 1931: Liebermann, Amersdorffer, Dettmann, Eichhorst, Engel, Franck, Hübner, Kampf, Klimsch, Kollwitz, Kraus, Pechstein, Slevogt, Starck.<br />20 Febr. 1931: Spring exhibition, list of names of guests to be invited without jury, collective exhibitions, including Emil Orlik exhibition, Poelzig exhibition; architecture exhibition; German-Danish exhibition; Frank Lloyd Wright exhibition; Erna Frank memorial exhibition (pp. 217-221).<br />11 March 1931: Spring exhibition, collective exhibitions, list of names of invited guests, including Marcks (pp. 222-224).<br />18 Apr. 1931: Laureates of private foundations at the spring exhibition (Meyboden, Wieschebrink, Peiffer Watenphul, Schade and Jenny Wiegmann Mucchi (pp. 225).<br />24 July 1931: Autumn exhibition, lists of names of guests to be invited (pp. 226-228).<br />Participants in the meetings in 1932: Franck, Amersdorffer, Dettmann, Engel, Kampf, Klimsch, Kollwitz, Starck.<br />15 June 1932: Autumn exhibition, u.a. Kollektivausstellung Ulrich Hübner, Namensliste des Einladungden Gäste; rejection of the application for an exhibition of modern school sign teaching in the Academy (pp. 229-233).<br />5th Sept. 1932: Autumn exhibition, Hübner collective exhibition, opening speech by Liebermann, fixing of admission prices; title of the spring exhibition (pp. 234-236).<br />Participants in the meetings in 1933: Franck, Amersdorffer, Dettmann, Eichhorst, Engel, Klimsch, Kollwitz (until 9th century). Febr. 1933), Kraus, Pechstein, Starck.<br />9 Febr. 1933: Spring and autumn exhibition, including Slevogt memorial exhibition, list of names of guests to be invited for the spring exhibition (pp. 237-240).<br />27 March 1933: Spring exhibition, determination: Exclusion of Jewish artists from the exhibition, communication to Büttner, Großmann, Levy, Meidner, Tappert, Wollheim, Josef Steiner, Jankel Adler, Klee, Schroetter, Feibusch, Radziwill, Isenstein, Moissej Kogan, Sopher, from sending in their works; no exhibitions of works by the architect Kreis and landscape sketches by Steinhausen (Bl. 241f.).<br />24 Apr. 1933: Resignation of Philipp Franck as chairman of the exhibition commission and chairman of the department for the fine arts; co-optation of further commission members instead of Franck, Hübner and Kollwitz); spring exhibition (Bl. 243).<br />4. May 1933: Inquiry for 'Aryan descent' at senders for the spring exhibition (sheet 244).<br />8. Aug. 1933: Exhibition of cartons by Peter v. Cornelius instead of the autumn exhibition (sheet 245).<br />Enth. et al: Provisions for the Standing Committees of the Royal Academy of Arts, List of Members 1910/11 (pp. 23f., 29f.), 1911/12 (pp. 32f., 36f., 66f.), 1912/13 (pp. 70f., 75), 1913/14, 1915/16 (pp. 16-18), 1916/17 (pp. 83), 1920 (pp. 95). Regulations for the exhibition of the Akademie der Künste, each spring 1923, 1924, 1928, 1929, 1930, 1931 (pp. 121, 135, 183, 195, 210, 221); program for the black and white exhibition of the Akademie der Künste zu Berlin 1923, 1927, 1931, 1932 (pp. 130, 176, 228, 233). Outline sketch of the exhibition halls 3 to 7 of the Academy, 1927 (pp. 172).<br />Enth. also: Letter from Schadow to Minister v. Altenstein, 9 June 1832 (transcript), on the establishment of a department for musical composition (pp. 4-11).<br />Protocols of the meetings of the Committee for Awards:<br />Participants in the meetings in 1910: Kampf, v. Groszheim, Amersdorffer, Friedrich, Gernsheim, H. Herrmann, Humperdinck, Janensch, Kayser, Mohn, Skarbina.<br />25 Febr. 1910: Consultation on the awarding of the professor's title to Feddersen, Jessen, W. Kuhnert, the professor and Baurat title to the architect Schaedler; decree of 7 Dec. 1909 (p. 19).<br />26 Apr. 1910: Rejection of the award of the title of professor to Klein-Chevalier, endorsement of Carl Ludwig Jessen (p. 20).<br />23. May 1910: Advocating the award of the title of professor of the King of Württemberg to the sculptor Bredow (p. 21).<br />1 June 1910: Rejection of the award of the title of professor to Albert Manthe (p. 21).<br />29 June 1910: Rejection of the award of the title of professor to the Berlin painters Willi Döring and Mattschaß (p. 22).<br />28 Oct. 1910: Members of the committee 1910/11, constitution of the committee and election of the chairman; no endorsement of the award of the title of professor to Adolf Hering, advice on an award for Georg Noack, Berlin, no endorsement of the award of the title of professor to the painter Hugo Ulbrich and the architect Paul Mebes (Berlin); adjournment of the advice on a proposal for a knight of the order Pour le mérite für Wissenschaften und Künste as successor to the musician Auguste Gevaert (Bl. 25-27).<br />Participants in the meetings in 1911: Kampf, Amersdorffer, Janensch, Kiesel, Manzel, Schwechten.<br />10 May 1911: Award of the royal Saxon professorial title to the painter Woldemar v. Reichenbach, no endorsement of the award of the professorial title to the painter Langer as well as to the sculptors Nikolaus Friedrich and Rusche (pp. 28f.).<br />20. Sept. 1911: Constitution of the committee, election of Manzel as chairman; no endorsement of the award of the title of professor to the sculptors Menter and Richter; no endorsement of the award of the title of professor to the painter Jüttner; no decision for the architect Laur (p. 34).<br />Protocols of the meetings of the committee for elections:<br />19 Oct. 1910 (v. Groszheim, Amersdorffer, Janensch, Scheurenberg, Schwechten): Members of the committee 1910/11, constitution of the committee and election of Scheurenberg as chairman; proposals for the elections of the eight members and three deputies for the Landeskunstkommission; successors for the deceased members Skarbina and Friedrich in the committees for general affairs and academic exhibitions (Bl. 31, 35).<br />8 July 1911 (Scheurenberg, Janensch, Koepping, G. Koch, Kampf): Proposals for substitute elections for the standing committees 1911/12 (p. 35).<br />10. June 1912 (Kampf, Janensch): Proposals for replacement elections for the standing committees 1912/13 (p. 38).<br />27 June 1913 (Manzel, Meyerheim, Schaper, Rüfer, Amersdorffer): Proposals for new elections for the standing committees (p. 39).
StadtA HN, 003 · Collection
Part of City Archive Heilbronn (Archivtektonik)

Duration: 1874-2010 Scope: approx. 6000 (as of 2012) Find aids: initial letters A-R in HEUSS (object type: photo) Collection of postcards, postcards and greeting cards with reference to Heilbronn and its surroundings. The main focus of the motifs is on the cityscape, next to it there are maps of people, events and companies in Heilbronn, for example for advertising purposes. The maps are arranged according to motifs in folders. The stock is constantly being expanded through acquisitions and foundations. At present, the postcards are gradually being digitised by a volunteer and individually indexed in HEUSS. As of November 2012, a total of 3936 postcards are recorded. Of these, 771 postcards are freely available on the Internet. For copyright reasons, the others can only be researched digitally in the reading room of the Stadtarchiv. The digitisation and indexing follows the original sorting of the postcard folders "alphabetically by motif". The list below gives an overview of the folders of postcards already entered in HEUSS. In the case of HEUSS, the original title of the postcard, if available, is included in the "Title" field (if it consists of several words, in quotation marks, e.g. "Kaiserstraße und Marktplatz"). The word "Heilbronn" is left out of the rule. Essential image content that is not printed in the original caption is added in the title field. In the HEUSS field "Author" the producing publisher is indicated, as far as known, in some cases supplemented by further authors (photographer, draughtsman). A small part of the collected postcards could not be purchased in the original. The field "Remark" contains the information "Repro" (often supplemented by the internal repro number). With the exception of the field "Ad spec", the object-type-specific fields have not yet been filled in, or have only been filled in as a whole. The entries in the "Ad spec" field for this stock are identical to those in the title field. To order an original postcard in the reading room, the entire signature (as shown in the HEUSS field "Signature") must be entered. Overview of the postcard folders in alphabetical order, followed in brackets by the respective folder number (August2012): Adlerbrauerei (M_1008) Adolf-Hitler-Haus (M_0001) Albrecht, Heinrich Weinwirtschaft (M_0002) Alexanderstraße (M_1043) Allee vor 1944 (M_0003) Allee nach 1945(M_0004) Allinger, Pension 1909 (M_0005) Allerheiligenstraße (M_0006) Alte Gasse vor 1944 (M_0007) Alte Stadtmauer vor 1944 (M_0008) Alter Friedhof vor 1944 (M_0009) AltersheimBadstraße (M_0010) Alt Heilbronn (M_0011) Am Wollhaus (M_0012) Postcard set Maring- (M_0006) Old town wall before 1944 (M_0008) Old cemetery before 1944 (M_0009) Old people's homeBadstraße (M_0010) Alt Heilbronn (M_0011) Am Wollhaus (M_0012) Postcard set Maring- (M_0012)Nadler (M_1044) AOK Erholungsheim Frauenalb before 1945 (M_0013) AOK allgemeineOrtskrankenkasse ca. 1929 (M_0014) AOK general local health insurance before 1944 (M_0015) Aukirche, evang.., Austraße 2 vor 1944 (M_0016) AWO-Waldheim (M_1005) Backhaus vor 1944(M_0017) Badstraße (M_0018) Bahnhofstraße vor 1945 (M_0019) Bahnhofstraße ab 1945 (M_0020) Bahnhofvorplatz col vor 1945 (M_0139) Bahnhofvorplatz schwarz-weiß vor 1945 (M_0140) Bahnhofvorplatz nach 1945 (M_0141) Firma Bantel, Hermann (M_1001) Bergstraße (M_1022) Berliner Platz after 1944 (M_0021) Besenwirtschaft (M_0022) Biedermanngasse (M_0023) Bismarck monument color before 1945 (M_0024) Bismarck monument black and white before 1945 (M_0025) Bismarck monument after 1944 (M_0026) Bismarckstraße before 1944 (M_0027) Braille before 1944 (M_0028) Böhringer, Hermann, Restaurant (M_1011) Bollwerksturm vor 1945 (M_0029) Bollwerksturm nach 1945 (M_0030) Botanischer Obstgarten (M_1002) Brenner-Schilling,Postkartenserien (M_0366) Bühnenball, First Heilbronn (M_0149) Central-Hotel (M_0033) CGH Heilbronn after 1945 (M_0034) Christuskirche 1965 (M_0035) Cluss Brewery (M_0036) Dachstein Victim of 1954 (M_0037) Dam School, Dammstraße 14 before 1944 (M_0038) Steamship "Heilbronn" (M_0039) Steam locomotive (M_0040) Demonstrations (M_0041) DeutscherAlpenverein (M_0042) Deutschhof, smaller: Detail oriel black and white before 1945 (M_0043) Deutschhof with Peter and Paul black and white before 1945 (M_0044) Deutschhof photo color before 1945(M_0045) Deutschhof drawings before 1945 (M_0046) Deutschhof, smaller: gable complete photos black and white before 1945 (M_0047) Deutschhof general Photos black-and-white before 1945(M_0048) Deutschhof after 1945 (M_0049) Deutschhofstraße before 1945 (M_0050) Deutscher Weinbaukongress HN after 1945 (M_0051) Third Reich (M_0052) EHO - EhemaligeHeuss-Oberschüler, Vereinigung (M_1014) Eisenhart (M_0053) Eisener Steg color beim Götzenturm (M_0054) Eiserner Steg schwarz-weiß beim Götzenturm (M_0055) Elser, Company, Fabrikation(M_0056) Events, various (M_1015) First World War (M_1016) Protestant social congress before 1945 (M_0057) Falken-Hotel before 1945 (M_0058) Family photos (M_1025) Fegert-Hotel Roßkampffstraße 15-17 (M_0059) Field postcard before 1945 (M_0060) Fire department before 1944 (M_0061) Feyerabendstraße before 1945 (M_0062) Fischergasse before 1945 (M_0063) Flammer, Company (M_1010) Flammer residential house before 1945 (M_0064) Fleiner Strasse before 1945 (M_0065) Fleiner Strasse after 1945 (M_0066) Fleinertor fountain before 1945 (M_0067) Fleinertor fountain since 1945 (M_0068) Airplanes (M_1020) Frankfurterstraße (M_1009) Women's work school Lohtorstraße 36 before 1944 (M_0070) Open-air swimming pool at Gesundbrunnen (M_0071) Open-air theatre (M_1004) Frey, C.F., Yarn, short and long Wollwaren-Großhandel (M_0072) Friedenskirche color vor 1945 (M_0073) Friedenskirche schwarz-weiß hoch vor 1945 (M_0074) Friedenskirche schwarz-weiß quer vor 1945 (M_0075) Friedenskirche nach 1944 (M_0076) Friedensstraße vor 1944 (M_0077) Friedhof-Crematorium Wollhausstraße 134(M_0078) Friedhofstraße (M_0080) Friedrich-Ebert bridge after 1945 (M_0079) Füsilierregiment (M_0081) Gaffenberg (M_0082) Zum Gaffenberg, Café(M_1003) Gartenbau-Ausstellung Harmonie, Harmoniegarten 1926 (M_0083) Gartenstraße (M_0084) Gasfabrik (M_1023) Gastwirtschaft Stadtmauer (M_0085) GemeinnützigeSiedlungsgenossenschaft vor 1945 (M_0086) Gesamtansichten (GA): GA aerial photos before 1945 (M_0087) GA color before 1945 (M_0088) GA black and white with bastion tower before 1945 (M_0089) GA col with bastion tower before 1945 (M_0090) GA black and white with Deutschordenskirche, Kilianskirche vor 1945 (M_0091) GA black and white with Friedenskirche vor 1945 (M_0092) GA colmit Götzenturm vor 1899 (M_0093) GA black and white with Götzenturm vor 1899 (M_0094) GA col with Götzenturm von 1899-1932 (M_0095) GA black and white with Götzenturm von 1899-1932 (M_0096) GAschwarz-weiß Götzenturm, Neckarbrücke 1899-1932 (M_0097) GA col with Götzenturm 1932-1944 (M_0098) GA black and white with Götzenturm 1932-1944 (M_0099) GA black and white Hafenmarktturm, Wartbergvor 1945 (M_0100) GA black and white Neckarbrücke, Kilianskirche vor 1945 (M_0101) GA black-white from east to west before 1945 (M_0102) GA black-white from Wartberg before 1945 (M_0103) GA col after 1945 (M_0104) GA black-white after 1945 (M_0105) GA col Aerial photographs after 1945 (M_0106) GA black-white Aerial photographs with Neckar after 1945 (M_0107) GAschwarz-white aerial photo without Neckar after 1945 (M_0108) Geognostische Triaspyramide im Hof der Dammschule vor 1945 (M_0109) Gesangverein Hoffnung vor 1945 (M_0110) Gewerbekasse vor 1945 (M_0111) Gewerbeschule Paulinenstraße nach 1945 (M_0112) Goethestraße (M_0113) Götzenturm col with construction 1899-1932 (M_0114) Götzenturm schwarz-white with superstructure transverse 1899-1932(M_0115) Götzenturm black-white with superstructure high 1899-1932 (M_0116) Götzenturm col without superstructure before 1945 (M_0117) Götzenturm black-white without superstructure transverse before 1945 (M_0118) Götzenturmschwarz-white without construction high before 1945 (M_0119) Götzenturm color after 1945 (M_0120) Götzenturm black-white after 1945 (M_0121) Götzenturm Götzenturmstraße before 1945 (M_0122) GroßeBahngasse vor 1944 (M_0123) Greeting cards (M_0124) Gustav-Adolf-Fest (M_0125) Gutbrod-Frauenklinik vor 1945 (M_0126) Zum Gutenberg, Gaststätte (M_1012) Haberkasten, Gaststätte(M_0127) Hafen - Kanalhafen vor 1945 (M_0128) Hafen - Kanalhafen color nach 1945 (M_0129) Hafen - Kanalhafen schwarz-weiß nach 1945 (M_0130) Hafen - Wilhelmskanal und Winterhafen vor1945 (M_0131) Hafenmarkt vor 1945 (M_0132) Hafenmarktturm vor 1945 (M_0133) Hafenmarktturm nach 1945 (M_0134) Hagen, Coffee house (M_0135) Harmonie vor 1945 (M_0136) Harmoniecolor nach 1945 (M_0137) Harmonie schwarz-weiß nach 1945 (M_0138) Hauptbahnhof color vor 1945 (M_0142) Hauptbahnhof schwarz-weiß vor 1945 (M_0143) Hauptbahnhof 1945-1957(M_0144) Hauptbahnhof color nach 1957 (M_0145) Hauptbahnhof schwarz-weiß nach 1957 (M_0146) Hauptzollamt, royalty (M_0147) Haus des Handwerks (M_1019) Hauswirtschaftliches Seminar vor1944 (M_0148) Hefenweiler(M_0344) Heilbronner Bühnenball (M_0149) Heilbronner Frühlingsfest vor 1944 (M_0150) Heilbronner Gewerbe-, industrial and art exhibition 1897(M_0151) Heilbronner Glücksorgel Gerhard Heinzel (M_0152) Heilbronner Herbst vor 1945 (M_0153) Heilbronner Madonna (M_0155) Heilbronner Stimme (M_0156) Hostel to the homeland(M_1007) Historisches Museum Kramstraße 10 vor 1945 (M_0157) Historisches Museum Kramstraße 1 nach 1945 (M_0158) Höhere Mädchenschule Gartenstraße (M_0159) Hohe Straße(M_0160) Weinstube Wilhelm Holl (M_1006) Horten-Department store Fleinerstraße (M_0161) Hospice Jugendheim Klarastraße 19 (M_0162) Innere Rosenbergstraße before 1945 (M_0163) Inselhotelcolor (M_0164) Inselhotel black and white after 1945 (M_0165) Jägerhaus color before 1945 (M_0166) Jägerhaus black and whitewhite before 1945 (M_0167) Jägerhaus color after 1945(M_0168) Jägerhaus black-white after 1945 (M_0169) Jägerhausstraße (M_1026) Restaurant Jakobsbrunnen after 1945 (M_0170) Jakobsgasse before 1945 (M_0171) Johannisgasse Photo before 1945 (M_0172) Johannisgasse Drawing before 1945 (M_0173) Youth Hostel Schirrmannstraße (M_0174) Youth Hostel Schützenstraße 16 (M_0175) Jugendkunstschule (M_1041) Jugendwehr(M_1013) Käferflug vor 1945 (M_0176) Käthchen vor 1945 (M_0177) Käthchen nach 1945 (M_0178) Käthchen mit Käthchenhaus color vor 1945 (M_0179) Käthchen mit Käthchenhausschwarz-white before 1945 (M_0180) Käthchen with town hall before 1945 (M_0181) Käthchen with town view before 1945 (M_0182) to Käthchen, Restaurant (M_0183) Käthchendenkmal / Käthchenbrunnennach 1945 (M_0184) Käthchenfestspiele 1929 (M_0185) Käthchenhaus and Kaiserstraße color vor 1945 (M_0186) Käthchenhaus hoch schwarz-weiß vor 1945 (M_0187) Käthchenhaus querschwarz-weiß vor 1945 (M_0188) Käthchenhaus nach 1945 (M_0189) Käthchenhochzeitszug (M_0190) zum Kaiser Friedrich, Gasthof (M_0191) Kaiser-Otto (M_0192) Kaiserhof(M_0193) Kaisersheimer Hof before 1945 (M_0194) Kaiser-Friedrich monument before 1945 (M_0195) Kaiser-Wilhelm monument (M_0196) Kaiser-Wilhelm-Platz (M_0197) Kaiserstraße, lower, color,before 1945 (M_0198) Kaiserstraße, lower, black and white before 1945 (M_0199) Kaiserstraße, middle, before 1944 (M_0200) Kaiserstraße, middle, with Käthchenhaus, before 1944 (M_0201) Kaiserstraße, upper, from east to west, before 1944 (M_0202) Kaiserstrasse after 1945 (M_0203) Karlsgymnasium before 1945 (M_0204) Karlstor-Stop before 1945 (M_0205) Karlstrasse before 1945 (M_0206) Karmeliterstrasse before 1945 (M_0207) Katharinenstift, städt. Alten- und Pflegeheim (M_0208) Katholisches Vereinsheim Schöntalerhof(M_0209) Department store Merkur after 1945 (M_0210) Kegelclub Heilbronn (M_0211) Kilianshallen vor 1944 (M_0212) Kilianskirche, exterior views: Kilianskirche, exterior view before 1906, from northeast (M_0213) Kilianskirche, exterior view before 1906, from northwest color high with Robert Mayer monument (M_0214) Kilianskirche, exterior view before 1906, from northwest color high without Robert Mayer monument (M_0215) Kilianskirche, exterior view before 1906, from northwest color transverse (M_0216) Kilianskirche, exterior view before 1906, from northwest black and white high with Robert Mayer monument (M_0217) Kilianskirche, exterior view before 1906, from northwest black and white high without Robert Mayer monument (M_0218) Kilianskirche, exterior view before 1906, from northwest black and white transverse (M_0219) Kilianskirche, exterior view before 1906, from southwest (M_0220) Kilianskirche, exterior view 1906 to 1944, from northeast (M_0221) Kilianskirche, exterior view 1906 to 1944, from northwest color high with Robert Mayer monument (M_0222) Kilianskirche, Exterior view 1906 to 1944, from northwest color high without Robert-Mayer monument (M_0223) Kilianskirche,exterior view 1906 to 1944, from northwest color crosswise (M_0224) Kilianskirche, exterior view 1906 to 1944, from northwest black and white high with Robert-Mayer monument (M_0225) Kilianskirche,Exterior view 1906 to 1944, from northwest black and white high without Robert Mayer monument (M_0226) Kilianskirche, exterior view 1906 to 1944, from northwest black and white transverse (M_0227) Kilianskirche, exterior view 1906 to 1944, from east (M_0228) Kilianskirche, Exterior view 1906 to 1944, from southeast high (M_0229) Kilianskirche, exterior view 1906 to 1944, from southeast transverse (M_0230) Kilianskirche, exterior view 1906 to 1944, from southwest high (M_0231) Kilianskirche, exterior view 1906 to 1944, from southwest transverse (M_0232) Kilianskirche,Exterior view 1945 to 1953, destruction (M_0233) Kilianskirche, exterior view from 1954, from northwest high color (M_0234) Kilianskirche, exterior view from 1954, from northwest high black and white (M_0235) Kilianskirche, exterior view from 1954, from northwest transverse (M_0236) Kilianskirche, Exterior view from 1954, from southwest (M_0237) Kiliansturm, exterior view before 1945(M_0238) Kiliansturm, exterior view after 1945 (M_0239) Kiliansmännle (M_0240) Kilianskirche, portals (M_0241) Kilianskirche, bells (M_0242) Kilianskirche, interior views: Kilianskirche, window (M_1032) Kilianskirche, interior views before 1945 (M_0243) Kilianskirche, interior views after 1945 (M_0244) Kilianskirche, high altar general view (M_0245) Kilianskirche, high altar Predella (M_0246) Kilianskirche, high altar partial view: side wing (M_0247) Kilianskirche, high altar shrine (M_0248) Kilianskirche, high altar blast (M_0249) Kilianskirche, pulpit (M_0250) Kilianskirche, St. Kilian, figure (M_0251) Kilianskirche, organ gallery with organ (M_0252) Kilianskirche, Taufstein(M_1033) View from the Kilianskirche (M_0253) Kiliansplatz color vor 1945 (M_0254) Kiliansplatz schwarz-weiß vor 1945 (M_0255) Kiliansplatz nach 1945 (M_0256) Kinderfest vor1945 (M_0257) Kirchbrunnen vor 1945 (M_0258) Kirchbrunnen nach 1945 (M_0259) Kirchbrunnenstraße color vor 1945 (M_0260) Kirchbrunnenstraße vor 1945 (M_0260) Kirchbrunnenstraße color vor 1945 (M_0256) Kinderfest vor1945 (M_0257) Kirchbrunnen vor 1945 (M_0258) Kirchbrunnen nach 1945 (M_0259) Kirchbrunnenstraße vor 1945 (M_0260) Kirchbrunnenstraße color vor 1945 (M_258)white before 1945(M_0261) Kirchbrunnenstraße black-white drawing before 1945 (M_0262) Kirchbrunnenstraße after 1945 (M_0263) Kirchhöfle (M_0264) Klarastraße vor 1945 (M_0265) Kleine Bahngasse vor1945 (M_0266) Kleine Metzgergasse (M_0267) Klinik-Clowns (M_0268) Klostergasse vor 1945 (M_0269) Knorr, Company (M_0270) Kochschule Heilbronn (M_0271) Köpferbrunnen (M_0272) Köpfersee (M_0273) Kramstraße (M_1038) Hospital, municipal hospital, city of Heilbronn (M_0271), am Gesundbrunnen (M_0274) Hospital, municipal, Jägerhausstraße (M_0275) Hospital, municipal, municipal, M_0275 Paulinenstraße vor1945 (M_0276) Kreissparkasse Exhibitions (M_0277) War Memorial at Kaiser-Wilhelm-Platz (M_0278) Hotel Kronprinz (M_0279) Künstlerbund (M_1018) Kulturwerkhaus Zigarrenfabrik(M_0280) Lachmann, Johann, exhibition (M_0281) Landauer, department store (M_0282) Landauer and Macholl (M_0283) Landesausstellung (M_1034) Landesgartenschau 1985(M_0284) Landesturnfest, Swabian (M_0285) Landstorm Battalion Heilbronn (M_0286) Landwehr-Infanterie-Regiment (M_0287) Lazarett (M_0288) Lehrerseminar, color, vor 1945(M_0289) Lehrerseminar, sw, vor 1945 (M_0290) Zum Lerchenberg, Restaurant (M_0291) Lerchenstraße (M_0292) Lessingstraße (M_0293) Licht-Luft-Bad (M_0294) Liederkranzhaus (M_0295) Lohtorstraße (M_0296) Ludendorff-Kaserne (M_0297) Majoretten (M_0298) Maria von den Nesseln (M_0299) Marine- und Colonialausstellung (M_1037) Marineverein(M_0300) Marktplatz, color, before 1945 (M_0301) Marktplatz mit Kilianskirche, color, before 1945 (M_0302) Marktplatz und Käthchenhaus und Rathaus mit Markt, sw, before 1945 (M_0303) Marktplatz und Käthchenhaus und Rathaus ohne Markt, sw, before 1945 (M_0304) Marktplatz mit Kilianskirche, sw, before 1945 (M_0305) Marktplatz Ostseite mit Rathaus, sw, before 1945 (M_0306) MarktplatzWestside with town hall with market, b/w, before 1945 (M_0307) Marktplatz Westside with town hall without market, b/w, before 1945 (M_0308) Marktplatz Zeichnung, b/w, before 1945 (M_0309) Marktplatz, color, ab1953 (M_0310) Marktplatz, b/w, ab 1953 (M_0311) Martin-Luther-Kirche (evangelisch), Beethovenstraße 17 (M_0312) Mehrbildkarten (alter Betreff...) "(Collective Views): Multi-image maps before 1945: Multiimage cards, color, 2 motives, before 1945 (M_0440) Multiimage cards, color, 3 motives, before 1945 (M_0441) Multiimage cards, color, 4 motives, before 1945 (M_0442) Multiimage cards, color, 5 and more motives, before 1945 (M_0443) Multiimage cards, black and white, 2 motives, before 1945 (M_0444) Multiimage cards, black and white, 3 motifs, before 1945 (M_0445) multi-picture cards, black and white, 4 motifs, before 1945 (M_0446) multi-picture cards, black and white, 5 motifs, before 1945 (M_0447) multi-picture cards, black and white, 6 motifs, before 1945 (M_0448) multi-picture cards, black and white, 7 and more motifs, before 1945 (M_0449) multi-picture cards, after 1945: Multi-image cards, color, 2 motives, after 1945 (M_0450) Multi-image cards, color, 3 motives, after 1945 (M_0451) Multi-image cards, color, 4 motives, after 1945 (M_0452) Multi-image cards, color, 5 motives, after 1945 (M_0453) Multi-image cards, color, 6 motives, after 1945 (M_0454) Multi-image cards, color, 7 and more motives, after 1945 (M_0455) Multi-image cards, black-and-white, 2-3 motifs, after 1945 (M_0456) multi-picture cards, black-and-white, 4 motifs, after 1945 (M_0457) multi-picture cards, black-and-white, 5 motifs, after 1945 (M_0458) multi-picture cards, black-and-white, 6 motifs, after 1945 (M_0459) multi-picture cards, black-and-white, 7 and more motifs, after 1945 (M_0460) multi-picture cards with small box: Multiimage cards with kethchen, color, before 1945 (M_0461) Multiimage cards with kethchen, black and white, before 1945 (M_0462) Multiimage cards with kethchen, color, after 1945 (M_0463) Multiimage cards with kethchen,black and white, after 1945 (M_0464) military association (M_0313) Mönchseestraße (M_0314) Moltkekaserne, color (M_0315) Moltkekaserne, sw (M_0316) Moltkestraße (M_0317) CaféMorlock, Kaiserstraße 31 (M_0318) Mosergasse (M_0319) Music bands and clubs (M_1031) Nachtgewandt, series (M_1017) Nägelingasse (M_0320) Naturfreunde (M_0321) Neckarohne Schiffe, color, before 1945 (M_0322) Neckar without ships (M_0322), sw, before 1945 (M_0323) Neckar, drawings, before 1945 (M_0324) Neckar after 1945 (M_0325) Neckar, flood, before 1945 (M_0326) Neckar with ships, color, before 1945 (M_0327) Neckar with ships, sw, before 1945 (M_0328) Neckar with ships after 1945 (M_0329) Neckar frozen before 1945 (M_0330) Neckar bridge from north, color, before 1945 (M_0331) Neckar bridge from north, sw, before 1945 (M_0332) Neckar bridge from southeast, color, before 1945 (M_0333) Neckarbrücke from southeast, sw, before 1945 (M_0334) Neckarbrücke from southwest, with Bismarck monument, color, before 1945 (M_0335) Neckarbrücke from southwest, without Bismarck monument, color, before 1945 (M_0336) Neckar bridge from southwest with Bismarck monument, black, before 1945 (M_0337) Neckar bridge from southwest, without Bismarck monument, black, before 1905 (M_0338) Neckar bridge from southwest, without bismackdenkmal, black, 1905 to 1945(M_0339) Neckarbrücke from west, color, before 1945 (M_0340) Neckarbrücke from west, black, before 1945 (M_0341) Neckarecho (M_0342) Neckarhalde, urban. Outdoor swimming pool (M_0343) NeckarsulmerStraße (M_0345) Nicolaikirche, ev, Sülmerstraße 72 (M_0346) Nordbergstraße (M_1027) NSU (M_0347) Obere Neckarstraße, color, before 1945 (M_0348) Obere Neckarstraße, sw, before 1945 (M_0349) Obere Neckarstraße, after 1945 (M_0350) Olgastraße (M_1035) Olympic Exhibition (M_0351) Oststraße (M_0352) Paradiesgasse (M_0353) Passagencafé(M_0354) Paulinenstraße (M_0355) Pauluskirche, Methodist congregation (M_0356) Pfühlstraße (M_1024) Philatelist Association (M_1039) Pilsner-Bierstube (M_0370) Gasthof zur Post(M_0357) Postamt Allee (M_0358) Postamt Bahnhofstraße (M_0359) Postamt Kaiserstraße 2 (M_0360) Postkarten bis 1889 (M_1028) Postkarten 1890 bis 1899 (M_1029) Postkarten 1900bis 1945 (M_0361) Postkarten nach 1945 (M_0362) Postkartenserien: Leporellos (M_0363) postcard series: Pen drawings of H (M_0364) postcard series: Gauss-Verlag(M_1045) postcard series: Karl Schüler (M_0365) Postcard series: Published by C. Brenner-Schilling before 1945 (M_0366) Postcard series: P. Härle (M_0367) Postcard series:Gebrüder-Metz-Verlag vor 1945 (M_0368) Postcard series: Fritz-Seel-Verlag (M_0369) Postcards from Foto-Mangold (only outside Heilbronn and surroundings) (M_1021) Priesterwaldkaserne(M_0371) Rathaus, outside views before 1945: Town hall, outside views before 1945, photo b/w, portrait, from southeast (M_0373) Town hall, outside views before 1945, photo b/w, portrait, from southwest (M_0374) Town hall, outside views before 1945, photo b/w, landscape, frontal view, empty market place (M_0375) Town hall, outside views before 1945, Photo b/w, landscape, frontal view, withcars (M_0376) Rathaus, outside views before 1945, photo b/w, landscape, frontal view, with weekly market (M_0377) Rathaus, outside views before 1945, photo b/w, landscape, from southeast, until 1905(M_0378) Rathaus, outside views before 1945, Photo sw, landscape format, from southeast, 1905-1944, empty market place, with Robert-Mayer monument (M_0379) town hall, outside views before 1945, photo sw, landscape format, from southeast, 1905-1944, empty market place, without Robert-Mayer monument (M_0380) town hall, outside views before 1945, Photo sw, landscape format, from southeast, 1905-1944, with cars, with Robert Mayer monument (M_0381) Rathaus, exterior views before 1945, photo sw, landscape format, from southeast, 1905-1944, with cars, without Robert Mayer monument (M_0382) Rathaus, exterior views before 1945, photo sw, landscape format, from southeast, 1905-1944, with cars, with weekly market (M_0383) town hall, outside views before 1945, photo b/w, landscape format, from southwest, empty market place (M_0384) town hall, outside views before 1945, photo b/w, landscape format, from southwest, with cars (M_0385) town hall, outside views before 1945, Photo sw, landscape format, from southwest, with weekly market (M_0386) town hall, outside views before 1945, photo color, portrait format (M_0387) town hall, outside views before 1945, photo color, landscape format, frontal view (M_0388) town hall, outside views before 1945, photo color, landscape format, from southeast, empty market place (M_0389) town hall, exterior views before 1945, photo color, landscape format, from southeast, with cars (M_0390) town hall, exterior views before 1945, photo color, landscape format, from southeast, with weekly market (M_0391) town hall, exterior views before 1945, Photo color, landscape format, from southwest (M_0392) town hall, outside views before 1945, graphic sw(M_0393) town hall, outside views before 1945, graphic color, portrait format (M_0394) town hall, outside views before 1945, graphic color, landscape format (M_0395) town hall, outside views after 1945: Rathaus, exterior views, 1945-1952 (M_0396) Rathaus, exterior views from 1953, photo color, portrait format (M_0397) Rathaus, exterior views from 1953, photo color, landscape format, frontal view (M_0398) Rathaus, exterior views from 1953, photo color, landscape format, from southeast (M_0399) town hall, exterior views from 1953, photo color, landscape format, from southwest (M_0400) town hall, exterior views from 1953, photo b/w, portrait format (M_0401) town hall, exterior views from 1953, photo b/w, landscape format, frontal view (M_0402) town hall, Exterior views from 1953, photo b/w, landscape format, from southeast (M_0403) town hall, exterior views from 1953, photo b/w, landscape format, from southwest (M_0404) town hall, exterior views from 1953, graphics (M_0405) town hall facade, astronomical clock before1945, color (M_0406) Rathausfasade, Astronomische Uhr vor 1945, sw (M_0407) Rathausfasade, Astronomische Uhr, ab 1945 (M_0408) Rathausfasade, Details (M_0409) Rathausinnenhof(M_0410) Rathaus mit Weihnachtsbaum (M_1030) Rathaus, Innenansichten: Rathaus, Innenansichten, Bürgerausschusssaal (M_0411) Rathaus, Innenansichten, Diele und Treppenhaus (M_0412) Rathaus, Innenansichten, Großer Ratssaal(M_0413) Rathaus, Innenansichten, Kleiner Ratssaal (M_0414) Rathaus, Innenansichten, Trauraum (M_0415) Rathaus, Innenansichten, Trauraum antechamber (M_0416) Rathenauplatz(M_0417) Ratscafé (M_0418) Ratskeller before 1945, color (M_0419) Ratskeller before 1945, sw (M_0420) Ratskeller after 1945 (M_0421) Rauchsche Papierfabrik vor 1945 (M_0422) WeinstubeRechkemmer (M_0423) Reichsarbeitsdienst (M_1036) Company Reiner, Johann Ludwig, Cigars (M_0424) Rembold, lithographic institution (M_0425) Robert Mayer monument until 1939, market place (M_0426) Robert Mayer monument, avenue (M_0427) Robert Mayer monument, city garden (M_0428) Robert Mayer monument, Marktplatz ab 1990 (M_0429) Robert-Mayer-Gymnasium vor 1945 (formerly Realgymnasium/Oberrealschule) (M_0430) Robert-Mayer-Museum (M_0431) Rosenau-Brewery (M_0432) Rosenbergbrücke (M_0433) Rosenbergstraße (M_0434) Red Cross Heilbronn (M_0435) Hotel Royal (M_0436) Rudergesellschaft Schwaben (M_0437) Sängerfeste (M_0438) Salzstraße (M_1040) Salzwerk Heilbronn (M_0439)