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Reden, Interviews und Aufsätze Dalueges; vol. 4
BArch, R 19/382 · Akt(e) · 1940-1943
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Graveyard speech for SS-Obergruppenführer F. Weitzel, Düsseldorf 21.6.1940; official meeting of the commanders of the gendarmerie in the main office of the Ordnungspolizei (review and new guidelines) 15.1.1941 Conference of the inspectors of the Ordnungspolizei; Allgemeine Lage der Polizei, Richtlinien der Arbeit) 21.1.1941; Before the Officers' School in Köpenick 30.1.1941; The Power Sources of the German Police in the People (Before the Foreign Press) 3.2.1941 Radio Address on the Day of the German Police 15.3.1941; Workshop of the Section Inspectors of the Voluntary Fire Brigades in the Main Office of the Ordnungspolizei (Current Questions of Operation) 20.3.1941 Speech at the funeral of Ministerialrat Liebermann von Sonnenberg (documents) 26.3.1941; awards and promotion certificates for the Führer's birthday in the main office of the Ordnungspolizei 19.4.1941 Opening of the Colonial Police School in Oranienburg 28.4.1941; Obituary for Lieutenant General of the Mülverstedt Police 21.8.1941; Opening of the Police Dental Clinic in Berlin 1942 Conference of Section Inspectors and District Leaders of the Voluntary Fire Brigade (air war, future tasks) 23.4.1942; Speech at the reception of the members of the protectorate government in Prague 29.5.1942; Memorial speech for Heydrich in Prague 7.6.1942 Adoption of the Oberlandräte and new assignment of the inspectors to the protectorate 15.6.1942; Meeting of the general inspectors and commanders of the Ordnungspolizei (draft) 14.5.1942; To the commanders of the Ordnungspolizei 13.1.1943 Government reception for the one-year existence of the current protectorate government 19.1.1943; The Winter Fight of the Ordnungspolizei im Osten (SS-Führertagung des RFSS; not held) 1943 Stadt- und Landwacht (Press Conference of the Reich Government) 8.2.1943; Address to the President on the occasion of the four-year anniversary of the Protectorate 15.3.1943; 160. Anniversary of the Estates Theatre in Prague (mentions Werner Kraus, Käthe Dorsch) 22.4.1943 Memorial speech for the one-year return of the anniversary of the death of Heydrich 4.6.1943; Farewell speech to the German employees in the Protectorate 1.9.1943; Farewell speech to the Ministers of the Protectorate Government 2.9.1943