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Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, GU 120 · Fonds · (1861-1864), 1867-1925, (1926) und o. J.
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)
  1. biography: Karl Joseph Wilhelm Florestan Gero Crescentius Prince of Urach Count of Württemberg was born on 15 February 1865 in Ulm as the younger son of Wilhelm (I.) Duke of Urach and Florestine Duchess of Urach née Princess of Monaco (1); the prince attended the primary school and the Jesuit grammar school in Monaco (2) together with his older brother Wilhelm (II.) Duke of Urach. In 1877 he moved to the Jesuit educational institution of Our Lady Stella matutina in Feldkirch. After a further change of school in 1881, he graduated from the Karlsgymnasium in Stuttgart in 1883 and studied for two semesters at the University of Munich (3) from 1883 to 1884. There he attended lectures in metaphysics and history of Greek philosophy with the professor of philosophy and later Bavarian Prime Minister and German Chancellor Georg Graf von Hertling (1843-1919) as well as lectures in political science with the journalist and writer Professor Wilhelm Heinrich Riehl (1823-1897). 1883 he was appointed second lieutenant à la suite of the Ulan regiment King Karl (1st Württ.) No. 19 (4). In April 1886 Prince Karl entered the active service of this regiment, but had to leave the active service due to illness. In March 1887, the prince retired as an officer à la suite from the active service of the regiment. In the following years the prince was granted the usual promotions for a member of the House of Württemberg under the position à la suite of the regiment: in 1887 he was appointed prime lieutenant, in 1891 cavalry master, in 1899 cavalry major and in 1906 lieutenant colonel. From 1884, Karl Fürst von Urach travelled extensively (5): from 1884 to 1886 he travelled South America, visiting the Cordilleras and studying the Indian tribes on the upper reaches of the Amazon (6). He later handed over the ethnological collection he acquired during his journey to the Linden Museum in Stuttgart. Also in the time after 1887 he often stayed in Italy, Greece, in the Balkans, in Egypt, where he owned real estate in Heliopolis near Cairo (7), and in the Ottoman Empire. In 1891 he took part in an expedition to Spitsbergen (8), in 1893 the prince travelled to the USA(9). The few documents on the trip to the USA (especially letters of recommendation) (10) that are preserved in the present inventory suggest that this trip was also used for ethnological studies of Indian tribes. So he learned Turkish, Arabic and Persian. Last but not least, between 1893 and 1925 the prince had Arab rooms (11) built into his palace on Neckarstraße in Stuttgart, which he decorated with furniture, carvings, tiles, works made of plaster stucco, carpets and other antiques from the Orient. During the First World War, Prince Karl was finally able to use his language skills and the knowledge he had acquired about this region during his many journeys to the Orient for his work as a German liaison officer in the Ottoman Empire (12). He performed this function between 1916 and 1917, when Prince Karl took over several honorary offices. He was president of the Württemberg group of the German Colonial Society (13) and member of the Württemberg regional association of the German Fleet Association (14). He supported the Society for the Promotion of German Settlements in Palestine (15). He also supported the work of the airship designer Ferdinand Graf von Zeppelin by subscribing to shares in the company for the promotion of airship travel (16).Karl Fürst von Urach was awarded numerous orders in the course of his life (17): in 1883 the Prince received the Monegasque Order of Saint Charles, in 1889 the Grand Cross of the Persian Order of the Sun and Lions (18), in 1897 the Ottoman Order of First Class, in 1899 the Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Medal. In 1910 he was awarded the Prussian Red Eagle Order. In 1916 he received the Wilhelmskreuz with swords and crown, one year later the royal Hungarian Order of Saint Stephen and the Iron Cross 2nd class. Karl Fürst von Urach died on 5 December 1925 in Stuttgart. He was buried in the Catholic section of the crypt of the castle church Ludwigsburg. 2. to the order and distortion of the stock:: Together with the Archive of the Dukes and Princes of Urach Grafen von Württemberg, the GU 120 collection was deposited in the Main State Archives in 1987. There, the archives of the House of Urach form the GU series of inventories within the inventory classification (tectonics). During the reorganization of the archive by Wolfgang Schmierer, Director of the Archive, the documents on Karl Fürst von Urach were given the signature GU 120, and since the materials were in a poor state of order, the units of registration had to be formed for the most part first. Where it made sense, the existing units were retained. During the indexing work, extensive documents were removed from the GU 120 holdings and assigned in particular to the GU 96 (Miscellaneous and Unclear), GU 100 (Foreign Archives and Other Collections), GU 107 (Florestine Duchess of Urach), GU 117 (Wilhelm (II.) Duke of Urach) and GU 202 (Bertha Freiin von Biegeleben) holdings. Moreover, it cannot be ruled out that further material of the provenance of Karl Fürst von Urach may be found in the as yet unlisted holdings of the House of Urach. by far the largest part of the holdings consists of the extensive correspondence of the Prince (category 2), above all with his mother (category 2.1.1) with his brother Wilhelm and his family (category 2.1.2) as well as with Bertha von Biegeleben (category 2.1.5). The latter was the court lady of his mother Florestine and a close confidante of the prince. In addition, correspondence with representatives of the German and European ruling and former ruling princely houses can be found in the holdings (Section 2.5). Karl Fürst von Urach also corresponded with numerous public figures (section 2.7), including scholars. Almost all correspondence is so-called unilateral correspondence, that is, only the letters of the correspondence partner are found in the existing stock. If there are isolated letters or drafts of letters from the Reigning Prince to the respective addressee, this is expressly mentioned in the title recording. Usually these are letters of the prince returned to the prince or his family afterwards. It should also be noted that Prince Karl did not make any copies of his correspondence. The correspondences can be regarded as an interesting source for the history of everyday life and mentality of the nobility. They show the manifold contacts which the prince maintained with members of other noble families. They also certainly offer details of the Prince's numerous journeys. However, it was not possible to index the contents of the correspondence due to the time and effort involved. Unfortunately, the correspondences and correspondence series contained in this collection sometimes have smaller gaps. It is not possible at the present time to answer the question of whether the previously unlisted holdings of the archives of the House of Urach still contain correspondence of the prince. Besides the correspondence, the extensive collections of photos and photographs (category 10) form the second largest part of the holdings in terms of the number of title recordings. Of particular interest are the photos and photo albums with photos from the Prince's numerous travels to South America, Egypt, the Ottoman Empire and the Balkans (Section 10.2.2). There are also photos taken during the aforementioned activity of the prince as a liaison officer in the Ottoman Empire during the First World War (section 10.2.4). Prince Karl's interest in Islamic (Arabic) art is also reflected in the numerous photographs of buildings and artworks of Islamic art, which are combined in section 10.3. Of the other materials preserved in the present collection, the Prince's manuscripts with literary and art-historical texts and a memorandum on the political reorganization of Europe by Germany in the First World War should also be mentioned, as well as interesting documents on the associations and societies in which the Prince was active and in which he was active. In an appendix (column 16) photos, an album and seal from the possession of the Wera Duchess of Württemberg née Grand Duchess of Russia are united, which after the death of the Duchess were handed over by her daughter Olga Prinzessin zu Schaumburg-Lippe to Karl Fürst von Urach.In addition, correspondences of the brother of Karl Fürst von Urach, Wilhelm (II.) Duke of Urach, to Charlemagne's estate, to the Arab rooms and to a newspaper article about the princes were added to the collection (19). Since these materials refer to Karl Fürst von Urach, the classification into the present holdings seemed to be reasonable. As expected, documents on Karl Fürst von Urach are also available in other holdings of the archives of the House of Urach. In particular the holdings GU 99 (photo albums and collections), GU 107 (Florestine Herzogin von Urach née Prinzessin von Monaco), GU 117 (Wilhelm (II.) Herzog von Urach) and GU 202 (Bertha von Biegeleben) are to be mentioned here. the archives of the holdings may only be inspected with the prior permission of the chief of the House of Urach. the holdings GU 120 were catalogued by the undersigned from autumn 2004 to April 2005. It comprises 4.6 running meters with 318 numbers.Stuttgart, in April 2005Eberhard Merk footnotes: (1) For Karl Fürst von Urach see above: Article by Wolfgang Schmierer in: The House of Württemberg. A biographical encyclopedia. Edited by Sönke Lorenz, Dieter Mertens, Volker Press. Stuttgart 1997. p. 390. Heinrich Fischer: Prince Karl von Urach as a research traveller. In: Swabian Mercury of 11 December 1926 pp. 17f. (Sunday supplement to the Swabian Mercury No. 580). Newspaper articles and obituaries in M 743/2 Bü 542.(2) See also Bü 1 (serial number 1) in this inventory. Schmierer does not mention attending school in Monaco. The data on the school attendance of Karl Fürst von Urach were taken from the short curriculum vitae written by Wilhelm (II.) Duke of Urach in Bü 21 (Ordnungsnummer 11).(3) See Bü 11 (Ordnungsnummer 2).(4) On military careers see the personal file of Fürst Karls in: M 430/1 Bü 2797, also Bü 7 (serial number 3), 121 (serial number 98).(5) A list of the Prince's travels, prepared by Karl's brother Duke Wilhelm (II.), is kept in Bü 21 (serial number 11). This list also served Heinrich Fischer as the basis for his article (loc. cit.)(6) See the manuscript of the prince in Bü 269 (Ordnungsnummer 145). A detailed description of the itinerary of the South American trip can be found in the article by Heinrich Fischer (loc. cit.)(7) Bü 297, 298 (serial number 208, 211)(8) Cf. the correspondence of Max Graf von Zeppelin in Bü 161 (serial number 118) and the manuscript of the prince in Bü 273 (serial number 146). Photos of Spitzbergen and Norway can be found in Bü 59 (serial number 247).(9) There are no photos of this trip in this collection.(10) Bü 177 (serial number 138)(11) See Bü 20 (serial number 217), Bü 80 (serial number 288), Bü 83 (serial number 202), Bü 316 (serial number 198). An impressive description of the Arabic spaces provides: Claus Mohr: Arab Art in Stuttgart. In: Deutsches Volksblatt 1926 No. 170 of 28 July 1926(12) See also Bü 108, 293 (serial numbers 5 and 6). Photos from this period have been preserved in Bü 42 (serial number 264).(13) There are no materials on the prince's work in the D e u t s c h e K o l o n i a l g e s c h e l l l s c h a f t in this collection.(14) Bü 285 (serial number 193)(15) Bü 294 (serial number 191)(16) Bü 296 (serial number 189)(17) See also Bü 6, 101 (serial numbers 7 and 8)(18) The award was made on the occasion of the state visit of Schah Nasir-el-din in 1889 in Stuttgart(19) Bü 10 (serial number 9), Bü 21 (serial number 11), Bü 23 (serial number 216)
Urach, Karl
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, M 660/300 · Fonds · 1883-1951
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

1 On the biography of Karl Sauter: Karl Sauter was born on 16 May 1870 in Stuttgart as the son of the later director of construction Karl von Sauter. His mother Maria Sauter, née Breimeier, died eight days after his birth. Karl Sauter subsequently grew up with his maternal grandparents in Dettingen/Urach before moving to Stuttgart at the age of six to live with his father, who had remarried in the meantime. After attending a boarding school, Sauter embarked on a military career. In 1885 he joined the cadet corps in Oranienstein and in 1886 the main cadet school in Groß-Lichterfelde. In the years from 1889 to 1900 Sauter served as a lieutenant secretary and prime lieutenant in the Infantry Regiment No. 120. In October 1900 he was commanded to the Great General Staff, where he received a captain's post in 1903. Sauter returned to Württemberg in March 1904. He took over a company of the Grenadier Regiment No. 123. In 1909 Sauter became general staff officer of the 27th Infantry Division. After his promotion to Major (1910) and a one-year activity at the Large General Staff (1911/12), he was transferred to the Fusililier Regiment No. 122 (1912). During the First World War, Sauter worked from October 1914 to June 1915 as First General Staff Officer in the XXVI Reserve Corps. From July 1915 he commanded the newly established Reserve Infantry Regiment No. 122, and from June 1916 he served as Chief of the General Staff of the 26th Reserve Corps. During the first three years of the war, Sauter was deployed mainly in Flanders (including Poelkapelle and Langemarck), Lorraine (including St. Julien and Longwy), the Champagne (including Reims) and the Somme. In February 1915 he was appointed lieutenant colonel. From September 1917 until the end of the war, Sauter served as Chief of the General Staff of the Government of Antwerp. After the end of the war Karl Sauter was stationed 1919 as liaison officer of the Württemberg War Ministry at the OHL in Kolberg. In 1920 he retired from military service; at the same time he was given the character of a major general. Subsequently, Sauter reoriented himself professionally and began a career as a businessman. Sauter wrote numerous (lecture) manuscripts on topics of time and defence policy during his military service, but above all after his departure from the army. The texts express his closeness to National Socialist ideology. Sauter was, among other things, a member of the NS Volkswohlfahrt. After the end of the Second World War, Sauter had to answer for himself in a denazification case in Stuttgart, where he travelled extensively to numerous European and non-European countries for several decades. Sauter died on 11 March 1959. 2. On the military estate of Karl Sauter: The holdings were transferred to the Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart in August 1959. The records were undeveloped so far. They were arranged and listed by archive trainee Dr. Christine Axer under the guidance of Dr. Wolfgang Mährle in December 2010. The military estate of Karl Sauter comprises 1 linear meter. Sauter's memoirs "From my time and for the understanding of the history of my time", which are handed down in the estate and partly kept in the form of a diary, cover a period of more than sixty years. They provide information about the military career of their author as well as about the numerous journeys he made to almost all continents. The memoirs are supplemented by a comprehensive collection of material and a series of unpublished manuscripts by Sauter, in which - politically colored - he deals on the one hand with (military) political and historical questions, and on the other hand also reflects on human existence. The collection also contains numerous postcards, maps and photographs. The latter in particular reveal an unvarnished view of the First World War and its horrors. 3. references: - HStAS, M 430/2 Bü 1786, Sauter, Karl (military personnel file);- HStAS, M 707 No. 1286, Sauter, Karl (14 photographs);- StAL, EL 902/20 Bü 61623 Heimatspruchkammern Spruchkammer 37 - Stuttgart: Procedural files: Sauter, Karl.Stuttgart, December 2010Dr. Wolfgang MährleDr. Christine Axer

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, M 660/034 · Fonds · 1879-1982
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

1 On the biography of Walther Reinhardt: Walther Reinhardt was born in Stuttgart on 24 March 1872 as the son of the then captain August Reinhardt. He attended the Gymnasium in Ulm, the Lyceum in Ludwigsburg and the Gymnasium in Heilbronn. Afterwards he changed to the Kadettenanstalt in Oranienstein and to the Hauptkadettenanstalt Groß-Lichterfelde. On 9 February 1891 Reinhardt joined the Grenadier regiment of Queen Olga No. 119 as Portepeefähnrich. In 1892 he was promoted to lieutenant, in 1897 he was appointed to war academy and subsequently commanded as lieutenant in service at the Great General Staff. Three years later, on March 10, 1904, Reinhardt was promoted to Captain, leaving the Grand General Staff in office. On April 22, 1905, he joined the General Staff of the XV Army Corps in Strasbourg before serving as Company Commander in the Infantry Regiment Alt-Württemberg No. 121 in Ludwigsburg from February 25, 1907 to April 19, 1909. On 20 April 1909 Reinhardt was transferred to the General Staff of the 26th (1st Kgl.-Württ.) Division. He returned to the Grand General Staff as Major on September 10, 1910. On 3 November 1912 he was assigned to the General Command of the XIIIth (Kgl.-Württ.) Army Corps. Reinhardt was a staff officer of the XIII Army Corps and on August 2, 1914 he entered the First World War. He was appointed Chief of the General Staff of the Württemberg Army Corps on 23 January 1915. On 18 May 1915 he was appointed lieutenant colonel. From June 1916 to February 1917 Reinhardt held various command posts, each of which he held for only a few months or even a few weeks. From 26 June to 16 July 1916 he was commander of infantry regiment 118, before becoming chief of staff of the XVII Army Corps from 17 July to 20 November 1916. On 21 November 1916 he took over the post of Chief of Staff of the 11th Army in Macedonia. The appointment as Chief of Staff of the High Command of the 7th Army on 10 February 1917 led him back to the Western Front. On 23 May 1917 Reinhardt was awarded the Order of Pour le Mérite with oak leaves for his achievements in the conquest of the Chemin des Dames. He also received the Commander's Cross of the Royal House Order of Hohenzollern with swords for his military achievements. On April 18, 1918, Reinhardt was promoted to colonel, and by cabinet order of November 4, 1918, Reinhardt was transferred to the Prussian War Ministry to organize the demobilization of the army. Two months later, on January 2, 1919, Reinhardt took over the office of Prussian War Minister. After the dissolution of the Imperial Army, Reinhardt became the first Chief of Staff of the new Imperial Army on 13 September 1919. During this time he was also appointed Major General. Only a few months after taking over his new duties, Reinhardt resigned as Chief of Staff at the end of March 1920, following the Kapp Putsch, and took over the Döberitz apprentice brigade for a short time before becoming Commander-in-Chief of the Wehrkreiskommando V in Stuttgart as Lieutenant General on 15 May 1920. In personal union he exercised the functions of a commander of the 5th division as well as the state commander of Württemberg. He retained his position as commander of the military district command V for almost five years. On 1 January 1925 Reinhardt was appointed commander-in-chief of Group Command 2 in Kassel. Two years later, in December 1927, he retired from the army and took charge of a course for older officers. These "Reinhardt courses" lasted beyond the death of their creator until 1932/1933. Furthermore, he devoted himself to the preparation of publications mainly on military and historical topics. Walther Reinhardt died in Berlin on August 8, 1930. 2 On the estate of Walther Reinhardt: The estate of Walther Reinhardt comprises documents from his military service as well as private correspondence. In addition, manuscripts for lectures and publications, which Reinhardt wrote above all after his retirement from military service, form a not inconsiderable part. The documents are supplemented by Reinhardt's collections of newspaper clippings, particularly from the years 1918/1919, most of which were in the possession of Reinhardt's daughter Lotte Reinhardt, Director of Studies, after his death on August 8, 1930. On September 7, 1939, the latter handed over 13 tufts of files and three war diaries to the former Heeresarchiv Stuttgart, and on September 11, 1940, further archival documents, namely photographs (some of them in albums), newspaper clippings, and official personnel reminders. The documents from Reinhardt's estate were arranged chronologically in the army archives, stapled into folders and recorded. The repertory with a foreword by Major General Sieglin was available on 15 October 1940, and a small part of Reinhardt's estate was handed over to the Potsdam Army Archives shortly after his death. In a letter dated 11 September 1940, the Heeresarchiv Stuttgart attempted to obtain the transfer of this part of the estate in order to merge it with the Stuttgart holdings in process at that time. On 23 October 1940, however, the Heeresarchiv Potsdam announced that Reinhardt had "no private records" in his custody. The Heeresarchiv Stuttgart does not seem to have made any further attempts to gain possession of the Potsdam partial estate. Since the Heeresarchiv Potsdam was destroyed immediately before the end of the Second World War and most of its holdings were destroyed, the documents handed over there from Reinhardt's property are presumably lost today.17 February 1961 Lotte Reinhardt handed over to the Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, which had meanwhile taken over most of the holdings of the former Heeresarchiv Stuttgart, further documents of her father in her possession (letters, records, drafts, printed matter, newspaper clippings). In the summer of 1964, Oberstaatsarchivrat Dr. Uhland ordered and listed these archival records, which were then combined with the older holdings. The collection folders bound by the Army Archives were dissolved several times in order to be able to chronologically classify pieces belonging to them. These studies also showed that the recording in the Army Archives was incomplete, and in some cases incorrect. The new holdings comprised 56 folders, which were structured according to the chronological order method of the Army Archives. In some of the tufts formed, subfascicles were formed. Before the transfer to the Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Lotte Reinhardt had made available the estate of her father, Professor Fritz Ernst (Heidelberg), in her possession, who used it for a publication (Ernst, Fritz: Aus dem Nachlass des General Walther Reinhardt, Stuttgart 1958). It seems that individual pieces remained with Professor Ernst and that even after his death (22 December 1963) they no longer came to the owner. Between 1964 and 1987, his daughter Lotte Reinhardt repeatedly submitted documents from the estate of Walther Reinhardt. On December 29, 1964, Lotte Reinhardt handed over newspaper clippings and writings. There were also copies made by Professor Ernst. The archival documents were sorted, recorded and placed to the corresponding bundle numbers. In addition, two new tufts were formed. This increased the size of the estate to 58 folders. Lotte Reinhardt also handed over further archival records on 27 August 1969, 7 March 1970, 12 March 1973, 6 February 1978, April 1978, 16 August 1978 and 26 January 1987, mainly to Walther Reinhardt for private correspondence (letters to parents, wife, children) and newspaper clippings. The M 660/034 holdings were reopened in September 2010 by the candidate Sylvia Günteroth under the guidance of Dr. Wolfgang Mährle. In the course of this work, a classification of the documents was carried out which replaced the previous chronological order. The allocation of the documents that had been archived until 1964 to individual clusters and the division of these archive units into subfascicles have been retained. The existing title recordings were carefully revised. The previously unrecorded archival records that had been archived between 1969 and 1987 were sorted and recorded. The estate of Walther Reinhardt now comprises 89 tufts with a total volume of 1.6 linear metres. 3. References to sources and literature: Sources:- Walther Reinhardt's personal file: M 430/2 Bü 1684;- Biographical documents: E 130b Bü 235, Q 3/60 Bü 29, Q 3/60 Bü 32, Q 3/60 Bü 47; M 743/1 Bü 11- Photographs: Q 3/60 Bü 32; M 703 R 170N19; M 703 R190N10; M 703 R191N17; M 707 Nr. 1213; M 743/1 Bü 11Publications Walther Reinhardt's (selection):- Reinhardt, Walther: Six Months West Front: Campaign Experiences of an Artillery Officer in Belgium, Flanders and the Champagne, 3rd edition, Berlin 1915 - Reinhardt, Walther: In der Picardie: Pictures from the position war in the west, 3rd edition, Berlin 1917 - Reinhardt, Walther/Zenker, Hans: Wehrwille und Wehrgedanke in Deutschlands Jugend: 2 lectures at the Freusburger Schulungswoche 1929, Berlin-Charlottenburg 1930 - Reinhardt, Walther: George Washington. Die Geschichte einer Staatsgründung, Frankfurt 1931 - Reinhardt, Walther: Wehrkraft und Wehrwille: aus seinem Nachlass mit einer Lebensbeschreibung Walther Reinhardt, Berlin 1932 Literature: - Ernst, Fritz: Aus dem Nachlass des General Walther Reinhardt, Stuttgart 1958.- Kohlhaas, Wilhelm: Walther Reinhardt: General der Infanterie, 1872-1930, in: Lebensbilder aus Schwaben und Franken, 17th volume, Stuttgart 1991, pp. 306-316 - Mulligan, William: The creation of the modern German Army: General Walther Reinhardt and the Weimar Republic, 1914-1930, New York 2005.Stuttgart, May 2011Dr. Wolfgang MährleSylvia Günteroth