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Archival description

Contains: political and private correspondence of Ernst II during his trip through Bulgaria and Romania as well as during his stay in Constantinople (among others with the State Secretary in the Foreign Office Jagow, King Ferdinand [Uncle 4. Grades] and Queen Eleonore of Bulgaria as well as members of the German Embassy in Constantinople); hand drawing of the Turkish Minister of War Enwer Pasha on the transfer of territory from Turkey to Bulgaria; passes; inscription list in Bucharest; congratulatory letter on the start of the journey; official farewell letter of the diplomatic corps in Constantinople; manuscript of a speech of Ernst II.Invoices, receipts, account statement; remuneration documents; business cards Darin: excerpts from the Turkish newspapers "La Defense" and "Hilal" with articles about Ernst II. (and one illustration); postcards from Kalisch (war destruction) and Constantinople among others; 8 photographs of Ernst II in connection with an audience with the Sultan, a stay at the Black Sea and a visit to the imperial steamship "Goeben" [separated; now in Bü 914].

Darin: 1. the limited liability company. A legislative study by Rob. Esser II, Cologne. Berlin: Julius Sittenfeld, printed as manuscript. Confidential, 1886; 2nd utilization of E. Nagel's contract on land acquisition in Pondoland, South Africa, 1886; 3rd annual report of the South American Colonization Society of Leipzig for 1885, 1886; 4th draft of a law regulating emigration in the German Empire. By A.W. Sellin, o.D.; 5. statutes of the German Women's Association for Nursing in the Colonies; 6. map of Kaiser-Wilhelms-Land and Bismarck-Archipel; 7. circular letter of the Colonial Society.

Contains above all: Inquiries and mailings from associations and institutions Darin: sent publications (15 Months Austro-Hungarian War Aid in Württemberg, 1916; Modern Therapy and War Wounded, 1916; Zur Tuberkulose-Bekämpf 1914, 1914; W. Liese, Die katholischen Orden Deutschlands und der Völkerkrieg 1914/15, 1915; Report of the German Association for Medical Dogs, 1915; Adolf Bachrach, Aus dem Rechtsleben im Kriege, 1914; Kriegskonterbande und Überseeische Rohstoffe, 1914; Edward L., 1914. Blackshear, An American Proposal for an Inter-state Federation of the States of Europe into the United States of Europe (...), 1914; Annual Report of the Blind Asylum of Schwäbisch Gmünd, 1914); sent manuscript on the establishment of a trading company in D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a..