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BArch, PH 3 · Bestand · 1867-1920 (1926-1972)
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: Tasks and Organization Essentially follows: (1) Jany, Curt: History of the Prussian Army from the 15th century to 1914, 2nd ed. Edition (= Die Königlich Preußische Armee und das Deutsche Reichsheer 1807 bis 1914, vol. 4), Osnabrück 1967, pp. 294-296. (2) Cron, Hermann: Geschichte des deutschen Armeres im Weltkriege 1914 bis 1918, Berlin 1937, pp. 3-23. (3) PH 3/124 Die Organisation des Großen Generalstabes 1803-1914 (4) PH 3/1026 Die Organisation des Großen Generalstabes (vom 18. Jhr.. until its dissolution in 1919, manuscript by HOAR Stoeckel) (5) PH 3/1272-1273 Graphical representation of the development of the organisation of the Great General Staff 1802-1914 (6) PH 3/310 First introduction to the organisation and activities of the Deputy General Staff of the Armed Forces (1919) (7) Militärgeschichtliches Forschungsamt, MGFA (Ed. by the German Military Historical Research Institute, MGFA) (ed. by the German historian HOAR Stoeckel)): German military history in six volumes 1648 - 1939. Munich 1983 ff, pp. 69-72. (8) Enzyklopädie Erster Weltkrieg, ed. v: Gerhard Hirschfeld, Gerd Krumeich, Irina Renz in conjunction with Markus Pöhlmann, updated and extended study edition, Paderborn 2009, p. 754f. (9) PH 3/3 (10) Waldemar Erfurth: The History of the German General Staff 1918-1945 (= Studies on the History of the Second World War, ed. by Arbeitskreis für Wehrforschung in Frankfurt/Main, vol. 1), Göttingen 1957. 1. Großer Generalstab und Oberster Heeresleitung Großer Generalstab (7) With the Cabinet Order of 24 May 1883, the Generalstab became an Immediatbehörde (Immediate Authority), in fact it had held this position since the Wars of Unification. The General Staff was also assigned independently and directly to the monarch by the War Ministry. The tasks of the War Ministry and the Great General Staff overlapped in part, which occasionally led to conflicts. The position of Chief of Staff of the General Staff was respected, but, apart from operational management in the event of war, it was not endowed with important powers. The General Staff nevertheless exerted a decisive influence on the formation of the army through the training of leaders (the War Academy was subordinate to the Great General Staff), the care for the training of troops in warfare, and the handling of all questions connected with the conduct of a mobilization and a war. His activities included the cultivation of war science education, especially the study and processing of war history, the collection of news and statistical material on foreign armies and the various theatres of war, mapping, investigation and description of his own country. In the peacetime there were no far-reaching changes in the organization of the Grand General Staff, only some expansions due to the increasing scope of the General Staff duties. General Staff of the Field Army and Supreme Army Command (OHL) of the German Army (2) "According to Article 63 of the Constitution of the German Reich of 16 April 1871, the entire land power of the Reich formed a unified army, which was under the Emperor's command in war and peace. In peace, the head of the Great General Staff had practically no power of command and no right of inspection. He merely acted as chief and disciplinary superior of the Grand General Staff. The highest power of command was in fact with the emperor, but in practice it was the chief of the general staff of the army. During the war, the Chief of the General Staff issued operational orders in the name of the Emperor in accordance with the mobilization regulations and was jointly responsible for the management and execution of military operations as well as the other branches of service (ammunition replacement, catering, health, stage service). With the mobilization on August 2, 1914, the chief of the Prussian General Staff of the Army was formed as the "Chief of the General Staff of the Field Army" and the OHL, which was located in the Great Headquarters. The Chief of the General Staff of the Field Army thus embodied the OHL and was always equated with it by concept. On August 5, 1914, the deputy general staff of the army was mobilized in Berlin. The latter remained in existence until 31 January 1919. With the demobilisation, de Große Generalstab resumed its activities on 1 February 1919, with the exception of the positions remaining with OHL. (10) On the basis of the Treaty of Versailles, the dissolution of the Great General Staff was decided and initiated in July 1919. On 4 July 1919 Major General von Seeckt took over the business of the Chief of the General Staff. The name of the service is now "General von Seeckt". On September 30, 1919, the Great General Staff was finally dissolved with the establishment of a liquidation office from part of the central department. The Heads of the General Staff of the Army in Prussia from 1857 to 1918 Field Marshal General Hemuth Karl Bernhard von Moltke 1857-1888 Field Marshal General Alfred Heinrich Karl Ludwig von Waldersee 1888-1891 Field Marshal General Alfred Graf von Schlieffen 1891-1906 General Colonel Helmuth von Moltke 1906-1914 Between 1914 and 1918 a total of four OHLs were formed (8) 1. OHL: General Colonel Helmuth von Moltke, Chief of the General Staff of the Field Army from Aug. 2 to Sep. 14, 1914 2. OHL: General of the Infantry Erich von Falkenhayn, Chief of the General Staff of the Field Army from Aug. 14 to Sept. 14, 1914 2. 3rd Sept. (officially from 3 Sept. 1914) to 29 Aug. 1916 3rd OHL: General Field Marshal Paul von Beneckendorff and von Hindenburg, Chief of the General Staff of the Field Army from 29 Aug. 1916 to 9 Nov. 1916. 1918, Commander-in-Chief of the Field Army from 9 Nov. 1918 to 3 July 1919, assisted by the First Quartermaster General of the Infantry Erich von Ludendorff, First Quartermaster General from 29 Aug. 1916 to 26 Oct. 1918, then Lieutenant General Wilhelm Groener became First Quartermaster General from 29 Oct. 1918 to 3 July 1919 4. OHL: Lieutenant General Wilhelm Groener took over the OHL after the resignation of Hindenburgs on June 25, 1919 until the dissolution on Sept. 30, 1919 3. The organizational development of the Great General Staff The organization of the Great General Staff since April 1, 1889 (1) The Quartermaster General was first abolished again, but on April 1, 1889 three Quartermasters (O.Q.) were established. Central Office (from 1890 Central Division) Oberquartiermeister (O. Q.) I since 1 April 1889: 2nd Division Ordre de Bataille (Battle Regulations) and deployment of the German Army Railway Division Railway Section The Railway Section was responsible for the operation and training of the Railway Regiment, subordinate to the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces, and of the Airship Division. Eisenbahn-Regiment Oberquartiermeister (O.Q.) II 4th Section - New Formation for the Affairs of Foreign Fortresses and the Preparation of the Drafts of Attacks, with AKO of Dec. 19, 1889 the Department for Foreign Fortresses was added by the Engineering Committee Geographical-Statistical Department (since 1894 an independent Department) German Section - Affairs of the Academy of War and the Training Trips of the General Staff Oberquartiermeister (O.Q.) III 1st Division (Russia, the Scandinavian states, Austria, the Balkans, etc.) 3rd Division (France, England, Belgium, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Italy) Division of War History National Recording The position of the Quartermaster General was abolished. Structure of the Large General Staff of the Army since 1908 (1) Central Division 6th Division (Manoeuvre) Chief Quartermaster (O.Q.) I 2nd Division (Aufmasch) Technical Section (Air Force) 4th Division (Foreign Fortresses of the Western War Theatre) 7th Division (Foreign Fortresses of the Eastern War Theatre) Railway Division Chief Quartermaster (O.Q.) II 3rd Division (O.Q.) Department (Foreign Armies in the West) 9th Department (German Colonies) Oberquartiermeister (O. Q.) III 5th Department (Training Trips of the General Staff) 8th Department (Affairs of the War Academy) Oberquartiermeister IV (newly added since 1 April 1894) 1st Department (Foreign Armies in the East) 10th Department (Foreign Armies in the East) Oberquartiermeister V War Historical Department I and II The Head of the Large General Staff Central Department (Personnel, Organisation, Administration) with Section III b (Communications) 6th Section (Manoeuvres) War History Department II (Older War History) Chief Quartermaster (O.Q.) I. 2. (German Division) - Deployment and Operations Division Railway Division Section 1a (for the revision of the Military Transport Order) 4th Division (Foreign Fortresses) Chief Quartermaster (O.Q.) II 3rd Division (France with Morocco, England with Egypt, Afghanistan) 9th Division (Italy, Belgium, Switzerland, Holland, Spain, Portugal, America, German Colonies) Chief Quartermaster (O.Q.) III 5th Division (Operations Studies) 8th Division (Operations Studies) Division (War Academy and General Staff Service) Chief Quartermaster (O.Q.) IV 1st Division (Russia, Nordic States, East Asia, Persia, Turkey) 10th Division (Russia, Northern States, East Asia, Persia, Turkey) Department (Austria-Hungary and Balkan States) Oberquartiermeister V Kriegsgeschichtliche Abteilung I (neuere Kriege) Kriegsarchiv Kartenarchiv Chief of the Landesaufnahme and Oberquartiermeister Trigonometrische Abteilung Topographische Abteilung Kartographische Abteilung Photogrammetische Abteilung Kolonialsektion Der Chef des Generalstabes des Feldheeres 1914 bis 1918 (2) 1. General Staff Departments Central Department She was responsible for receiving and forwarding correspondence to the relevant departments, in cooperation with the Military Cabinet for Personnel Matters and Administration. The department was headed by Colonel von Fabeck, and from 26 March 1916 it was headed by Colonel Tieschowitz von Tieschowa. Operations Department The department with the closest connection to the Chief of Staff. She was also the office for his personal letters. It was responsible for creating the conditions for all operational measures of the army: to monitor the organisation and organisation of the entire army and to propose improvements as well as the training, armament and operational capability of the units. The Chief of the Opera Department was responsible for advising the Chief of General Staff, drawing up the operational plans of the General Staff and issuing his orders. During the war the department was expanded extensively. Heads: Major General Tappen Lieutenant Colonel Wetzell (since 31 Aug. 1916) Operations Department B On 18 August 1916, a subdivision was set up under the Operations Department which was responsible for the Macedonian and Turkish fronts. Operations Division II On 23 September 1916, the post of Chief of Field Ammunition was dissolved. The tasks of ammunition and equipment replacement were taken over by the ammunition section in the operations department. Subsequently, the ammunition section was merged with the warfare section to form Operations Division II. Chief: Colonel Bauer News Department, since 20 May 1917 Foreign Armies Department She was responsible for the prosecution of military operations abroad, especially for the warfare of the enemy states. She primarily collected information on their organization and distribution of forces. Division III b Your task was to transmit the enemy's messages. This was done by intelligence officers deployed to the armies and at suitable points in the home country. There were also voluntary or paid agents in neutral and hostile foreign countries and the Secret Field Police in the occupied territories. News material was also provided by the border police and the field police, which also served to carry out espionage. The intelligence and counter-espionage services in the homeland communicated with Division IIIb of the Deputy General Staff, which in turn was subordinated to Division IIIb in the Great Headquarters. The guidelines for patriotic education were issued by the department, as was the press service set up to steer public opinion. Political Department since Feb. 10, 1916 Military Political Department It was responsible for the military political affairs of all states, dealt with legal issues and passed on the information to the military attachés and the written authority on peace issues. 2. the Quartermaster General and his subordinates The Quartermaster General was responsible for all the duties relating directly to the relief of the Chief of the Quartermaster General. operations. This included the entire supply, stage and railway system, field post and administration of justice, field medical services and veterinary services. Generalquartiermeister Generalleutnant von Stein since 14 Sept. 1914 Generalleutnant Hahndorff since 16 Jan. 1916 Subordinate positions Generalintendant des Feldheeeres He was responsible for providing the army with food. In addition, he was the head of the field and troop directorships. With the transition to the positional war, the monitoring of the nutrition in the occupied territory was added. In particular the cultivation of the soil and the necessary procurement of the agricultural machine material and the utilization of the harvest surplus for the field army. Later the industrial use of the occupied territories was added. A new economic department was set up for the West with effect from 5 September 1916. With effect from January 1, 1917, the economic department was made independent and expanded and set up on behalf of the General Quartermaster for the Western Theatre of War (B.d.G. West). He was responsible for the administration, management and utilization of the occupied territories in the West. Besides, he was subordinated: - General Wechselamt - art expert for monument preservation - prisoners of war - and civilian worker battalions - electrotechnical workshop West - artillery and training equipment repair workshops - looting and collecting (until subordinated to a special commissioner) At the beginning, the following positions were also subordinated to the Generalquartiermeister: - Chief of field munitions - Chief of field telegraphy - Chief of field railways - Chief of field aviation - Inspector of balloon guns Chief of field medical services General staff physician of the army Prof. Dr. Schiernig headed the medical services in the entire war zone as the highest superior of the medical personnel. His responsibilities included: the medical service, the care and transport of the wounded, the distribution of hospital trains and ships, hospitals in the homeland. Field Chief Postmaster He supervised the postal system on all theatres of war. The Field Oberpost Inspections West and East were set up to relieve him. Second Commander of the Great Headquarters He was responsible for the security and supply of the headquarters and the control of the sub personnel. He commanded the Infantry and Cavalry Staff Guard, a Land Storm Battalion, a Field Gendarmerie Command, Military Police, a motor vehicle spark station and a telephone department, three balloon defence guns (later ducrh replaced two air defence batteries), a headlight train (later expanded into a headlight department), the field directorate of the Great Headquarters together with the field warfare fund, motor vehicle fleet, field post office, Central Postal Surveillance West with the post office monitoring centre of the Great Headquarters, marketing department and reading hall. Secret Field Police cooperated closely with Division III b. During the war, B.d.G.West also added a number of agencies to the Great Headquarters. The commander of the troops, newly created in 1915, was located in Luxembourg. The Chief of Field Service was established at the end of 1916 and placed under the authority of the Quartermaster General. It served to centralise the motor vehicle formations. After the approval of the Generalqaurtiermeister, he was authorized to give instructions to the motor troops of the army high commandos and the staff figures assigned to the army groups in the west. On 17 May 1918, the staff of the commander of the combat vehicle departments was subordinated to the head of the motor vehicle division. The B.d.G. Ost with its seat in Warsaw was responsible for the utilization of the land in the administrative area of the Supreme Commander East and the General Government of Warsaw. Valenciennes Military Mine Directorate It fell under the jurisdiction of the Quartermaster General in September 1917. The mining administrations of Mons and Valenciennes, which until then had been part of the Metz government, were united to form a military directorate. The German representation in occupied Italy Used in February 1918 in Udine with evacuation of the 14th army. It served to assert German interests in the war spoils acquired jointly with Austria. The commander of the 13th Cavalry Brigade and his staff were to regulate the demand for horses on the eastern and western fronts due to the increasing shortage of horses. He was assigned to the GQ on 31 December 1916. In February 1918 he became the Commissioner of the Quartermaster General in equestrian affairs. Commissioner of the General Quartermaster in Berlin In order to reestablish trade relations with the former Russian territories resulting from the treaties with the Allies, coordination between the central authorities and the General Staff was necessary. He also took over the supervision of the import and export points. Commissioner of the Master Quartermaster General for Prey and Collecting This was created with effect from 1 June 1918. It had already been settled in 1917. He was responsible for the administration of the spoils of war and the control of the services. General of the Ammunition Columns and Trains in the Great Headquarters The increase in the number of formations was accompanied by the technical contraction of weapons, which was created in July 1918. Her task was to use the units, to supervise the technical service in the war zone and at home, and to replace the clothing and field equipment. 3. foot artillery and pioneers were among the special weapons and their technical training was monitored by the inspections. The General of the Foot Artillery in the Great Headquarters He was adviser to the Chief of the General Staff of the Field Army on technical matters and the deployment of heavy artillery. In addition, he shaped the training in his home country. He was subordinate to the later established "Inspector of Artillery Metrology" and the "Staff Officer for Heavy Flat Fire". At first he had no direct influence on the general of artillery. This did not change when the OHL introduced the unit staffs "Artillery Generals" instead of "Field Artillery Brigade Commanders" and Foot Artillery Generals to unify artillery. Thus his name was changed to "General von der Artillerie Nr. 1". A month later he became "Inspector General of Artillery Shooting Schools". He was in charge of the shooting training of the entire field and foot artillery in the field and at home. General Inspectors: General of the Artillery of Lauter (until 15 Oct. 1917) Lieutenant General Ziethen The General of the Engineering and Pioneer Corps in the Great Headquarters He was the supreme weapons superior during the war of increasing and specializing formations of the pioneers. He advised the Chief of the General Staff of the Field Army and was responsible for the organizational and technical development of the pioneers. The special services of the pioneers, such as the stage-managers of the mine-throwing machine, in existence since the end of 1915, the inspector of the gas regiments created in 1916 and the stage-manager of the pioneer melee means of close combat established in May 1918. In August 1918 he received the designation General of the Pioneers from the Chief of the General Staff of the Field Army. General der Pioniere: General der Infanterie von Claer bis bis zum 2. Juli 1916 Major General Marschall von Bieberstein seit 28. Aug. 1918 The Chief of the Field Ammunition Service This was initially subordinated to the Generalquartiermeister. His tasks included coordinating the ammunition provided by the War Ministry in conjunction with the Chief of Field Railways as well as the replacement of equipment on the basis of the reports from the Army High Commands and the Stage Inspection. In addition, he was responsible for planning the needs of the army commandos and the stage inspections and reporting them to the War Ministry. With effect from 10 May 1915, he was directly subordinated to the Chief of the General Staff of the Field Army. This should ensure close coordination with the operations department. On 23 September 1916 the position of Chief of Field Ammunition was dissolved. His duties were performed by the Operations Department. The Chief of the Field Telegraphy The Chief of the Field Telegraphy was settled during the first three years of war at the General Quartermaster. He was in charge of the entire intelligence troops and intelligence media of the field army. During the war the news formations were strongly expanded, which caused the army leadership under Hindenburg to carry out a reorganization. A general of the telegraph troops for the western, eastern and southeastern theater of war was created to relieve the field telegraphy chief. These generals were subordinated to the chief of field telegraphy. A new restructuring of the intelligence system took place, with the head of the field telegraphy reporting to it. A new organizational change was made by the Chief of Field Telegraphy to "Chief of Intelligence" and reporting directly to the Chief of General Staff of the Field Army. He also became commanding general. He was now responsible for organisation, use, training, staffing, replacement, replenishment, technical requirements and all German spark telegraphy traffic. Chief: Major General Balck Colonel von Wolff since Dec. 7, 1914 Major General von Hesse since Apr. 9, 1917 The Chief of Field Railways He was initially subordinate to the Quartermaster General. It was not until his replacement in October 1916 that he was directly subordinated to the Chief of the General Staff. His tasks included the complete railway system and the use of the waterways. At the commander-in-chief east he was represented by the field railway boss east. There were also railway officers at the stage commandos and the stage inspections, later there were authorized general staff officers at the allied states in Constantinople, Sofia, Vienna, and from mid-1916 also at the army groups. Further streamlining of the organization was achieved by the creation of independent railway transport departments based at the Great Headquarters in Kowno and Pleßhatten. Heads: Major General Groener until 31 Oct. 1916 Colonel Freiherr von Oldershausen Chief of War Surveying With the war of positions and the production of a wide variety of maps, war surveying became increasingly important. The head of war surveying was to steer this task. Therefore, the authority was created in July 1915. All surveying units were subject to this authority. Depending on requirements, staff figures for surveying were assigned to the army commandos in the west and the army groups in the west. Chief of the military aviation While one was superior to the army airships, one lay back with the planes behind France, with the captive balloons one was set up in something equal. In order to make the air forces more efficient, the chief of the air force was set up in 1915 with the general quartermaster. He ran the aviators, the airmen and the weather service. On 1 July 1915, an inspector of the balloon guns of the General Quartermaster was created for the air defence, which belonged to artillery. On 8 October 1916, Lieutenant General Hoppner was appointed Commanding General of the Air Force by Allerhöchste Kabinettsordrre and the former Chief of Field Aviation, Lieutenant Colonel Thomsen, became his Chief of Staff. All formations of the airmen, the airship, the air defence and the weather service in the field and in the homeland were subordinated to the Kogenluft. This was directly subordinated to the Chief of the General Staff in October 1915. The head censorship office was also integrated into this, which had previously been the organisational office of the deputy commanding generals. The tasks of the War Press Office were to improve cooperation between the home authorities and the Supreme Army Command in the field of the press, to provide information to the authorities and the press, and to ensure that the supervision of the press was uniform. She was also responsible for forwarding the censorship guidelines to the censorship offices. The press office had contact to all departments, the otherwise usual way of appeal did not exist. In October 1918, the War Press Office was subordinated to the War Ministry. Military post of the Federal Foreign Office The post was established on 1 July 1916 and was subordinated to the Supreme Army Command, but was organisationally subordinated to the Federal Foreign Office, Division IIIb of the Deputy General Staff, the War Press Office, the War Ministry, the Admiral Staff and the R e i c h s m a r i n e a m t . She was responsible for the defense against enemy propaganda and for German propaganda at home and abroad. On 30 January 1917, a "Picture and Photo Office" was set up, which in April 1917 was designated as the "Picture and Film Office". In December 1917, Universum Film AG was founded on the initiative of the Picture and Film Office and used for educational purposes. In January 1918, the Bild- und Filmamt was administratively subordinated to the War Ministry. However, the Military Office of the Federal Foreign Office continued to be empowered to issue directives. The organization of the Great General Staff from 1. February 1919 Chief of the General Staff of the Field Army (9) Central Department Chief of the Landesaufnahme General Staff Departments Department Foreign Army Department (F) Railway Department (E) War Economics Department (Kriweis) Economics Department (W) War History Department (K) War History Department (K 1) War History Department (K 2) War History Department (K 3) Description of the Collection: The Federal Archives have a few copies of organisational documents as well as orders, leaflets and reports from the various areas of responsibility, but also individual documents on events of the First World War and lists of formations of the field army. The Railway Department has received some files on individual projects, and the Chief of the Deputy General Staff has duplicated news from the Surveying Department on the evaluation of aerial photographs. Most of the files of the General Staff were destroyed by the effects of war in 1945 during the fire at the Army Archives in Potsdam. What has remained are only fragmented individual pieces that have been handed down. At the beginning of 1994, a large part of the documents again reached the inventory. These remains were originally kept in the military archives of the former GDR. The stock of official printed matter PHD 7 was dissolved and transferred to the stock. The large-format plans and maps were taken from the files, placed in map folders and attached to the holdings. With the exception of the official printed matter (old PHD 7) and the large formats, the stock was microfilmed. Microfilms are available for use. Content characterisation: Based on the area of responsibility, the collection contains documents on the organisation and distribution of responsibilities, on military measures by foreign states and defensive measures by German agencies, reconnaissance reports and news about foreign armies, evaluation of prisoner testimonies as well as on the deployment, use and strength of foot artillery in war. In addition, there are occasionally reproduced organisational documents as well as orders, orders, notices, leaflets and elaborations from various areas of responsibility, but also individual news about war events from the First World War. From the railway department of the Great General Staff a remnant of individual case files on railway projects has been preserved. The head of the deputy general staff has handed down duplicated reports from the surveying department on the evaluation of aerial photographs. A very small number of copies of the files from the First World War were preserved in the National Archives in Washington. Additional copies of these have been delivered here. Replacement traditions, e.g. of fundamental decrees, orders or correspondence of Prussian military and command authorities, which went to civilian or military authorities of the individual states, can be found in the holdings of the respective competent state archives, in particular Bavaria, Württemberg, Baden as well as Saxony. State of development: Invenio Scope, Explanation: Inventory without increase 37.0 m 1006 AE Citation method: BArch, PH 3/...

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Sigmaringen, Ho 235 T 13-15 · Bestand · ( 1825 -) 1852 - 1945 (- 1946)
Teil von State Archives Baden-Württemberg, Sigmaringen State Archives Department (Archivtektonik)

History of Tradition For the history of the authorities, see the preface to the holdings Ho 235 T 3 Processor's report In Section I, Section VI Trade and Industry, files were produced in the following areas: Size and weight, annual and weekly markets, trade concessions and pedlar trade, customs association and traffic in the same, trade, trade schools, trade police, guild system, book printers and bookstores, insurance companies and emigration agents as well as patent awards, building craftsmen and chimney sweeps, restaurants and pubs, Mills and shipping as well as water engines, ban rights, factories and steam boilers as well as smoke development, mining and metallurgy and saltworks as well as petroleum, budget and cash management, health insurance of workers, accident insurance of workers, disability and old age insurance, economic and other measures as a result of the world wars. Files on trade and trade schools were originally listed under a classification point "Trade" in the old index. However, since this was a confusing abundance of file titles, the division into two classification points was recommended: the classification point "Wanderschaften der Handwerksgesellen und Dispensationen davon" no longer has any files. The present repertory is the revised version of the 1852 official finding aid of the Prussian Government Section I Section VI Trade and Industry of 1852 with a supplement of 1927 (see No. 739). There is an index to the old repertory (see no. 740). There is also a concordance in the archive (see No. 741) between the authority file number and the NVA (=newly recorded files) number assigned in the archive. The addendum is partly in line with the 1852 finding fund of the authorities and partly not. Occasionally, file numbers that had previously been regarded as order signatures were assigned twice. As this is a means of finding authorities, supplements were made and these were not always in the expected places, which led to a great deal of confusion. Also the various entries about destruction or transfer to other registries (especially registry G of the standing registry) and other authorities created confusion about the existence or location of the files. The NVA numbers behind the individual title records (if at all clearly assignable) gave a certain indication that the file must already have been in the archive. - The NVA number was the first signature assigned in the archive, later the files were detached from the NVA stock again and were set up again according to the old authority signature. - However, not every file with an NVA number could be found. The complexity and the poor manageability of the old finding aid, in addition to the necessity of simplifying the old signatures, have led to the present directory. The first processing of the inventory took place only on the basis of the finding aids and not on the basis of the files. The content of the titles was not checked against the files, but only carefully normalised. The actual existence of the files and their duration was determined in the inventory in the magazine. Files from the previously unallocated remainder of the total holdings of the Prussian Government of Sigmaringen had to be allocated to the present partial holdings. In the course of the file check, the notes in the file were included in the repertory and no evidence of prior provenance was found. Unless it was a matter of a file with the preliminary provenance "Prussian Government Sigmaringen" and with the final provenance "Presidents of Hohenzollern - Liquidation Office". Mainly, however, one has to reckon with the preliminary provinces "Gehei me Konferenz Sigmaringen", "Geheime Konferenz Hechingen", "Fürstliche Landesregierung Sigmaringen", "Fürstliche Landesregierung Hechingen", "Preußische Übergangsregierung Sigmaringen", "Preußische Übergangsregierung Hechingen", "Preußischer Kommissarius" and "Landratsamt Hechingen". Individual files were left as they were in spite of free conveniences. Only "Prussian Commissarius" and "President of Hohenzollern - Processing Office" appear as foreign provenances. After the dissolution of Prussia, the authority "President of Hohenzollern - Abwicklungsstelle" (President of Hohenzollern - Settlement Office) had the task of fully settling the affairs of the Prussian government of Sigmaringen, which was also dissolved in 1945. The repertory now has a place and person index. The problem with the place index was that many places in the east of the former German Empire are now mainly on Polish territory. In order to facilitate the understanding of contemporary administrative contexts, these places were identified according to their administrative affiliation at the time. The same procedure was applied to Alsace-Lorraine. The present repertory lists all files that are listed in the list of authorities. If they could not be found, the note "not available" appears in the repertory. The state of conservation of the files is questionable, as the Prussian-stitched files were previously loose and unpacked on the shelves. However, no further deterioration of the state is to be expected, as the files have been packaged in an archival manner. The title recordings were recorded by the undersigned in 2004 using the Midosa 95 archive indexing program. Corinna Knobloch and the undersigned checked the files in the magazine. Holger Fleischer completed the final EDP work. The present inventory comprises 741 units of distortion and 27 linear metres and is quoted as follows: Ho 235 T 13-15 Nr. Sigmaringen, December 2005 Birgit Kirchmaier Content and evaluation Includes above all..: Measures and weights Regulation of the ratios of measure and weight; establishment and occupation of the Pfechtämter; control of the fineness of gold and silver goods; determination of measures for the brickworks; volume of the dispensing vessels; introduction of the hundred-part thermometer; order of measure and weight; establishment and new construction of the Weights and Measures Office in Sigmaringen and the processing office in Burladingen; Reich professional competitions - annual and weekly markets fair traffic; fairs - trade concessions, pedlar trade General provisions on pedlar trade; granting of trade concessions; ministerial decrees; commercial matters; department stores; granting of subsidies for the payment of rent for commercially used premises - customs union and traffic with the same customs union; traffic with neighbouring states; Trade and customs contracts; export of domestic products; customs duties - trade Landesgewerbeamt; Sunday rest in trade, industry and crafts; installations not subject to approval; experts for building trades; police ordinance on the establishment and operation of bakeries; bakery ordinance; state aid for the raising of small trade; Child labour in commercial enterprises; cartels; Ostrach gravel and crushed stone works; laws for the protection of workers; regulation of commercial relations; ministerial decrees; retail trade, migrant trade; trade licences; trade police; funds for commercial purposes; trade licences for foreigners; installation of vending machines; withdrawal of licences; commercial support funds; introduction of branches of industry, for example B. Embroideries; establishment of mechanical workshops; support for tradesmen; establishment of model workshops; commercial further training and vocational schools; pupil exchange between Württemberg and Hohenzollern; craftsman further training schools; personnel files of vocational school teachers; care of aviation in schools; aerial sports courses; state premiums for apprentice exhibitions; Premiums for the training of the deaf and dumb; private commercial schools; vocational schools for home economics; homework law; industrial and trade certificates; master builder ordinance; improvement of gainful employment; Kampfbund des gewerblichen Mittelstands; law on the organisation of national work; public welfare workers; kindergarten teachers; youth leaders; manufacture of hollows; Distance learning; UK employment of trade teachers; combating epidemics through schools; deployment of German teachers from the western and eastern regions; trade identification cards; trade privileges and subsidies; licensing of private hospitals, maternity hospitals and mental homes; trade courts; establishment of workers' health insurance funds; accident insurance for civil engineering workers; Improvement of housing; formation of commercial and industrial cooperatives; testing of small arms; workers' welfare institutions; establishment of employment offices; credit cooperatives of craftsmen; trade and commerce associations; chamber of crafts; award of state medals "for commercial services"; strikes and lock-outs; impairments of the craft trades; 1. May celebration; theatre; arbitration; labour court law; master builder regulation; wines and wine trade; accidents in commercial enterprises; employment agencies; award of public contracts; shortage of raw materials; chamber of commerce; films - trade police police police regulation on beer and meat taxes; regulation of fruit and bread prices; business by foreigners; butchery; slaughterhouses; transport of liquid carbon dioxide; electric power systems; lifts; explosives; transport and traffic with petroleum; air gas systems; Acetyl plants; price monitoring; ordinance on Thomas flour; remote gas supply; plants requiring monitoring; mineral oils; tank plants; beverage dispensing plants; mineral water apparatuses; ammonium nitrate; Sigmaringen gas station - guild of farriers; farriers; guild; Compulsory guilds; business transactions - hikes, dispensations Nothing left - book printing houses, bookstores Examination of booksellers and book printers; exclusive trade licence of the Court Chamber Council Ribler von Hechingen; supervision of lending libraries; Establishment of bookstores and book printers - insurance companies, patent grants, emigration agents Emigration companies; life and pension insurance companies; law on the business of insurance; granting of invention patents; intended establishment of a general hail insurance; private insurance companies - building craftsmen, chimney sweeps Classification and occupation of chimney sweep districts; instruction for chimney sweeps; regulation of chimney sweep wages; district chimney sweeps; Examination of building tradesmen; operation of the building trade; building materials; buildings; building experts - guest and public houses - granting of concessions; retail trade with beverages; reduction of pubs; economic fairness - mills, shipping, water engines - mill regulations; Mill visits; milling; reed, bone and powder mills; construction of waterworks; shipping - ban rights - abolition of the obligation to mill - factories, steam boilers, smoke development Employment of young factory workers; Revision of factory regulations; steam boilers; steam saws; individual factories; impairment of mill and factory operations by meadow irrigation; support for factory owners; worker protection; annual report of factory inspectors; employment of women and young people; labour inspectorate; meetings, travel expenses and annual report of labour inspectors; telephone systems; employment of blind people; German Labour Front; Youth Protection Act; Maternity Protection Act; labour protection for foreign workers and Eastern workers; arsenic-containing wallpaper and fabrics; anthrax; Sunday work; working hours - mining, metallurgy and saltworks, petroleum production; miners' law; mining law; establishment of ore washes; geognostische Untersuchung Hohenzollerns; petroleum - budget and cash management of the trade and industry administration final conclusions of the trade and industry administration; invoice acceptance; official affairs; support for retirement officials, their widows and orphans - health insurance of workers execution of the law on registered auxiliary funds of 1876 workers execution of the law on registered auxiliary funds of 1876; working hours - mining, metallurgy and saltworks, petroleum production; miners' law; establishment of ore washes; geognostische investigation of Hohenzollerns; petroleum - budget and cash management final conclusions of the trade and industry administration; invoice acceptance; civil servant affairs; support of retirement officials, their widows and orphans - health insurance of workers Implementation of the Reich Law on Health Insurance for Workers of 1883 and 1892; Implementation of the Reich Law on Health Insurance for Persons Employed in Agriculture; Earnings of Persons Employed in Agriculture; Health Insurance; Local Health Insurance Funds; Company Health Insurance Funds - Accident Insurance for Workers; Workers' Compensation Associations; Accident Insurance for State Enterprises - Disability and Old Age Insurance for Workers Implementation of the Reich Law on Disability and Old Age Insurance of 1889; Pension office for invalidity insurance; Insurance Act for Employees; Health insurance funds; Determination of local wages and benefits in kind - Mixed statistics; Air-raid protection of industrial installations; Leave of absence for employees and workers; Jews; Medal of Honour for Military Service; Cross of Merit for War; Medal of Merit for War; War measures of an economic nature; Administrative fees; Decrees notified by the Minister of Commerce; Medal of Honour for German public welfare; Reichskredithilfe; Orders, laws, etc. of the French military government; file levy on the occasion of the dissolution of the Prussian government Sigmaringen - economic measures in and after the 1st world war Nothing left

BArch, PH 3-KART · Bestand · 1914-1919
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: Tasks and Organization Essentially follows: (1) Jany, Curt: History of the Prussian Army from the 15th century to 1914, 2nd ed. Edition (= Die Königlich Preußische Armee und das Deutsche Reichsheer 1807 bis 1914, vol. 4), Osnabrück 1967, pp. 294-296. (2) Cron, Hermann: Geschichte des deutschen Armeres im Weltkriege 1914 bis 1918, Berlin 1937, pp. 3-23. (3) PH 3/124 Die Organisation des Großen Generalstabes 1803-1914 (4) PH 3/1026 Die Organisation des Großen Generalstabes (vom 18. Jhr.. until its dissolution in 1919, manuscript by HOAR Stoeckel) (5) PH 3/1272-1273 Graphical representation of the development of the organisation of the Great General Staff 1802-1914 (6) PH 3/310 First introduction to the organisation and activities of the Deputy General Staff of the Armed Forces (1919) (7) Militärgeschichtliches Forschungsamt, MGFA (Ed. by the German Military Historical Research Institute, MGFA) (ed. by the German historian HOAR Stoeckel)): German military history in six volumes 1648 - 1939. Munich 1983 ff, pp. 69-72. (8) Enzyklopädie Erster Weltkrieg, ed. v: Gerhard Hirschfeld, Gerd Krumeich, Irina Renz in conjunction with Markus Pöhlmann, updated and extended study edition, Paderborn 2009, p. 754f. (9) PH 3/3 (10) Waldemar Erfurth: The History of the German General Staff 1918-1945 (= Studies on the History of the Second World War, ed. by Arbeitskreis für Wehrforschung in Frankfurt/Main, vol. 1), Göttingen 1957. 1. Großer Generalstab und Oberster Heeresleitung Großer Generalstab (7) With the Cabinet Order of 24 May 1883, the Generalstab became an Immediatbehörde (Immediate Authority), in fact it had held this position since the Wars of Unification. The General Staff was also assigned independently and directly to the monarch by the War Ministry. The tasks of the War Ministry and the Great General Staff overlapped in part, which occasionally led to conflicts. The position of Chief of Staff of the General Staff was respected, but, apart from operational management in the event of war, it was not endowed with important powers. The General Staff nevertheless exerted a decisive influence on the formation of the army through the training of leaders (the War Academy was subordinate to the Great General Staff), the care for the training of troops in warfare, and the handling of all questions connected with the conduct of a mobilization and a war. His activities included the cultivation of war science education, especially the study and processing of war history, the collection of news and statistical material on foreign armies and the various theatres of war, mapping, investigation and description of his own country. In the peacetime there were no far-reaching changes in the organization of the Grand General Staff, only some expansions due to the increasing scope of the General Staff duties. General Staff of the Field Army and Supreme Army Command (OHL) of the German Army (2) "According to Article 63 of the Constitution of the German Reich of 16 April 1871, the entire land power of the Reich formed a unified army, which was under the Emperor's command in war and peace. In peace, the head of the Great General Staff had practically no power of command and no right of inspection. He merely acted as chief and disciplinary superior of the Grand General Staff. The highest power of command was in fact with the emperor, but in practice it was the chief of the general staff of the army. During the war, the Chief of the General Staff issued operational orders in the name of the Emperor in accordance with the mobilization regulations and was jointly responsible for the management and execution of military operations as well as the other branches of service (ammunition replacement, catering, health, stage service). With the mobilization on August 2, 1914, the chief of the Prussian General Staff of the Army was formed as the "Chief of the General Staff of the Field Army" and the OHL, which was located in the Great Headquarters. The Chief of the General Staff of the Field Army thus embodied the OHL and was always equated with it by concept. On August 5, 1914, the deputy general staff of the army was mobilized in Berlin. The latter remained in existence until 31 January 1919. With the demobilisation, de Große Generalstab resumed its activities on 1 February 1919, with the exception of the positions remaining with OHL. (10) On the basis of the Treaty of Versailles, the dissolution of the Great General Staff was decided and initiated in July 1919. On 4 July 1919 Major General von Seeckt took over the business of the Chief of the General Staff. The name of the service is now "General von Seeckt". On September 30, 1919, the Great General Staff was finally dissolved with the establishment of a liquidation office from part of the central department. The Heads of the General Staff of the Army in Prussia from 1857 to 1918 Field Marshal General Hemuth Karl Bernhard von Moltke 1857-1888 Field Marshal General Alfred Heinrich Karl Ludwig von Waldersee 1888-1891 Field Marshal General Alfred Graf von Schlieffen 1891-1906 General Colonel Helmuth von Moltke 1906-1914 Between 1914 and 1918 a total of four OHLs were formed (8) 1. OHL: General Colonel Helmuth von Moltke, Chief of the General Staff of the Field Army from Aug. 2 to Sep. 14, 1914 2. OHL: General of the Infantry Erich von Falkenhayn, Chief of the General Staff of the Field Army from Aug. 14 to Sept. 14, 1914 2. 3rd Sept. (officially from 3 Sept. 1914) to 29 Aug. 1916 3rd OHL: General Field Marshal Paul von Beneckendorff and von Hindenburg, Chief of the General Staff of the Field Army from 29 Aug. 1916 to 9 Nov. 1916. 1918, Commander-in-Chief of the Field Army from 9 Nov. 1918 to 3 July 1919, assisted by the First Quartermaster General of the Infantry Erich von Ludendorff, First Quartermaster General from 29 Aug. 1916 to 26 Oct. 1918, then Lieutenant General Wilhelm Groener became First Quartermaster General from 29 Oct. 1918 to 3 July 1919 4. OHL: Lieutenant General Wilhelm Groener took over the OHL after the resignation of Hindenburgs on June 25, 1919 until the dissolution on Sept. 30, 1919 3. The organizational development of the Great General Staff The organization of the Great General Staff since April 1, 1889 (1) The Quartermaster General was first abolished again, but on April 1, 1889 three Quartermasters (O.Q.) were established. Central Office (from 1890 Central Division) Oberquartiermeister (O. Q.) I since 1 April 1889: 2nd Division Ordre de Bataille (Battle Regulations) and deployment of the German Army Railway Division Railway Section The Railway Section was responsible for the operation and training of the Railway Regiment, subordinate to the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces, and of the Airship Division. Eisenbahn-Regiment Oberquartiermeister (O.Q.) II 4th Section - New Formation for the Affairs of Foreign Fortresses and the Preparation of the Drafts of Attacks, with AKO of Dec. 19, 1889 the Department for Foreign Fortresses was added by the Engineering Committee Geographical-Statistical Department (since 1894 an independent Department) German Section - Affairs of the Academy of War and the Training Trips of the General Staff Oberquartiermeister (O.Q.) III 1st Division (Russia, the Scandinavian states, Austria, the Balkans, etc.) 3rd Division (France, England, Belgium, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Italy) Division of War History National Recording The position of the Quartermaster General was abolished. Structure of the Large General Staff of the Army since 1908 (1) Central Division 6th Division (Manoeuvre) Chief Quartermaster (O.Q.) I 2nd Division (Aufmasch) Technical Section (Air Force) 4th Division (Foreign Fortresses of the Western War Theatre) 7th Division (Foreign Fortresses of the Eastern War Theatre) Railway Division Chief Quartermaster (O.Q.) II 3rd Division (O.Q.) Department (Foreign Armies in the West) 9th Department (German Colonies) Oberquartiermeister (O. Q.) III 5th Department (Training Trips of the General Staff) 8th Department (Affairs of the War Academy) Oberquartiermeister IV (newly added since 1 April 1894) 1st Department (Foreign Armies in the East) 10th Department (Foreign Armies in the East) Oberquartiermeister V War Historical Department I and II The Head of the Large General Staff Central Department (Personnel, Organisation, Administration) with Section III b (Communications) 6th Section (Manoeuvres) War History Department II (Older War History) Chief Quartermaster (O.Q.) I. 2. (German Division) - Deployment and Operations Division Railway Division Section 1a (for the revision of the Military Transport Order) 4th Division (Foreign Fortresses) Chief Quartermaster (O.Q.) II 3rd Division (France with Morocco, England with Egypt, Afghanistan) 9th Division (Italy, Belgium, Switzerland, Holland, Spain, Portugal, America, German Colonies) Chief Quartermaster (O.Q.) III 5th Division (Operations Studies) 8th Division (Operations Studies) Division (War Academy and General Staff Service) Chief Quartermaster (O.Q.) IV 1st Division (Russia, Nordic States, East Asia, Persia, Turkey) 10th Division (Russia, Northern States, East Asia, Persia, Turkey) Department (Austria-Hungary and Balkan States) Oberquartiermeister V Kriegsgeschichtliche Abteilung I (neuere Kriege) Kriegsarchiv Kartenarchiv Chief of the Landesaufnahme and Oberquartiermeister Trigonometrische Abteilung Topographische Abteilung Kartographische Abteilung Photogrammetische Abteilung Kolonialsektion Der Chef des Generalstabes des Feldheeres 1914 bis 1918 (2) 1. General Staff Departments Central Department She was responsible for receiving and forwarding correspondence to the relevant departments, in cooperation with the Military Cabinet for Personnel Matters and Administration. The department was headed by Colonel von Fabeck, and from 26 March 1916 it was headed by Colonel Tieschowitz von Tieschowa. Operations Department The department with the closest connection to the Chief of Staff. She was also the office for his personal letters. It was responsible for creating the conditions for all operational measures of the army: to monitor the organisation and organisation of the entire army and to propose improvements as well as the training, armament and operational capability of the units. The Chief of the Opera Department was responsible for advising the Chief of General Staff, drawing up the operational plans of the General Staff and issuing his orders. During the war the department was expanded extensively. Heads: Major General Tappen Lieutenant Colonel Wetzell (since 31 Aug. 1916) Operations Department B On 18 August 1916, a subdivision was set up under the Operations Department which was responsible for the Macedonian and Turkish fronts. Operations Division II On 23 September 1916, the post of Chief of Field Ammunition was dissolved. The tasks of ammunition and equipment replacement were taken over by the ammunition section in the operations department. Subsequently, the ammunition section was merged with the warfare section to form Operations Division II. Chief: Colonel Bauer News Department, since 20 May 1917 Foreign Armies Department She was responsible for the prosecution of military operations abroad, especially for the warfare of the enemy states. She primarily collected information on their organization and distribution of forces. Division III b Your task was to transmit the enemy's messages. This was done by intelligence officers deployed to the armies and at suitable points in the home country. There were also voluntary or paid agents in neutral and hostile foreign countries and the Secret Field Police in the occupied territories. News material was also provided by the border police and the field police, which also served to carry out espionage. The intelligence and counter-espionage services in the homeland communicated with Division IIIb of the Deputy General Staff, which in turn was subordinated to Division IIIb in the Great Headquarters. The guidelines for patriotic education were issued by the department, as was the press service set up to steer public opinion. Political Department since Feb. 10, 1916 Military Political Department It was responsible for the military political affairs of all states, dealt with legal issues and passed on the information to the military attachés and the written authority on peace issues. 2. the Quartermaster General and his subordinates The Quartermaster General was responsible for all the duties relating directly to the relief of the Chief of the Quartermaster General. operations. This included the entire supply, stage and railway system, field post and administration of justice, field medical services and veterinary services. Generalquartiermeister Generalleutnant von Stein since 14 Sept. 1914 Generalleutnant Hahndorff since 16 Jan. 1916 Subordinate positions Generalintendant des Feldheeeres He was responsible for providing the army with food. In addition, he was the head of the field and troop directorships. With the transition to the positional war, the monitoring of the nutrition in the occupied territory was added. In particular the cultivation of the soil and the necessary procurement of the agricultural machine material and the utilization of the harvest surplus for the field army. Later the industrial use of the occupied territories was added. A new economic department was set up for the West with effect from 5 September 1916. With effect from January 1, 1917, the economic department was made independent and expanded and set up on behalf of the General Quartermaster for the Western Theatre of War (B.d.G. West). He was responsible for the administration, management and utilization of the occupied territories in the West. Besides, he was subordinated: - General Wechselamt - art expert for monument preservation - prisoners of war - and civilian worker battalions - electrotechnical workshop West - artillery and training equipment repair workshops - looting and collecting (until subordinated to a special commissioner) At the beginning, the following positions were also subordinated to the Generalquartiermeister: - Chief of field munitions - Chief of field telegraphy - Chief of field railways - Chief of field aviation - Inspector of balloon guns Chief of field medical services General staff physician of the army Prof. Dr. Schiernig headed the medical services in the entire war zone as the highest superior of the medical personnel. His responsibilities included: the medical service, the care and transport of the wounded, the distribution of hospital trains and ships, hospitals in the homeland. Field Chief Postmaster He supervised the postal system on all theatres of war. The Field Oberpost Inspections West and East were set up to relieve him. Second Commander of the Great Headquarters He was responsible for the security and supply of the headquarters and the control of the sub personnel. He commanded the Infantry and Cavalry Staff Guard, a Land Storm Battalion, a Field Gendarmerie Command, Military Police, a motor vehicle spark station and a telephone department, three balloon defence guns (later ducrh replaced two air defence batteries), a headlight train (later expanded into a headlight department), the field directorate of the Great Headquarters together with the field warfare fund, motor vehicle fleet, field post office, Central Postal Surveillance West with the post office monitoring centre of the Great Headquarters, marketing department and reading hall. Secret Field Police cooperated closely with Division III b. During the war, B.d.G.West also added a number of agencies to the Great Headquarters. The commander of the troops, newly created in 1915, was located in Luxembourg. The Chief of Field Service was established at the end of 1916 and placed under the authority of the Quartermaster General. It served to centralise the motor vehicle formations. After the approval of the Generalqaurtiermeister, he was authorized to give instructions to the motor troops of the army high commandos and the staff figures assigned to the army groups in the west. On 17 May 1918, the staff of the commander of the combat vehicle departments was subordinated to the head of the motor vehicle division. The B.d.G. Ost with its seat in Warsaw was responsible for the utilization of the land in the administrative area of the Supreme Commander East and the General Government of Warsaw. Valenciennes Military Mine Directorate It fell under the jurisdiction of the Quartermaster General in September 1917. The mining administrations of Mons and Valenciennes, which until then had been part of the Metz government, were united to form a military directorate. The German representation in occupied Italy Used in February 1918 in Udine with evacuation of the 14th army. It served to assert German interests in the war spoils acquired jointly with Austria. The commander of the 13th Cavalry Brigade and his staff were to regulate the demand for horses on the eastern and western fronts due to the increasing shortage of horses. He was assigned to the GQ on 31 December 1916. In February 1918 he became the Commissioner of the Quartermaster General in equestrian affairs. Commissioner of the General Quartermaster in Berlin In order to reestablish trade relations with the former Russian territories resulting from the treaties with the Allies, coordination between the central authorities and the General Staff was necessary. He also took over the supervision of the import and export points. Commissioner of the Master Quartermaster General for Prey and Collecting This was created with effect from 1 June 1918. It had already been settled in 1917. He was responsible for the administration of the spoils of war and the control of the services. General of the Ammunition Columns and Trains in the Great Headquarters The increase in the number of formations was accompanied by the technical contraction of weapons, which was created in July 1918. Her task was to use the units, to supervise the technical service in the war zone and at home, and to replace the clothing and field equipment. 3. foot artillery and pioneers were among the special weapons and their technical training was monitored by the inspections. The General of the Foot Artillery in the Great Headquarters He was adviser to the Chief of the General Staff of the Field Army on technical matters and the deployment of heavy artillery. In addition, he shaped the training in his home country. He was subordinate to the later established "Inspector of Artillery Metrology" and the "Staff Officer for Heavy Flat Fire". At first he had no direct influence on the general of artillery. This did not change when the OHL introduced the unit staffs "Artillery Generals" instead of "Field Artillery Brigade Commanders" and Foot Artillery Generals to unify artillery. Thus his name was changed to "General von der Artillerie Nr. 1". A month later he became "Inspector General of Artillery Shooting Schools". He was in charge of the shooting training of the entire field and foot artillery in the field and at home. General Inspectors: General of the Artillery of Lauter (until 15 Oct. 1917) Lieutenant General Ziethen The General of the Engineering and Pioneer Corps in the Great Headquarters He was the supreme weapons superior during the war of increasing and specializing formations of the pioneers. He advised the Chief of the General Staff of the Field Army and was responsible for the organizational and technical development of the pioneers. The special services of the pioneers, such as the stage-managers of the mine-throwing machine, in existence since the end of 1915, the inspector of the gas regiments created in 1916 and the stage-manager of the pioneer melee means of close combat established in May 1918. In August 1918 he received the designation General of the Pioneers from the Chief of the General Staff of the Field Army. General der Pioniere: General der Infanterie von Claer bis bis zum 2. Juli 1916 Major General Marschall von Bieberstein seit 28. Aug. 1918 The Chief of the Field Ammunition Service This was initially subordinated to the Generalquartiermeister. His tasks included coordinating the ammunition provided by the War Ministry in conjunction with the Chief of Field Railways as well as the replacement of equipment on the basis of the reports from the Army High Commands and the Stage Inspection. In addition, he was responsible for planning the needs of the army commandos and the stage inspections and reporting them to the War Ministry. With effect from 10 May 1915, he was directly subordinated to the Chief of the General Staff of the Field Army. This should ensure close coordination with the operations department. On 23 September 1916 the position of Chief of Field Ammunition was dissolved. His duties were performed by the Operations Department. The Chief of the Field Telegraphy The Chief of the Field Telegraphy was settled during the first three years of war at the General Quartermaster. He was in charge of the entire intelligence troops and intelligence media of the field army. During the war the news formations were strongly expanded, which caused the army leadership under Hindenburg to carry out a reorganization. A general of the telegraph troops for the western, eastern and southeastern theater of war was created to relieve the field telegraphy chief. These generals were subordinated to the chief of field telegraphy. A new restructuring of the intelligence system took place, with the head of the field telegraphy reporting to it. A new organizational change was made by the Chief of Field Telegraphy to "Chief of Intelligence" and reporting directly to the Chief of General Staff of the Field Army. He also became commanding general. He was now responsible for organisation, use, training, staffing, replacement, replenishment, technical requirements and all German spark telegraphy traffic. Chief: Major General Balck Colonel von Wolff since Dec. 7, 1914 Major General von Hesse since Apr. 9, 1917 The Chief of Field Railways He was initially subordinate to the Quartermaster General. It was not until his replacement in October 1916 that he was directly subordinated to the Chief of the General Staff. His tasks included the complete railway system and the use of the waterways. At the commander-in-chief east he was represented by the field railway boss east. There were also railway officers at the stage commandos and the stage inspections, later there were authorized general staff officers at the allied states in Constantinople, Sofia, Vienna, and from mid-1916 also at the army groups. Further streamlining of the organization was achieved by the creation of independent railway transport departments based at the Great Headquarters in Kowno and Pleßhatten. Heads: Major General Groener until 31 Oct. 1916 Colonel Freiherr von Oldershausen Chief of War Surveying With the war of positions and the production of a wide variety of maps, war surveying became increasingly important. The head of war surveying was to steer this task. Therefore, the authority was created in July 1915. All surveying units were subject to this authority. Depending on requirements, staff figures for surveying were assigned to the army commandos in the west and the army groups in the west. Chief of the military aviation While one was superior to the army airships, one lay back with the planes behind France, with the captive balloons one was set up in something equal. In order to make the air forces more efficient, the chief of the air force was set up in 1915 with the general quartermaster. He ran the aviators, the airmen and the weather service. On 1 July 1915, an inspector of the balloon guns of the General Quartermaster was created for the air defence, which belonged to artillery. On 8 October 1916, Lieutenant General Hoppner was appointed Commanding General of the Air Force by Allerhöchste Kabinettsordrre and the former Chief of Field Aviation, Lieutenant Colonel Thomsen, became his Chief of Staff. All formations of the airmen, the airship, the air defence and the weather service in the field and in the homeland were subordinated to the Kogenluft. This was directly subordinated to the Chief of the General Staff in October 1915. The head censorship office was also integrated into this, which had previously been the organisational office of the deputy commanding generals. The tasks of the War Press Office were to improve cooperation between the home authorities and the Supreme Army Command in the field of the press, to provide information to the authorities and the press, and to ensure that the supervision of the press was uniform. She was also responsible for forwarding the censorship guidelines to the censorship offices. The press office had contact to all departments, the otherwise usual way of appeal did not exist. In October 1918, the War Press Office was subordinated to the War Ministry. Military post of the Federal Foreign Office The post was established on 1 July 1916 and was subordinated to the Supreme Army Command, but was organisationally subordinated to the Federal Foreign Office, Division IIIb of the Deputy General Staff, the War Press Office, the War Ministry, the Admiral Staff and the R e i c h s m a r i n e a m t . She was responsible for the defense against enemy propaganda and for German propaganda at home and abroad. On 30 January 1917, a "Picture and Photo Office" was set up, which in April 1917 was designated as the "Picture and Film Office". In December 1917, Universum Film AG was founded on the initiative of the Picture and Film Office and used for educational purposes. In January 1918, the Bild- und Filmamt was administratively subordinated to the War Ministry. However, the Military Office of the Federal Foreign Office continued to be empowered to issue directives. The organization of the Great General Staff from 1. February 1919 Chief of the General Staff of the Field Army (9) Central Department Chief of the Landesaufnahme General Staff Departments Department Foreign Army Department (F) Railway Department (E) War Economics Department (Kriweis) Economics Department (W) War History Department (K) War History Department (K 1) War History Department (K 2) War History Department (K 3) Description of the Collection: The maps from the former inventory KART 3 were transferred to the inventory PH 3-KART. Content characterization: The map inventory contains maps of various types (section maps, location maps, position maps, operation maps, photo maps, artillery maps, map sheets, map sketches, etc.) of the theatres of war of the First World War. The maps were produced by the cartographic department of the Deputy General Staff of the Field Army and by the surveying departments and map offices of the command authorities and associations. The majority of the maps refer to the western theater of war, especially Belgium, France and Luxembourg. Only a small part of the documents refers to the eastern theater of war, especially Russia. State of development: Invenio citation: BArch, PH 3-KART/...

BArch, RL 4 · Bestand · 1929-1945
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: 1.2.1939 Appointment of the Chief of Training to relieve the General Staff of the Luftwaffe. At first he was directly subordinate to the Inspector General of the Luftwaffe, since April 1940 to the intermediate Chief of the Air Force. The inspections that had existed since 1935 for the individual branches of the armed forces were transferred to the Chief of Training. During the war, they were overwhelmingly converted into arms generals and mostly subordinated to the Chief of the Air Force General Staff. In the spring of 1943, the office of Chief of Education was closed. Some of the tasks were entrusted to the "General of Flight Training", who from July 1944 was subordinated to the Chief of the General Staff of the Luftwaffe and in October 1944 also took over the training area of the Luftwaffe Command Staff I a with the chart system. Overview of the names of the inspections / weapon generals L In 1 1936 - Jan. 1939: Inspection of the reconnaissance pilots and the aerial photography Febr. - Sept. 1939: Inspection of the army pilots, plus General of the Lw. at the ObdH Oct. 1939 - Spring 1942: Inspection of the reconnaissance pilots Spring 1942 - Autumn 1943: General of the reconnaissance pilots and General of the Lw. at the ObdH from autumn 1943: General of the reconnaissance pilots L In 2 1937 - Jan. 1939: Inspection of the combat pilots Febr. - Sept. 1939: Inspection of the combat, Stuka and reconnaissance pilots Oct. 1939 - Sept. 1941: Inspection of the combat and Stuka pilots from Sept. 1941: General of the combat pilots L In 3 1936 - 1937: Inspection of the fighter and Stuka pilots 1938: Inspection of the fighter and Stuka pilots 1938: Inspection of the reconnaissance pilots L In 2 1937 - Jan. 1939: Inspection of the fighter, Stuka and reconnaissance pilots Oct. 1939 - Sept. 1931: Inspection of the fighter and Stuka pilots from Sept. 1941: General of the fighter pilots L In 3 1936 - 1937: Inspection of the fighter and Stuka pilots 1938: 1939 - 1941: Inspection for technical training 1942 - May 1943: Inspection for technical troop service, equipment and weapons L In 6 From 1937: Inspection of motor vehicles L In 7 Inspection of air intelligence L In 8 Inspection of seaplanes Febr. 1939 - March 1940: Inspection of Naval Pilots Apr. 1940 - Apr. 1942 Inspection of Maritime Aviation L In 9 Inspection of Pilot Schools L In 10 Inspection of Education and Training, plus Command of the Air War Schools June - Dec. 1944: Inspection for Troop Service and Education in the Air Force L In 11 1939: Inspection of the Airborne and Parachute Troops, plus Commander of the Air Force Division 7 L In 12 1939 - Jan. 1944: Inspection of the Airborne and Parachute Troops L In 11 1939: Inspection of the Airborne and Parachute Troops, plus Commander of the Airborne and Parachute Division 7 L In 12 1939 - Jan. 1944: Inspection of the Airborne and Parachute Troops L In 11 1939: Inspection of the Airborne and Parachute Troops, plus Commander of the Airborne and Parachute Troops 7 L In 12 1939 - Jan. 1939 1941: Inspection for air navigation (blind flight and meteorological service inspection) L In 13 1939 - 1942: Inspection of civil air defence since 1942: Inspection of air defence L In 14 1939 - 1944 Inspection of medical service L In 15 Inspection of air defence zones L In 16 Inspection of maritime emergency service L In 17 June 1942 - Spring 1943: Inspection of air force construction forces Spring 1943 - Apr. 1944: Air force inspection for construction troops and prisoners of war May - Sept. 1944: Inspection of air force pioneers and prisoner of war camps From Oct. 1944: Inspection of the air force pioneers and prisoner of war camps from Oct. 1944: Inspection of the air force pioneers and prisoner of war camps from Oct. 1944: Inspection of the air force pioneers and prisoner of war camps from Oct. 1944: Inspection of the air force pioneers and prisoner of war from Sept. 1944: Inspection of the air force pioneers and prisoner of war from Oct. 1944: Inspection of the air force pioneers and prisoner of war from Sept. 1944: Inspection of the air force pioneers and prisoner of war from Oct. 1944 In 18 Dec. 1942 - Beginning of 1944: Inspection of the air force field units Inventory description: The department Chief of Training (Chef AW) was formed in February 1939 to relieve the 3rd (training) department of the General Staff, which had emerged in 1937 from the training department of the Luftkommandoamt (Air Command Office) in existence since 1934 and was subordinate to the Air Force Inspector General. The 3rd section of the General Staff was limited to tactical training, while the Chief AW had to carry out the entire remaining training of the Luftwaffe according to the instructions of the Reich Minister of Air Force (Ob.d.L.). Equipped with the status and disciplinary powers of a Commanding General, he had the right to supervise the training orders issued and to attend the service of the units in order to check the level of training of the troops. However, he did not exercise direct command over the troops. At first, the Chief AW was also directly responsible to the Inspector General of the Luftwaffe (Gen.Insp.d.Lw.), but since April 1940 to the intermediate Chief of the Air Force. In addition to the training department, the staff included the regulations and teaching material department, the strength and equipment department and the aerial photography department, which was spun off from Luftwaffeninspektion 1 (L In 1), the former army aircraft inspection. The air force inspections 1-14, which had also been under the control of the Gen.Insp.d.Lw. since their formation in 1935, now fell under the authority of the Chief AW, although from April 1940 only the inspections 1-3, 8-10 and 12 remained in his area of responsibility. In the spring of 1943, the Aerial Photogrammetry Department, together with the Air Force's Main Photogrammetry Department, was affiliated with the General of Reconnaissance Aircraft (formerly L In 2) in order to serve as the basis for reconnaissance work there. Surveying was assigned to the 7th department of the General Staff; only Group V (film) and the main film station remained with the Chief AW. Renamed in "General der Fliegerausbildung" (Gen.d.Fl.Ausb.)(Kreipe) the former chief AW remained limited to his main task of troop training. From July 1944 on he was subordinated to the Chief of the General Staff (Chief Gen.St.) and in October of the same year the training area was taken over by the Luftwaffe Command Staff Ia (training dept.), where already since 1942 the map system was integrated. The "General of the reconnaissance pilots" (v. Barsewisch), who at the same time also held the functions of General d. Lw. at the Commander-in-Chief of the Army (Ob.d.H.) (taken over from L In 1, Insp. d. Heeresflieger), was responsible for the organisation and conversion of the reconnaissance units and for the development of aircraft. Due to his impressions during inspections, he was able to make training demands on the general of the pilot training and even provide for the training of officers in reconnaissance supplementary units. In spring 1945 his duties were taken over by the 7th abbot of the Lw.Führungsstab (Lw.F.St.). The purpose of the air force inspections was to monitor and supervise the training, personnel and equipment of the various branches of the armed forces and other facilities of the air force. They made suggestions for improvements and advised the Commander-in-Chief of the Luftwaffe (Ob.d.L.) during the war - partly with the powers of a Commanding General and renamed to weapon generals. The weapon generals were directly under the control of the chief of the general staff, thus in contrast to the inspections they were equal to the chief of AW/Gen.d.Fl.Ausb. New services have been created or areas of responsibility moved as needed. Thus the L In. 1 (inspection of the army pilots) with the range aerial photography and the connection to the army was divided between the boss AW and the Gen.d.Aufkl.flieger or took over later completely from the latter. Since January 1940 the L In 4 (Flakart.) and the L In 13 (Luftschutz) were subordinated to the general of the anti-aircraft artillery (Flakwaffe) (Rüdel, afterwards v. Axthelm) since January 1940; the latter became from October an independent mechanism. From April 1940, inspections 5 (flight safety), 6 (motor vehicles) and 14 (medical services) were directly under the command of the Air Force Chief - no longer under the command of AW. who in turn was subordinated to the Gen.Insp.d.Lw. At the end of 1944 all inspections were subordinated to the weapon generals. In May 1943, the "General der Truppentechnik" was appointed as successor to the Technical Office of the General Aircraft Master. In 1944 the "General der Fliegerbodenorganisation" emerged from the 2nd department of the General Quartermaster. Characterisation of the content: The Chief AW and the General of Flight Training have mainly passed down provisions on the training of the different types of armed forces, in particular the Air Force, as well as on staffing and organisation. The richest survivor is the general of reconnaissance pilots, whose written records contain most of the relatively extensive documents on aerial photography. The general of the anti-aircraft weapon as well as the inspections of the medical service and the civil air-raid protection are also handed down with noteworthy documents, the latter with experience reports about heavy air attacks on German cities. Remains of documents have been deposited in the Federal Archives by the generals of fighter, fighter and battle pilots as well as by the General of the Naval Sector, to whom the naval and sea pilots were technically subordinate, mostly in the form of leadership principles, guidelines for deployment and cooperation with the army and navy (with experience reports), technical requirements, development programmes, lists of the armament status and staffing of positions. State of preservation: Findbuch 1990 Vorarchivische Ordnung: The archive material, which has only been handed down in fragments, originates from the return of files from the USA and Great Britain to the Document Centre of the Military History Research Office, from where it was handed over to the military archive in 1968. Scope, explanation: 692 AU Citation method: BArch, RL 4/...