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Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, 481 · Bestand · (-1944) 1945-1952 (-1954)
Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. General State Archive Karlsruhe (Archivtektonik)

The Presidents of the State District of Baden: With the decree of the American military government of 13 July 1945, the emeritus literary scholar Prof. Dr. Karl Holl was appointed Chief President of the Landeskommissarbezirk Mannheim. His work remained limited in the first few weeks to Mannheim and the surrounding area. Karlsruhe was initially under French occupation. By reorganizing the French and American zones, the Americans extended Holl's sphere of competence to the Baden part of the newly formed state of Württemberg-Baden. On September 3, 1945, Holl was released in the course of an American denazification measure. On September 10 Dr. Heinrich Köhler was appointed. While the individual ministries of the state of Württemberg-Baden in Stuttgart communicated with the Württemberg authorities without intermediate authority, in the American zone of the Baden state territory the state district administration of Baden was interposed, with the exception of the organisation of the administration of justice, which consisted of five departments: President - Internal administration - Labour, social affairs and reconstruction - Cult and education - Finance. The documents of these departments were included in the files of the later Regierungspräsidium Karlsruhe. With the death of Heinrich Köhler on 6 February 1949, the time of a full-time state district president in Baden was over. The position of state district president was only filled on a provisional basis. In this function, Gustav Zimmermann initially held office until his death on August 1, 1949. Until January 11, 1951, Dr. Edmund Kaufmann also served only briefly as provisional state district president. He was succeeded by Ministerial Director Dr. Hans Unser until his death on 27 November 1951. The last president was Dr. Hermann Veit. The formation of the state of Baden-Württemberg in 1952 with the establishment of the four administrative districts unified the administrative division in the new federal state. Tasks and powers of the President: The individual departments of the state district administration were responsible for the specialist tasks. The President, who was able to intervene in the competence of the departments, reserved the right to participate in all fundamental matters as well as in the appointment and promotion of civil servants. In March 1947 the course of business of the presidential office was reorganised. President Köhler reserved the right to sign in draft and in execution all decisions of fundamental and political importance, certain decisions in personnel matters, all matters reserved by the President for signing, all lectures to the State Ministry and letters to the Ministries in Stuttgart. In 1950, the then President Dr. Kaufmann reorganised his competences and tasks within the Baden district administration. He stressed that he should be involved in all administrative matters of fundamental, political and financial importance. In addition, all personnel matters of fundamental or political importance were reserved for the President. The other competences of the President are resolutions of fundamental, political, organisational and financial importance for the district of Baden or which affect the business activities of all the regional district directorates, complaints of official oversight, draft budget for information, notification of budget overruns of a certain amount, representation of the district administration in its entirety, certification of subsidies in excess of DM 200, publication of the official gazette of the district of Baden. Structure and organization of the Presidential Department: In 1947, the Presidential Department was divided into two departments: Department 1: Head of Service, Presidential Affairs, County Council Affairs, State Ministerial Affairs, Representation Affairs, Legal Affairs, Presidential Staff, Motor Affairs, Press Affairs, Official Gazette of the County Administration, Correspondence on more important matters and those of fundamental importance from Department 2. Unit 2: Civil servants' and salaried staff's rights and collective bargaining regulations for civil servants and public sector workers (general), appointment and dismissal of civil servants and recruitment of employees, right to travel and removal expenses (general), State budget matters, factual and personal expenditure of the Bureau, co-administration of representation matters, disposition funds, certifications (legalisation of documents), special mandates of the President, deputisation for Unit 1.A slightly different picture was provided by the business distribution plan of 5 May 1950. The tasks of the Presidential Office were now divided into three units. Unit 1 was called "President", Unit 2 "Legal Unit", Unit 3 "Human Resources and Budget Unit". Traditional history: The written records of the presidential office of the president of the state district of Baden are always singular if they were created within the exclusive competence of the personally small presidential office, i.e. for representation matters, contacts with the press, approval of support, various honours and partly in personnel matters. A typical feature of a large part of the files is the numerous newspaper clippings that they contained, which served to inform the President. This collection forms a unique source for the immediate post-war period. Not only does it document the structure of the German administration in the North Baden area and the beginnings of the new state structure in the German southwest, but it also reflects the misery and the manifold problems faced by the population, administration and politics in view of the catastrophic consequences of the war and the collapse, and the way in which they were coped with. The registry of the president of the Baden district filed the documents in accordance with the Badische Amtsregistraturordnung by H. Fackler (1905). The main headings of this classification were retained in the reorganisation of the stock. Further literature: The President of the State District of Baden (1945-1952). President's Office. Inventory of the holdings 481 in the General State Archive Karlsruhe. Edited by Jürgen Treffeisen, Stuttgart 1997 (Booklets of the State Archive Administration Baden-Württemberg. Published by the Landesarchivdirektion Baden-Württemberg. Series E General State Archive Karlsruhe Issue 1). Conversion of the finding aid: The inventory 481 was ordered and recorded by Dr. Jürgen Treffeisen in the years 1991 to 1993. He provided the finding aid book with a detailed account of the history of the authorities, which is still valid and on which the abridged explanations in this finding aid are based, and a detailed report by the editor. The inventory was printed in 1997. The indexing data for inventory 481 were transferred to the software ScopeArchiv as part of the project "Conversion of old finding aid data" of the General State Archive Karlsruhe, which was carried out by Guido Fögler in the years 2006-2008, in order to be able to produce an online finding aid from it. The project was supervised by Alexander Hoffmann, who - apart from very little remaining work by the undersigned - also took over the final editing of the converted finding aids. Because corrections had to be made and supplements inserted, the converted finding aid replaces the content of the old finding aid book from 1993 and the printed inventory from 1997.Karlsruhe, January 2011Dr. Martin Stingl