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economic war
BArch, R 703/87 · Akt(e) · März - Oktober 1918
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: "The Chances of Economic War". - Articles from newspapers and magazines, among others from StS. a. D. Bernhard Dernburg Fr. Hupfeld and Dr. Karstedt: "Die französische Kolonie Obersenegal und Niger". Ein Beitrag zur Rohstoffrage, edited by the Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft Besuch d. StS. des Reichswirtschaftsamtes, Hans Karl Frhr. v. Stein in Bremen - Report on the consultation of the Bremen problem and the peace economy, 24.9.1918 Rohstoffversorgung und Regelung der Übergangswirtschaft in der Textilindustrie - Lecture by Dr. H. Behnsens, Managing Director of the Verein Deutscher Wollkämmerer und Kammerspinner im Verbande Mitteldeutscher Industrieller, 24.5.1918

Family documents family Gernsheim
Stadtarchiv Worms, 202 / 183 · Akt(e) · 1806, 1856 - 1936
Teil von City Archive Worms (Archivtektonik)

Contains: 1. loos note to M. Rickert, Weinsheim, 1856; 2. bill of sale f. J. Lochbrunner, Weinsheim, 1872 and correspondence with the Süddeutsche Immobilien-Gesellschaft Mainz, 1873; 3rd-4th ascending letters M. Rückert, Weinsheim, 1874/1877; 5th-6th purchase letters for the German, 1880; 7th purchase letter J. Obenauer, Heppenheim/W., 1882; 8th Looszettel Mathias Rückert, Weinsheim, 1882; 9th-11th purchase letter or ascending letters for the German, 1880; 9th-11th purchase letter or ascending.., 1884/85; 12. two excerpts from the mortgage register concerning M. Rückert, 1895; 13. passport of Eugen Gernsheim, 1898; 14. declaration of majority of Eugen G., 1900; 15. certificate of good repute for the.., 1901; 16. canal connection and sidewalk for Siegfriedstr. 24, 1885; 17. 20 minutes of administrative board meetings of the Lederwerke Wormatia, 1861-1877; 18. letter Hohenemser to Erst G. because of deposited files, 1880; 19th appointment of Ernst G. as juror, 1889; 20th testament of Henriette G., 1879; 21. five excerpts from the mortgage register concerning H. Feil, Ackermann, Sträßinger, Wolf u. Südd. Immobiliengesellschaft, 1867-76; 22. CV-Zeitung on the occasion of the 900th anniversary of the synagogue in Worms, 31.05.1934; 23rd Frankfurter Zeitung z. selben Anl. 5.6.1934; 24th Gesinde-Dienstbuch f. Elise Zeiß, 1896; 25th letter from Ernst G. to Steuerrat Clotz with answer, 1887; 26th invitation to the public Examination, Gymnasium Worms, 1854 (Ernst G. on p. 53, middle class of the real classes); 27. membership cards of Ernst G.: Odenwaldklub, Deutscher Colonial-Verein [Kolonialverein], Turngemeinde Worms, Deutscher Schützenbund, Musikverein u. Liedertafel; Orchesterverein (1861-1890); participation card Local-Gewerbeverein, participation cards Treibjagden Revier Heppenheim, business card Ernst G., Lederfabrikant, ca. 1875; 28th speech by Ernst G. at the Bismarck celebration, 01.04.1885; 29th invoice for Gernsheim graves, 1936; 30th invoice for Langenbach for wine delivery, 1910; 31st court decision Otto Marx against Ernst, Josef and Max Gernsheim, 1893; 32nd portfolio with various receipts for the estate Simon G., 1887/88; 33rd portfolio with titles to claims for the lost outstanding debts Simon G., 1859-88; 34th letter from Max Levy about the conditions in Worms, 20.06.1934 (e.g. about the public ignorance of the 900th anniversary of the synagogue etc.); 35th Wormser newspapers 7.5.1842, 2.4.1880, 14.8.1880, 30.11.1883, 17.1.1885, 3.4.1885, 19.7.1889, Sunday supplement no. 28, 1880; 37th letter from Max Levy about the conditions in Worms, 20.06.1934 (e.g. about the public ignorance of the 900th anniversary of the synagogue etc.); 14.8.1880, 30.11.1883, 17.1.1885, 3.4.1885, 19.7.1889, Sunday supplement no. 28, 1880; 37th letter from Max Levy about the conditions in Worms, 20.06.1934 Letter from Max Levy to the Gernsheim family (private, family history), 01.09.1936; 38th annual report of the Großh. Gymnasium on the school year 1897/98; 39th genealogy of the Gernsheim family by Samson Rothschild, 1925; 40th marriage certificate for Antoinette Johanna (Jenny) G., 1869; 41st commemorative sheets of the visit of S. Maj. Kaiser Wilhelm II to Worms, 08.12.1889; 42nd The Synagogue and its famous antiquities in pictures, 1914; 43rd marriage certificate Joseph B. Gernsheim, 1806

Lectures and essays on Southwest Africa
RMG 2.635 b · Akt(e) · 1841-1967
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

The missionary work in Southwest Africa according to the annual reports of 1949; Der künstliche Abortus bei d. Herero u. Ovambo, N. N., o. J.; Arigene Religion u. Christentum, August Carl Heinrich Kuhlmann, o. J.; Foreign - and yet at the heights of Christianity, August Carl Heinrich Kuhlmann, o. J.; As under d. Church of the Urafrikans, August Carl Heinrich Kuhlmann, n.d.; The "Old Holy Book" in Africa, August Carl Heinrich Kuhlmann, n.d.; Visiting d. Hei-//om (Buschschläfern), Friedrich Pönnighaus, 1936; Unter d. Buschmännern in Südwestafrika, Alfred Unterkötter, 1936; Ein Dankopfer, Friedrich Hermann Rust, no year; Der heute Stand d. Missionsarbeit im Waterberg-Reservat, Friedrich Pönnighaus, 1936; Death Sunday in Swakopmund, Heinrich Johann Brockmann, 1937; Abendmahl u. Orunjara bei d. Herero, Friedrich Pönnighaus, n. J.; Comfort in the African earth sorrow, August Carl Heinrich Kuhlmann, n. J.; The natives of Southwest Africa, Heinrich Vedder? o. J.; Unterwegs (im Ochsenwagen), by Friedrich Pönnighaus, o. J.; Zur Frage d. finanz Selbstständmachung unserer Gemeinden oder wie erziehehehe ich meine Gemeinde zum finanz Selbstständigkeit, Christian Wilhelm Friedrich Spellmeyer, 1937; Ist finanzielle Selbstständmachung unserer Gemeinden in Südwestafrika möglich, u. wie?, Karl Schmitz, 1937; Zu d. Bericht d. Bruder's Karl Sckär über Ehescheidung, Johannes Georg Heinrich Heinrich Olpp, 1929; Ist d. Ausbau unserer Missionskonferenz zu e. Synod required and possible, Friedrich Pönnighaus, 1937; Annunciation in the Mix of Nations of Southwest Africa, Friedrich Pönnighaus, no year; The Battle with the Holy Fire, Friedrich Pönnighaus 1935; The Holy Fire (The Sacrificial Altar of Herero = okuruuo), Friedrich Pönnighaus, no year; Hurus, Friedrich Pönnighaus, 1932; "On African Travelling Routes", N.N..., Windhoek, 1934; World and world view of Bergdama in Southwest Africa, Heinrich Vedder, without year; Unter d. Betschuanen, Friedrich Pönnighaus, without year; Remarks to the Lecture by Pg Reinbeck on the activities of the Pagan Mission in South West Africa, Mission Director J. Warneck, 1935; Die Akazien unseres Landes, Friedrich Pönnighaus, no year; The trees and shrubs of the District of Windhoek (excluding the Akazien), Friedrich Pönnighaus, no year; Which duties does the Protestant Germany in South West Africa have? ca. 1910; The Jackal and the Leopard, e. Märchen aus Südwestafrika, Heinrich Vedder, without year; Das Volk hinter d. Berge, Wilhelm Loeber, 1937; A strange Christmas message, Wilhelm Loeber, o. J.; And new life blooms from the ruins, Wilhelm Loeber, no year; house building in the Heidenland (Ovamboland), N. N.?, no year; The Chief's Hunt (Mandume), N. N.., n. J.; Rasse u. Mission in Südwestafrika, N. N., ca. 1935; Between War and Crisis: On the 125th Anniversary of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in South-West Africa (Rheinische Missionskirche), press release by RMG, Werner Andreas Wienecke, 1967; Südwestafrika - e. zweites Kongo?, newspaper article, General-Anzeiger Wuppertal, 08.04.1967;

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft