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Archival description
BArch, N 2345/70 · File · (1884) Sept. 1895 - Okt. 1913
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Letter from Krause, Gottlob Adolf (Afrikaforscher) "Deutsche Kolonialzeitung", No. 50, Dec. 14, 1895 "La Dépêche Coloniale", No. 5, March 3, 1898 and No. 10, Nov. 4, 1912 "Deutsches Colonialblatt", No. 5, March 1, 1900 "Globus. Illustrierte Zeitschrift für Länder- und Völkerkunde", Volume LXXIX, No. 15, 18 Apr. 1901 Map of French Equatorial Africa 1911 Petition concerning the introduction of optional punishment Transcript "How best to educate the Negro for plantation work?

RMG 1.092 · File · 1903-1942
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Statements, petitions, minutes of board meetings; correspondence; Die Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft: Geschichte, Ziele, Satzung, Dr., 1903; Petition of the Deportation Association to the Reichstag concerning the settlement of released prisoners in the South Seas, 17 p., D., 1907; Initiation and purpose of the Deportation Association Appendix to this appeal, Dr., 1907; Koloniale Erziehungsstätten, Denkschrift, c. 1908; Miss. Simon: Memorandum on the question of the mission in the colonies, 10 p., ms., 1927; Statute and list of members of the colony German Colonial Society, Abtlg. Essen, Dr., 1930; Kolonialverein u. Dt. Kolonialgesellschaft, eine Grundsatzerklärung zur Unterscheidung, ca. 1930; newspaper reports on lecture by Dr. Johannsen: Südwest-Afrika - Urdeutsches Land, 1931; advertising letter concerning membership of the RMG, 1938; NN: Future missionary activity. Church and School of the Natives in Africa, 5 p., 1941; Statement by You. Berner to Colonial Secretary of State of Lindequist, 5 p., ms., 1941

Rhenish Missionary Society
Prof. Dr. Hasse: Volume 2
BArch, R 8048/183 · File · Febr. 1894 - Dez. 1900
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains above all: Letter to Hasse and newsletter Hasses et al. about: Association Affairs, Foreign and Colonial Policy Issues, Burensammlung Contains, among other things: Petition of the professors of the German University Prague to both houses of the Reich Council in matter of the language regulations (June 1897) Manuscript for a lecture Hasses on the German foreign and colonial policy (Fragment, 1898)