Showing 31 results

Archival description

Correspondence between inspectors Ronicke u. Kittelvitz u. Sister Magdalena Hagena, mostly thank-you letters for donations, often expressed in the form of poems, 1922-1944; membership card of the Sarepta-Afrikabund, 1933; obituary for sister Magdalene Hagena, 1944; estate of sister Magdalena Hagena circulars to the members of the Afrikabund, partly printed with photos of the first baptized Tutsi, 1925-1941; letters of African Christians, u.a. by Hermann Kanafunzi, Jakobo Ngombe, Samuel Stepke, Sospater Boko, Johana Kikkule, Heilgehilfe Paulo, Elisabeth Nyaboro and many more with a photo by Sospater Boko, 1929-1938; letters from missionary sisters and missionaries from Africa, 1925-1937; letters from the Missionaries Gleiß, von der Heyden, Hosbach and Johanssen, 1924-1930

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa
RMG 2.648 · File · 1845-1931
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Station Otjimbingwe s. RMG 2.536 a-d; draft e. letter of thanks for 2.000 Taler, addressed to "Durchlauchtigster Fürst!", ca. 1845; "Propositionen d. Lippischen Fürstenhaus betr. d. Gründung d. Augustineum in Otjimbingwe", 1863; report about Augustineum in Otjimbingwe, by Carl Gotthilf Büttner, 1874; reports about Augustineum in Okahandja, by Heinrich Vedder, 1923-1931; in it life data of all pupils and students. about themselves, significant experiences from their lives as well as 1 photo of all Augustineum residents in the half-yearly report, pp. 177-271, 1925; "Über d. Ausbau d. Augustineum in Okahandja", 9 p., ms., Heinrich Vedder, 1926; Tasks and results of the final examination of 20 students, 1929; group photo of the conference of elders and evangelists in Okahandja, 1930

Rhenish Missionary Society
RMG 1.028 · File · 1908-1954
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Correspondence with presbyteries and pastors in Elberfeld, Unterbarmen, Wupperfeld and Wichlinghausen; farewell letter from Insp. Haussleiter, 1908; list (as of 1932) of the main church in Unterbarm; ordained missionaries and their dates of life; celebrated mission celebrations and speakers; made ordinations; funeral services for Inspectors and Directors; correspondence Berner m. Klugkist Hesse, 1949; Todesanzeige u. Ordnung d. Trauerfeier f. K. Hesse, 1949; Protokolle d. Kuratorium f. d. Wiederaufbau d. Unterbarmer Haupkirche, 1949-1952; Berichte über d. Arbeitsgebiete d. Synode Barmen, 30 p..., Dr., 1951; Invitation to the inauguration of the rebuilt Unterbarm main church, Dr., with photo, 1952; death announcement Hermannus Obendiek, 1954

Rhenish Missionary Society
RMG 2.173 · File · 1930-1963
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Correspondence with Pilgrim Mission St. Chrischona about the takeover of W. Döge, 1930; curriculum vitae and medical certificate, also for bride Marianne Kästner, 1930; correspondence with Walter Döge and Marianne Kästner about engagement and departure matters, 1930-1933; travel letters, reports and circulars from New Guinea, 1930-1937; "Ein Besuch bei den Stämmen im oberen Ramu-Tal", 7 p.., ms., 1933; Negotiations with the American Board of Foreign Missions for taking overöges and sending out his bride, 1935; "Kamong, ein Martyrer", 2 p., ms., 1935; "Report on the baptism in Sarisawu (Laden) on 15.09.1935", 9 p., hs, 1935; Among the untouched tribes on the north coast of New Guinea (Bunabun-Inland), 10 p., ms., 1934; correspondence with Walter Doege on home leave, 1938-1939; correspondence with Walter Doege in Manila, 1940-1942; correspondence with Walter Doegein the USA, 1946-1963; photo of the couple Doege, 1956

Rhenish Missionary Society
Dr. Hans Leitner (1904-?)

Curriculum vitae, vow of secondment, medical questionnaire, 1933; Polizeiliche Abmeldung, 1933; Korrespondenz, Rundbriefe, Berichte, 1933-1938; "Hausbesuche in Innerafrika von Käthe Leitner (Ehefrau), 1935; "Was ein Schulrat in Afrika erleben kann, 1937; "Missionsarbeit auf den Inseln des Viktoria-Nyanza, 16 p., ms, 1937; "From the parish of Kamachumu, 1938; "Nadel u. Faden in der Schule von Käthe Leitner, 1938; Ärztliche Tesnisse von Familie Leitner bei Wiedereinreise, 1939; Pensionsansprüche von Leitner, 1940; Foto der Familie Leitner, 1941; Correspondenz mit Dr. Leitner im Felde u. in der Kriegsge-fangenschaft, 1939-1947; Correspondenz mit Leitner in der Heimat u. in Nordamerika, 1948-1956

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa
Elfriede War (1889-?)

Curriculum Vitae and copies of testimonies, 1913; photo by Elfriede Krieg u. Helene Semrau, 1915; correspondence, 1913-1961; reports and circulars from Java, 1923-1937; Individual copies of "De Groote Kindervriend (in German: Der große Kinderfreund) as print, editor: Elfriede Krieg, 1929; "Jeugdbeweging (in German: Jugendbewegung) as print, editor: Elfriede Krieg, 1929 u. 1930

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa
Frieda Wohlrab (1900-1986)

Correspondence, 1928-1971; "The beginning of a kindergarten in Mlalo, 1933; Friends letters, 1949-1950; photo by Frieda Wohlrab and Pastor Hermas, 1952; correspondence by F. Wohlrab, Anna Wohlrab and Agnes Rösler with Hans-Arnold Scholten, also circular letters from Lwandai/Lushoto, 1971-1979; medical report for F. Wohlrab, 1973; "Holzmission in Usambara, 1978

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa

Memorandum concerning the German school in Mlalo, 1910; Statuten der Schule, 1910; Chronik der Schule, 1908-1918; Korrespondenz, 1928-1939; Festschrift zur Einweihung der Friedrich-von-Bodelschwingh-Schule in Mlalo (Lwandai) with photo, 1931; Baupläne der Friedrich-von-Bodelschwingh-Schule, 1930; Festschrift zum 25-jährigen Jubiläum der Schule, 8 pp, Druck, 1933; Founded and first plans of the German Confederation, local group Usambara, March 1934; "School dispute mainly because of the so-called "racial question and correspondence on this, 1934-1935; "30 years Friedrich von Bodelschwingh School, 1938; "The Decades German School in Mlalo (Lwandai), 1938

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa
RMG 2.500 a · File · 1897-1944
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Remote stations: Rietmond, Kub, Hoachanas since 1922, Farm Gibeon s. RMG 2.546, repair of the church in Gibeon s. RMG 3.299, station Hoachanas s. a. RMG 2.504, RMG 3.300 and RMG 2,526 a, Farm Hoachanas s. RMG 2,549, Station Ghochas s. a. RMG 2,502, Station Rietmond s. a. RMG 2,534; Station and quarterly reports, letters to d. Deputation, by Christian Wilhelm Friedrich Spellmeyer, 1903-1944; visitation reports, drawing and photo by Gibeon, 1903, 1906 1913; report by Missionary Osswald, Norddeutsche Mission, on the fate of the. Witboois in Lome, 1905; population statistics in the district of Maltahöhe, 1911; accounts of construction costs for mission house and church; Siebold, Bielefeld, about the behaviour of the Englishman in Gibeon, 1915; request by the white resident to dismiss Missionary Friedrich W. Schröder, 1897;

Rhenish Missionary Society

Health certificate, 1913; Correspondence (also during prisoner of war), 1913-1924; Engagement announcement with photograph of the bride and groom, 1913; vow of secondment and instructions, 1913; Photo Gustav Neumann as French prisoner of war, 1918; Correspondence and work report(s) during his work in the "´schen Landonzession Manytsch im Kaukasus, 1925-1927; Various testimonies and instructions, 1913. Papers of the children of the Neumann family, 1914-1940; Letters and reports from Kamachumu and the internment, 1928-1948; "Der Bau- u. Tischlereibetrieb in Kamachumu, 1938; "Unter den Mädchen von Helene Neumann, 1938; Ärztliche Berichte, 1948 u. 1954; Correspondenz mit Ehepaar Neumann in der Heimat, 1948-1955; Correspondenz mit Frau Neumann, 1955-1970

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa

Medical questionnaires for Heinrich Waltenberg and Hildegard Bokermann (his bride), 1929; vows of the Evangelischer Afrikaverein for Heinrich Waltenberg, 1930; correspondence, reports and stories, also by Hildegard Waltenberg, 1930-1946; "Meine Ferienreise durch Usambara im Jahre 1947, 26 S., ms.; Accounting

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa
Kuhl, Herbert (1912-2003)
RMG 699 · File · 1931-1964
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

After training soldier, from 1946 YMCA-Westbund, Kassel; curriculum vitae with photo, certificates, medical examination, 1931; diploma of mission seminar, 1939; curriculum vitae, certificates, medical examination of bride Erna Probst, 1940; correspondence, partly from the field

Rhenish Missionary Society
Lutindi Station

Reports and letters by Maaß, Johanssen, Hosbach and Bokermann, 1896-1904; correspondence with the Africa Association; photo by the Bokermann family, 1903; "News from the East African Mission, 1903, No 9

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa

Correspondence with Lydia Pfitzenmeier, 1930-1977; curriculum vitae, instructions and vows, 1931; report on further training course for girls in Mlalo, 1932-1933; "My first attempt at girls' work, 1934; photo of the girls' school in Mlalo, 1934; medical reports, 1935 and 1938

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa

Handwritten report on the Saxon Mission Conference in Halle (Saale), 55 p., 1903; Memories of the Battle of Tanga, 1914; Two essays on Mission in Tanga: Siegfried Delius: Saat auf Hoffnung & Doctor Damann: How can a Christian community on the coast be built? o.J.; On the "Shepherds, Memories of Jubilees and Festivals, also photo of Missionary Women's Leisure Time, 1930-1933; Various newspaper articles by and about Siegfried Delius, 1904-1929; Various articles on East Africa and the mission in "Übersee- u. Kolonialzeitung, 1928-1932; Various newspaper articles by members of the Bethel Mission (including Ronicke and Mensching), 1928-1930

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa
RMG 876 · File · 1903-1933
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

s.a. Depositum]; Minutes, invitations, messages (partly printed), member lists, newspaper reports, correspondence; statutes, ca. 1907; Kriegsanleihe über 1.000,- Mark, 1916; Dt. Evang. Frauenbund: Freizeit im Hunsrück, Einladung, Lieder, Foto, 1928; From the Armschmiede der Mission, über 3. wissenschaftl. Missionskurs in Bonn, Dr., 1929; H. Johannsen: Tasks and Goals of German Mission Conferences Based on their History, 1929

Rhenish Missionary Society
RMG 1.695 a-c · File · 1910-1969
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1912-1954 in Keetmanshoop, Lüderitzbucht; Letters and reports, correspondence with individual personalities of the mission leadership, 1911-1969; curriculum vitae, application, certificates, 1910-1911; Protokoll d. Sprachexamens, 1913; "Gau-Sari-Aob", ed. Friedrich Hermann Rust, vol. 18, no. 3, 1931; Negotiations on connection with d. state pension funds, 1930-1932; death announcement and obituary for Mrs. Agnes Rust, née Sapel (mother) and photo from father's grave, 1934; death announcement and obituary for Mrs. Emma Rust, née Wandres, 1968;[correspondence especially with Fr. Siegfried Groth 1964-1978 and Gustav Menzel 1970-1974 s. VEM archive];

Rhenish Missionary Society
Samuel Miller (1893-1963)

Personalia, licence of registration, certificates, curriculum vitae, 1925; instructions and vows of secondment, 1926; correspondence, reports, etc., 1925-1937 and 1955-1970; travel diaries and reports, also by Marie Müller, née Grießbach and circulars from Bumbuli, 1926-1937; photo of the hospital staff, 1929; house rules of the Bumbuli-Hospital (print), 1929; attacks by Doctor Fregonneau against the activities of Doctor Müller, newspaper campaign u. Korrespondenz, 1933-1934; Auseinandersetzung Deutscher Bund in Ostafrika, allem wegen Schulfragen, 1934; "Grundsätzliches zur Missionsarbeit in Usambara, 12 p., ms. 1934; correspondence from the office of the president concerning Doctor Müller, 1935; "On the financial statements 1934 of the printing works in Wuga by O. Joppe, 1935; 2 newspaper clippings with reports on lectures by Samuel Müller, 1937; "My son Mika von Samuel Müller, 1937; "Basic information on mission work in Usambara by Samuel Müller and statements thereon; activity reports 1934-1937

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa
Swakopmund, recreation home
RMG 2.528 c · File · 1913-1967
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Photo and ground plan of the recreation home, building bill, correspondence due to administration, 1913; annual reports mainly by Sister Auguste Redecker, 1929-1967; Dienstordnung für Erholungsheim, 1954; letter of thanks to Mrs. Driessler, for donation to recreation home, 1967;

Rhenish Missionary Society

Curriculum Vitae and Testimonies, 1929; Instructions and Vows of Deputation, 1930; Correspondence (also during internment), 1929-1947; Photo by Werner Wittenberg, 1930; Certificate of Good Conduct and Medical Certificate by Werner Wittenberg, 1932; "Jubilee of the Bukoba Church on 28.07.1935; "Etwas vom Gelde im Haya-Lande, 1936; "From the work of the mission office in Bukoba, 1937; Correspondence during the stay in Queenstown in South Africa, 1947-1956; Correspondence with Hanni Wittenberg about supply matters, 1956-1965

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa
Wilhelm Kuhl (1899-1989)

Korrespondenz, 1930-1962; Ärztliches Gutachten für P. F. Gleiss, 1931; Ärztliches Gutachten für Schwester Friederike Schumacher, 1932; "Weihnachten im Hospital Bumbuli, 1931; Nachricht über den Tod von Gertrud Kuhl, Foto des Grabes in Lupembe, 1934; Erinnerungen an Tanga u. an Jakobo Ngombe, 1934; "Mfizi u. seine Gefährten - Geschichten aus Deutsch-Ostafrika, 24 p.., ms. 1937; "Visit to an old missionary (Hosbach), by Wilhelm Kuhl, 6 p., ms., about 1962; reports and essays, 1933; "Freizeit in Kigalama mit Fotos, 1933; "Reise von Bumbuli nach Kamachumu mit Fotos, 1932; "Fahrt zum Kilimandjaro mit Fotos, 1932; "Eine Unterrichtsstunde im Hospital, 1932; Lebensgeschichte u. Letters from the warden Mfizi from Kamachumu, 1933-1935; "Memories of black people, manuscript, 1937; "Als Arzt u. Erzieher in Ostafrika (Druck), 1936; "Tutaonana - wir werden wiederehen, Geschichten aus dem alten Afrika, o.J. ; "Bahati, Geschichte eines Mädchens, 1953

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa
William Nickel (1885-1960)

Medical certificate for married couple Nickel, 1925; Correspondence, 1926-1959; Curriculum Vitae, 1926; Circular(s) to Lutindi-Freunde, 1926; Month- and. Annual reports from Lutindi, 1927-1938; letter of the German Archives Office in Dar-es-Salaam concerning the transfer of property Lutindi of the Evangelischer Afrikaverein, 1928; plans for the extension of the lunatic asylum in Lutindi, 1929; photo of the new building in Lutindi, 1930; report on the death of Hermann Kanafunzi, 1930; various documents from the work in Lutindi, 1931; medical testimony of the married couple Nickel, 1932 u. 1939; Confidential correspondence concerning the personality of Wilhelm Nickel, 1938-1939; death announcement for Wilhelmine Nickel, 1960; death announcement for Wilhelmine Nickel, née Diehl, 1962

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa