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Description archivistique
Stadtarchiv Nürnberg, E 10/32 Nr. 31 · Dossier · 1904 - 1925
Fait partie de Stadtarchiv Nürnberg
  • Contains:<br />- Newspaper articles on German South West Africa (1904-1906)<br />- South West Africa. Its Possibilities (Wembley Exhibition 1925), published by the South-West Africa Administration (with numerous illustrations)<br />- Description of Cape Town (manuscript)<br />- Description of East London (manuscript)<br /><br />Includes:<br />- 1 postcard and three landscape photographs of African* 1904 - 1925, Stadtarchiv Nürnberg, E 10/32 NL Friedrich Stahl
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, 69 Baden, Sammlung 1995 F I · Collection
Fait partie de Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. General State Archive Karlsruhe (Archivtektonik)

Origin and tradition: The Grand Ducal photo collection from the reign of Frederick I and his wife Luise probably originated from gifts, orders and acquisitions (e.g. while travelling). It is not yet possible to say to what extent there was a real will to collect, but the collection was carefully preserved, partly noted in inventory lists and probably moved from Karlsruhe Castle to the New Palace in Baden-Baden in 1919. There, even after the death of Grand Duchess Luise, he occasionally grew. When the castle inventory of 1995 was dissolved, the State of Baden-Württemberg was able to acquire the entire photo collection for the General State Archives; a selection of family photos and some magnificent volumes remained the property of the House of Baden. He also owns an essential part of the photo collection of the last Grand Duke, Frederick II, who fortunately was not kept in the Freiburg Palais after 1919. Content: The medium of photography was highly valued and consciously used at the Baden court as a modern form of princely representation. The distribution of portrait series to the public can be reconstructed and the long reign of Frederick I enabled the presence of the "father of the country" or the "parents of the country", as can be found among the Hohenzollern, the Wittelsbachers or the Habsburgs. Documents from these photo commissions to the court photographers make up a not insignificant part of the collection. The proportion of gifts and souvenir pictures received after anniversaries, celebrations, manoeuvres, exhibitions, inaugurations, etc. is greater; the handing over of portraits of foreign visitors also belonged to this group, especially in the context of the summer stays in Baden-Baden. One of the most important gifts are probably the works with which photographers wanted to attract attention, acquire the title of court photographer or receive further commissions; in this way, works from the early days of photography came into the Grand Duke's possession: signed prints by Charles Clifford, the Upper Italian and Southwest German series by Jakob August Lorent in 60x80 format already admired at the time of their creation (Lorent also left to the Grand Duke a detailed description of his recording and development process) or, to name regionally effective photographers, photographs by Richard/Heidelberg, Tillman-Matter/Mannheim, Th. shoe man

Stadtarchiv Worms, 212 · Collection
Fait partie de City Archive Worms (Archivtektonik)

Inventory description: Dept. 212 Carl J. H. Villinger Collection Scope: 285 archive boxes and 0.5 m oversized formats (= 723 units of description = 32.5 m) Duration: approx. 1833/1900 - 1977 About the author, journalist and local historian Carl J. H. Villinger (09.07.1905 - 27.05.1977) has since 1927 published a large number of journal articles and essays primarily on historical, art and cultural history issues, mainly with reference to Worms and with a focus on Catholicism (church and diocese history, chamberlain of Dalberg). For fourteen years Villinger, who had been a freelancer for the Allgemeine Zeitung (Worms edition) since 1948, belonged to the city council for the CDU. In addition to the above-mentioned topics, he was particularly interested in the work for the Aufbauverein (cf. Dept. 76, some files were incorporated into the Villinger Collection according to their origin), the Altertumsverein (cf. Dept. 75 No. 13), the 1st Wormser Schwimmclub 'Poseidon' (chairman of the association from 1948 to 1968), cf. Dept. 77/8 and the KKV Probitas (Dept. 212 No. 430), where he worked as press officer (Dept. 212 No. 0371). As early as 1968, Villinger had contractually transferred his extensive collections (including the library comprising approx. 10,000 volumes and a collection of graphics) of the city as a 'Villinger donation', of which a considerable part was transferred to the city archives (notarial donation contract Abt. 6-U Nr. 317). The content of the collection The collection, whose temporal focus lies after 1945, is structured as follows: own articles and publications by Villinger (thematically ordered), Das christliche Worms (especially Catholika), Wormser Stadtgeschichte (Wormser Dom, Nibelungen, etc.), Wormser Künstler, Dalberg-Archiv, Heylshof as well as material collection: Biographische Sammlung, Materialammlung Wormatiensia, Grafische Sammlung (16 to 20 Century).), on sports and art, political archives, printed, commemorative and small writings (surrounding areas and Worms, associations and societies), reproductions of Worms concerning manuscripts, files from Abt. 76 (Aufbauverein) included in the estate (mainly city council and committee meetings, construction/reconstruction, newspaper cuttings). Villinger was a passionate collector. Remarkable is his Graphic Collection (see from no. 544) in which numerous copper engravings of various types are to be found. painters and engravers. Lace and textile pictures as well as a collection of ex-libris (bookmarks), which he had bought or donated, enrich the remarkable collection (for ex-libris see essays in no. 579). Worth mentioning is Villinger's activity as the representative of the Kunsthaus Heylshof Foundation. His field of activity was not only the publication of numerous manuscripts/publications (e.g. Führer and Heylshof catalogue, no. 182) on the art treasures of the Heylshof as well as the design of exhibitions (no. 210) and projects (no. 181). According to correspondence between Villinger and Cornelius Heyl, Villinger was granted free access to the holdings of the Heylshof, in addition to the recording of the holdings, restoration of the paintings (no. 0211), public relations work, financing, printing and other tasks at the Heylshof (including a list of the paintings that Baron von Heyl had left to the Heylshof, see no. 178). Through many years of research and the purchase of literature (including 'Der Staatsrath Georg Steitz u.. or Fürstprimas Karl von Dalberg'). A sheet from Frankfurt's history at the beginning of the XIX century with documentary supplements by Georg Eduard Steitz, Frankfurt 1869 (book), s. no. 0404) Villinger was not only able to compile a collection, but also to publish numerous contributions about members of the family Kämmerer von Worms gen. von Dalberg (among others Carl Theodor von Dalberg (no. 397, no. 412), Friedrich Hugo von Dalberg (no. 394-395). Carl Villinger recorded the holdings of the Herrnsheim Dalberg Archive and was active in the city council for the acquisition of the Dalberg Archive and the Herrnsheim Palace Library from the city of Worms (No. 387-388). In his work Villinger liked to work together with the artists of Worms, so he created a biographical collection about the artists of Worms (No. 321-322) as well as a collection about Worms art (e.g. research about the whereabouts of Worms works of art, e.g. Régence-Kanzel des Wormser Karmeliterklosters, see No. 323). Villinger not only published serial articles in the Wormser Zeitung (e.g. 'Wormser Studenten an Universitäten', see no. 283), but also collected newspaper clippings which are indispensable for the history of the city of Worms (see Wormatiensia/Zeitungsausschnitte, no. 275ff.). Brochures (e.g. the Jewish Worms (No. 530), Worms Cathedral (No. 407), newspapers (Wormser Zeitung, No. 232, No. 234), magazines ("Rostra", see No. 165) and publications with and without reference to Worms (the Luther Monument, see No. 528; Alzey, Kriegstagebuch, 1914-1918, see No. 477) can be used for research. Postcards (no. 452), photos (no. 449) and a collection of coins and medals that can be used for exhibition purposes. Worth mentioning is the membership file of the Worms Rowing Club (No. 665). The membership cards contain extensive information on persons and their activities in the rowing club. Villinger himself was not a member of the rowing club. It can be assumed that Villinger came into possession of the membership register in 1947, when the Rudergesellschaft e.V. and the Wormser Ruderverein e.V.1911 merged and the cooperation failed. In the appendix of the finding aid book there is a separate list of sheet music: Dalberg Sheet Music (No. 401), by Rudi Stephan (No. 599), by Friedrich Gernsheim (No. 600), some of them are original sheet music; list of devotional pictures (No. 400 and No. 554) as well as bibliography Carl J. H. Villinger, masch. Findbuch with relatively detailed indexing and a detailed bibliography of Villinger's articles and essays (Aktenordner), compiled by Joachim Schalk, see Schrank Nr. 22. Indexing: Augias file (new indexing 5/2010 to 5/2011, including post-cassation and development of a new classification). After the completion of this work, the stock comprises 723 units, which are stored in 285 archive boxes. The files are in good condition, there are no restrictions on use. Supplementary archive departments in the city archive: -Abt. 6 Municipality of Worms since 1945 -Abt. 76 Aufbauverein Worms e.V. -Abt. 204 Worms Documentation/Collection -Abt. 170/16 Estate of Dr. Friedrich Illert -Abt. 159 Herrnsheimer Dalberg-Archive -Abt. 217 Graphic Collection -Abt. 214 Collection Fritz Reuter -Abt. 77/8 1st Worms Swimming Club 'Poseidon' -Abt. 185 Family and Company Archives Ludwig C. von Heyl BÖNNEN, Gerold 'History of the City of Worms', Stuttgart 2005 REUTER, Fritz 'Collector and Collection Carl J. H. Villinger', in: Der Wormsgau 13, 1979-81, p. 134-136 REUTER, Fritz 'Worms historian, art historian and local historian from the 19th/20th century and their graves', in: Der Wormsgau 19, 2000, p. 97-99 ILLERT, Georg 'Die "Villinger-Schenkung"', in: 'Der Wormsgau 9, 1970-1971 SCHALK, Joachim 'In Memoriam Carl Johann Heinrich Villinger (1905-1977)', reprint from: 'Archiv für mittelrheinische Kirchengeschichte' 29, 1977 June 2011 Magdalena Kiefel

Stadtarchiv Worms, 170/02 · Fonds
Fait partie de City Archive Worms (Archivtektonik)

Inventory description: Dept. 170/2 estate Georg and Barbara Freed Scope: 819 units of description (= 23 linear metres of archive cartons and 9 linear metres of rolled plans) = add. 32 m Running time: 1792 - 1941 Family and foundation In the course of establishing a foundation to the City of Worms, which was decreed in the will, the Worms architect Georg Ludwig Freed (1858-1936) and his sister Barbara (Babette 1855-1941) bequeathed documents to the then museum and the municipal cultural institutes, which were taken over by Dr. Illert in 1942 (cf. Der Wormsgau 2, p. 99). Members of the Freed family had been resident in Worms since the beginning of the 19th century as master painters and whitewashers. They already held important positions in bourgeois associations in the pre-March period, including the Schützengesellschaft, the gymnastics community of 1846 Worms and the fire brigade. Both siblings remained unmarried throughout their lives, their sister Anna Maria (1854) was the wife of the museum director and since 1898 city archivist August Weckerling. The material of the 'Stiftung Freed' includes personal letters, postcards and papers, diaries, documents as well as artisan, artistic and family history documents in a large variety (especially about 1850 to 1935), without any documents obviously being collected after the death of the siblings. A large part of the estate is occupied by the actual architect Freed (numerous sketches, drawings, maps, plans, newspapers, etc.), whose temporal focus lies in his Mannheim years between 1889/93 and 1914. In addition, there are association documents from the entire Protestant-national-liberal milieu, including militaria and national teams or academic associations of the TH Darmstadt. In addition to the documents of his father Georg Fr. Freed from the time since approx. 1840, the closed file tradition of the house Wollstr. 28, which has been inhabited since 1800 and bequeathed to the city of Worms in 1941/42 and later sold privately by the latter (house preserved, part of a monument zone) is also relevant. Family grandfather of G. Freed: Johann Ph. Freed 1794-1845 married with Johanna Friederika Uswald 1798-1823 (daughter of:) Carl Ernst Ußwald from Oelsnitz/Vogtland 1754, from 1796 in Worms, 1818 (= great-grandfather of G. Freed), married Anna Katharina Köhler née. Völcker (1776-1846), was a painter and master draughtsman (family book: no. 87, description Reuter 1968, p. 204 no. 3), three other family books described on p. 212. Elisabeth Margareta Freed, Stiefenkelin of C.E. U.., born 1826 sister: Katharina Anna, 1825-1912 disproportionate stepbrother: Georg Friedrich F., born 1823 Worms (= grandson of C. E. Uswald) learned the painting and whitewashing trade, journeyman years Wiesbaden 1843/44, Dresden 1844, Vienna 1845; in Worms marriage 1851 with Elisabeth Müller (1825-1899), ev, City councillor 1874-1892; 1837-1851 pedigree book (description Reuter 1968 p. 212); died 1896 = father of Georg, Babette and Anna Maria Freed (Anna M. Freed (*1854) married with August Weckerling, who was thus the brother-in-law of the two Freeds, this certainly justified the willingness to donate the collection to the museum run by Weckerling, whose successor Illert acted as executor of the will after Barbara's death in 1941), Son of the pensioner, master whitewasher and town councillor Georg Friedrich Freed (1823-1896, married to Elisabeth Freed née. Müller), 1865-1869 attends preschool, 1869-1875 secondary school in Worms; takes private lessons in higher mathematics and languages in 1875, passed entrance examination, eight semesters as a regular student of the building school enrolled at the TH Darmstadt; also occupies the subjects prescribed for civil service, final examination in autumn 1879 together with the civil service aspirants, participation in study trips and excursions, etc.a. 1878 World Exhibition Paris, 1.4.1880 One-year volunteer reg. 118 Worms, from summer 1881 to summer 1885 for further mainly artistic education in Munich in the studio of Prof. Hauberrisser, there collaboration on large building projects, 1885-1887 active in Berlin in studios of architect Kayser u. v. Großheim, Erdmann

PrAdK 0735 · Dossier · 1914 - 1917
Fait partie de Archive of the Academy of Arts

Minutes of the following sessions:<br />Section for the Fine Arts, Senate and Cooperative (Participants in varying composition: Alexander Amersdorffer, German Bestelmeyer, Wilhelm v. Bode, Peter Breuer, Adolf Brütt, Otto H. Engel, Reinhold Felderhoff, Philipp Franck, Richard Friese, August Gaul, Hans Herrmann, Ernst Herter, Hildebrand, Ludwig Hoffmann, Hermann Hosaeus, Oskar Hossfeld, Ulrich Hübner, Julius Jacob, Louis Jacoby, Gerhard Janensch, Ludwig Justi, Friedrich Kallmorgen, Arthur Kampf, Heinrich Kayser, Conrad Kiesel, Fritz Klimsch, Georg Koch, Karl Koepping, Max Kruse, Hugo Lederer, Max Liebermann, Hans Looschen, Ludwig Manzel, Meyer, Paul Meyerheim, Ernst Pfannschmidt, Bruno Paul, Fritz Schaper, Schmidt, Franz Schmitz, Walter Schott, Rudolf Schulte at Court, Raffael Schuster-Woldan, Franz Schwechten, Heinrich Seeling, Paul Seidel, Max Slevogt, Constantin Starck, Louis Tuaillon, August Vogel, Hugo Vogel, Anton v. Werner):<br />7 Jan. 1914 (Senate): Introduction of Ulrich Hübner into the Senate; changed award conditions for the Grand State Prize, copy of the ministerial decree of Dec. 9, 1914. 1913; confiscation of postcards with illustrations of sculptural works of art; approval of the elections of the Senate for the Landeskunstkommission; allocation of the surplus of the Great Berlin Art Exhibition to the Kunstausstellungsgelderfonds; award of the title of professor to Ulrich Hübner, Max Uth, Adolf Meyer and Hugo Ungewitter (Bl. 1).<br />30 Jan. 1914 (Senate): Bericht über den Aquarellmaler Max Fritz (Bl. 4).<br />18. Febr. 1914 (Senate): Approval of the proposal list for invitations to the next member exhibition, the proposed collective exhibitions and the inclusion of a small collection of works by the late sculptor Ignatius Taschner; draft regulations for academy exhibitions; Advice on the approval of a Martersteig memorial exhibition and an international exhibition by the Association of Artists and Art Friends; application for the title of professor to the painters Mattschaß, Grotemeyer, Maß and Baurat Seeling; scholarships from the Schmidt-Michelsen-Stiftung for Roloff, Hänsch and Korn (Bl. 5).<br />17 Apr. 1914: Review of the applications for the Grand State Prize; decision on the winners of the State Prize competitions: Painter Paul Plontke, sculptor Otto Placzek, (pp. 8, 10).<br />17 Apr. 1914 (Senate): Assessment of the painter Gustav Richter; award of the title of professor to the sculptors Dammann and Breitkopf-Cosel; election of Heinrich Seeling to the advisory board of experts for the protection of the city of Berlin against defacement; scholarship of the Schmidt-Michelsen-Stiftung for the sculptor Willy Kluck; quarterly award of the studios in Rome (pp. 8, 10). 12).<br />19 May 1914 (Senate): Assessment of the painters Alfred Stöcke, Grotemeyer, and Bielefeld (p. 15).<br />30 June 1914: Decision on the winner of the Dr.-Ing.Paul Schultze Prize for Sculptor 1914: Joseph Sommer (p. 18).<br />30 June 1914 (Senate): Decision on Scholarships from the Louisa-E.-Wentzelschen Stiftung: painter Erich Feyerabend, sculptor Friedrich Heuler, graphic artist Friedrich Maron, architect Hellmuth Korth (p. 19).<br />13 July 1914 (Senate): Application for the title of professor to sculptor Joseph Limburg, painter Hans am Ende, painter Otto Modersohn; prize assignment for the Dr.-Ing.Paul Schultze Prize 1915; Amersdorffer's expert opinion on the painter and architect Dreßler (page 22).<br />27 Oct. 1914: Decision to transfer the surplus from former Great Berlin Art Exhibitions to the Academic War Aid Fund; Great Berlin Art Exhibition 1915 (page 27).<br />27 Oct. 1914: Decision to transfer the surplus from former Great Berlin Art Exhibitions to the Academic War Aid Fund; Great Berlin Art Exhibition 1915 (page 27).<br />27 Oct. 1914: Decision to transfer the surplus from former Great Berlin Art Exhibitions to the Academic War Aid Fund. 1914 (Senate): Re-election of the vice-president of the Senate Schwechten; reappointment of the head of a master studio for architecture, vacant due to the death of Otzen; consultation on the proposed Friedrich Ostendorf; expert opinion by Engel on the painter Gotthilf Schnee; significance of the Prussian Art Association; Election of Liebermann as deputy of Looschen at the Permanent Deputation for Advertising at the Elders' College of the Berlin Merchants' Association; re-election of Kampf and Meyerheim to the Board of Trustees of the Adolph Menzel Foundation, of Hildebrandt to the Board of Trustees of the Adolf Ginsberg Foundation, of Liebermann to the Board of Trustees of the Dr.-Hermann Günther Foundation; question of an invitation to the Academy competitions for 1915; announcement of decrees of the Ministry of Culture (p. 29).<br />27 Nov. 1914: decision on the prize winner of the Dr.-Ing.Hugo-Raussendorff Prize in 1914, the painter Kurd Albrecht, and the winner of the v. -Rohr Prize 1914, the architect Pohle (p. 29).<br />Dec. 21, 1914: Remembrance of Giovanni Sgambati; spring exhibition 1915; composition of the exhibition commission for the Great Berlin Art Exhibition; Menzel Monument; acceptance of the Fischer and Wentzel-Heckmann Foundations; Schwechtens is elected to the expert advisory board of the city of Berlin; Dagnan-Bouveret and Saint-Saëns leave the academy (p. 29). 31f.).<br />15th Jan. 1915 (cooperative): Commemoration of Rudolf Weyr and Anton v. Werner; deficit of the Great Berlin Art Exhibition 1914; election lists for the elections of members (p. 50).<br />22nd Jan. 1915 (cooperative): election of Ernst Pfannschmidt and Friedrich Oskar Hossfeld as new members (p. 55).<br />12th Febr. 1915 (Genossenschaft): Composition of the admission and arrangement commission for the Great Berlin Art Exhibition 1915; demand for greater competence for the cooperative in the preparation of academic exhibitions (pp. 56-58).<br />17 Febr. 1915 (Senate): Proposals for the succession of the deceased v. Werner as director of the Hochschule für die bildenden Künste: Kampf, Dettmann, Manzel, Kallmorgen; establishment of a commission for reforms of academic teaching (pp. 35, 61).<br />17 Febr. 1915: laureate of the I. Michael-Beer-Prize: painter Berthold Ehrenwerth; no award of the Prize of the II. Michael-Beerschen Stiftung für Kupferstecher (pp. 36, 59).<br />15. March 1915 (Senate): Resolution to award support from the Schmidt-Michelsen-Stiftung to Korn, Brandes, Petrich und Miehe and from the Stadt-Charlottenburg-Stiftung to König und Dahmen (pp. 36, 59). 39, 64).<br />19 March 1915 (cooperative): Introduction of the new members Hossfeld and Pfannschmidt; election of Engel, Meyerheim, Liebermann, Brütt, Seeling and Hoffmann as senate members; discussion and vote on Hoffmann's motion to elect the members of the committee for exhibitions by the cooperative and rejection of 'co-optation' by the senate; motion against the propaganda of the 'Preußischer Kunstverein' (Bl. 65-67).<br />30 Apr. 1915 (Senate): Acceptance of the legacy of Koepping; refusal of the purchase of the v. -Werner portraits of Koner; extension of the register of the master student P. Joseph (Master School Humperdinck); notification of the appointment of Kampf as director of the Hochschule für die bildenden Künste (bl. 41, 73).<br />30 Apr. 1915: adjournment due to lack of quorum (bl. 72).<br />18. May 1915 (cooperative): commemoration of Oskar Frenzel; election of Friedrich Kallmorgen as chairman, of Hans Meyer as deputy chairman (p. 76).<br />4 June 1915 (Senate): entrusting of the committee for academic exhibitions with the submission of proposals for the purchase of works of art; Dr.-Ing.Paul Schultze Prize 1916; election of Franck to the Commission for the Guidance of Questions on the New Regulation of Academic Teaching (pp. 45, 78).<br />11 June 1915: Division of the Dr.-Ing.Paul Schultze Prize 1915: Herbert Garbe and Willy Kluck (pp. 46, 79).<br />16 June 1915: Splitting of the Sheet Metal Prize for Landscape Painters 1915: Erich Feyerabend and Erich Müller; Helfft Prize 1915 for Adolf Harten (pp. 47f., 80f.).<br />23 June 1915 (Senate): Acceptance of the S. -Fischer-Stiftung; list of suggestions for the purchase of works of art (p. 84).<br />28 Oct. 1915 (Senate): Election of Manzel as deputy chairman of the Senate; resolution of an exhibition of war pictures in the Academy; proposals for the purchase of works of art; appointment of Liebermann to the board of trustees of the Adolph Menzel Foundation and the Dr.-Ing.Hermann-Günther-Stiftung, von Hildebrand on the board of trustees of the Adolf-Ginsberg-Stiftung; travel report of the scholarship holder Adolf Harten (p. 93).<br />Dec. 21, 1915: Schmidt-Michelsen prizewinner: Walter Miehe (p. 96).<br />Dec. 11, 1916 (Senate): Introduction of Hans Herrmann; proposal for reoccupation of the v. Werner's master studios: Slevogt, Hugo Vogel, Dettmann; election of Hübner to the board of trustees of the Adolph Menzel Foundation (p. 98). <br /> Feb. 23, 1916 (Senate): support from the Schmidt-Michelsen Foundation for Korn, Douzette, and Brandis; protest against the plan to tax 'living art' through the war profits tax (p. 102).<br />12 May 1916 (Senate): Application to Georg Schmitt, Bennewitz v. Loefen, Max Schlichting, L. Corinth and Felderhoff for the title of professor; submission of Lederer's draft for the university ballot box (page 105).<br />5. July 1916 (Senate): Confirmation of the election of Schwechten as president, of Gernsheim as deputy, re-election of the senators Kallmorgen, Breuer, Kayser and Rüfer; re-election of Kallmorgen and H. Meyer as chairmen and deputies respectively in the Fine Arts Section and of Gernsheim and Rüfer in the Music Section; application for the title of professor to Rudolf Schäfer and Em. Grosser; amendments to the Maeder Foundation's draft statutes; letters of thanks from the Singakademie and Herter (p. 110).<br />Oct. 2 1916 (Senate): Election of Manzel as deputy chairman of the Senate; takeover of the composition of a cantata by Kahn for the emperor's birthday celebration in 1917, speech by Krebs; Max Bernhardt rejects the leadership of the Lippe-Detmoldschen professor title; re-election of Hübner and Liebermann to the board of trustees of the Adolph Menzel Foundation, of Hildebrand to the board of trustees of the Adolf Ginsberg Foundation and of Liebermann to the board of trustees of the Dr.-Ginsberg Foundation.Hermann Günther Foundation; examination of a medal of Eue (Bl. 113).<br />27 Nov. 1916 (Senate): confirmation of the election of Schumann as deputy president; rejection of a Bruno Schmitz exhibition; Boese's request for further use of a state studio; election of Kampf instead of Anton v. Werner to the board of trustees of the Emil Wentzel Foundation (Bl. 120).<br />8 Jan. 1917 (Senate): Remembrance of Dücker, Scholz and Rudorff; exhibition rooms for the Federal Foreign Office for the collection 'Deutsches Bauwesen im Kriege'; planning of an Alfred-Rethel exhibition and a second exhibition of war paintings; proposal for the award of a prize to teachers of the teaching institute of the Verein der Künstlerinnen zu Berlin: Siegert, Seeck and Schottmüller; dedication of Richard Müller's war drawings to the Emperor; re-election of Liebermann and Looschen to the Municipal Deputation for Advertising; election of Schwechten to the Advisory Board of Experts of the City of Berlin; acceptance of the Roeder Foundation; amendments to the statutes of the Wentzel-Heckmann Foundation; rejection of the extension of the matricel of the master student Salingré (Bl. 121).<br />Section for Music, Senate and Co-operative (participants in varying composition: Heinrich Barth, Friedrich Gernsheim, Engelbert Humperdinck, Hugo Kaun, Friedrich E. Koch, Carl Krebs, Hermann Kretzschmar, Philipp Rüfer, Philipp Scharwenka, Xaver Scharwenka, Felix Schmidt, Georg Schumann, Max Seiffert, Ernst Eduard Taubert):<br />17 Jan. 1914 (Senate): Application for the title of professor to Schattschneider and Franz Nekes, for the title of music director to Max Kaden, Krantz, Traugott Heinrich, Fritz Panzer and Schneider; Schumann's delegation to the police headquarters for consultations on regulations for the business operations of concert agents; amendments to the statutes of the cooperative of German composers; assessment of the new 'Euphonion' sound system by August Ludwig, composition by Wilhelm Grimm, ballad by Robert Linarz (Bl. 2).<br />21 Febr. 1914 (Senate): Minister's Notices: Instruction to John to shorten his composition, award of the title of Music Director to Kühn, Krelle, Traugott Heinrich, Adolf Göttmann und Ernst Potthof, of the title of Professor to Leo Zellner; Application for the title of Professor to Moritz Bauer, Heidingsfeld, Binder und Max Krause; Complaint to the Ministry about Breitkopf

Postcard collection (inventory)
StadtA HN, 003 · Collection
Fait partie de City Archive Heilbronn (Archivtektonik)

Duration: 1874-2010 Scope: approx. 6000 (as of 2012) Find aids: initial letters A-R in HEUSS (object type: photo) Collection of postcards, postcards and greeting cards with reference to Heilbronn and its surroundings. The main focus of the motifs is on the cityscape, next to it there are maps of people, events and companies in Heilbronn, for example for advertising purposes. The maps are arranged according to motifs in folders. The stock is constantly being expanded through acquisitions and foundations. At present, the postcards are gradually being digitised by a volunteer and individually indexed in HEUSS. As of November 2012, a total of 3936 postcards are recorded. Of these, 771 postcards are freely available on the Internet. For copyright reasons, the others can only be researched digitally in the reading room of the Stadtarchiv. The digitisation and indexing follows the original sorting of the postcard folders "alphabetically by motif". The list below gives an overview of the folders of postcards already entered in HEUSS. In the case of HEUSS, the original title of the postcard, if available, is included in the "Title" field (if it consists of several words, in quotation marks, e.g. "Kaiserstraße und Marktplatz"). The word "Heilbronn" is left out of the rule. Essential image content that is not printed in the original caption is added in the title field. In the HEUSS field "Author" the producing publisher is indicated, as far as known, in some cases supplemented by further authors (photographer, draughtsman). A small part of the collected postcards could not be purchased in the original. The field "Remark" contains the information "Repro" (often supplemented by the internal repro number). With the exception of the field "Ad spec", the object-type-specific fields have not yet been filled in, or have only been filled in as a whole. The entries in the "Ad spec" field for this stock are identical to those in the title field. To order an original postcard in the reading room, the entire signature (as shown in the HEUSS field "Signature") must be entered. Overview of the postcard folders in alphabetical order, followed in brackets by the respective folder number (August2012): Adlerbrauerei (M_1008) Adolf-Hitler-Haus (M_0001) Albrecht, Heinrich Weinwirtschaft (M_0002) Alexanderstraße (M_1043) Allee vor 1944 (M_0003) Allee nach 1945(M_0004) Allinger, Pension 1909 (M_0005) Allerheiligenstraße (M_0006) Alte Gasse vor 1944 (M_0007) Alte Stadtmauer vor 1944 (M_0008) Alter Friedhof vor 1944 (M_0009) AltersheimBadstraße (M_0010) Alt Heilbronn (M_0011) Am Wollhaus (M_0012) Postcard set Maring- (M_0006) Old town wall before 1944 (M_0008) Old cemetery before 1944 (M_0009) Old people's homeBadstraße (M_0010) Alt Heilbronn (M_0011) Am Wollhaus (M_0012) Postcard set Maring- (M_0012)Nadler (M_1044) AOK Erholungsheim Frauenalb before 1945 (M_0013) AOK allgemeineOrtskrankenkasse ca. 1929 (M_0014) AOK general local health insurance before 1944 (M_0015) Aukirche, evang.., Austraße 2 vor 1944 (M_0016) AWO-Waldheim (M_1005) Backhaus vor 1944(M_0017) Badstraße (M_0018) Bahnhofstraße vor 1945 (M_0019) Bahnhofstraße ab 1945 (M_0020) Bahnhofvorplatz col vor 1945 (M_0139) Bahnhofvorplatz schwarz-weiß vor 1945 (M_0140) Bahnhofvorplatz nach 1945 (M_0141) Firma Bantel, Hermann (M_1001) Bergstraße (M_1022) Berliner Platz after 1944 (M_0021) Besenwirtschaft (M_0022) Biedermanngasse (M_0023) Bismarck monument color before 1945 (M_0024) Bismarck monument black and white before 1945 (M_0025) Bismarck monument after 1944 (M_0026) Bismarckstraße before 1944 (M_0027) Braille before 1944 (M_0028) Böhringer, Hermann, Restaurant (M_1011) Bollwerksturm vor 1945 (M_0029) Bollwerksturm nach 1945 (M_0030) Botanischer Obstgarten (M_1002) Brenner-Schilling,Postkartenserien (M_0366) Bühnenball, First Heilbronn (M_0149) Central-Hotel (M_0033) CGH Heilbronn after 1945 (M_0034) Christuskirche 1965 (M_0035) Cluss Brewery (M_0036) Dachstein Victim of 1954 (M_0037) Dam School, Dammstraße 14 before 1944 (M_0038) Steamship "Heilbronn" (M_0039) Steam locomotive (M_0040) Demonstrations (M_0041) DeutscherAlpenverein (M_0042) Deutschhof, smaller: Detail oriel black and white before 1945 (M_0043) Deutschhof with Peter and Paul black and white before 1945 (M_0044) Deutschhof photo color before 1945(M_0045) Deutschhof drawings before 1945 (M_0046) Deutschhof, smaller: gable complete photos black and white before 1945 (M_0047) Deutschhof general Photos black-and-white before 1945(M_0048) Deutschhof after 1945 (M_0049) Deutschhofstraße before 1945 (M_0050) Deutscher Weinbaukongress HN after 1945 (M_0051) Third Reich (M_0052) EHO - EhemaligeHeuss-Oberschüler, Vereinigung (M_1014) Eisenhart (M_0053) Eisener Steg color beim Götzenturm (M_0054) Eiserner Steg schwarz-weiß beim Götzenturm (M_0055) Elser, Company, Fabrikation(M_0056) Events, various (M_1015) First World War (M_1016) Protestant social congress before 1945 (M_0057) Falken-Hotel before 1945 (M_0058) Family photos (M_1025) Fegert-Hotel Roßkampffstraße 15-17 (M_0059) Field postcard before 1945 (M_0060) Fire department before 1944 (M_0061) Feyerabendstraße before 1945 (M_0062) Fischergasse before 1945 (M_0063) Flammer, Company (M_1010) Flammer residential house before 1945 (M_0064) Fleiner Strasse before 1945 (M_0065) Fleiner Strasse after 1945 (M_0066) Fleinertor fountain before 1945 (M_0067) Fleinertor fountain since 1945 (M_0068) Airplanes (M_1020) Frankfurterstraße (M_1009) Women's work school Lohtorstraße 36 before 1944 (M_0070) Open-air swimming pool at Gesundbrunnen (M_0071) Open-air theatre (M_1004) Frey, C.F., Yarn, short and long Wollwaren-Großhandel (M_0072) Friedenskirche color vor 1945 (M_0073) Friedenskirche schwarz-weiß hoch vor 1945 (M_0074) Friedenskirche schwarz-weiß quer vor 1945 (M_0075) Friedenskirche nach 1944 (M_0076) Friedensstraße vor 1944 (M_0077) Friedhof-Crematorium Wollhausstraße 134(M_0078) Friedhofstraße (M_0080) Friedrich-Ebert bridge after 1945 (M_0079) Füsilierregiment (M_0081) Gaffenberg (M_0082) Zum Gaffenberg, Café(M_1003) Gartenbau-Ausstellung Harmonie, Harmoniegarten 1926 (M_0083) Gartenstraße (M_0084) Gasfabrik (M_1023) Gastwirtschaft Stadtmauer (M_0085) GemeinnützigeSiedlungsgenossenschaft vor 1945 (M_0086) Gesamtansichten (GA): GA aerial photos before 1945 (M_0087) GA color before 1945 (M_0088) GA black and white with bastion tower before 1945 (M_0089) GA col with bastion tower before 1945 (M_0090) GA black and white with Deutschordenskirche, Kilianskirche vor 1945 (M_0091) GA black and white with Friedenskirche vor 1945 (M_0092) GA colmit Götzenturm vor 1899 (M_0093) GA black and white with Götzenturm vor 1899 (M_0094) GA col with Götzenturm von 1899-1932 (M_0095) GA black and white with Götzenturm von 1899-1932 (M_0096) GAschwarz-weiß Götzenturm, Neckarbrücke 1899-1932 (M_0097) GA col with Götzenturm 1932-1944 (M_0098) GA black and white with Götzenturm 1932-1944 (M_0099) GA black and white Hafenmarktturm, Wartbergvor 1945 (M_0100) GA black and white Neckarbrücke, Kilianskirche vor 1945 (M_0101) GA black-white from east to west before 1945 (M_0102) GA black-white from Wartberg before 1945 (M_0103) GA col after 1945 (M_0104) GA black-white after 1945 (M_0105) GA col Aerial photographs after 1945 (M_0106) GA black-white Aerial photographs with Neckar after 1945 (M_0107) GAschwarz-white aerial photo without Neckar after 1945 (M_0108) Geognostische Triaspyramide im Hof der Dammschule vor 1945 (M_0109) Gesangverein Hoffnung vor 1945 (M_0110) Gewerbekasse vor 1945 (M_0111) Gewerbeschule Paulinenstraße nach 1945 (M_0112) Goethestraße (M_0113) Götzenturm col with construction 1899-1932 (M_0114) Götzenturm schwarz-white with superstructure transverse 1899-1932(M_0115) Götzenturm black-white with superstructure high 1899-1932 (M_0116) Götzenturm col without superstructure before 1945 (M_0117) Götzenturm black-white without superstructure transverse before 1945 (M_0118) Götzenturmschwarz-white without construction high before 1945 (M_0119) Götzenturm color after 1945 (M_0120) Götzenturm black-white after 1945 (M_0121) Götzenturm Götzenturmstraße before 1945 (M_0122) GroßeBahngasse vor 1944 (M_0123) Greeting cards (M_0124) Gustav-Adolf-Fest (M_0125) Gutbrod-Frauenklinik vor 1945 (M_0126) Zum Gutenberg, Gaststätte (M_1012) Haberkasten, Gaststätte(M_0127) Hafen - Kanalhafen vor 1945 (M_0128) Hafen - Kanalhafen color nach 1945 (M_0129) Hafen - Kanalhafen schwarz-weiß nach 1945 (M_0130) Hafen - Wilhelmskanal und Winterhafen vor1945 (M_0131) Hafenmarkt vor 1945 (M_0132) Hafenmarktturm vor 1945 (M_0133) Hafenmarktturm nach 1945 (M_0134) Hagen, Coffee house (M_0135) Harmonie vor 1945 (M_0136) Harmoniecolor nach 1945 (M_0137) Harmonie schwarz-weiß nach 1945 (M_0138) Hauptbahnhof color vor 1945 (M_0142) Hauptbahnhof schwarz-weiß vor 1945 (M_0143) Hauptbahnhof 1945-1957(M_0144) Hauptbahnhof color nach 1957 (M_0145) Hauptbahnhof schwarz-weiß nach 1957 (M_0146) Hauptzollamt, royalty (M_0147) Haus des Handwerks (M_1019) Hauswirtschaftliches Seminar vor1944 (M_0148) Hefenweiler(M_0344) Heilbronner Bühnenball (M_0149) Heilbronner Frühlingsfest vor 1944 (M_0150) Heilbronner Gewerbe-, industrial and art exhibition 1897(M_0151) Heilbronner Glücksorgel Gerhard Heinzel (M_0152) Heilbronner Herbst vor 1945 (M_0153) Heilbronner Madonna (M_0155) Heilbronner Stimme (M_0156) Hostel to the homeland(M_1007) Historisches Museum Kramstraße 10 vor 1945 (M_0157) Historisches Museum Kramstraße 1 nach 1945 (M_0158) Höhere Mädchenschule Gartenstraße (M_0159) Hohe Straße(M_0160) Weinstube Wilhelm Holl (M_1006) Horten-Department store Fleinerstraße (M_0161) Hospice Jugendheim Klarastraße 19 (M_0162) Innere Rosenbergstraße before 1945 (M_0163) Inselhotelcolor (M_0164) Inselhotel black and white after 1945 (M_0165) Jägerhaus color before 1945 (M_0166) Jägerhaus black and whitewhite before 1945 (M_0167) Jägerhaus color after 1945(M_0168) Jägerhaus black-white after 1945 (M_0169) Jägerhausstraße (M_1026) Restaurant Jakobsbrunnen after 1945 (M_0170) Jakobsgasse before 1945 (M_0171) Johannisgasse Photo before 1945 (M_0172) Johannisgasse Drawing before 1945 (M_0173) Youth Hostel Schirrmannstraße (M_0174) Youth Hostel Schützenstraße 16 (M_0175) Jugendkunstschule (M_1041) Jugendwehr(M_1013) Käferflug vor 1945 (M_0176) Käthchen vor 1945 (M_0177) Käthchen nach 1945 (M_0178) Käthchen mit Käthchenhaus color vor 1945 (M_0179) Käthchen mit Käthchenhausschwarz-white before 1945 (M_0180) Käthchen with town hall before 1945 (M_0181) Käthchen with town view before 1945 (M_0182) to Käthchen, Restaurant (M_0183) Käthchendenkmal / Käthchenbrunnennach 1945 (M_0184) Käthchenfestspiele 1929 (M_0185) Käthchenhaus and Kaiserstraße color vor 1945 (M_0186) Käthchenhaus hoch schwarz-weiß vor 1945 (M_0187) Käthchenhaus querschwarz-weiß vor 1945 (M_0188) Käthchenhaus nach 1945 (M_0189) Käthchenhochzeitszug (M_0190) zum Kaiser Friedrich, Gasthof (M_0191) Kaiser-Otto (M_0192) Kaiserhof(M_0193) Kaisersheimer Hof before 1945 (M_0194) Kaiser-Friedrich monument before 1945 (M_0195) Kaiser-Wilhelm monument (M_0196) Kaiser-Wilhelm-Platz (M_0197) Kaiserstraße, lower, color,before 1945 (M_0198) Kaiserstraße, lower, black and white before 1945 (M_0199) Kaiserstraße, middle, before 1944 (M_0200) Kaiserstraße, middle, with Käthchenhaus, before 1944 (M_0201) Kaiserstraße, upper, from east to west, before 1944 (M_0202) Kaiserstrasse after 1945 (M_0203) Karlsgymnasium before 1945 (M_0204) Karlstor-Stop before 1945 (M_0205) Karlstrasse before 1945 (M_0206) Karmeliterstrasse before 1945 (M_0207) Katharinenstift, städt. Alten- und Pflegeheim (M_0208) Katholisches Vereinsheim Schöntalerhof(M_0209) Department store Merkur after 1945 (M_0210) Kegelclub Heilbronn (M_0211) Kilianshallen vor 1944 (M_0212) Kilianskirche, exterior views: Kilianskirche, exterior view before 1906, from northeast (M_0213) Kilianskirche, exterior view before 1906, from northwest color high with Robert Mayer monument (M_0214) Kilianskirche, exterior view before 1906, from northwest color high without Robert Mayer monument (M_0215) Kilianskirche, exterior view before 1906, from northwest color transverse (M_0216) Kilianskirche, exterior view before 1906, from northwest black and white high with Robert Mayer monument (M_0217) Kilianskirche, exterior view before 1906, from northwest black and white high without Robert Mayer monument (M_0218) Kilianskirche, exterior view before 1906, from northwest black and white transverse (M_0219) Kilianskirche, exterior view before 1906, from southwest (M_0220) Kilianskirche, exterior view 1906 to 1944, from northeast (M_0221) Kilianskirche, exterior view 1906 to 1944, from northwest color high with Robert Mayer monument (M_0222) Kilianskirche, Exterior view 1906 to 1944, from northwest color high without Robert-Mayer monument (M_0223) Kilianskirche,exterior view 1906 to 1944, from northwest color crosswise (M_0224) Kilianskirche, exterior view 1906 to 1944, from northwest black and white high with Robert-Mayer monument (M_0225) Kilianskirche,Exterior view 1906 to 1944, from northwest black and white high without Robert Mayer monument (M_0226) Kilianskirche, exterior view 1906 to 1944, from northwest black and white transverse (M_0227) Kilianskirche, exterior view 1906 to 1944, from east (M_0228) Kilianskirche, Exterior view 1906 to 1944, from southeast high (M_0229) Kilianskirche, exterior view 1906 to 1944, from southeast transverse (M_0230) Kilianskirche, exterior view 1906 to 1944, from southwest high (M_0231) Kilianskirche, exterior view 1906 to 1944, from southwest transverse (M_0232) Kilianskirche,Exterior view 1945 to 1953, destruction (M_0233) Kilianskirche, exterior view from 1954, from northwest high color (M_0234) Kilianskirche, exterior view from 1954, from northwest high black and white (M_0235) Kilianskirche, exterior view from 1954, from northwest transverse (M_0236) Kilianskirche, Exterior view from 1954, from southwest (M_0237) Kiliansturm, exterior view before 1945(M_0238) Kiliansturm, exterior view after 1945 (M_0239) Kiliansmännle (M_0240) Kilianskirche, portals (M_0241) Kilianskirche, bells (M_0242) Kilianskirche, interior views: Kilianskirche, window (M_1032) Kilianskirche, interior views before 1945 (M_0243) Kilianskirche, interior views after 1945 (M_0244) Kilianskirche, high altar general view (M_0245) Kilianskirche, high altar Predella (M_0246) Kilianskirche, high altar partial view: side wing (M_0247) Kilianskirche, high altar shrine (M_0248) Kilianskirche, high altar blast (M_0249) Kilianskirche, pulpit (M_0250) Kilianskirche, St. Kilian, figure (M_0251) Kilianskirche, organ gallery with organ (M_0252) Kilianskirche, Taufstein(M_1033) View from the Kilianskirche (M_0253) Kiliansplatz color vor 1945 (M_0254) Kiliansplatz schwarz-weiß vor 1945 (M_0255) Kiliansplatz nach 1945 (M_0256) Kinderfest vor1945 (M_0257) Kirchbrunnen vor 1945 (M_0258) Kirchbrunnen nach 1945 (M_0259) Kirchbrunnenstraße color vor 1945 (M_0260) Kirchbrunnenstraße vor 1945 (M_0260) Kirchbrunnenstraße color vor 1945 (M_0256) Kinderfest vor1945 (M_0257) Kirchbrunnen vor 1945 (M_0258) Kirchbrunnen nach 1945 (M_0259) Kirchbrunnenstraße vor 1945 (M_0260) Kirchbrunnenstraße color vor 1945 (M_258)white before 1945(M_0261) Kirchbrunnenstraße black-white drawing before 1945 (M_0262) Kirchbrunnenstraße after 1945 (M_0263) Kirchhöfle (M_0264) Klarastraße vor 1945 (M_0265) Kleine Bahngasse vor1945 (M_0266) Kleine Metzgergasse (M_0267) Klinik-Clowns (M_0268) Klostergasse vor 1945 (M_0269) Knorr, Company (M_0270) Kochschule Heilbronn (M_0271) Köpferbrunnen (M_0272) Köpfersee (M_0273) Kramstraße (M_1038) Hospital, municipal hospital, city of Heilbronn (M_0271), am Gesundbrunnen (M_0274) Hospital, municipal, Jägerhausstraße (M_0275) Hospital, municipal, municipal, M_0275 Paulinenstraße vor1945 (M_0276) Kreissparkasse Exhibitions (M_0277) War Memorial at Kaiser-Wilhelm-Platz (M_0278) Hotel Kronprinz (M_0279) Künstlerbund (M_1018) Kulturwerkhaus Zigarrenfabrik(M_0280) Lachmann, Johann, exhibition (M_0281) Landauer, department store (M_0282) Landauer and Macholl (M_0283) Landesausstellung (M_1034) Landesgartenschau 1985(M_0284) Landesturnfest, Swabian (M_0285) Landstorm Battalion Heilbronn (M_0286) Landwehr-Infanterie-Regiment (M_0287) Lazarett (M_0288) Lehrerseminar, color, vor 1945(M_0289) Lehrerseminar, sw, vor 1945 (M_0290) Zum Lerchenberg, Restaurant (M_0291) Lerchenstraße (M_0292) Lessingstraße (M_0293) Licht-Luft-Bad (M_0294) Liederkranzhaus (M_0295) Lohtorstraße (M_0296) Ludendorff-Kaserne (M_0297) Majoretten (M_0298) Maria von den Nesseln (M_0299) Marine- und Colonialausstellung (M_1037) Marineverein(M_0300) Marktplatz, color, before 1945 (M_0301) Marktplatz mit Kilianskirche, color, before 1945 (M_0302) Marktplatz und Käthchenhaus und Rathaus mit Markt, sw, before 1945 (M_0303) Marktplatz und Käthchenhaus und Rathaus ohne Markt, sw, before 1945 (M_0304) Marktplatz mit Kilianskirche, sw, before 1945 (M_0305) Marktplatz Ostseite mit Rathaus, sw, before 1945 (M_0306) MarktplatzWestside with town hall with market, b/w, before 1945 (M_0307) Marktplatz Westside with town hall without market, b/w, before 1945 (M_0308) Marktplatz Zeichnung, b/w, before 1945 (M_0309) Marktplatz, color, ab1953 (M_0310) Marktplatz, b/w, ab 1953 (M_0311) Martin-Luther-Kirche (evangelisch), Beethovenstraße 17 (M_0312) Mehrbildkarten (alter Betreff...) "(Collective Views): Multi-image maps before 1945: Multiimage cards, color, 2 motives, before 1945 (M_0440) Multiimage cards, color, 3 motives, before 1945 (M_0441) Multiimage cards, color, 4 motives, before 1945 (M_0442) Multiimage cards, color, 5 and more motives, before 1945 (M_0443) Multiimage cards, black and white, 2 motives, before 1945 (M_0444) Multiimage cards, black and white, 3 motifs, before 1945 (M_0445) multi-picture cards, black and white, 4 motifs, before 1945 (M_0446) multi-picture cards, black and white, 5 motifs, before 1945 (M_0447) multi-picture cards, black and white, 6 motifs, before 1945 (M_0448) multi-picture cards, black and white, 7 and more motifs, before 1945 (M_0449) multi-picture cards, after 1945: Multi-image cards, color, 2 motives, after 1945 (M_0450) Multi-image cards, color, 3 motives, after 1945 (M_0451) Multi-image cards, color, 4 motives, after 1945 (M_0452) Multi-image cards, color, 5 motives, after 1945 (M_0453) Multi-image cards, color, 6 motives, after 1945 (M_0454) Multi-image cards, color, 7 and more motives, after 1945 (M_0455) Multi-image cards, black-and-white, 2-3 motifs, after 1945 (M_0456) multi-picture cards, black-and-white, 4 motifs, after 1945 (M_0457) multi-picture cards, black-and-white, 5 motifs, after 1945 (M_0458) multi-picture cards, black-and-white, 6 motifs, after 1945 (M_0459) multi-picture cards, black-and-white, 7 and more motifs, after 1945 (M_0460) multi-picture cards with small box: Multiimage cards with kethchen, color, before 1945 (M_0461) Multiimage cards with kethchen, black and white, before 1945 (M_0462) Multiimage cards with kethchen, color, after 1945 (M_0463) Multiimage cards with kethchen,black and white, after 1945 (M_0464) military association (M_0313) Mönchseestraße (M_0314) Moltkekaserne, color (M_0315) Moltkekaserne, sw (M_0316) Moltkestraße (M_0317) CaféMorlock, Kaiserstraße 31 (M_0318) Mosergasse (M_0319) Music bands and clubs (M_1031) Nachtgewandt, series (M_1017) Nägelingasse (M_0320) Naturfreunde (M_0321) Neckarohne Schiffe, color, before 1945 (M_0322) Neckar without ships (M_0322), sw, before 1945 (M_0323) Neckar, drawings, before 1945 (M_0324) Neckar after 1945 (M_0325) Neckar, flood, before 1945 (M_0326) Neckar with ships, color, before 1945 (M_0327) Neckar with ships, sw, before 1945 (M_0328) Neckar with ships after 1945 (M_0329) Neckar frozen before 1945 (M_0330) Neckar bridge from north, color, before 1945 (M_0331) Neckar bridge from north, sw, before 1945 (M_0332) Neckar bridge from southeast, color, before 1945 (M_0333) Neckarbrücke from southeast, sw, before 1945 (M_0334) Neckarbrücke from southwest, with Bismarck monument, color, before 1945 (M_0335) Neckarbrücke from southwest, without Bismarck monument, color, before 1945 (M_0336) Neckar bridge from southwest with Bismarck monument, black, before 1945 (M_0337) Neckar bridge from southwest, without Bismarck monument, black, before 1905 (M_0338) Neckar bridge from southwest, without bismackdenkmal, black, 1905 to 1945(M_0339) Neckarbrücke from west, color, before 1945 (M_0340) Neckarbrücke from west, black, before 1945 (M_0341) Neckarecho (M_0342) Neckarhalde, urban. Outdoor swimming pool (M_0343) NeckarsulmerStraße (M_0345) Nicolaikirche, ev, Sülmerstraße 72 (M_0346) Nordbergstraße (M_1027) NSU (M_0347) Obere Neckarstraße, color, before 1945 (M_0348) Obere Neckarstraße, sw, before 1945 (M_0349) Obere Neckarstraße, after 1945 (M_0350) Olgastraße (M_1035) Olympic Exhibition (M_0351) Oststraße (M_0352) Paradiesgasse (M_0353) Passagencafé(M_0354) Paulinenstraße (M_0355) Pauluskirche, Methodist congregation (M_0356) Pfühlstraße (M_1024) Philatelist Association (M_1039) Pilsner-Bierstube (M_0370) Gasthof zur Post(M_0357) Postamt Allee (M_0358) Postamt Bahnhofstraße (M_0359) Postamt Kaiserstraße 2 (M_0360) Postkarten bis 1889 (M_1028) Postkarten 1890 bis 1899 (M_1029) Postkarten 1900bis 1945 (M_0361) Postkarten nach 1945 (M_0362) Postkartenserien: Leporellos (M_0363) postcard series: Pen drawings of H (M_0364) postcard series: Gauss-Verlag(M_1045) postcard series: Karl Schüler (M_0365) Postcard series: Published by C. Brenner-Schilling before 1945 (M_0366) Postcard series: P. Härle (M_0367) Postcard series:Gebrüder-Metz-Verlag vor 1945 (M_0368) Postcard series: Fritz-Seel-Verlag (M_0369) Postcards from Foto-Mangold (only outside Heilbronn and surroundings) (M_1021) Priesterwaldkaserne(M_0371) Rathaus, outside views before 1945: Town hall, outside views before 1945, photo b/w, portrait, from southeast (M_0373) Town hall, outside views before 1945, photo b/w, portrait, from southwest (M_0374) Town hall, outside views before 1945, photo b/w, landscape, frontal view, empty market place (M_0375) Town hall, outside views before 1945, Photo b/w, landscape, frontal view, withcars (M_0376) Rathaus, outside views before 1945, photo b/w, landscape, frontal view, with weekly market (M_0377) Rathaus, outside views before 1945, photo b/w, landscape, from southeast, until 1905(M_0378) Rathaus, outside views before 1945, Photo sw, landscape format, from southeast, 1905-1944, empty market place, with Robert-Mayer monument (M_0379) town hall, outside views before 1945, photo sw, landscape format, from southeast, 1905-1944, empty market place, without Robert-Mayer monument (M_0380) town hall, outside views before 1945, Photo sw, landscape format, from southeast, 1905-1944, with cars, with Robert Mayer monument (M_0381) Rathaus, exterior views before 1945, photo sw, landscape format, from southeast, 1905-1944, with cars, without Robert Mayer monument (M_0382) Rathaus, exterior views before 1945, photo sw, landscape format, from southeast, 1905-1944, with cars, with weekly market (M_0383) town hall, outside views before 1945, photo b/w, landscape format, from southwest, empty market place (M_0384) town hall, outside views before 1945, photo b/w, landscape format, from southwest, with cars (M_0385) town hall, outside views before 1945, Photo sw, landscape format, from southwest, with weekly market (M_0386) town hall, outside views before 1945, photo color, portrait format (M_0387) town hall, outside views before 1945, photo color, landscape format, frontal view (M_0388) town hall, outside views before 1945, photo color, landscape format, from southeast, empty market place (M_0389) town hall, exterior views before 1945, photo color, landscape format, from southeast, with cars (M_0390) town hall, exterior views before 1945, photo color, landscape format, from southeast, with weekly market (M_0391) town hall, exterior views before 1945, Photo color, landscape format, from southwest (M_0392) town hall, outside views before 1945, graphic sw(M_0393) town hall, outside views before 1945, graphic color, portrait format (M_0394) town hall, outside views before 1945, graphic color, landscape format (M_0395) town hall, outside views after 1945: Rathaus, exterior views, 1945-1952 (M_0396) Rathaus, exterior views from 1953, photo color, portrait format (M_0397) Rathaus, exterior views from 1953, photo color, landscape format, frontal view (M_0398) Rathaus, exterior views from 1953, photo color, landscape format, from southeast (M_0399) town hall, exterior views from 1953, photo color, landscape format, from southwest (M_0400) town hall, exterior views from 1953, photo b/w, portrait format (M_0401) town hall, exterior views from 1953, photo b/w, landscape format, frontal view (M_0402) town hall, Exterior views from 1953, photo b/w, landscape format, from southeast (M_0403) town hall, exterior views from 1953, photo b/w, landscape format, from southwest (M_0404) town hall, exterior views from 1953, graphics (M_0405) town hall facade, astronomical clock before1945, color (M_0406) Rathausfasade, Astronomische Uhr vor 1945, sw (M_0407) Rathausfasade, Astronomische Uhr, ab 1945 (M_0408) Rathausfasade, Details (M_0409) Rathausinnenhof(M_0410) Rathaus mit Weihnachtsbaum (M_1030) Rathaus, Innenansichten: Rathaus, Innenansichten, Bürgerausschusssaal (M_0411) Rathaus, Innenansichten, Diele und Treppenhaus (M_0412) Rathaus, Innenansichten, Großer Ratssaal(M_0413) Rathaus, Innenansichten, Kleiner Ratssaal (M_0414) Rathaus, Innenansichten, Trauraum (M_0415) Rathaus, Innenansichten, Trauraum antechamber (M_0416) Rathenauplatz(M_0417) Ratscafé (M_0418) Ratskeller before 1945, color (M_0419) Ratskeller before 1945, sw (M_0420) Ratskeller after 1945 (M_0421) Rauchsche Papierfabrik vor 1945 (M_0422) WeinstubeRechkemmer (M_0423) Reichsarbeitsdienst (M_1036) Company Reiner, Johann Ludwig, Cigars (M_0424) Rembold, lithographic institution (M_0425) Robert Mayer monument until 1939, market place (M_0426) Robert Mayer monument, avenue (M_0427) Robert Mayer monument, city garden (M_0428) Robert Mayer monument, Marktplatz ab 1990 (M_0429) Robert-Mayer-Gymnasium vor 1945 (formerly Realgymnasium/Oberrealschule) (M_0430) Robert-Mayer-Museum (M_0431) Rosenau-Brewery (M_0432) Rosenbergbrücke (M_0433) Rosenbergstraße (M_0434) Red Cross Heilbronn (M_0435) Hotel Royal (M_0436) Rudergesellschaft Schwaben (M_0437) Sängerfeste (M_0438) Salzstraße (M_1040) Salzwerk Heilbronn (M_0439)