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BArch, R 2/11496 · Akt(e) · 1894, 1938-1940
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Definition of competence between the foreign organisation of the NSDAP and state foreign offices, 1938 claim by Deutsche Lufthansa for transport remuneration for letters from the Foreign Office, 1939 maintenance costs for German lecturers abroad, 1939 letter from the Reich Minister of Science, Education and Popular Education to the Reich Minister of Finance, 1939 Die Konsularakademie in Wien, internationale Akademie für Politik und Volkswirtschaft (Druck), Vienna 1937 Staff level of the Austro-Hungarian Empire Oriental Academy in Vienna, Nov. 1894 Establishment of the Consular Academy in Vienna - Design by Dr. Walter Schmitt, former director of the foreign policy training centre of the NSDAP in Berlin-Dahlem as well as recording of the Legation Council of Etzdorf/Foreign Office, 1939 relief measures in Spain on the occasion of the liberation of Spanish territories by the national Spanish troops, 1939 compensation to neutral countries for sinking their ships - Question of Budgetary Jurisdiction, 1939 Planned Expansion of the Economic Department of the German Embassy in Moscow due to Impending Economic Agreement with the Soviet Union, 1939

Foreign exhibitions
PrAdK 0395 · Akt(e) · 1868 - 1886
Teil von Archive of the Academy of Arts

Table of Contents/Rubrum (pages 1-3). Invitations to participate in exhibitions, programs (prints). Prize Exhibition of Objects of Science...' in Zaragoza, 1868 (page 4). International Art Exhibitions in Munich 1869 (pp. 5-15), 1879 (pp. 101-113, 119f., 139), 1883 (pp. 250-258, 264-266, 306f.), Statute (pp. 177f., 251f.). International Art and Trade Exhibition in London 1871 (pp. 16-21), Regulativ für diese Ausstellung (pp. 19f.), exhibition in the Crystal Palace 1884 (pp. 328-330, 338).<br />Great three-year art exhibition in Gent 1871 (pp. 22, 32-36, 61f.), 1877 (pp. 78), 1880 (pp. 136f.). Art and Industry Exhibition in Trieste, Sept. to Oct. 1871 (pp. 24f.).<br />World Exhibition in Philadelphia 1876 (pp. 37-49, 65-75).<br />Art Exhibition in Brussels 1875 (pp. 50-54), 1878 (pp. 89-93).<br />Vienna Historical Art Exhibition 1876 (pp. 55, 58). General Art Exhibition in Madrid 1875 (pp. 56f.), 1877 (pp. 79-83, 150), 1881 (pp. 149, 151, 174f.), 201-205).<br />Art and crafts exhibition in Munich 1876 (pp. 58-60).<br />General Swiss Art Exhibition 1877 (pp. 63), 1878 (pp. 86), 1880 (pp. 131), 1881 (pp. 153).<br />Art exhibitions of the Königlich Sächsischen Akademie der bildenden Künste zu Dresden, 1877 (pp. 76), 1878 (pp. 94-97, letter by Julius Hübner pp. 94, catalogue pp. 96), 1879 (pp. 117f., 121), 1882 (pp. 233f.).<br />Art exhibition of the Kölnischer Kunstverein 1877 (pp. 84).<br />Permanent exhibition of the Zürcherische Künstlergesellschaft 1878/1879 (pp. 87). Exhibitions of the National Association of Fine Arts in Hungary 1878 (pp. 98f.). Art exhibition in Riga, 1879 (pp. 114-116). General exhibition of art, science and industry products for young people 1879 (page 123). Exhibition at the Milan Art Academy 1879 (pp. 125-130). International exhibition in Melbourne 1880 (pp. 132f.). Exhibition Siebenbürger Volkstrachten 1880 (pp. 134f.). IV. General German Art Exhibition 1880 (pp. 140, 155). Exhibition of paintings in Florence 1880 (pp. 143-147).<br />Commercial and Industrial Exhibition in Hall 1881 (pp. 154, 158).<br />Permanent Art Exhibition in Leipzig (pp. 157). General Construction Exhibition in Braunschweig 1881 (pp. 162-166).<br />Exhibitions of the Leipziger Kunstverein 1881 (pp. 167).<br />Art Exhibition in Lille (pp. 169f.).<br />International Art Exhibition in Vienna 1882 (pp. 171, 176, 174, 176-220, 225-228, 231, 40 and more).<br />International Art Exhibition in Vienna 1882 (pp. 171, 176, 174, 176-220, 225-228, 231, 40 and more)a. Efforts of the Main Board of the German Art Cooperative to Grant State Subsidies for a Representative Participation of German Artists, pp. 174, 181, 194-200, 231f.; Meetings of the Commission for the Vienna Art Exhibition, 5 Nov. 1881, pp. 207f., 22 Dec 1881 sheet 206). Report by Adolf Heyden on the trip to Vienna for the planned participation in the exhibition (pp. 210-215.). Ground plan and cross-section of the Künstlerhaus in Vienna, print (p. 216). Plan of the exhibition hall for the German Reich, ink [by Hand Heydens] (p. 217). Allgemeine Deutsche Patent- und Mustererschutz-Ausstellung in Frankfurt a.M. 1881 (pp. 172).<br />Exhibitions of the Ostdeutscher Kunstverein 1882 (pp. 221-223), 1886 (pp. 347). International Art Exhibition in Rome 1882/1883 (pp. 229, 244). Exhibitions of the Kunstverein für die Rheinlande und Westfalen 1882 (pp. 236), 1883 (pp. 299), 1884 (pp. 337). Exhibition of student works of the Königliche Kunstgewerbeschule Dresden (Bl. 237). Exhibition of paintings of old masters by J. H. Hassk in Hamburg, Apr. 1882 (Bl. 238f.). Art exhibition in Antwerp 1882 (pp. 241f.), 1885 (pp. 344-346). International Colonial and Export Exhibition, Art Department, Amsterdam 1883 (pp. 245-248, 309-313, 331-336). Electrical engineering exhibition in Munich (pp. 249, 267, 308, 314-316, 340-343 and others). Report on the use of the electrical s for art and teaching purposes, pp. 269-291. Exhibition of the Art Association for Bohemia in Prague 1883 (pp. 260-262), 1884 (pp. 325-327). Exhibition of the Association of German Drawing Teachers of student drawing works and teaching aids for drawing lessons 1884 (pp. 292-298).<br />International Special Exhibition of Graphic Arts in Vienna 1883 (pp. 300-305, Statute pp. 304). Grand Foreign Exhibition Boston 1883 (pp. 317-320). Eduard Almond Exhibition of the art dealer Amsler