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Werner, Anton von
Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, VI. HA, Nl Werner, A. v. · Bestand
Teil von Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

The painter Anton von Werner was born on 9 May 1843 in Frankfurt an der Oder. He belonged to the Düsseldorf School, his teachers were K. Lessing and A. Schrödter. He became famous after 1870 for his [...] paintings to glorify the Hohenzollern monarchy (e.g. Moltke in Versailles, Kaiserproklamation) [...]. In 1875 A. v. Werner became director of the Berlin Academy of Arts. His long-standing friendship with the poet J. V. v. Scheffel led him to produce illustrations for all of Scheffel's works. A. v. Werner died on 4 January 1915 in Berlin. Literature: Adolf Rosenberg: Anton von Werner in: Velhagen and Klasing's artist monographs. "Erlebnisse und Eindrücke 1870-1890" (Self Biography), Berlin 1913 The estate consists of written records and numerous drawings. For the latter a special list was made in 1951 by Mrs. L. Enders. The materials were found after the war when the archives of the former Prussian Secret State Archive and the former Reichsarchiv were transferred to the former "State Archive" in Merseburg. The documents are partly very damaged; correspondence and manuscripts are incomplete. Nothing can be determined about the origin of the stock. The annual reports of the former Prussian Secret State Archives (Rep. 178) do not mention it. A note "Lilli von Werner 1941" merely proves that he could not have reached an archive before 1941. Presumably it was outsourced during the war with the holdings of the GStA or the Reichsarchiv, without any written information having been preserved about it. Scope: 3 running meters (plus drawings) period ca. 1867-1915 Merseburg, 26 April 1960 Herricht short preliminary remark to the drawings: In April 2002, for the sake of simplicity, the drawings were re-signed according to serial numbers (starting with the fictitious number 5000) with the candidates Mrs. Gesell, Mrs. Neumann and Mr. Breitfeld. A corresponding concordance can be found at the end of this finding aid book. At the beginning of 2012, the drawings from the former number 9 (50 individual sheets) were recorded in detail and separated into separate units of description (No. 5740-5787). Among these drawings was also the missing second half of No. 5385, which were now brought together. The present overview represents a preliminary state of affairs until the pending corresponding processing of the remaining drawings has been completed. Berlin, 2.7.2013 Chief Archive Inspector Sylvia Rose Description of the holdings: Lebensdaten: 1843 - 1914 Findmittel: Datenbank; Findbuch, 2 Bde