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Description archivistique
Collection of wall attacks (inventory)
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, J 151 · Collection · 1900-1945
Fait partie de Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)
  1. the history of the collection: The term "wall attacks" for the posters kept in this inventory is contemporary. It refers to the simple mounting: not like advertising posters on splendid advertising pillars, but on simple wall walls they were fastened visibly for everyone. The war situation requires simple use. Wall attacks were often used in the occupied territories. But even in the home country there was little room for such posters. The poor equipment of these posters is a consequence of this situation. The war situation allowed only simple, often newspaper-thin paper. As a rule, there was no graphic design, but the text poster predominates, on which at most the title (often the word "Bekanntmachung") is highlighted in large letters. Sometimes the paper is dyed with a signal colour, which can perhaps be interpreted as a preliminary stage of a graphic design. A more elaborate design for political posters only emerged during the First World War (Ursula Zeller. The Early Period of the Political Image Poster in Germany (1848-1918), Stuttgart 1987, especially Chapter 7). The advertising posters contained in this collection for the subscription of war loans offer charming examples of this. Such graphically designed and aesthetically "beautiful" posters, however, only make up a vanishing part of the collection of wall attacks. After all, it contains pieces by artists such as Hanns Anker, Lucian Bernhard, Alexander U. Cay, Fritz Erler, Louis Oppenheim and Egon Tschirch. However, most of the pieces kept in this collection are not such posters, but pure text posters without a graphic or even pictorial design. The collection of wall attacks was established in the army archive, Stuttgart branch, in the 1920s and continued for decades. Little is known about the motifs, the conception of the collection and the practical collecting activity from this period. A general interest in wall attacks can be established early on: some wall attacks were already reprinted in reduced size in brochures during the war (such booklets can be found in the HSTAS collection of publications) and even sold in the front area (cf. J 151 No. 1240). From the available material it can be concluded that the employees of the Army Archives in principle included every piece in their collection that they could get hold of. In comparison to today's collection concepts, a broad collection was intended. It was by no means restricted to German or even southwest German wall attacks. However, the existing collection sources were not always able to meet the high demands: often gaps remained which could only be taken into account with a few pieces or not at all. A lot can be said about the collection sources. It can be assumed that some of the wall stops were taken from files, which can be seen today in the perforations at the edges of the former multiple-folded piece. Other pieces contain official notes on the poster on the back or at the bottom. By the way, the group that carries a stamp "Landsturm Infanterie Bataillon Calw" or Leonberg is comparatively large. The fact that a third (523) of the 1622 Wall attacks of the western front came from the stage commandantur Roubaix can only be explained by the fact that a Württemberg regiment was stationed there, apparently like the two Landsturm infantry battalions mentioned a source for the collection of the army archive. Other stage commandantures for which such a connection was missing are accordingly sporadically considered. Stamps show that pieces were also taken from related institutions (in exchange?): namely from the Königlich Württembergischen Armeemuseum and from the Deutsche Bücherei Leipzig. A larger group of pieces has been extracted from the pamphlet collection of the Army Archives (now part of the Main State Archives J 150) and integrated into the collection of wall attacks. Over a certain period, the two collections held in the Army Archives overlapped. In addition - but to a lesser extent - wall stops were taken from Luck's collection and from estates (Hahn's estate, later also Haußmann's estate) and added to the collection. Some accesses from the Staatsarchiv Ludwigsburg might be relatively young. The collection of wall attacks was added to the collection of the Main State Archives before 1974 from the holdings of the Army Archives. It was given the signature J 151. The background to the abolition of the quite sensible delimitation of the holdings between the collections of the Military Archives and the J holdings of the Main State Archives can no longer be discerned. Even before this relocation, the collection of wall attacks was arranged by the student Markus Braun in the army archive in 1954 and provisionally indexed by a twelve-page find book. The collection continued to receive further additions, especially from estates. The comprehensive conception of the collection failed in practice due to the limitations of the collection sources. Not all areas could be documented equally intensively. The collection covers the period from 1914 to 1948, including the post-war period of the Second World War. In quantitative terms, the focus is clearly on the First World War (2582 wall attacks totalling approx. 2700) and here again on wall attacks from the western front (1622 vs. 599 from the eastern front). These are mainly wall attacks by the (German) occupying power, to a lesser extent also those of Austrian provenance. Only a few wall attacks were made by the opponents (France and Russia) at that time. Another group are the pieces used in Germany (on the "home front") themselves. As provenances (publishers of the Wall attacks) both civilian (Generalgouvernement Belgium, French mayor's offices) and military authorities (army high commandos, stage inspections and commandant's offices) are represented, often combined with each other (at the level of stage commandant's offices and mayor's offices). In terms of content, these are often ordinances and communications from the crew to the local population. The wall attacks serve, for example, to announce war economic measures such as setting maximum prices, recording stocks that can be used for military purposes, announcing the punishment of locals or to incite desired behaviour among the population of the occupied area, such as observance of curfews, blackout measures or a ban on meetings. An interesting group are the wall attacks with "information" about the war situation, with which the resistance should be broken or at least discouraged. In the homeland, wall attacks served to call for recruits, to call for donations and to propaganda against the hostile powers, but also to strengthen national self-confidence, to advertise cultural events and to announce war economic measures. 2. processing of the stock: The merit of the work of the student Markus Braun of 1954 lay more in the order of the extensive collection than in its indexing. Braun limited the indexing to a group entry, for which the scheme "Regulations and notices: Etappenkommandantur XY, year, number of pieces" is typical. Wall attacks of the same kind were united to form a group and this group was described as generally as possible in the manner indicated. For reasons of time, it was probably not the intention to go into the contents of the individual pieces, which Braun, however, signed individually. Already the supplements to the finding aid book by later supplements tend in contrast to an individual indexing, thus to a description of each individual piece. Such a thorough indexing is finally standard for the poster collections begun in the 1970s in the Main State Archives (J 153, J 154 and J 154/5), which, unlike the Wall attacks, have no historical relevance. With the exception of minor changes, however, the order of the brown wall stops could essentially be maintained. The structure of his find book is therefore almost identical to that of the present one. Also, the old Braun signature runs in principle parallel with the present Numerus currens (which determines the place of storage). But since Braun started the counting with 1 again with each new larger group, a concordance of the signatures is attached to the find book. The individual development was therefore the aim of the reworking begun in October 1989. At the same time, it served to introduce the aspirants trained in the Main State Archives to the cataloguing of posters as an example for the work on collections. On the occasion of the reworking, better packaging was also provided. The wall stops were repackaged in acid-free DIN A 1 envelopes, also in order to avoid as far as possible the folds (especially cross folds) harmful to the very thin paper. Smaller cracks were also repaired. The new indexing was based on the MIDEPLAK (EDP) mask developed in cooperation with LAD in the summer of 1989 and a data sheet designed for this purpose. This data entry mask, which can be used under the MIDOSA program package, should not only be usable for wall stops, but should also be able to be used for IT data entry for all types of posters (advertising posters and political posters). The description of the wall stops is arranged according to the following scheme in the finding aid book: The order number in the upper left corner is only relevant for the order of the description and references from the index. For storage in the magazine and also for ordering the pieces, only the order number is used, which can be found at the end of the description of the individual unit. The title of the poster is treated as a quotation and is therefore enclosed in quotation marks. If necessary, additions are added for identification. Most of the titles are "regulation", "notice" and the like, and the editor then had to further specify the content in his own words. Several titles on a wall attack are quite conceivable. The title is reproduced in the original language, only in Slavic languages it is translated or transcribed. The runtime usually specifies the print or publication date. In the next line, the reason for the occurrence of the wall stop - as far as known - is given, but this is comparatively seldom the case with the wall stops. This is followed by information about the publisher, graphics, print, persons responsible in terms of press law, etc. The formal information includes the format of the poster and the number of pieces stored. The description of the visual representation takes place in a separate block. Since the stock at hand is mainly made up of text posters, an actual image description is omitted in over 90 percent of cases. In the case of pure text posters, a reference is made here to special features in the design (multiple columns, highlighting, colouring) or to the languages used (in extreme cases up to seven different ones). At the time of the creation of graphically designed political posters, such things can already be seen as elements of a graphic design. Before the final order signature, the provenances (here in the sense of collection sources) and the preliminary signatures must be indicated. Within the same category, the wall stops are usually arranged chronologically. Pieces that cannot be dated or only dated to the year appear at the end. As a rule, the date of a prescription is decisive for dating. In the case of wall attacks with ordinances of different dates, the last date closer to the publication date is decisive for the chronological classification. In the case of local meetings, the order is alphabetical. A folder with various French food ration cards from the Second World War was taken from the collection and incorporated into the relevant collection J 524, which has since been opened. The collection of wall attacks contains around 2,700 copies without counting the duplicates. The reworking of the wall attacks took place from autumn 1989 to summer 1993 under the direction of the undersigned within the framework of the introductory and intermediate practical courses of the candidates of the 26th, 27th, 28th and 30th training courses. The cooperating candidates were: Hartmut Obst, Andrea Rösler, Petra Schad, Jutta Stockhammer and Martina Wagner from 26., Bettina Heiß, Sybille Kraiss, Barbara Löslein, Jörg Martin, Armin Roether, Daniel Stihler, Martin Walter and Regina Witzmann from 27.Andrea Binz, Armin Braun, Daniela Deckwart, Astrid Groh, Katja Hoffmann and Nicole Röck from the 28th and Michael Bing, Dorothea Kiwitt, Michael Konrad, Manuela Nordmeyer, Annelie Jägersküpper and Christian Schlafner from the 30th training course. Neuenstein, September 1996Dr. Peter Schiffer In the spring of 1998, approximately 370 wall attacks from the time of the First World War, which were presumably delivered there in the 1950s, were transferred from the Heilbronn City Archives to the Main State Archives. The largest part of the collection is made up of wall attacks of the Roubaix stage commandant, the smaller part of those of the VI Army Command and stage inspections 2, 4, 5 and 6 and other editors. With the exception of the pieces kept in the Supplement to fonds J 151 under serial number 2717-2734, these are almost exclusively duplicates or other multiple copies of wall attacks that already exist in fonds J 151. In detail, the following status numbers have been increased by this delivery: 5, 16, 770-773, 775, 778, 780, 783, 788, 794, 872, 874, 875, 877, 879, 881, 883, 885, 887-893, 895-897, 909, 911, 913, 978-1306 (without serial numbers 980-984, 987-990, 993-998, 1001, 1003, 1004, 1006, 1009-1012, 1014, 1022, 1025, 1030, 1031, 1033, 1035, 1036, 1040, 1047, 1050, 1051, 1053, 1057, 1058, 1062-1070, 1075, 1076, 1078-1080, 1092, 1110, 1112, 1114, 1120, 1127, 1130, 1131, 1136, 1138, 1141, 1145, 1155, 1164, 1165, 1167, 1171, 1173, 1174, 1178, 1180, 1183, 1190-1193, 1196, 1203, 1207, 1209, 1213, 1216, 1218-1220, 1222, 1236, 1238, 1240, 1244, 1249, 1250, 1255-1258, 1267, 1272, 1300), 1336, 1477, 1479, 1480, 1602, 2312. May 1998 Eberhard Merk In 2002 Eberhard Merk revised and corrected the title listings and the overall index. In the summer of 2003, Wolf-Dieter Dorn's file of the distortion of the wall attacks, which was only available as a Word document, was converted into an Access database from which the online version of the finding aid book could be generated. The duplicated index with detailed index is still based on the Word document. September 2003 Regina Keyler
L 51 Foreign ownership (portfolio)
Landesarchiv NRW Abteilung Ostwestfalen-Lippe, L 51 · Fonds · 1031-1796
Fait partie de Landesarchiv NRW East Westphalia-Lippe Department (Archivtektonik)

Introduction 1st history of ownership The Detmold stock L 51 Foreign ownership of Lippe is divided into several local subgroups. The connection of these places consists in the fact that they contain different lippic rights (possessions, claims, pledges and bailiwicks) outside the closed territory. On the one hand it is a zone not far from the actual dominion area in the north or north-west (Enger, Bünde, Quernheim and Dünner Mark as well as Ulenburg), on the other hand it is also more distant areas such as the Beyenburg an der Wupper office, the sovereign dominion of Vianen south of Utrecht and the Freckenhorst monastery near Münster. In terms of time, however, the files on the individual groups are far apart, as they contain events from the 15th to the end of the 18th century (apart from copies of older documents supposedly dating back to 1031). Beyenburg was part of the duchy of Jülich-Kleve-Berg, but had served as the widow's seat of Countess Maria von Waldeck, who died in 1593. After this, negotiations and the actual takeover as a pledge by Count Simon VI zur Lippe took place, whereupon the administration by his officials (from 1597), which lasted for a decade, and the quite soon redemption by Jülich (1607) took place. The Lippe administration consisted of three persons, the rent master Wilhelm von Pylsum, who was taken over by Jülich and replaced by Hermann Kirchmann in 1602, another bailiff and the forester. The affairs of the office are reflected above all in the correspondence of the rent master and the bailiff with the count to the Lippe. In addition, account books and lists of receipts and expenditures have been preserved, and the two changes of government each led to an inventory of the rights and goods held there. The fact that the dismissed rent master of Pylsum and Count Simon VI also had a dispute over the years with Lippe has also found its expression in the records. In the village of Bünde, the Lippe rights consisted mainly of market duties, which are documented for some years (1551-1560) as well as external interventions against these rights. The office of Enger had been pledged to Bishop Wilhelm von Paderborn by the noblemen of Lippe in 1409. In the 16th century, the counts of zur Lippe repeatedly attempted to trigger the pledge at the Dukes of Jülich, to whom Enger had meanwhile come. Special activities developed in this respect under Count Simon VI in the years since 1576. The recovery did not succeed because there were disagreements about the exact scope of the pledged office. However, due to the establishment of a commission to delimit and record the Lippic rights there, protocols were drawn up containing an inventory of Enger around 1578. The files of the Quernheim monastery refer to the women's abbey there, the bailiwick of which the Counts of Lippe had held since the 13th century. In the 16th century, the abbesses there made frequent use of them, for example to protect their own people against attacks by representatives of the Minden monastery, but also against the town of Lübbecke and the Counts of Diepholz, and also to safeguard their claims for logging and pig fattening and for possessions and disagreements in the convent. In the end, the monastery became dependent on Minden after the departure of some sisters, against which even a joint action of the Counts of Lippe and the monastery of Osnabrück before the Imperial Chamber Court could not do anything. However, in the 18th century, the Counts of Lippe still had the bailiwick of Osnabrück as a lord over them. The Ulenburg collection is particularly extensive. The Lippe feudal sovereignty over this castle was established in 1470 and resulted from a successful feud between Lippe and the city of Herford against the Lords of Quernheim. Already the period before the later direct exercise of Lippe's power is well documented, because apparently the written estate of the last owner Hilmar von Quernheim was taken over. Hilmar, a Danish colonel in the service of Denmark and a drost of various masters, was involved in numerous legal disputes, such as a dispute with his cousin Jasper von Quernheim over Haus Beck, a property that often appears in the Ulenburg files. Hilmar's conflict over the sovereign rights claimed by the Minden monastery, in which his liege lord Simon VI soon supported him to the Lippe, and which continued after Hilmar's death ( 1581), had more consequences. Now the Ulenburg was claimed as a fief fallen home by Simon VI and after a long dispute with Minden it was finally claimed. When Minden handed the Ulenburg over to Lippe at the end of 1593 after an imperial penal mandate, the conflict was not over, as the condition of the castle was not satisfactory for Count Simon VI. In a continuation process (until 1607) numerous witnesses were questioned by an imperial commission and extensive lists of the income of the Ulenburg were drawn up. Although the Ulenburg reached the von Wrede family via Philipp zur Lippe-Alverdissen as early as the beginning of the 17th century, after their bankruptcy Lippe once again briefly took over the dominion there (around 1708 to 1711). Apparently the documents inventoried at that time were kept and then brought to the archive in Brake. Among them are also the files and numerous books of accounts from the end of the 16th century up to the time of von Wrede and her bankruptcy. From the Ulenburg, after their takeover, the older Lippe rights were administered in the Dünner Mark, such as the timber court there, which was also disputed with the Minden monastery. The relevant files can also be found in the Ulenburg collection. In contrast to the other subcases, the Freckenhorst Act only refers to a specific political process outside Lippe, namely the election of a new abbess. After the death of Abbess Margarete zur Lippe, Count Simon VI attempted to have his daughter Elisabeth elected as his successor, which found support in Freckenhorst but was prevented due to the intervention of the Münster Monastery in favour of a Catholic candidate. Thus it is basically not a "foreign possession" of Lippe. The dominions of Vianen and Ameide as well as the Burgraviate of Utrecht passed from the von Brederode family to the Counts of Dohna (1684). Through her heiress Amalie zu Dohna, the wife of Simon Heinrichs zur Lippe, the Dutch exclave came to Lippe in 1686. On September 3, 1725, however, it was sold to the Dutch General States, but the Vianisches Archiv remained, as far as family matters in the broadest sense were concerned, with the Haus Lippe in accordance with the contract. It contains numerous documents of the last members of the House of Brederode (Johann Wolfert, Wolfert and Hedwig) and their heirs Carl Emil and Amalie from the family of Dohna, including correspondence with the extensive relatives to whom financial obligations also existed due to a Fidei compromise regulation for Vianas. For exactly this reason, the later-born members of the house Lippe (Agnaten) saw themselves injured with the sales of Vianen in their there claims and went before the imperial chamber court. In Wetzlar they finally had success, which is why the ruling Counts zur Lippe had to pay compensation and now tried to sue their own responsible persons. Thus, the Lippe protagonists in the sales negotiations, President Christoph von Piderit and Government Councillor Blume, were confronted with accusations which led to a trial of the Lippe tax against the former president. Due to these later legal disputes, the materials of the internal administration of the Vianen dominion were preserved in order to document their legal and financial condition. Therefore these matters can be traced in detail, especially the payments of the rent masters Peter Inghenhouse (1679 still until at least 1698), Elisa Gordon (parallel to it since approx. 1694 to 1721, before already secretary, later mayor), Wolfert Louis van der Waal (interim 1721), Arnold Henrik Feith (1721-1724), Henrik van Dortmond (1725) as well as the special envoy Simon Henrich Blume (1725/26 respectively 1727/30). In addition, the Drost (Drossart) appeared, first for years Jacques de l¿Homme de la Fare, then from 1710 to 1725 Jean Henry Huguetan (married van Odijk, later Count Güldensteen) and other councillors, who together formed the government council of Vianen established in 1681. All those involved in administration cumulated several posts and, after their departure, often still dealt with their previous affairs, making it difficult to delimit them. This kind of administration seems to have been taken over from the time of von Brederode and during the intermezzo under Carl Emil to Dohna quite uninterruptedly under the Lippe rule, as well as personal continuities and connections (Elisa Gordon was related for instance to the family van Dortmond, this again with Jobst B.). Barckhausen). Nathan van Dortmond, who came from Vianen, even managed to climb the rank of Landgographer in Lippe, while councils from Germany were only active in Vianen in the early and late Lippe period, such as Justus Dietrich Neuhaus, Theodor Fuchs and Simon Henrich Blume. 2. inventory history The first six subgroups of the inventory L 51 were arranged by Johann Ludwig Knoch according to factual aspects, arranged and listed with quite detailed information in his find book. This kind of distortion depended very much on his preferences, which is why invoices and the like or sources about the subjects were kept, but hardly noticed. At the beginning of the files formed by Knoch there are often copies of late medieval documents, which mostly became legally relevant for later events, which only emerge in the further course of the often chronologically sorted compilations. Not only is the overall title of Auswärtiger Besitz somewhat imprecise due to the inclusion of the appointment of an abbess in Freckenhorst, which was decided to Lippe's disadvantage. Also the subdivisions were carried out schematically in such a way that connected processes were formally correctly separated into individual proceedings, but which belong to each other objectively (for instance the case Hilmar von Quernheim against Erich Dux, at least Drosten von Hausberge, as well as against his rule, bishop and cathedral chapter of the monastery Minden). In addition, bundles of remains appear, the distribution of which Knoch had still planned but not realized on different subject groups (L 51 No. 46, 160, similar to Vianen No. 265/66, and on mixed matters, No. 267), or also scattered individual pieces, which belong to a common process (affairs of the Colonel Alexander Günther von Wrede, L 51 No. 43, 55, 62). Some of these have no connection whatsoever with Lippe's external possessions, such as extracts from the minutes of the Reichskammergericht (L 51 No. 160) belonging to various trials. The invoices of the Beyenburg office (L 51 No. 14) also contained a bundle with letters on otherwise unrelated extra-lippic property titles (in Sommersell, Kariensiek and Entrup in the Oldenburg velvet office), which Knoch had still provided with his typical marginal notes at the upper margin and sorted chronologically, but without recording them. The situation is very similar with the invoices for a building that Count Simon VI had erected on Prague Castle Hill from 1608 (No. 120). There are apparently two further subgroups of the foreign property in the state of origin, which were not taken into account in Bnoch's find book and in the classification of the holdings. Furthermore, Knoch had laid out some files about the subjects of the Ulenburg, but had provided them with the remark nullius momenti (without meaning) in his find book and had not listed them more closely. In it, however, there are quite interesting matters from the end of the 17th century (L 51 No. 100 and. 101), such as letters of release, estate inventories of simple people, complaints about beer adultery or registers of persons together with their land and cattle. The seventh subgroup with the files on Vianas was apparently added to inventory L 51 only later. A part of the material came to Detmold only in 1726, to which were added the relevant entrances already present in the residence and the material of the later processes. Although Knoch has still inscribed individual files at the beginning and end of the partial stock (L 51 No. 265-267), its indexing is missing, at least in the preserved find book L 51. When the files on the proceedings of the family at Dohna were sought out again after 1772 because of the intervention of the Prussian King Frederick II, Knoch also became active, as a family tree and some remarks by his hand prove (L 51 No. 191). In the seventh subgroup, Vianen, there are on the one hand the entrances relating to the reign. In addition, there are materials which were brought to Detmold in 1726 when the archive at Batestein Castle in Vianen was divided. These files were apparently reassembled for later investigations and processes, but the L 3 stock, which did not contain only documents, was separated. Later orders of the Vianen substock were only carried out at a shallow depth. In principle, the present order seems on the one hand to go back to the structure of the matter for the Wetzlar Imperial Chamber Court process, which was conducted with the Lippe co-heirs, as also shown by corresponding notes (so to L 51 No. 218, No. 223), but on the other hand it concerns the annexes to the report of the later investigative commissions on the role of the Lippe councillors in the sale of the dominion. All in all, it is a rather colourful mixture of the most varied pieces from the administration of the dominion, which have to do not only with the period under the Counts of Lippe, but also with earlier centuries, above all from the reign of the von Brederode family and from the decades after the sale. The use by the Count of Lippe of the money obtained from the sale of vianas is also documented in detail. In addition, the private documents of Countess Amalie zur Lippe, née Dohna, have also been included in the documents about her inheritance, the dominion of Vianen, even if they had nothing to do with it directly. A part of the correspondence about and from Vianas was unfortunately arranged schematically (obviously not by Knoch) by sender. Thus the original factual connections were partly torn apart, which are now scattered over the directory units L 51 No. 268 to 285. The Vianen sub-collection also contained a collection of remnants, including copies of medieval documents, beginning with the foundation of the Abdinghof monastery [1031], and other documents, some of which are completely unrelated or only in connection with the collection, such as the possession of the Count of Geldern in the vicinity of Vianen or refer to ancestors of the Brederode family (such as Knight Arnold von Herlaer). Their inscription speaks for itself, for instance (L 51 No. 267): Quodlibet of collected individual pieces of file, of which the persecution, to which they belong, can perhaps still be found, or (ibid.) old news, of which perhaps still some use can be made. The collected printed matter (L 51 No. 255) and diaries, including the records of the secretary of Hedwig von Brederode for 1679 and 1680, but also an anonymous description of a sea voyage to America (1776), are more related to Vianas. The first evaluation of the inventory was carried out according to the state of the distortion. Since Count Simon VI. zur Lippe played a particularly important role in many of the parts of L 51, August Falkmann often referred to it in his work about this ruler in a way that owes much to the Bone Regests. Besides Falkmann, Otto Preuß also took a closer look at the materials for Ulenburg for the first time, while this pioneering achievement for Beyenburg was performed by Werhan. Peter van Meurs, who was involved in the drawing of the Vianic inventory L 3 in The Hague until 1909, probably also evaluated parts of L 51 VII for his work on the heritage of the House of Brederode. The inventory consists of 286 units in now 85 cartons; the oldest (transcribed) document in it allegedly originates from 1031, the most recent from 1796. The inventory took place from 17 October to 15 December 2004. On the one hand, the aim was to proceed in a more analytical and summarizing manner in order to better emphasize the characteristics of the nudes; on the other hand, the materials not yet considered by Knoch, the later rearrangements and additions, and the almost completely unexplored subcontent of vianas were to be recorded in an equivalent manner or, for lack of other finding aids, even deeper. It should be noted that in particular the documents on Vianas are written not only in German, but also in French, Dutch, Latin and rarely in English, which could not be listed here individually due to the frequent change of languages (often within documents). A unit listed in a previous record could not be described in detail as it appears to have been missing since 1999 (L 51 No 286). Technical defects forced the repeated processing of the indices. An old signature index was not created, since the bones were sometimes assigned signatures inconsistently or its units were divided again by later rearrangements and insertions. However, the exact concordance can be seen in the Bone Findbuch, in which the new signatures were entered. For conservation reasons, most of the posters were taken from the files, some of which belong to related matters, such as a replica of a sham letter from a trial of Hilmar von Quernheim, proclamations of laws of the dominion of Vianen and the neighbouring Dutch territories, but also those concerning other matters, such as a signed order of soldiers of the imperial commander-in-chief Wallenstein from the Thirty Years' War. Some of these posters were used as file covers. The withdrawal notes could not initially be printed for the distortion units. Since the holdings concern Lippe's foreign possessions and claims, materials on these can also be found in other archives, above all those of the neighbouring Reich estates, such as the Duchy of Jülich (HStA Düsseldorf) for Beyenburg, Enger and Bünde. There are also sources on Ulenburg and Haus Beck in other archives. For the trials of Hilmar von Quernheim and Count zur Lippe by the Imperial Chamber of Justice there is a counter tradition mainly in the State Archives of Münster (RKG Q 113-116, ibid. L 629/630), as well as in the formerly inseparable Wetzlar holdings (now the Federal Archives) and in numerous other archives. The files of Haus Beck are deposited in the Stadtarchiv Löhne, while the corresponding materials have reached the Stadtarchiv Bielefeld at Ulenburg. There is also further tradition of the enfeoffment of the Quernheimers with the Ulenburg. For the reign of Vianen and Ameide the materials in Detmold go back to the Middle Ages, since here the older documents of the Lords of Brederode can be found, mostly in L 3 (some also in L 51 No.214, 229, 265; in addition prints or regests of older documents of the House of Brederode, ibid. No. 210 and 243, respectively), a stock which for the later period possesses parallel files to L 51 and also extends into the period after the sale. Of course there is additional delivery in the Netherlands. For the spread of materials from Sommersell and neighbouring places, L 89 A No. 231-233 should also be used. The extensive material collections and party files on the Reichskammergerichtsprozessen über Vianen and the sporadically appearing RKG files in L 51, which do not belong to the actual subject matters of this collection, could be assigned on the basis of the already existing index. Already in 1785 files sent back from Wetzlar to the Reichskammergerichtsprozeß about the sale of Vianen have reached the inventory L 95 I. The quote is as follows: L 51 No. (order number) Detmold, December 2004 Dr. Otfried Krafft

Mixed correspondence * Volume 2

Contains: 1st incoming letter, by Th. Lieser, Berlin, 13.03.1928 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 1r 2nd outgoing letter (copy), to Th. Lieser, Berlin, 15.03.1928 (1 sheet, mschr.), mschr.); sheet 2r 3rd letter of receipt, by Th. Lieser, Berlin, 16.03.1928 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 3r 4th "Prehistory" [by Wilhelm von Wrangel?], n/a, n/a (2 sheets, mschr., hsl.); sheet 4r-5r 5. letter of receipt, by Carl Kikath, Berlin, 31.01.1928 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 6r 6. letter of receipt (copy), to Carl Kikath, Berlin, 04.02.1928 (2 sheets, mschr.); sheet 7r-8r 7. fragment of letter of receipt, by Unknown, o. O., o. D. (1 sheet, hsl.); sheet 9r 8. incoming letter, by Rudolf Rötter, Travemünde, 05.08.1925 (1 sheet, hsl.); sheet 10r-10v 9. incoming letter, by Rudolf Rötter, Travemünde, 06.08.1925 (1 sheet, hsl.); sheet 11r 10. outgoing letter (carbon copy), to A. Lamezan, Berlin, 17.08.1925 (1 sheet, hsl.), sheet 12r 11. letter of origin (carbon copy), to Zesch (Deutscher Schutzbund), Berlin, 28.07.1925 (1 sheet, carbon copy); sheet 13r 12. letter of origin (carbon copy), to Meissner, Berlin, 28.07.1925 (1 sheet, carbon copy), to Zesch (Deutscher Schutzbund), Berlin, 28.07.1925 (1 sheet, carbon copy); sheet 13r 12. letter of origin (carbon copy), to Meissner, Berlin, 28.07.1925 (1 sheet, carbon copy), sheet 14r 13th outgoing letter (carbon copy), to Hans Adam, Berlin, 28.07.1925 (1 sheet, carbon copy); sheet 15r 14th outgoing letter (carbon copy), to Rudolf Rötter, Berlin, 28.07.1925 (1 sheet, carbon copy), sheet 16r 15th outgoing letter (carbon copy), to Rudolf Rötter, Berlin, 28.08.1925 (1 sheet, carbon copy); sheet 17r 16th outgoing letter (carbon copy), to Rudolf Rötter, Berlin, 16.10.1925 (1 sheet, carbon copy); sheet 18r-18v 17th note about conversation with Baron Ro., o. O., o. D. (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 19r 18. letter of receipt, by Rudolf Rötter, Travemünde, 15.10.1925 (1 sheet, hsl.); sheet 20r-20v 19. letter of receipt, by Rudolf Rötter, Travemünde, 19.10.1925 (1 sheet, mschr.), hsl.); page 21r-21v 20th outgoing letter (carbon copy), to Rudolf Rötter, Berlin, 21.10.1925 (1 page, mschr.); page 22r 21st note concerning letter Dr. Schäfer, Berlin, 21.10.1925 (1 page, mschr., hsl.); page 23r 22nd outgoing letter (carbon copy), to Rudolf Rötter, Berlin, 01.10.1925 (1 page, mschr., hsl.); page 23r 22nd outgoing letter (carbon copy), to Rudolf Rötter, Berlin, 01.10.1925 (1 page, mschr., mschr.), mschr.); sheet 24r 23. outgoing letter (carbon copy), to Schäfer, Berlin, 16.10.1925 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 25r 24. incoming letter, from [illegible] to Fritz Klein, Badgastein, 15.09.1932 (3 sheets.); sheet 24r 24. outgoing letter, to Schäfer, Berlin, 16.10.1925 (1 sheet, mschr.), hsl.); sheets 26r-28v 25. letter of receipt, from Redlhammer, Scheveningen, 13.07.1928 (2 sheets, hsl.); sheets 29r-30v 26. letter of receipt, from Redlhammer, Scheveningen, 16.08.1929 (2 sheets, hsl.); sheets 31r-32v 27. letter of receipt, from Redlhammer, Schlangenbad, 22.07.1931 (2 sheets, hsl.), hsl.); p. 33r-34v 28th outgoing letter (carbon copy), to Redlhammer, Berlin, 23.07.1931 (1 p., mschr.); p. 35r-35v 29th outgoing letter (carbon copy), to Hans-Werner von Zengen, Berlin, 16.12.1925 (1 p.), mschr.); sheet 36r 30. cover letter, by Hans-Werner von Zengen, Berlin, 14.12.1925 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 37r 31. carbon copy, Rudolf Rötter to Franz Evers, Travemünde, 02.11.1925 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 38r 32. cover letter (carbon copy), to Franz Bracht, Berlin, 21.06.1930 (1 sheet, mschr.), sheet 39r 33. letter of issue (copy), to Franz Bracht, Berlin, 16.06.1930 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 40r 34. letter of receipt, from Wilhelm von Wrangel, Berlin, 03.04.1932 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 41r 35. letter of receipt, from Unknown, Berlin, 10.04.1933 (2 sheets, mschr.); sheet 39r 33. letter of issue (copy), to Franz Bracht, Berlin, 16.06.1930 (1 sheet, mschr.), mschr.); pp. 42r-43r 36. letter of receipt, by Wilhelm von Wrangel, Berlin, 16.04.1930 (1 pp., hsl.); pp. 44r 37. list of associations of the border and foreign Germanism, of colonial associations etc., n/a, n/a, n/a (9 sheets, mschr.); sheets 45r-53r 38. letter of receipt, by Rudolf Rötter, Travemünde, 03.11.1925 (1 sheet, mschr.; with: copy of letter, by Unkannt [Wilhelm von Kries?], London, 18.09.1925, 2 sheets, p. 54r-56r 39. letter of exit (carbon copy), to Wilhelm von Kries, Berlin, 30.09.1925 (1 p., carbon copy); p. 57r 40. letter of entry, to Wilhelm von Kries, London, 18.09.1925 (1 p., carbon copy); p. 58r 41. letter of exit (carbon copy), to Wilhelm von Kries, Berlin, 30.01.1926 (2 p., carbon copy), mschr.); sheet 59r-60r 42nd outgoing letter (carbon copy), to Carl-Christian von Loesch, Berlin, 16.12.1925 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 61r-61v 43rd calculations and suggestions for journals (6 sheets, mschr.); sheet 62r-67r 44th incoming letter, by Walther von Simson, Berlin, 23.09.1931 (1 sheet, mschr.), sheet 68r 45. card (entrance), by H. J. Moser, Berlin, 20.09.1931 (1 sheet, hsl.); sheet 69r-69v 46. letter of receipt, by Gerhardt Giese, Rostock, 27.09.1931 (1 sheet, hsl.); sheet 70r-70v 47. letter of receipt, by Edmund H. Stinnes (secretariat), Berlin, 28.09.1931 (1 sheet, hsl.), mschr.); sheet 71r 48. letter of receipt, of Schnee, Berlin, 15.10.1931 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 72r 49. letter of receipt, of Frank Thiess, Steinhude, 27.10.1931 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 73r 50. letter of receipt, of Richard Bahr, Berlin, 28.10.1931 (1 sheet, mschr.), sheet 74r 51. letter of receipt, from the Gottfried Keller Foundation, Bern, 16.10.1931 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 75r 52. letter of receipt, from Redlhammer, Schlangenbad, 06.07.1931 (1 sheet, hsl.); sheet 76r 53. letter of receipt, from W. F. Kalle, Frankfurt/ Main, 01.07.1931 (1 sheet, mschr.), sheet 77r 54. letter of receipt, from H. Prinzhorn, Munich, 22.10.1931 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 78r-78v 55. letter of receipt, from Friedrich Krupp A.G., Essen, 08.10.1931 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 79r 56. letter of receipt, from Zincrav?, Überlingen, 25.09.1931 (1 sheet, mschr.), sheet 80r 57. incoming letter, by Paul Schultze-Naumburg, Saaleck, 25.09.1931 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 81r-81v 58. incoming letter, by Hans Friedrich Blunck, Hoisdorf, 19.09.1931 (1 sheet, mschr., hsl.); sheet 82r 59. incoming letter, by E. Giesel, Bornstedt, 24.09.1931 (1 sheet, mschr.), sheet 83r 60. letter of receipt, by Walther Bernhard, Berlin, 21.09.1931 (1 sheet, mschr.) sheet 84r 61. letter of receipt, by Hermann Röchling, Völklingen, 18.09.1931 (1 sheet, mschr.) sheet 85r 62. letter of receipt, by Franz Bracht (secretariat), Essen, 19.09.1931 (1 sheet, mschr.) sheet 83r 62. letter of receipt, by Franz Bracht (secretariat), Essen, 19.09.1931 (1 sheet, mschr.) sheet 83r 62. letter of receipt, by Walther Bernhard, Berlin, 21.09.1931 (1 sheet, mschr.) sheet 84r 61. letter of receipt, by Hermann Röchling, Völklingen, 18.09.1931 (1 sheet, mschr.) sheet 85r 62. letter of receipt, by Franz Bracht (secretariat), Essen, 19.09.1931 (1 sheet, m.) sheet 86r 63. letter of receipt, by Paul Silverberg, Cologne, 23.09.1931 (1 sheet, mschr.) sheet 87r 64. letter of receipt, by Ernst Poensgen, Düsseldorf, 28.09.1931 (1 sheet, mschr.) sheet 88r 65. letter of receipt, by Karl Haushofer, Hartschimmel-Hof, 26.09.1931 (1 sheet, mschr.) sheet 86r 63. letter of receipt, by Paul Silverberg, Cologne, 23.09.1931 (1 sheet, mschr.) sheet sheet 89r 66. map (entrance), from the Stadtarchiv und Historischen Museum Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf, 26.09.1931 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 90r-90v 67. letter of receipt, from Franz Bracht, Essen, 10.10.1931 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 91r 68. letter of receipt, from Wendler, Reutlingen, 05.10.1931 (1 sheet, mschr.), 92r 69. letter of receipt, from Hugo Stinnes (secretariat), Mülheim, 25.09.1931 (1 sheet, mschr.); 93r 70. letter of receipt, from Schurig, Bremen, 19.09.1931 (1 sheet, mschr.); 94r 71. letter of receipt, from Ernst Röchling, Mannheim, 18.09.1931 (1 sheet, mschr.), sheet 95r 72. letter of receipt, from Paul Lindenberg, Berlin, 21.09.1931 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 96r 73. letter of receipt, from Schurig, Bremen, 21.09.1931 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 97r 74. letter of receipt, from the Auswärtigen Amt, Berlin, 18.09.1931 (1 sheet, mschr.), sheet 98r-98v 75. letter of receipt, from Zincrav?, Überlingen, 20.09.1931 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 99r 76. letter of receipt, from Reinerth, Berlin, 21.09.1931 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 100r 77. letter of receipt, from H. Kulenkampff, Zwickau, 21.09.1931 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 98r-98v 75. letter of receipt, from Zincrav?, Überlingen, 20.09.1931 (1 sheet, mschr.), hsl.); sheet 101r 78. letter of receipt, from Ludwig Klages?, Munich, 22.09.1931 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 102r 79. letter of receipt, from Hans Ohlerg, Krefeld, 17.06.1926 (1 sheet, mschr.; with: newspaper article); sheet 103r-106v 80. letter of receipt, from Wilhelm von Wrangel, Berlin, 30.04.1928 (1 sheet, mschr.), mschr.; thereby: Letter, Th. Lieser to Wilhelm von Wrangel, Berlin, 24.04.1928, 1 sheet, mschr.; Letter-copy, Wilhelm von Wrangel to Th. Lieser, Berlin, 21.04.1928, 1 sheet, mschr.; Th. Lieser to Wilhelm von Wrangel, Berlin, 20.04.1928, 1 sheet, mschr. msl. Exchange of letters Wrangel - Pechel on the reverse side; Letter-copee, Wilhelm von Wrangel on Th. Lieser, Berlin, 18.04.1928, 2 sheets, mschr.; Letter, Th. Lieser on Wilhelm von Wrangel, Berlin, 16.04.1928, 2 sheets, mschr.; Letter-copee, Wilhelm von Wrangel on Th. Lieser, Berlin, 12.04.1928, 2 sheets, mschr, mschr.; Letter, Th. Lieser to Wilhelm von Wrangel, Berlin, 10.04.1928, 1 sheet, mschr., hsl.; Envelope, Wilhelm von Wrangel to Th. Lieser, Berlin, 05.04.1928, 1 sheet, mschr., hsl, mschr.; Letter, Th. Lieser to Wilhelm von Wrangel, Berlin, 04.04.1928, 1 p., mschr.; Letter-copy, Wilhelm von Wrangel to Th. Lieser, Berlin, 30.03.1928, 2 p., 1 p., 1 p., mschr, mschr.; Letter, Th. Lieser to Wilhelm von Wrangel, Berlin, 29.03.1928, 1 sheet, mschr.; Letter-copy, Wilhelm von Wrangel to Th. Lieser, Berlin, 27.03.1928, 1 sheet, 1 sheet, 1 sheet, 1 sheet, 1 sheet, 1 sheet, 1 sheet, 1 sheet, 1 sheet, 1 sheet, 1 sheet, 1 sheet, 2 sheet, 1 sheet, 1 sheet, 1 sheet, 1 sheet, 2 sheet, 1 sheet, 2 sheet, 1 sheet, 2 sheet, 1 sheet, 2 sheet, 1 sheet, 2 sheet, mschr.; Letter, Th. Lieser to Wilhelm von Wrangel, Berlin, 26.03.1928, 1 sheet, mschr.; Letter, Th. Lieser to Wilhelm von Wrangel, Berlin, 26.03.1928, 2 sheets, 1 sheet, mschr, mschr.; memo from Rau about a telephone conversation with Rudolf Pechel on 29.01.1928, 1 sheet, mschr.; carbon copy, Wilhelm von Wrangel to Th. Lieser, Berlin, 24.03.1928, 1 sheet, mschr., 2 copies; letter, Th. Lieser to Wilhelm von Wrangel, Berlin, 23.03.1928, 1 sheet, mschr, mschr.; Letter, Th. Lieser to Wilhelm von Wrangel, Berlin, 23.03.1928, 1 sheet, mschr., hsl.; Letter, Th. Lieser to Wilhelm von Wrangel, Berlin, 20.03.1928, 1 sheet, mschr.); Sheet 107r-134v 81. Outgoing letter (carbon copy), to Th. Lieser, Berlin, 19.03.1928 (1 sheet, mschr., mschr.); Sheet 107r-134v 81, mschr.); sheet 135r 82nd outgoing letter (carbon copy), to Krahmer-Möllenberg, Berlin, 22.05. (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 136r 83rd outgoing letter (carbon copy), to Kastl (Reichsverband der deutschen Industrie), Berlin, 16.12.1925 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 137r-137v 84th carbon copy, from von Lengen to Karl Bonhoeffer, o. O., 14.12.1925 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 138r-138v 85. initial letter (copy), on/for Blank, Berlin, 30.10.1925 (1 sheet, mschr.), sheet 139r 86. letter of origin (copy), to Karl Bonhoeffer, Berlin, 30.10.1925 (1 sheet, copy); sheet 140r-140v 87. letter of origin (copy), to Büren, Berlin, 30.10.1925 (1 sheet, copy), sheet 141r-141v 88. memo to an interview with Kastl on 04.01. (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 142r 89. letter of receipt, from Blank, Berlin, 29.10.1925 (2 sheets, mschr.); sheet 143r-144r 90. letter of receipt (copy), to Blank, Berlin, 26.10.1925 (1 sheet, mschr.); sheet 145r