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NA Wundt/2/II/4/D/37 · Akt(e) · 1900/1909
Teil von University Archive Leipzig

Notes and excerpts on ethnopsychology, especially on nature myth, religious psychology, ethnology and similar content:1.) short excerpts, notes and literature lists on various topics, including Jesus, the Ancient Orient and religious psychology; especially essays from "Globus", "Anthropos" and "Zeitschrift für Ethnologie" [p. 1-7, 17-22];2.) Excerpts and notes on the representation of gods by Apollodor and Ovid [p. 9-16];3.) Excerpt from Steinmetz: Classification des types sociaux et catalogue des peuples, in: L'année sociologique 3 (1900), p. 43-147 [p. 24-25];4.) Excerpt from Schultze: From Namaland and Kalahari [...]. Jena: Gustav Fischer, 1907 [p. 26-33];5.) Excerpt from Martin: The inland tribes of the Malay Peninsula [...]. Jena: Fischer, 1905 [p. 34-63];6.) Excerpt from Stuhlmann: With Emin Pasha into the heart of Africa. Berlin: Reimer, 1894 [p. 64-73];7.) Excerpt from Sarasin/Sarasin: Results of scientific research on Ceylon in the years 1884-1886. Volume 3: The Weddas of Ceylon and their surrounding peoples. Wiesbaden: Kreidel, 1887-1893: Parts of the records used in later works of Wundts, especially in: Wilhelm Wundt: Völkerpsychologie: eine Untersuchung der Entwicklungsgesetze von Sprache, Mythus und Sitte. Volume 2: Myth and Religion. Leipzig: Engelmann, 1905-1909.

NA Wundt/2/II/4/D/64 · Akt(e) · 1905/1918
Teil von University Archive Leipzig

Excerpts on international psychology, in particular on the history of asylum law and Jewish law as well as on various ethnological topics. Excerpted publications in detail:1.) Hellwig: The Right of Asylum of Indigenous Peoples. Berlin: R. v. Decker, 1903 [p. 1-7];2.) Hellwig: The Jewish Free Cities in Ethnological Lighting, in: Globus 87 (1905), p. 213-216 [p. 8];3.) Passarge: The Bushmen of the Kalahari. Berlin: Reimer, 1907 [p. 9-13];4.) Schultze: From Namaland and Kalahari [...]. Jena: Gustav Fischer, 1907 [p. 14-16];5.) Martin: The inland tribes of the Malay Peninsula [...]. Jena: Fischer, 1905 [p. 18-30];6.) Unknown edition of Schweinfurth: In the heart of Africa [p. 31];7.) Meyer: History of antiquity. Vol. 1, half 1: Introduction. Elements of anthropology. [2nd edition Stuttgart: Cotta, 1907] [p. 32-34];8.) Cunow: The Social Constitution of the Inca Empire: an Investigation of Ancient Peruvian Agrarian Communism. Stuttgart: Dietz, 1896 [p. 35-38];9.) Hitzig: Die Bedeutung des altgriechischen Rechts für die vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft, in: Zeitschrift für vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft 19 (1906), p. 1-28 [p. 40-41].parts of the records are used in later works of Wundts, possibly also in:Wilhelm Wundt: Völkerpsychologie. A study of the developmental laws of language, myth and custom. Volume 9: Law. Leipzig: Kröner, 1918.