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Barkemeyer, John (1866-1895); missionary on Siar
RMG 2.147 · Akt(e) · 1893-1895
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Letters and reports from New Guinea, 1893-1895; Report of the New Guinea Company about the hunting accident of Barkemeyer, 1895bequest; notebook with personal diary records, 1894-1895, with drawing of the volcano eruption on Dampier, 25.07.1895[ubi? August 2011]; recording of words of the Siar language ; "Waiting", poem by Andreas Bräm (1798-1882) from Neukirchen; letter, probably by Henriette Dielmann, the bride of missionary Albert Hoffmann, 1895

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
Bergmann, Gustav (1856-1904); Missionar in Siar
RMG 2.140 · Akt(e) · 1880-1952
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Vol. 1; Letters and Reports from Siar, 1900-1904; General Report of the New Guinea Mission for 1900 (1901); Conference Report on the Establishment of a Health Station, c. 1901; Conference Paper "The Importance of Literature among a Literature-less People! 1901; condolence of the imperial governor to Bergmann's death, 1904; correspondence with the German Foreign Office in Berlin for seduction of a Papuan girl by a German official, 1902-1904; correspondence with and for wife Karoline Bergmann, née. Ott, 1931-1950; Ein Brief des Siar-Christen Bel an Frau Bergmann, 1950; Obituary for Karoline Bergmann, with letter of condolence, 1952; Vol. 2; Letters and Reports from Siar (circulars, travel letters etc.), 1888-1896; Vol. 3; Letters and. Reports from Siar, 1896-1898; private letters to inspectors of the RMG, 1887-1900; letter from Missionary Bamler from Tami to Gustav Bergmann, 20.09.1896; vol. 4 Nachlass; Bergmann to his parents and siblings, 1880-1897; program of the memorial service for housemother Busch, 1886; comparison of words of the Siar- and. Bogadjim language, not published; Karoline Bergmann to the Bergmann family, 1887-1893; various correspondence to the Bergmann and Ott families, 1887-1946; Ida Helmich to Karoline Bergmann and son Theo, 1906; report on the first christening ceremony at Siar Ragetta, 1906; letters from Papua school children to son Theo, 1906

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft