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Archival description
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, J 151 · Collection · 1900-1945
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)
  1. the history of the collection: The term "wall attacks" for the posters kept in this inventory is contemporary. It refers to the simple mounting: not like advertising posters on splendid advertising pillars, but on simple wall walls they were fastened visibly for everyone. The war situation requires simple use. Wall attacks were often used in the occupied territories. But even in the home country there was little room for such posters. The poor equipment of these posters is a consequence of this situation. The war situation allowed only simple, often newspaper-thin paper. As a rule, there was no graphic design, but the text poster predominates, on which at most the title (often the word "Bekanntmachung") is highlighted in large letters. Sometimes the paper is dyed with a signal colour, which can perhaps be interpreted as a preliminary stage of a graphic design. A more elaborate design for political posters only emerged during the First World War (Ursula Zeller. The Early Period of the Political Image Poster in Germany (1848-1918), Stuttgart 1987, especially Chapter 7). The advertising posters contained in this collection for the subscription of war loans offer charming examples of this. Such graphically designed and aesthetically "beautiful" posters, however, only make up a vanishing part of the collection of wall attacks. After all, it contains pieces by artists such as Hanns Anker, Lucian Bernhard, Alexander U. Cay, Fritz Erler, Louis Oppenheim and Egon Tschirch. However, most of the pieces kept in this collection are not such posters, but pure text posters without a graphic or even pictorial design. The collection of wall attacks was established in the army archive, Stuttgart branch, in the 1920s and continued for decades. Little is known about the motifs, the conception of the collection and the practical collecting activity from this period. A general interest in wall attacks can be established early on: some wall attacks were already reprinted in reduced size in brochures during the war (such booklets can be found in the HSTAS collection of publications) and even sold in the front area (cf. J 151 No. 1240). From the available material it can be concluded that the employees of the Army Archives in principle included every piece in their collection that they could get hold of. In comparison to today's collection concepts, a broad collection was intended. It was by no means restricted to German or even southwest German wall attacks. However, the existing collection sources were not always able to meet the high demands: often gaps remained which could only be taken into account with a few pieces or not at all. A lot can be said about the collection sources. It can be assumed that some of the wall stops were taken from files, which can be seen today in the perforations at the edges of the former multiple-folded piece. Other pieces contain official notes on the poster on the back or at the bottom. By the way, the group that carries a stamp "Landsturm Infanterie Bataillon Calw" or Leonberg is comparatively large. The fact that a third (523) of the 1622 Wall attacks of the western front came from the stage commandantur Roubaix can only be explained by the fact that a Württemberg regiment was stationed there, apparently like the two Landsturm infantry battalions mentioned a source for the collection of the army archive. Other stage commandantures for which such a connection was missing are accordingly sporadically considered. Stamps show that pieces were also taken from related institutions (in exchange?): namely from the Königlich Württembergischen Armeemuseum and from the Deutsche Bücherei Leipzig. A larger group of pieces has been extracted from the pamphlet collection of the Army Archives (now part of the Main State Archives J 150) and integrated into the collection of wall attacks. Over a certain period, the two collections held in the Army Archives overlapped. In addition - but to a lesser extent - wall stops were taken from Luck's collection and from estates (Hahn's estate, later also Haußmann's estate) and added to the collection. Some accesses from the Staatsarchiv Ludwigsburg might be relatively young. The collection of wall attacks was added to the collection of the Main State Archives before 1974 from the holdings of the Army Archives. It was given the signature J 151. The background to the abolition of the quite sensible delimitation of the holdings between the collections of the Military Archives and the J holdings of the Main State Archives can no longer be discerned. Even before this relocation, the collection of wall attacks was arranged by the student Markus Braun in the army archive in 1954 and provisionally indexed by a twelve-page find book. The collection continued to receive further additions, especially from estates. The comprehensive conception of the collection failed in practice due to the limitations of the collection sources. Not all areas could be documented equally intensively. The collection covers the period from 1914 to 1948, including the post-war period of the Second World War. In quantitative terms, the focus is clearly on the First World War (2582 wall attacks totalling approx. 2700) and here again on wall attacks from the western front (1622 vs. 599 from the eastern front). These are mainly wall attacks by the (German) occupying power, to a lesser extent also those of Austrian provenance. Only a few wall attacks were made by the opponents (France and Russia) at that time. Another group are the pieces used in Germany (on the "home front") themselves. As provenances (publishers of the Wall attacks) both civilian (Generalgouvernement Belgium, French mayor's offices) and military authorities (army high commandos, stage inspections and commandant's offices) are represented, often combined with each other (at the level of stage commandant's offices and mayor's offices). In terms of content, these are often ordinances and communications from the crew to the local population. The wall attacks serve, for example, to announce war economic measures such as setting maximum prices, recording stocks that can be used for military purposes, announcing the punishment of locals or to incite desired behaviour among the population of the occupied area, such as observance of curfews, blackout measures or a ban on meetings. An interesting group are the wall attacks with "information" about the war situation, with which the resistance should be broken or at least discouraged. In the homeland, wall attacks served to call for recruits, to call for donations and to propaganda against the hostile powers, but also to strengthen national self-confidence, to advertise cultural events and to announce war economic measures. 2. processing of the stock: The merit of the work of the student Markus Braun of 1954 lay more in the order of the extensive collection than in its indexing. Braun limited the indexing to a group entry, for which the scheme "Regulations and notices: Etappenkommandantur XY, year, number of pieces" is typical. Wall attacks of the same kind were united to form a group and this group was described as generally as possible in the manner indicated. For reasons of time, it was probably not the intention to go into the contents of the individual pieces, which Braun, however, signed individually. Already the supplements to the finding aid book by later supplements tend in contrast to an individual indexing, thus to a description of each individual piece. Such a thorough indexing is finally standard for the poster collections begun in the 1970s in the Main State Archives (J 153, J 154 and J 154/5), which, unlike the Wall attacks, have no historical relevance. With the exception of minor changes, however, the order of the brown wall stops could essentially be maintained. The structure of his find book is therefore almost identical to that of the present one. Also, the old Braun signature runs in principle parallel with the present Numerus currens (which determines the place of storage). But since Braun started the counting with 1 again with each new larger group, a concordance of the signatures is attached to the find book. The individual development was therefore the aim of the reworking begun in October 1989. At the same time, it served to introduce the aspirants trained in the Main State Archives to the cataloguing of posters as an example for the work on collections. On the occasion of the reworking, better packaging was also provided. The wall stops were repackaged in acid-free DIN A 1 envelopes, also in order to avoid as far as possible the folds (especially cross folds) harmful to the very thin paper. Smaller cracks were also repaired. The new indexing was based on the MIDEPLAK (EDP) mask developed in cooperation with LAD in the summer of 1989 and a data sheet designed for this purpose. This data entry mask, which can be used under the MIDOSA program package, should not only be usable for wall stops, but should also be able to be used for IT data entry for all types of posters (advertising posters and political posters). The description of the wall stops is arranged according to the following scheme in the finding aid book: The order number in the upper left corner is only relevant for the order of the description and references from the index. For storage in the magazine and also for ordering the pieces, only the order number is used, which can be found at the end of the description of the individual unit. The title of the poster is treated as a quotation and is therefore enclosed in quotation marks. If necessary, additions are added for identification. Most of the titles are "regulation", "notice" and the like, and the editor then had to further specify the content in his own words. Several titles on a wall attack are quite conceivable. The title is reproduced in the original language, only in Slavic languages it is translated or transcribed. The runtime usually specifies the print or publication date. In the next line, the reason for the occurrence of the wall stop - as far as known - is given, but this is comparatively seldom the case with the wall stops. This is followed by information about the publisher, graphics, print, persons responsible in terms of press law, etc. The formal information includes the format of the poster and the number of pieces stored. The description of the visual representation takes place in a separate block. Since the stock at hand is mainly made up of text posters, an actual image description is omitted in over 90 percent of cases. In the case of pure text posters, a reference is made here to special features in the design (multiple columns, highlighting, colouring) or to the languages used (in extreme cases up to seven different ones). At the time of the creation of graphically designed political posters, such things can already be seen as elements of a graphic design. Before the final order signature, the provenances (here in the sense of collection sources) and the preliminary signatures must be indicated. Within the same category, the wall stops are usually arranged chronologically. Pieces that cannot be dated or only dated to the year appear at the end. As a rule, the date of a prescription is decisive for dating. In the case of wall attacks with ordinances of different dates, the last date closer to the publication date is decisive for the chronological classification. In the case of local meetings, the order is alphabetical. A folder with various French food ration cards from the Second World War was taken from the collection and incorporated into the relevant collection J 524, which has since been opened. The collection of wall attacks contains around 2,700 copies without counting the duplicates. The reworking of the wall attacks took place from autumn 1989 to summer 1993 under the direction of the undersigned within the framework of the introductory and intermediate practical courses of the candidates of the 26th, 27th, 28th and 30th training courses. The cooperating candidates were: Hartmut Obst, Andrea Rösler, Petra Schad, Jutta Stockhammer and Martina Wagner from 26., Bettina Heiß, Sybille Kraiss, Barbara Löslein, Jörg Martin, Armin Roether, Daniel Stihler, Martin Walter and Regina Witzmann from 27.Andrea Binz, Armin Braun, Daniela Deckwart, Astrid Groh, Katja Hoffmann and Nicole Röck from the 28th and Michael Bing, Dorothea Kiwitt, Michael Konrad, Manuela Nordmeyer, Annelie Jägersküpper and Christian Schlafner from the 30th training course. Neuenstein, September 1996Dr. Peter Schiffer In the spring of 1998, approximately 370 wall attacks from the time of the First World War, which were presumably delivered there in the 1950s, were transferred from the Heilbronn City Archives to the Main State Archives. The largest part of the collection is made up of wall attacks of the Roubaix stage commandant, the smaller part of those of the VI Army Command and stage inspections 2, 4, 5 and 6 and other editors. With the exception of the pieces kept in the Supplement to fonds J 151 under serial number 2717-2734, these are almost exclusively duplicates or other multiple copies of wall attacks that already exist in fonds J 151. In detail, the following status numbers have been increased by this delivery: 5, 16, 770-773, 775, 778, 780, 783, 788, 794, 872, 874, 875, 877, 879, 881, 883, 885, 887-893, 895-897, 909, 911, 913, 978-1306 (without serial numbers 980-984, 987-990, 993-998, 1001, 1003, 1004, 1006, 1009-1012, 1014, 1022, 1025, 1030, 1031, 1033, 1035, 1036, 1040, 1047, 1050, 1051, 1053, 1057, 1058, 1062-1070, 1075, 1076, 1078-1080, 1092, 1110, 1112, 1114, 1120, 1127, 1130, 1131, 1136, 1138, 1141, 1145, 1155, 1164, 1165, 1167, 1171, 1173, 1174, 1178, 1180, 1183, 1190-1193, 1196, 1203, 1207, 1209, 1213, 1216, 1218-1220, 1222, 1236, 1238, 1240, 1244, 1249, 1250, 1255-1258, 1267, 1272, 1300), 1336, 1477, 1479, 1480, 1602, 2312. May 1998 Eberhard Merk In 2002 Eberhard Merk revised and corrected the title listings and the overall index. In the summer of 2003, Wolf-Dieter Dorn's file of the distortion of the wall attacks, which was only available as a Word document, was converted into an Access database from which the online version of the finding aid book could be generated. The duplicated index with detailed index is still based on the Word document. September 2003 Regina Keyler
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, GU 120 · Fonds · (1861-1864), 1867-1925, (1926) und o. J.
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)
  1. biography: Karl Joseph Wilhelm Florestan Gero Crescentius Prince of Urach Count of Württemberg was born on 15 February 1865 in Ulm as the younger son of Wilhelm (I.) Duke of Urach and Florestine Duchess of Urach née Princess of Monaco (1); the prince attended the primary school and the Jesuit grammar school in Monaco (2) together with his older brother Wilhelm (II.) Duke of Urach. In 1877 he moved to the Jesuit educational institution of Our Lady Stella matutina in Feldkirch. After a further change of school in 1881, he graduated from the Karlsgymnasium in Stuttgart in 1883 and studied for two semesters at the University of Munich (3) from 1883 to 1884. There he attended lectures in metaphysics and history of Greek philosophy with the professor of philosophy and later Bavarian Prime Minister and German Chancellor Georg Graf von Hertling (1843-1919) as well as lectures in political science with the journalist and writer Professor Wilhelm Heinrich Riehl (1823-1897). 1883 he was appointed second lieutenant à la suite of the Ulan regiment King Karl (1st Württ.) No. 19 (4). In April 1886 Prince Karl entered the active service of this regiment, but had to leave the active service due to illness. In March 1887, the prince retired as an officer à la suite from the active service of the regiment. In the following years the prince was granted the usual promotions for a member of the House of Württemberg under the position à la suite of the regiment: in 1887 he was appointed prime lieutenant, in 1891 cavalry master, in 1899 cavalry major and in 1906 lieutenant colonel. From 1884, Karl Fürst von Urach travelled extensively (5): from 1884 to 1886 he travelled South America, visiting the Cordilleras and studying the Indian tribes on the upper reaches of the Amazon (6). He later handed over the ethnological collection he acquired during his journey to the Linden Museum in Stuttgart. Also in the time after 1887 he often stayed in Italy, Greece, in the Balkans, in Egypt, where he owned real estate in Heliopolis near Cairo (7), and in the Ottoman Empire. In 1891 he took part in an expedition to Spitsbergen (8), in 1893 the prince travelled to the USA(9). The few documents on the trip to the USA (especially letters of recommendation) (10) that are preserved in the present inventory suggest that this trip was also used for ethnological studies of Indian tribes. So he learned Turkish, Arabic and Persian. Last but not least, between 1893 and 1925 the prince had Arab rooms (11) built into his palace on Neckarstraße in Stuttgart, which he decorated with furniture, carvings, tiles, works made of plaster stucco, carpets and other antiques from the Orient. During the First World War, Prince Karl was finally able to use his language skills and the knowledge he had acquired about this region during his many journeys to the Orient for his work as a German liaison officer in the Ottoman Empire (12). He performed this function between 1916 and 1917, when Prince Karl took over several honorary offices. He was president of the Württemberg group of the German Colonial Society (13) and member of the Württemberg regional association of the German Fleet Association (14). He supported the Society for the Promotion of German Settlements in Palestine (15). He also supported the work of the airship designer Ferdinand Graf von Zeppelin by subscribing to shares in the company for the promotion of airship travel (16).Karl Fürst von Urach was awarded numerous orders in the course of his life (17): in 1883 the Prince received the Monegasque Order of Saint Charles, in 1889 the Grand Cross of the Persian Order of the Sun and Lions (18), in 1897 the Ottoman Order of First Class, in 1899 the Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Medal. In 1910 he was awarded the Prussian Red Eagle Order. In 1916 he received the Wilhelmskreuz with swords and crown, one year later the royal Hungarian Order of Saint Stephen and the Iron Cross 2nd class. Karl Fürst von Urach died on 5 December 1925 in Stuttgart. He was buried in the Catholic section of the crypt of the castle church Ludwigsburg. 2. to the order and distortion of the stock:: Together with the Archive of the Dukes and Princes of Urach Grafen von Württemberg, the GU 120 collection was deposited in the Main State Archives in 1987. There, the archives of the House of Urach form the GU series of inventories within the inventory classification (tectonics). During the reorganization of the archive by Wolfgang Schmierer, Director of the Archive, the documents on Karl Fürst von Urach were given the signature GU 120, and since the materials were in a poor state of order, the units of registration had to be formed for the most part first. Where it made sense, the existing units were retained. During the indexing work, extensive documents were removed from the GU 120 holdings and assigned in particular to the GU 96 (Miscellaneous and Unclear), GU 100 (Foreign Archives and Other Collections), GU 107 (Florestine Duchess of Urach), GU 117 (Wilhelm (II.) Duke of Urach) and GU 202 (Bertha Freiin von Biegeleben) holdings. Moreover, it cannot be ruled out that further material of the provenance of Karl Fürst von Urach may be found in the as yet unlisted holdings of the House of Urach. by far the largest part of the holdings consists of the extensive correspondence of the Prince (category 2), above all with his mother (category 2.1.1) with his brother Wilhelm and his family (category 2.1.2) as well as with Bertha von Biegeleben (category 2.1.5). The latter was the court lady of his mother Florestine and a close confidante of the prince. In addition, correspondence with representatives of the German and European ruling and former ruling princely houses can be found in the holdings (Section 2.5). Karl Fürst von Urach also corresponded with numerous public figures (section 2.7), including scholars. Almost all correspondence is so-called unilateral correspondence, that is, only the letters of the correspondence partner are found in the existing stock. If there are isolated letters or drafts of letters from the Reigning Prince to the respective addressee, this is expressly mentioned in the title recording. Usually these are letters of the prince returned to the prince or his family afterwards. It should also be noted that Prince Karl did not make any copies of his correspondence. The correspondences can be regarded as an interesting source for the history of everyday life and mentality of the nobility. They show the manifold contacts which the prince maintained with members of other noble families. They also certainly offer details of the Prince's numerous journeys. However, it was not possible to index the contents of the correspondence due to the time and effort involved. Unfortunately, the correspondences and correspondence series contained in this collection sometimes have smaller gaps. It is not possible at the present time to answer the question of whether the previously unlisted holdings of the archives of the House of Urach still contain correspondence of the prince. Besides the correspondence, the extensive collections of photos and photographs (category 10) form the second largest part of the holdings in terms of the number of title recordings. Of particular interest are the photos and photo albums with photos from the Prince's numerous travels to South America, Egypt, the Ottoman Empire and the Balkans (Section 10.2.2). There are also photos taken during the aforementioned activity of the prince as a liaison officer in the Ottoman Empire during the First World War (section 10.2.4). Prince Karl's interest in Islamic (Arabic) art is also reflected in the numerous photographs of buildings and artworks of Islamic art, which are combined in section 10.3. Of the other materials preserved in the present collection, the Prince's manuscripts with literary and art-historical texts and a memorandum on the political reorganization of Europe by Germany in the First World War should also be mentioned, as well as interesting documents on the associations and societies in which the Prince was active and in which he was active. In an appendix (column 16) photos, an album and seal from the possession of the Wera Duchess of Württemberg née Grand Duchess of Russia are united, which after the death of the Duchess were handed over by her daughter Olga Prinzessin zu Schaumburg-Lippe to Karl Fürst von Urach.In addition, correspondences of the brother of Karl Fürst von Urach, Wilhelm (II.) Duke of Urach, to Charlemagne's estate, to the Arab rooms and to a newspaper article about the princes were added to the collection (19). Since these materials refer to Karl Fürst von Urach, the classification into the present holdings seemed to be reasonable. As expected, documents on Karl Fürst von Urach are also available in other holdings of the archives of the House of Urach. In particular the holdings GU 99 (photo albums and collections), GU 107 (Florestine Herzogin von Urach née Prinzessin von Monaco), GU 117 (Wilhelm (II.) Herzog von Urach) and GU 202 (Bertha von Biegeleben) are to be mentioned here. the archives of the holdings may only be inspected with the prior permission of the chief of the House of Urach. the holdings GU 120 were catalogued by the undersigned from autumn 2004 to April 2005. It comprises 4.6 running meters with 318 numbers.Stuttgart, in April 2005Eberhard Merk footnotes: (1) For Karl Fürst von Urach see above: Article by Wolfgang Schmierer in: The House of Württemberg. A biographical encyclopedia. Edited by Sönke Lorenz, Dieter Mertens, Volker Press. Stuttgart 1997. p. 390. Heinrich Fischer: Prince Karl von Urach as a research traveller. In: Swabian Mercury of 11 December 1926 pp. 17f. (Sunday supplement to the Swabian Mercury No. 580). Newspaper articles and obituaries in M 743/2 Bü 542.(2) See also Bü 1 (serial number 1) in this inventory. Schmierer does not mention attending school in Monaco. The data on the school attendance of Karl Fürst von Urach were taken from the short curriculum vitae written by Wilhelm (II.) Duke of Urach in Bü 21 (Ordnungsnummer 11).(3) See Bü 11 (Ordnungsnummer 2).(4) On military careers see the personal file of Fürst Karls in: M 430/1 Bü 2797, also Bü 7 (serial number 3), 121 (serial number 98).(5) A list of the Prince's travels, prepared by Karl's brother Duke Wilhelm (II.), is kept in Bü 21 (serial number 11). This list also served Heinrich Fischer as the basis for his article (loc. cit.)(6) See the manuscript of the prince in Bü 269 (Ordnungsnummer 145). A detailed description of the itinerary of the South American trip can be found in the article by Heinrich Fischer (loc. cit.)(7) Bü 297, 298 (serial number 208, 211)(8) Cf. the correspondence of Max Graf von Zeppelin in Bü 161 (serial number 118) and the manuscript of the prince in Bü 273 (serial number 146). Photos of Spitzbergen and Norway can be found in Bü 59 (serial number 247).(9) There are no photos of this trip in this collection.(10) Bü 177 (serial number 138)(11) See Bü 20 (serial number 217), Bü 80 (serial number 288), Bü 83 (serial number 202), Bü 316 (serial number 198). An impressive description of the Arabic spaces provides: Claus Mohr: Arab Art in Stuttgart. In: Deutsches Volksblatt 1926 No. 170 of 28 July 1926(12) See also Bü 108, 293 (serial numbers 5 and 6). Photos from this period have been preserved in Bü 42 (serial number 264).(13) There are no materials on the prince's work in the D e u t s c h e K o l o n i a l g e s c h e l l l s c h a f t in this collection.(14) Bü 285 (serial number 193)(15) Bü 294 (serial number 191)(16) Bü 296 (serial number 189)(17) See also Bü 6, 101 (serial numbers 7 and 8)(18) The award was made on the occasion of the state visit of Schah Nasir-el-din in 1889 in Stuttgart(19) Bü 10 (serial number 9), Bü 21 (serial number 11), Bü 23 (serial number 216)
Urach, Karl
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, M 660/300 · Fonds · 1883-1951
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

1 On the biography of Karl Sauter: Karl Sauter was born on 16 May 1870 in Stuttgart as the son of the later director of construction Karl von Sauter. His mother Maria Sauter, née Breimeier, died eight days after his birth. Karl Sauter subsequently grew up with his maternal grandparents in Dettingen/Urach before moving to Stuttgart at the age of six to live with his father, who had remarried in the meantime. After attending a boarding school, Sauter embarked on a military career. In 1885 he joined the cadet corps in Oranienstein and in 1886 the main cadet school in Groß-Lichterfelde. In the years from 1889 to 1900 Sauter served as a lieutenant secretary and prime lieutenant in the Infantry Regiment No. 120. In October 1900 he was commanded to the Great General Staff, where he received a captain's post in 1903. Sauter returned to Württemberg in March 1904. He took over a company of the Grenadier Regiment No. 123. In 1909 Sauter became general staff officer of the 27th Infantry Division. After his promotion to Major (1910) and a one-year activity at the Large General Staff (1911/12), he was transferred to the Fusililier Regiment No. 122 (1912). During the First World War, Sauter worked from October 1914 to June 1915 as First General Staff Officer in the XXVI Reserve Corps. From July 1915 he commanded the newly established Reserve Infantry Regiment No. 122, and from June 1916 he served as Chief of the General Staff of the 26th Reserve Corps. During the first three years of the war, Sauter was deployed mainly in Flanders (including Poelkapelle and Langemarck), Lorraine (including St. Julien and Longwy), the Champagne (including Reims) and the Somme. In February 1915 he was appointed lieutenant colonel. From September 1917 until the end of the war, Sauter served as Chief of the General Staff of the Government of Antwerp. After the end of the war Karl Sauter was stationed 1919 as liaison officer of the Württemberg War Ministry at the OHL in Kolberg. In 1920 he retired from military service; at the same time he was given the character of a major general. Subsequently, Sauter reoriented himself professionally and began a career as a businessman. Sauter wrote numerous (lecture) manuscripts on topics of time and defence policy during his military service, but above all after his departure from the army. The texts express his closeness to National Socialist ideology. Sauter was, among other things, a member of the NS Volkswohlfahrt. After the end of the Second World War, Sauter had to answer for himself in a denazification case in Stuttgart, where he travelled extensively to numerous European and non-European countries for several decades. Sauter died on 11 March 1959. 2. On the military estate of Karl Sauter: The holdings were transferred to the Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart in August 1959. The records were undeveloped so far. They were arranged and listed by archive trainee Dr. Christine Axer under the guidance of Dr. Wolfgang Mährle in December 2010. The military estate of Karl Sauter comprises 1 linear meter. Sauter's memoirs "From my time and for the understanding of the history of my time", which are handed down in the estate and partly kept in the form of a diary, cover a period of more than sixty years. They provide information about the military career of their author as well as about the numerous journeys he made to almost all continents. The memoirs are supplemented by a comprehensive collection of material and a series of unpublished manuscripts by Sauter, in which - politically colored - he deals on the one hand with (military) political and historical questions, and on the other hand also reflects on human existence. The collection also contains numerous postcards, maps and photographs. The latter in particular reveal an unvarnished view of the First World War and its horrors. 3. references: - HStAS, M 430/2 Bü 1786, Sauter, Karl (military personnel file);- HStAS, M 707 No. 1286, Sauter, Karl (14 photographs);- StAL, EL 902/20 Bü 61623 Heimatspruchkammern Spruchkammer 37 - Stuttgart: Procedural files: Sauter, Karl.Stuttgart, December 2010Dr. Wolfgang MährleDr. Christine Axer

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, M 660/133 · Fonds · 1879-1938
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)
  1. to the biography Georg von Körbling: Georg von Körbling was born in Würzburg on 12.5.1856 as son of the Bavarian Genie-Oberleutnants and later Obersten Ignaz Körbling and his wife Auguste, née Hausmann. At the age of 13, von Körbling was admitted to the Bavarian Cadet School in Munich, where he received five years of military training. In 1874 he entered the Württemberg service as a junior officer of the flag and in the pre-war period he became colonel and commander of the infantry regiment of Kaiser Wilhelm König v. Preußen (2nd Württ. No. 120) in Ulm (22.4.1912). At the beginning of the First World War, von Körbling was deployed in the Argonne Mountains (France), but fell ill with the Ruhr in September 1914 and returned to Ulm. The change of periods of service and illness then went through his entire wartime, spent exclusively on the western front or in Württemberg: from December 1914, von Körbling took command of the Deputy 53rd Infantry Brigade in Ulm and was promoted to Major General on the occasion of the imperial birthday (27.1.1915). In February 1915, he returned to the French front as commander of infantry regiment no. 120, and in April 1915, he took command of the 53rd Infantry Brigade. With this unit von Körbling was first deployed in the Argonne, from January 1916 in Flanders and from July 1916 in the Somme (France). Due to a renewed illness von Körbling was transferred to the officers of the army in September 1916 and appointed commander of the I. Deputy 54th Infantry Brigade in Ulm in October 1916. After a year, he rejoined the French front. From November 1917 he commanded the Prussian 37th Reserve Infantry Brigade, from March 1918 the 202nd Infantry Division deployed in Lorraine. Already in June 1918 von Körbling fell ill again and was again seconded to the officers by the army. After his promotion to Lieutenant General (18.7.1918) he assumed the chairmanship of an OHL commission at the staff of Army Division B from 20 July to 16 October 1918. Von Körbling retired from military service in July 1919. During his military career von Körbling received several high German and non-German awards, among others the Order of the Württembergische Krone, which was connected with the personal nobility (3.5.1911), the Iron Cross 1st class (2.10.1914), the Prussian Red Eagle Order 2nd class with swords (27.12.1916), the Bulgarian Alexander Order (8.8.1917) and the Austrian Military Cross 2nd class (6.12.1917). During the Weimar Republic and the Third Reich, von Körbling's activities included the publication of newspaper articles and lectures on his war experiences. As commander of an imperial body regiment, he had already taken part in the emperor's New Year receptions in the pre-war period. For this reason, Körbling was invited to a feast in Doorn (Netherlands) in 1929 on the occasion of the 70th birthday of Wilhelm II. Körbling's visit to Doorn is mentioned in his autobiographical writings. Georg von Körbling had been married to Adelinde von Fischer since 1886 and had two sons with her, one of whom (Theobald) died shortly after her birth in 1887. Georg von Körbling died on 27.1.1942 in Ulm. 2 On the biography of Alfred Körbling: Alfred Theobald Lukas Karl Körbling was born on 19 January 1889 in Weingarten as the second son of Georg von Körbling and his wife Adelinde. Körbling's military training began in the spring of 1902, when he first entered the Prussian Kadettenhaus Karlsruhe and finally the Hauptkadettenanstalt Großlichterfelde. In 1908 he was transferred as a lieutenant to the Grenadier Regiment No. 123 in Ulm and remained there with a short interruption until 1913. After a successful application, Körbling changed to the Imperial Protection Force for D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a in spring 1913 and joined the 10th Field Company in Dar es Salaam in autumn 1913. Only one month later he was transferred to the 1st Field Company in Arusha near Kilimanjaro. At the beginning of the First World War, Körbling participated in operations against the Uganda Railway in British East Africa and in the northeast of the German protectorate. In 1916 he fell ill with various tropical diseases, so that after the withdrawal of the German troops in autumn 1916 he was handed over to the British units because of his inability to transport. After stays in several military hospitals and camps, Körbling was sent to a British prisoner of war camp on Malta in 1918. In 1919 he returned to Ulm and in 1920 retired from the army in the rank of captain. During the First World War Alfred Körbling received the Iron Cross 2nd class (2.9.1916), among others. In the Weimar Republic Körbling began to study at the Agricultural University of Hohenheim after various occupations in the agricultural sector, which he completed with a diploma in 1926. From 1927 onwards, Körbling headed the Heeresfachschule für Landwirtschaft in Tübingen and on January 1, 1930, received a permanent post as a specialist student councillor. Körbling joined the NSDAP in the Weimar Republic as a party politician and held the rank of Sturmbannführer in the Weimar Republic.Alfred Körbling had been married to the general daughter Erna Zöller since 1919 and had three daughters. He died on 22.7.1933 in Tübingen of heart paralysis. 3. on the estate of Georg von Körbling and Alfred Körbling: documents from the estate of Georg von Körbling, especially war diaries, lecture manuscripts and printed matter, were handed over to the army archive in Stuttgart a few months after the death of the general in June 1942. These documents passed into the possession of the Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart in 1945. In 1955 Alfons Beiermeister carried out a recording of the archives. In spring 2011, the Stuttgart State Archives were able to produce reproductions of documents by Georg von Körblings and Alfred Körblings, which are in the possession of Ilse Hames, Alfred Körblings eldest daughter. These were photographic documents and autobiographical writings by Georg von Körbling and photographs by Alfred Körbling. The addition of new documents to the M 660/133 estate necessitated a new distortion. This was carried out in August 2011 by archive assistant Michael Ucharim, M.A. under the direction of Dr. Wolfgang Mährle. The stock now comprises 17 tufts. The documents adopted in 2011 were given bundle numbers 1-4 and 13-14. 4. Source references: Georg von Körbling: HStAS: M 430/2 Bü 1111; M 703 R233N1-6, R191N31, R191aN17; M 707 Nr. 827, 828; M 743/2 Bü 270; Alfred Körbling: HStAS: M 430/2 Bü 1109; StAS: Wü 13 T 2 Nr. 2140/143;Adelinde von Körbling: StAS: Wü 42 T 9 No. 69;Erna Körbling: StAS: Wü 13 T 2 No. 2568/615.Stuttgart , August 2011Dr. Wolfgang MährleMichael Ucharim, M.A.
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, M 660/034 · Fonds · 1879-1982
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

1 On the biography of Walther Reinhardt: Walther Reinhardt was born in Stuttgart on 24 March 1872 as the son of the then captain August Reinhardt. He attended the Gymnasium in Ulm, the Lyceum in Ludwigsburg and the Gymnasium in Heilbronn. Afterwards he changed to the Kadettenanstalt in Oranienstein and to the Hauptkadettenanstalt Groß-Lichterfelde. On 9 February 1891 Reinhardt joined the Grenadier regiment of Queen Olga No. 119 as Portepeefähnrich. In 1892 he was promoted to lieutenant, in 1897 he was appointed to war academy and subsequently commanded as lieutenant in service at the Great General Staff. Three years later, on March 10, 1904, Reinhardt was promoted to Captain, leaving the Grand General Staff in office. On April 22, 1905, he joined the General Staff of the XV Army Corps in Strasbourg before serving as Company Commander in the Infantry Regiment Alt-Württemberg No. 121 in Ludwigsburg from February 25, 1907 to April 19, 1909. On 20 April 1909 Reinhardt was transferred to the General Staff of the 26th (1st Kgl.-Württ.) Division. He returned to the Grand General Staff as Major on September 10, 1910. On 3 November 1912 he was assigned to the General Command of the XIIIth (Kgl.-Württ.) Army Corps. Reinhardt was a staff officer of the XIII Army Corps and on August 2, 1914 he entered the First World War. He was appointed Chief of the General Staff of the Württemberg Army Corps on 23 January 1915. On 18 May 1915 he was appointed lieutenant colonel. From June 1916 to February 1917 Reinhardt held various command posts, each of which he held for only a few months or even a few weeks. From 26 June to 16 July 1916 he was commander of infantry regiment 118, before becoming chief of staff of the XVII Army Corps from 17 July to 20 November 1916. On 21 November 1916 he took over the post of Chief of Staff of the 11th Army in Macedonia. The appointment as Chief of Staff of the High Command of the 7th Army on 10 February 1917 led him back to the Western Front. On 23 May 1917 Reinhardt was awarded the Order of Pour le Mérite with oak leaves for his achievements in the conquest of the Chemin des Dames. He also received the Commander's Cross of the Royal House Order of Hohenzollern with swords for his military achievements. On April 18, 1918, Reinhardt was promoted to colonel, and by cabinet order of November 4, 1918, Reinhardt was transferred to the Prussian War Ministry to organize the demobilization of the army. Two months later, on January 2, 1919, Reinhardt took over the office of Prussian War Minister. After the dissolution of the Imperial Army, Reinhardt became the first Chief of Staff of the new Imperial Army on 13 September 1919. During this time he was also appointed Major General. Only a few months after taking over his new duties, Reinhardt resigned as Chief of Staff at the end of March 1920, following the Kapp Putsch, and took over the Döberitz apprentice brigade for a short time before becoming Commander-in-Chief of the Wehrkreiskommando V in Stuttgart as Lieutenant General on 15 May 1920. In personal union he exercised the functions of a commander of the 5th division as well as the state commander of Württemberg. He retained his position as commander of the military district command V for almost five years. On 1 January 1925 Reinhardt was appointed commander-in-chief of Group Command 2 in Kassel. Two years later, in December 1927, he retired from the army and took charge of a course for older officers. These "Reinhardt courses" lasted beyond the death of their creator until 1932/1933. Furthermore, he devoted himself to the preparation of publications mainly on military and historical topics. Walther Reinhardt died in Berlin on August 8, 1930. 2 On the estate of Walther Reinhardt: The estate of Walther Reinhardt comprises documents from his military service as well as private correspondence. In addition, manuscripts for lectures and publications, which Reinhardt wrote above all after his retirement from military service, form a not inconsiderable part. The documents are supplemented by Reinhardt's collections of newspaper clippings, particularly from the years 1918/1919, most of which were in the possession of Reinhardt's daughter Lotte Reinhardt, Director of Studies, after his death on August 8, 1930. On September 7, 1939, the latter handed over 13 tufts of files and three war diaries to the former Heeresarchiv Stuttgart, and on September 11, 1940, further archival documents, namely photographs (some of them in albums), newspaper clippings, and official personnel reminders. The documents from Reinhardt's estate were arranged chronologically in the army archives, stapled into folders and recorded. The repertory with a foreword by Major General Sieglin was available on 15 October 1940, and a small part of Reinhardt's estate was handed over to the Potsdam Army Archives shortly after his death. In a letter dated 11 September 1940, the Heeresarchiv Stuttgart attempted to obtain the transfer of this part of the estate in order to merge it with the Stuttgart holdings in process at that time. On 23 October 1940, however, the Heeresarchiv Potsdam announced that Reinhardt had "no private records" in his custody. The Heeresarchiv Stuttgart does not seem to have made any further attempts to gain possession of the Potsdam partial estate. Since the Heeresarchiv Potsdam was destroyed immediately before the end of the Second World War and most of its holdings were destroyed, the documents handed over there from Reinhardt's property are presumably lost today.17 February 1961 Lotte Reinhardt handed over to the Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, which had meanwhile taken over most of the holdings of the former Heeresarchiv Stuttgart, further documents of her father in her possession (letters, records, drafts, printed matter, newspaper clippings). In the summer of 1964, Oberstaatsarchivrat Dr. Uhland ordered and listed these archival records, which were then combined with the older holdings. The collection folders bound by the Army Archives were dissolved several times in order to be able to chronologically classify pieces belonging to them. These studies also showed that the recording in the Army Archives was incomplete, and in some cases incorrect. The new holdings comprised 56 folders, which were structured according to the chronological order method of the Army Archives. In some of the tufts formed, subfascicles were formed. Before the transfer to the Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Lotte Reinhardt had made available the estate of her father, Professor Fritz Ernst (Heidelberg), in her possession, who used it for a publication (Ernst, Fritz: Aus dem Nachlass des General Walther Reinhardt, Stuttgart 1958). It seems that individual pieces remained with Professor Ernst and that even after his death (22 December 1963) they no longer came to the owner. Between 1964 and 1987, his daughter Lotte Reinhardt repeatedly submitted documents from the estate of Walther Reinhardt. On December 29, 1964, Lotte Reinhardt handed over newspaper clippings and writings. There were also copies made by Professor Ernst. The archival documents were sorted, recorded and placed to the corresponding bundle numbers. In addition, two new tufts were formed. This increased the size of the estate to 58 folders. Lotte Reinhardt also handed over further archival records on 27 August 1969, 7 March 1970, 12 March 1973, 6 February 1978, April 1978, 16 August 1978 and 26 January 1987, mainly to Walther Reinhardt for private correspondence (letters to parents, wife, children) and newspaper clippings. The M 660/034 holdings were reopened in September 2010 by the candidate Sylvia Günteroth under the guidance of Dr. Wolfgang Mährle. In the course of this work, a classification of the documents was carried out which replaced the previous chronological order. The allocation of the documents that had been archived until 1964 to individual clusters and the division of these archive units into subfascicles have been retained. The existing title recordings were carefully revised. The previously unrecorded archival records that had been archived between 1969 and 1987 were sorted and recorded. The estate of Walther Reinhardt now comprises 89 tufts with a total volume of 1.6 linear metres. 3. References to sources and literature: Sources:- Walther Reinhardt's personal file: M 430/2 Bü 1684;- Biographical documents: E 130b Bü 235, Q 3/60 Bü 29, Q 3/60 Bü 32, Q 3/60 Bü 47; M 743/1 Bü 11- Photographs: Q 3/60 Bü 32; M 703 R 170N19; M 703 R190N10; M 703 R191N17; M 707 Nr. 1213; M 743/1 Bü 11Publications Walther Reinhardt's (selection):- Reinhardt, Walther: Six Months West Front: Campaign Experiences of an Artillery Officer in Belgium, Flanders and the Champagne, 3rd edition, Berlin 1915 - Reinhardt, Walther: In der Picardie: Pictures from the position war in the west, 3rd edition, Berlin 1917 - Reinhardt, Walther/Zenker, Hans: Wehrwille und Wehrgedanke in Deutschlands Jugend: 2 lectures at the Freusburger Schulungswoche 1929, Berlin-Charlottenburg 1930 - Reinhardt, Walther: George Washington. Die Geschichte einer Staatsgründung, Frankfurt 1931 - Reinhardt, Walther: Wehrkraft und Wehrwille: aus seinem Nachlass mit einer Lebensbeschreibung Walther Reinhardt, Berlin 1932 Literature: - Ernst, Fritz: Aus dem Nachlass des General Walther Reinhardt, Stuttgart 1958.- Kohlhaas, Wilhelm: Walther Reinhardt: General der Infanterie, 1872-1930, in: Lebensbilder aus Schwaben und Franken, 17th volume, Stuttgart 1991, pp. 306-316 - Mulligan, William: The creation of the modern German Army: General Walther Reinhardt and the Weimar Republic, 1914-1930, New York 2005.Stuttgart, May 2011Dr. Wolfgang MährleSylvia Günteroth

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, M 1/3 · Fonds · 1817 - 1819, 1846 - 1921
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

1st On the history of the Central Department: The reorganization of the Württemberg military system, which was undertaken as a result of the Military Convention of 21/25 November 1870 with the help of Prussian officers and military officials since July 1871, also extended to the War Ministry. In August 1871, it was divided into the Central Bureau, the Military Department (with three sections) and the Economics Department (with five sections), following an earlier but only internally valid division and in analogy to the division of business by the Prussian War Ministry; a "provisional" division of business, actually valid for many years, at the same time determined the competences of these departments, which were later joined by other departments. The Centralbureau (abbreviated: CB. ), which before 1871 had a forerunner in the Chancellery Directorate, was subordinate to a chief who - until the end of the First World War - was at the same time an adjutant of the War Minister (see the lists of War Ministers and Heads of Departments drawn up without a more detailed study of the sources in Appendix I and II, p. XXV ff. of the German Constitution). ) According to the above-mentioned division of responsibilities, his portfolio included the following tasks:1. the personal affairs of officers, doctors and civil servants,2. the affairs of the honorary courts and military-political affairs,3. the affairs of orders and service awards,4. the affairs of the State-Ministerial,5. the affairs of the military and the military-political affairs. Presentation of those matters on which the War Minister himself intends to make the decision,6. personal correspondence of the Minister,7. editing of the Army Gazette,8. affairs of the daily press,8. from the very beginning the Central Bureau was responsible for the Chancellery, the Library and the Printing Works of the War Ministry. Some of the tasks which the Central Bureau had to perform after the division of responsibilities of the War Ministry, first reissued in January 1907, (such as the administration of the service building, the service equipment, and the office cash register of the War Ministry) may have been tacitly assigned to it, either from the outset, or gradually as a result of the original competencies. On the other hand, other changes in competence, which cannot be fully dealt with here, were reflected in the sources. Since November 1871 the powers of the Central Bureau for personal, honorary and religious matters of officers, doctors and civil servants were repeatedly restricted, until finally in April 1896 the military department became almost completely responsible for it. From November 1872 the head of the Central Bureau had to collect the documents of all departments of the War Ministry for the oral lecture of the War Minister to the King. When, in 1874, the Prussian model of keeping personal sheets and lists of troops was introduced, the Centralbureau had to keep and administer the copies of these documents that had reached the War Ministry. After the office of the Ministry under the Centralbureau had in fact been responsible for the so-called "old registry" of the War Ministry for a long time, the care for this was officially transferred to the Centralbureau in January 1885. Further smaller tasks were added in the years after the turn of the century: in 1902 the Centralbureau began to collect newspaper clippings about military affairs, and since April 1906 obituaries and death announcements of Württemberg officers were collected here; finally the Centralbureau, which was opened on August 1, 1906 or - It. MVBl. 1906, 8. 185 - on 12. 9. 1906 was renamed in "Zentral-Abteilung" (abbreviated: Z. ), in January 1907 by the new business division of the War Ministry for Monuments Affairs responsible. The tasks of the Central Department, which were only slightly changed by the new division of business, could thus be described as follows in the Court and State Manual of the Kingdom of Württemberg of 1907 pp. 64- f.: "The Central Department, whose head is also the adjutant of the War Minister, is responsible for the distribution of the entire enema to the departments, the forwarding of drafts and drafts to the War Minister, and the clearance of the enema. The Central Department deals with the rank and file lists, the patenting of the officers and medical officers, the management of the personnel sheets, the applications for the award of nobility and the examination of the nobility, the orders to be made at ceremonies, anniversaries, court and army mourning, etc., all matters concerning the course of business and the division of business of the War Ministry and, finally, the editing of the material part of the "Military Gazette". In March 1907 the Central Department also received the administration of the so-called "Memorandum Collection", i.e. the statements and elaborations prepared by the individual departments of the War Ministry for Consultations of the Bundesrat, the Reichstag and the Württemberg Landtag. The establishment of the War Archive in January 1907, which was subordinated to the Central Department and, although it had its own staff, was in fact administered entirely by it, gained greater importance. On the one hand, the Kriegsarchiv was to secure the archival documents of Württemberg's military provenance, thus prompting the Central Department to also deal with questions of cassation and preservation of such documents; on the other hand, it developed into an independent department during the World War 1914 - 1918, which the Central Department handed over the newspaper clipping collection in January 1916 and the administration of the library of the War Ministry in November 1916. While the World War 1914 - 1918 otherwise had no major impact on the organization and competencies of the Central Department, this changed towards and after the end of the war. In addition to the Central Department, which was the direct organ of the War Minister, in July 1918 the latter created another post which was directly subordinate to him, but which was assigned to the Central Department in organizational terms until October 1918. It was named after its director, Lieutenant Colonel Hummel, "Dienststelle H " and was commissioned by the Minister of War "to collect and inspect for me all documents which I need to communicate with the legislative bodies or individual members thereof. For this purpose, H shall address directly the competent departments of the Ministry of War or other relevant departments, etc.". On 7"10. 1918 it was completely dissolved by the Central Department and made independent under the name "Ministerial Department" (abbreviated: M). As the originally intended designation "Press and Secret Department" (abbreviated: P.G. ) suggests, it was primarily concerned with questions of "enlightenment" of the civilian population, war propaganda, the press, censorship and the fight against rumours. As early as January 1919, the ministerial department was absorbed into the war archive. The establishment and independence of the ministerial department obviously had as little effect on the organization and tasks of the central department as its renaming into the "main office" (abbreviated: H. ) between 18 and 25 November 1918 and the turmoil to which the War Ministry was exposed after the November Revolution of 1918. On the other hand, they were drastically changed by the reorganization decreed by the War Minister Herrmann on 14 March 1919. The main office was dissolved and established in its place: 1. the ministerial office (MB), 2. the main office (HK), 3. the print regulations administration (Dv) and the office cash register (BK), 4. the main registry (HR). While the tasks of the last three departments, which were subordinated to the Deputy Minister of War, Hauptmann (since March 15, 1919: Undersecretary of State) Krais, essentially resulted from their designations, the Ministerial Office directly subordinated to the Minister of War was in charge of marking the entire entrance, handling special assignments and personal correspondence of the Minister of War, and registering and dispatching visitors of the Minister. The processing of affairs of the National Assembly and the Württemberg State Parliament was completely abandoned, and instead of the previous main office, the "Reconnaissance and Press Office of the War Ministry", newly created in February 1919, was now responsible for them. After the resignation of the War Minister Herrmann (on 28. 6. 1919) and his deputy Krais, who had been frequently and fiercely opposed by military circles in particular, this division was reversed as early as 7*7. 1919: the ministerial office was dissolved and its personnel taken over into the "Central Department" (abbreviated: Z. ), newly formed from the other departments (HK, HR, BK), whose competencies were not described in more detail, but which was probably essentially given the previous tasks of these departments. Nothing seems to have changed when the Württemberg War Ministry had the tasks and the designation of a "Reichswehrbefehlsstelle Württemberg" from 28 August 1919 to 30 September 1919, converted from 1 October 1919 to the "Abwicklungsamt des früheren Württembergischen Kriegsministeriums" and as such united with the "Abwicklungsamt des früheren XIII. A. K." to the "Heersabwicklungsamt Württemberg". The reorganisation entailed a change in the registered office. This was originally located in the building of the War Ministry, Charlottenstr. 6, then since June 1914- in the new office building of the War Ministry, Olgastr. 13; in October 1919 the liquidation office of the War Ministry was moved into the office building of the former Commanding General, Kriegsbergstr. 13. 32, from where the Central Department or Department K (see below) in connection with the reorganization of the Army Processing Office Württemberg probably moved in September 1920 to the former secondary artillery depot in Gutenbergstr. 111. As far as the sources show, the Central Department survived these external changes essentially unchanged "however, as a result of the handling of the army, in particular the reorganization of October 1919, it increasingly lost tasks. Together with the Departments A, R, W, ZV, Auskunft and Kr. A. of the Processing Office of the former Württemberg War Ministry, it was therefore united in August 1920 to the Department K (i.e. War Ministry) of the Army Processing Office Württemberg. However, organisational changes in the following month further reduced this Department K, so that from 1 October 1920 it consisted essentially of the former Central Department again. However, its only tasks were now to process the "remaining receipts of the former War Ministry", to forward them to the competent authorities, to apply for support and to handle all employee matters of the Army Processing Office Württemberg. In addition, the subdivision W (weapons department) was subordinated to it, while the office cash register was transferred to the cash register of the Army Processing Office Württemberg as of September 20, 1920, and the war archive united with the department K in August and October 1920 was affiliated to the Reichsarchiv branch in Stuttgart in December 1920. With the dissolution of the Army Processing Office Württemberg on 31. 3. 1921 finally also the department K found its end. 2. the history and order of the holdings: When the War Ministry was reorganized in July 1871, its chancellery was converted to the new conditions by November 1871 with the help of a registrar from the Prussian War Ministry. The previously currrent files were closed except for a few fascicles, which can also be found in the present holdings (Büschel 4, 6-9, 16, 17, 66 - 68, 88, 118, 475); the individual departments of the War Ministry received new, systematic "file plans with associated repertories", and, as with the troops and the remaining military administration, the Prussian file stapling, which was not usual in Württemberg, was introduced instead of the previous loose file filing.§ 4 of the organizational regulations of the War Ministry of 16. 8. 1871 determined: "The registry of the War Ministry is a uniform one, but it is to be formed in such a way that each department has its own files and is at the disposal of the same for the keeping of the journal, for the procurement of the procedures, for the completion of the files etc. 1 registrar official". For the Central Department, as for the other departments of the Ministry, this meant that, as competences increased, the department's file plan was supplemented by newly created files or by files taken over from other departments and appropriately re-signed, while the loss of competences entailed the transfer of files to other departments. Accordingly, the majority of the files of the Zen-tral Department concerning personal, honorary court and order matters of officers, military doctors and civil servants were mainly transferred to the registry of the Military Department (today stock M 1/4 and from there partly to the registry of the Department for Personal Affairs newly formed in 1917 (today stock M 1/5), while pure personnel files today were transferred to the stocks M 430/1 (personnel files I), M 430/2 (personnel files II) and M 430/5 (personnel files V) in the stocks M 430/1 (personnel files I), M 430/2 (personnel files II) and M 430/5 (personnel files V). A special group within the departmental registry were the files kept by the head of the central department as an adjutant of the Minister of War. They were usually marked with the suffix "A" (=djutantur) or "Secret" and mainly comprised secret and personnel files, so-called "officer registries". Among them were the secret files Büschel 47, 199 and 469, the tufts 172, 173, 189-191, 193-196, 199, 200, 202, 203, 207-458, 468 and 469 of the present holdings marked with "A" as well as the entire holdings M 1/2 (special files of the Minister of War and his adjutant), the formation and separation of which from the remaining documents of the Central Department probably mainly goes back to the army archive Stuttgart. While the files were essentially classified in the systematic file plan of the Central Department, there were also special registries and special file groups of the Central Department that were not included in this plan. In the first place, these included the Allerhöchste Ordres, which decided on the application lists (Büschel 209-458) presented to the king by the Minister of War; from 1 January 1873 they were kept in a special registry and today form the holdings M 1/1(Allerhöchste Ordres). The copies of the personnel sheets of officers, military doctors and military officials introduced in 1874 and destined for the War Ministry were also kept as special registries; today they are classified - together with the above-mentioned personnel files - in the holdings M 430/1, M 430/2 M 430/3 and 430/5. In addition, the systematic file plan did not include the lists of troop units (today stock M 1/11), which were also introduced in 1874, the collections of newspaper cuttings (today stock M 730), the so-called necrologist (today stock M 744) and the so-called memorials (today stock M 731). Finally, the so-called "war files" were also treated as special groups, i.e. those files which grew during the World War 1914 - 1918 in addition to the other, continued registry files and which concern especially the matters of warfare and its effects on the homeland; only a small part of them has survived and, moreover, some of them are in fonds M 1/11 (Kriegsarchiv). It is very probable that the Central Department kept the two war rolls with their corresponding lists of names, which are now classified as M 457 (war rolls of the War Ministry, Höchster Kommandobehörden, etc.) Until the outbreak of war in August 1914, the registry, apart from the effects of the various changes in competence, had essentially existed as it had been set up in 1871. On the other hand, changes began with the outbreak of war, which intensified especially towards and after the end of the war and finally led to the complete redesign of the registry. As early as August 1914, a new, additional war business diary was begun, which continued to run until November 1914 and then became the department's sole journal. At the same time, the creation of so-called war files began, which no longer contained signatures but were marked in the business diaries only with abbreviated file titles. The dissolution of the uniformity and the internal and external order of the registry began with this, but the development intensified towards and after the end of the war. It was favoured by the increase in the volume of business, by the increasing fluctuation of the less and less trained office staff, by the decreasing paper quality, by the renunciation of file stitching, possibly by the twofold relocation of the office after the end of the war and above all by the repeated organisational changes. The latter began with the establishment of Office H, which separated itself from the registry of the Central Department since it became independent as the "Ministerial Department" in October 1918, created its own journal, filed its files in folders, and no longer arranged these files systematically but only numerically and signed them accordingly. In addition, when the central department was renamed "head office", some of the previous files were no longer maintained and new files were created for them. This was repeated more frequently in March 1919, when the main office was divided into the departments ministerial office, main office, administration of printing regulations and office cash as well as main registry. Again, some of the previous files have been discontinued. Other parts of the registry, however, continued to grow at the main office and registry, the files of which appear to have been kept jointly, and at the ministerial office. Like the main office and the main registry, this office also created new files that received signatures without a system in numerical order only. The reunification of these departments into the Central Department in July 1919, the transformation of the War Ministry into the Winding-up Office of the former War Ministry in October 1919, and the formation of Department K of the Army Winding-up Office in Württemberg in October 1920 all followed the same procedure. The fact that one was able to find one's way around the registry, although it became more and more confusing, was certainly also due to the fact that as the Württemberg army progressed, older files became less and less needed and the volume of business became smaller and smaller. When the Heeresabwicklungsamt Württemberg was completely dissolved on 31. 3. 1921, the entire registry of the Central Department or its successor offices was immediately transferred to the Reichsarchiv branch in Stuttgart, which was housed in the same office building. In 1937 the remaining holdings were transferred to the Heeresarchiv Stuttgart and in 194-5 to the Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart. In its present form, the holdings comprise M 1/3 written records that have grown up at the Centralbureau and its successor offices, including Department K of the Army Administration Office Württemberg. Although it would have made sense to assign the files of this Section K to the holdings M 390 (Heeresabwicklungsamt Württemberg) as well, analogous to the holdings of the other departments of the War Ministry, which also contain files continued at the Heeresabwicklungsamt Württemberg, they were, however, left with the existing holdings. Apart from the fact that some of the material has been transferred to other M stands mentioned above and has now been left there, some extensive cassations were probably carried out in earlier years. The loss of business diaries from before 1910, which were collected at an unknown time, should be highlighted. After the turmoil of the November Revolution of 1918 had apparently passed without any loss of documents for the central department, the greater part of the so-called war files was probably handed over to the garrison administration in Stuttgart in September 1919 and probably destroyed there. Large-scale cassations, on which Büschel 107 of the holdings (with details of the respective file signatures) provides information, were carried out - probably in 1932 - by the Stuttgart branch of the Reich Archives when the holdings were recorded; in the process, some files were lost which would today be preserved as worthy of archiving. Some worthless files - above all cash documents of the office cash (0, 5 running m) - were cashed with the current distortion. In accordance with the provenance principle, some fascicles which had previously formed part of the holdings have now also been assigned to the holdings M 1/4 and M 660 (estate of the Minister of War v. Marchtaler); the holdings M 390 were assigned those files which had not grown up in the Central Department or Department K of this authority. Against better knowledge, the Heeresarchiv Stuttgart had added 50 books to the holdings as appendices, which it had received in 1938 from the so-called war collection of the former court library of Stuttgart. These books had been published during the World War 1914-1918, placed under censorship and probably destroyed in their remaining edition. Since the relevant files, to which they belong as annexes, are kept in fonds M 77/1 (Deputy General Command XIII. A. K. ), they were now added to this fonds; their index, which was attached to the previously valid repertory of the present fonds, was added to the repertory M 77/1. Conversely, fonds M 1/3 now contains some archival records which were previously kept in other fonds. The tufts 90, 102, 104, 110, 176, 586 - 589 and 591 were taken over from inventory E 271 (War Ministry), volumes 25, 26 and 94- from inventory E 279 (registration books of the highest military authorities), tufts 204 from inventory M 4-00/2 (Heeresarchiv Stuttgart - Abteilung Zentralnachweisamt), tufts 512 from inventory M 430/2 as well as 109 from the unsigned inventory "Aufbau und Organisation" tufts of the present inventory.At an unknown time, but presumably soon after their transfer to the archive, the files of the Central Department were recorded in the Reichsarchiv branch in Stuttgart. This was done by resorting to a summary list of the files available in the systematic records registry, which was probably drawn up in the Central Department after the outbreak of war, and which was not quite accurately referred to as "peace files". This list (Büschel 107) lists the files in sequence of their signatures and with short titles and is more complete than a similar list (Büschel 55) created by the former War Ministry's Winding-up Office. The list of peace records (Büschel 107) was initially supplemented in the Reichsarchiv branch by equally summary lists of the business diaries and the records of the ministerial department, the ministerial office and the office box office. It was only later, probably in 1932, that information about the duration, cassations carried out and package counting, which had only just been introduced, was added and the revised finding aid was written in 1932. Although this repertory, supplemented by later supplements, could not satisfy much, it was still in use. With the current new indexing and order of the stock M 1/3 it was tried to do justice to the numerous organizational changes reflected in the file formation. The largest part of the collection is made up of files grown up between 1871 and 1918. They are arranged according to the signatures of the old, systematic file plan, which, however, has not yet been found, but could only be reconstructed on the basis of these signatures. With the exception of the business diaries and the so-called war records, several unsigned items have also been placed in this plan in a suitable place. Corrections to the plan were necessary in individual lallen identified by references. Reference is also made at the appropriate points in the file plan to files which were continued after November 1918 at the head office or another successor department of the central department and which therefore had to be assigned to another file group of the present stock, as well as to files of the central department which are kept in the stocks M 1/4, M 1/5 and M 390. On the other hand, reference can only be made here in general to the records of the Central Department in the aforementioned inventories M 1/1, M 1/2, M 1/11, M 430/1, M 430/2, M 430/3, M 430/5, M 457, M 730 and M 731. Because of the unclear separation of the registries, a divorce of the files that had grown up after October 1918, March 1919, July 1919, October 1919, and October 1920 respectively in the main office, ministerial office, main office, main registry, central department, and department K would only have been possible very imperfectly and would not have been profitable for the use of the repertory. These documents could therefore only be divorced into two groups justified by the history of the authorities, which, if necessary, were interlinked by references: in files which were current until October 1919, and in files which were continued or newly created after that date; as far as possible, the first group was based on the file regulations of the ministerial office, while the structure of the second group had to be completely revised. The files of the cash office and the ministerial department, which were merely affiliated to the central department or separated from it as independent departments, form separate groups; these files were not or only loosely connected to the registry of the central department. None of these file groups were able to classify the hand files of officers and officials of the Central Department; they were therefore combined into a separate file group. By the end of 1918, all files of the holdings had generally grown up in the registry of the Central Department. Therefore, provenance data were only necessary for the title recordings for files which deviated from this rule and which grew up after October/November 1918; unless otherwise stated, only departments of the War Ministry could be considered as provenances until the establishment of the Reichswehr Command Post Württemberg in August 1919. the holdings were recorded by Oberstaatsarchivrat Dr. Fischer in the summer of 1971 - after preparatory work by the contractual employee Westenfelder; however, only since spring 1975 was it possible for him to revise the title recordings and complete the repertory. The collection comprises 27 volumes (1 m running) and 602 tufts (13 m running). Stuttgart, September 1975Fischer 3rd Appendix I: Minister of War or head of the War Ministry and its settlement office after 1870: 23.3.1870 - 13.9-1874Albert v. Suckow, General of the Infantry, Minister of War (23-3.1870 head of the War Department; 19.7.1870 Minister of War)13.9.1874 - 22.7.1883Theodor v. Wundt, Lieutenant General , War Minister (13.9.1874 in charge of the War Ministry; 5.3.1875 Head of Department; 14.6.1879 War Minister)28.7.1883 - 10.5.1892Gustav v. Steinheil, General der Infanterie "War Minister (28.7-1883 Head of Department; 28.2.1885 War Minister)10.5.1892 - 13.4.1901Max Freiherr Schott v. Schottenstein, General of the Infantry, War Minister13.4.1901 - 10.6.1906Albert v. Schnürlen, General of the Infantry, War Minister10.3.1906 - 8.11.1918Otto v. Marchtaler, Colonel General, War Minister9.11.1918 - 15.11.1918Carpenter, Deputy Officer, Head of Warfare16.11.1918 - 14.1.1919Ulrich Fischer, Deputy Sergeant, Head of Warfare15.1.1919 - 28.6.1919Immanuel Herrmann, Lieutenant of the Landwehr II and Professor at the Technical University of Stuttgart, War Minister30.6.1919 - 28.8.1919Erich Wöllwarth, Lieutenant Colonel, in charge of the War Ministry28.8.1919 - 30.9.1919Erich Wöllwarth, Lieutenant Colonel, Chief of the Reichswehr Command Post1.10.1919 - 31.3.1921Erich Scupin, Major, Chief of the Processing Office of the former Württemberg War Ministry or (since 1.10.1920) of Department K of the Army Processing Office Württemberg 4. Appendix; II: Heads of the Central Department: 28.3.1870 - 30.12.1872Gustav v. Steinheil, Major30.12.1872 - 25.9-1874Reinhard v. Fischer, Hauptmann23c 9.1874 - 26.9.1879Karl Freiherr v. Reitzenstein, Lieutenant Colonel or Captain30.9.1879 - 9.10.1899Paul v. Bilfinger, Captain or Major9.10.1889 - 19.3.1896Albert v. Funk, Major resp. Lieutenant Colonel19.3.1896 - 24.2.1899Gustav v. Steinhardt, Hauptmann24.2.1899 - 18.7.1902Heinrich v. Maur, Hauptmann18.7.1902 - 18.8.1903Ernst v. Schroeder, Hauptmann18.8.1903 - 19.11.1909Hermann v. Haldenwang, Hauptmann resp. Major19.11.1909 - 21.4.1911Max Holland, Hauptmann resp. Major21c 4.1911 - 25.2.1914Richard v. Haldenwang, Major22.4.1914 - 28.3.1915Wilhelm Freiherr v. Neurath, Captain or Major28.3.1913 - 10.6.1918August Graf v. Reischach, Major11.6.1918 - 27.3.1919Erwin Tritschler, Major 5. Special preliminary remark for classification point D: In addition to its main registry, the Central Department of the Ministry of War kept a number of special registries and collections. These included the Allerhöchsten königlichen Ordres and the special files of the War Minister and his adjutant, i.e. today's stocks M 1/1 and M 1/2, then the rankings and the personal sheets of the officers, since 1906 a collection of necrologists, the 1874 established regulars of the troops, the general collection of printing regulations, the collection of newspaper clippings kept since 1902, and the collection of memoranda established in 1907. The Imperial Archives branch and the Army Archives combined the personal documents with other, comparable material from today's holdings M 430 - M 433 and continued the necrologist, now holdings M 744, and the printing regulations, now holdings M 635/1, as archival collections. Only the self-contained or reconstructed series of the lists of collectors, memorandums and newspaper cuttings could be integrated into the holdings of the Central Department in accordance with the provenance (1). These should each include "the entire period of the unit from the year of foundation" and be supplemented annually by November 1 with regard to "garrison and changes thereof, supplementation, uniform and armament, as well as changes thereto, trunk and formation changes, campaigns and battles, awards, chiefs, commanders". The central department of the Ministry then collected its own notes, incoming reports, printed matter, etc. in folders created separately for each unit, which, carefully managed, soon developed into an excellent source of information on the aforementioned areas until the information was broken off in 1912. At an indefinite time, the lists were bound and assigned to the later holdings of M 1/11 Kriegsarchiv, which was reorganized in 1985 and removed again and inserted here. By order of the War Ministry of March 9, 1907, the departments of the Ministry had to take up such military matters that might be discussed in the Bundesrat, the Reichstag, or the Landtag, and to submit corresponding elaborations together with relevant printed matter, journal articles, etc. The Ministry's departments were also responsible for the preparation of the lists. After the individual cases had been concluded, the central department kept these so-called memorandums of understanding so that they could be sent back quarterly to the responsible departments for updating. The portfolios were sorted and counted according to the alphabet of the keywords; in 1911 the keywords and the subsequent numbering were renewed and compiled in a printed directory (see Annex). Some of the tufts also included events from earlier years until, after the outbreak of war in 1914, the collection was only continued in individual cases and finally handed over to the War Archive Department of the Ministry at the beginning of 1919. But none of these measures has ever covered the whole stock, nor has it been fully preserved or restored. After a number of tufts had been mixed together in the army archives, while others had been separated and newly compiled, the numbers 15 (or 16), 19, 26, 49, 51, 56, 79, 80, 93, and 113 of the Order of the Year 1911 are now missing. In 1939/50, government inspector Alfons Beiermeister united the present material with further general printed memoranda, among others, which had arisen during file excretions, to the later holdings M 730 "memoranda". When it was dissolved in 1985, the memorandums of the central department could be reintegrated according to the provenance. Since 1902, the Central Department for the Military Administration had been collecting important news from several daily newspapers, which differed according to their attitude and orientation, such as Berliner Tagblatt, Frankfurter Zeitung, Der Beobachter, Deutsches Volksblatt, Schwäbischer Merkur, Schwäbische Tagwacht, Stuttgarter Neues Tagblatt, Württemberger Zeitung, etc. The excerpts were pasted in chronological order into subsequently bound issues, most of which were accompanied by a detailed table of contents. After the collecting activity had been interrupted in 1913 with a special volume on the occasion of the government anniversary of Kaiser Wilhelm II, it was resumed at the beginning of the war in 1914 in a considerably expanded framework: In addition to excerpts from official decrees published in the State Gazette, there were now series on topics such as "Theatre of War", "Parliament", "War Nursing". At the beginning of 1916, however, this collection was transferred to the War Archive Department of the Ministry and then continued there. However, the group "Statements of the Political Parties on the War", which was mainly composed of party newspapers and was also originally to be published, initially remained with the Central Department, which also opened a new group "Omissions of the Press on Civilian Service" towards the end of 1916. In July 1918, the remaining thematic collection - i.e. without the aforementioned extracts from official decrees - was to be transferred to the newly created "Dienststelle H", the later "Ministerialabteilung", abbreviated to M, of the Ministry. The extent to which this was achieved must be left open, as the collection was not continued in either of the two departments in its previous form. Kurt Hiller, retired Colonel of the Archives, combined all the relevant documents from the War Ministry with further newspapers, excerpts, memoranda, etc. from the "Zeitungsausschnittsammlung des Württembergischen Kriegsministeriums" (newspaper excerpt collection of the Württemberg War Ministry), later to become M 731, in the Army Archives with further documents dating back to 1938, and created a tape repertory of them, which remained unfinished around 1940. When this stock was divided up in 1985, the newspaper clippings, which had been selected by the central department and not, as mentioned, handed over to the war archives in 1916, were once again classified in the stock of the central department. 1974 already, the work contract employee of Westerfelder recorded the lists of the regulars, in spring 1985, the archive employee Werner Urban recorded the memoranda; in addition, he produced the associated index of places, persons and subjects. For the newspaper clippings, the title recordings of the finding aid book of 1940 were taken over to a large extent, for the place, person and subject index arranged again by Werner Urban in addition the 1950 to the fonds M 731 of Beiermeister created register was also used. The selection of keywords contained in the title recordings as well as in Beiermeister's indexes is limited and could be supplemented on the basis of the above-mentioned tables of contents for the individual volumes, but such, in itself desirable, extensive expansion has been postponed for the time being.The lists of collectors, memorandums and newspaper clippings of the Central Department of the Ministry of War now include the volumes and tufts 603 - 821 in 3.3 meters of shelves. Stuttgart, October 1985(Cordes)(1) In this respect the information in volume 1 of the Repertory, p. XVIII, must now be corrected.

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, GU 124 · Fonds · 1897-1922 und o. J.
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Biography: Wilhelm (III.) Prince von Urach was born on 27 September 1897 in Stuttgart as the son of Wilhelm (II.) Duke of Urach Count of Württemberg and the Amalie Duchess of Urach Countess of Württemberg née Duchess of Württemberg in Bavaria. He first attended the Hayersche Knabeninstitut in Stuttgart and from 1908 the Karlsgymnasium in Stuttgart, where he graduated from high school in 1914. On 3 August 1914 he was drafted into the Field Artillery Regiment No. 13 King Karl. Already on 18 August 1914 he was appointed lieutenant. During the First World War Wilhelm Fürst von Urach served mainly in the Reserve Field Artillery Regiment No. 26, in the General Command Carpathian Corps (IV. Reserve Corps) and in the Württemberg Reichswehr-Schützen Regiment 25 and was deployed in France, Poland, Flanders, Serbia, the Carpathians and in Bukovina. Already in 1916 Wilhelm Fürst von Urach - probably at the request of his father - enrolled as a war student in law at the University of Tübingen. His real interest, however, was in technology and engineering. Wilhelm Fürst von Urach therefore studied mechanical engineering at the Technical University of Stuttgart from 1919 to 1922. After his studies he worked for the automobile companies Steiger in Burgrieden near Laupheim, Cockerell in Munich and Bugatti in Molsheim/Elsass. In 1927 he moved to Daimler-Benz. There he initially worked as a designer in Untertürkheim. From 1933 he belonged to the management secretariat. In 1937 he was appointed chief engineer. During the Second World War, he was the industrial representative responsible for the technical management of the Renault automobile plant in occupied France. 1945 Wilhelm Fürst von Urach returned to the management secretariat of Daimler-Benz. From 1946 to 1950 he was in charge of the Untertürkheim car test management. In 1954, Wilhelm Fürst von Urach was granted power of attorney. Wilhelm Fürst von Urach married Elisabeth Theurer on 19 June 1928 against the resistance of his father. She was the daughter of Richard Theurer, General Manager of G. Siegle.

Urach, Wilhelm
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, GU 119 · Fonds · 1811, (1816), 1835-1974 und o. J.
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

1st biographies: The GU 119 holdings essentially comprise documents from the estate of the Wiltrud Princess of Bavaria, Duchess of Urach. The collection also includes partial estates and fragments of estates of relatives of Princess Wiltrud, especially from the House of Bavaria (Wittelsbach). Specifically, these are the estate documents of the parents of Princess Wiltrud, King Ludwig III and Queen Marie Therese of Bavaria (née Archduchess of Austria-Este Princess Modena), Aunt Wiltrud, Princess Therese of Bavaria, and the grandparents of Wiltrud, Luitpold Prinzregent and Auguste Ferdinande Princess of Bavaria (née Archduchess of Austria-Tuscany). In the following, the biographies of the personalities represented in the GU 119 inventory, of whom there are partial estates, are briefly discussed. 1.1 Wiltrud Duchess of Urach (née Princess of Bavaria)Wiltrud Marie Alix Princess of Bavaria was born on 10 November 1884 in Munich as the tenth of thirteen children of Ludwig Prince of Bavaria, later Prince Regent and King Ludwig III of Bavaria, and Marie Therese Princess of Bavaria. Only a few documents on the childhood and youth of Princess Wiltrud can be found in the present inventory (subcategory 1.1.1), so that only little information can be given about this period. Accordingly, Princess Wiltrud and her siblings were taught by house teachers. The mother Princess Marie Therese also took care of the upbringing of the children and until Prince Ludwig took office she had hardly any representative duties to fulfil. Prince Ludwig's family lived mainly in Schloss Leutstetten near Lake Starnberg. A large estate belonged to Leutstetten Castle, which belonged to Prince Ludwig's private estate and which he developed into an agricultural model estate. When Prince Ludwig succeeded Prince Regent Luitpold after the death of his father Prince Regent Luitpold in 1912, his wife Princess Marie Therese and his daughter Princess Wiltrud also had to take on more and more representative tasks, about which the information in the present holdings in the category 1.During the First World War Princess Wiltrud supported her mother in her extensive charitable activities. Together with her mother, her sisters and their court ladies she packed gift packages (so-called "Liebesgaben") for the Bavarian soldiers, non-commissioned officers and officers at the front, in which ham, chocolate, canned goods and partly also laundry were packed (cf. subcategories 1.9.1 and 1.9.2). Friends of the royal family from Sárvár (Hungary), where Queen Marie Therese owned a large estate, and from Sulden (South Tyrol), where the royal family often went on mountain tours, also benefited from these gift packages. The recipients of these coveted "gifts of love" often thanked Princess Wiltrud with field letters, sometimes extensive reports on war events and photographs of the front and the occupied territories. These partly quite descriptive materials have been preserved in subcategories 1.9.2 and 1.9.3 of the present inventory. In addition, Princess Wiltrud and her mother visited hospitals and hospitals and gave comfort to the soldiers and officers of the Bavarian army who were lying there. Finally, Princess Wiltrud also worked temporarily in the "war sewing room" set up by her mother in the Nibelungensälen of the Munich Residenz, where 600 to 800 seamstresses and knitters worked. The "Kriegsnähstube" provided the Bavarian troops moving into the field with laundry quickly and unbureaucratically. When in November 1918 the social democratic politician Kurt Eisner proclaimed the republic in Munich, the royal family left Munich and initially withdrew to Schloss Wildenwart. The end of the monarchy in Bavaria was a decisive turning point for Princess Wiltrud and the other members of the House of Bavaria. Princess Wiltrud, like all representatives of the German princely houses, lost her privileges. Princess Wiltrud first lived at Wildenwart Castle until her marriage and on 25 November 1924 Wiltrud Princess of Bavaria married Wilhelm (II) Duke of Urach in Munich. On the following day the church wedding took place, also in Munich. The marriage remained childless. After her marriage, Duchess Wiltrud lived alternately at Schloss Lichtenstein and Palais Urach in Stuttgart. When her husband died in 1928, Duchess Wiltrud also took over the care of the youngest children of Wilhelm (II.) Duke of Urach from his marriage to Amalie Herzogin von Urach (née Duchess of Bavaria). In the 1930s, Duchess Wiltrud moved to the former royal hunting lodge in Oberstdorf, which she had inherited from her father's estate and which she had renovated especially for this purpose. At times Duchess Wiltrud also visited Schloss Lichtenstein and Schloss Wildenwart. Duchess Wiltrud showed an interest in music, fine arts, history and botany, which can be seen in the printed matter and materials preserved in this collection. In addition, she undertook several voyages, including a longer voyage by ship on the "Monte Rosa" in 1935 to Brazil, Senegal and Morocco. From 1901 to 1903 she travelled the Balkans with her mother and younger sisters. During this time she also made a boat trip on the Adriatic with her mother, her younger sisters and Karl Stephan Archduke of Austria, about which she also wrote a travel diary, which was published in excerpts in a magazine. A copy of this journal can be found in Bü 719. She also wrote articles about a trip to the Arlberg (Austria) in magazines (Bü 719). In addition, she frequently travelled to visit her stepchildren, her siblings and their families, and the other relatives, which is not least reflected in the extensive correspondence preserved in this collection. In addition to the aforementioned travel descriptions, Duchess Wiltrud also published poems in magazines and calendars under her name (Bü 842). Like many members of the House of Bavaria, Duchess Wiltrud was deeply religious and had received a strictly Catholic education. The Duchess also maintained close contact with Catholic clergy and nuns, as can be seen from her correspondence with them (especially Bü 249 and 250). Not least the memberships of Duchess Wiltrud in religious associations, brotherhoods and congregations, which are documented in Bü 731, and the multitude of religious publications and the collection of material in the sub-categories 1.11.1 and 1.18.3 bear witness to the religiousness of the Duchess.Wiltrud Princess of Bavaria died on 28 March 1975 in Oberstdorf. She was buried in the cemetery of Großengstingen near Reutlingen. 1.2 Therese Princess of BavariaTherese Charlotte Marianne Auguste Princess of Bavaria was born on 12 November 1850 as the third of four children and sole daughter of Luitpold Prince of Bavaria, later to become Prince Regent of Bavaria, and Auguste Ferdinande Princess of Bavaria (née Archduchess of Austria-Tuscany).Together with her brothers Ludwig, who was later to rule Bavaria as Prince Regent and King Ludwig III, Leopold and Arnulf, she was taught by her mother and not by house teachers, as was customary in princely houses at the time. As an adult, she spoke twelve languages. In addition to her talent for languages, the princess developed a keen interest in the natural sciences and the geography and culture of foreign countries at an early age. Since she was denied university studies as a woman, Princess Therese acquired her extensive scientific knowledge through self-study. The princess acquired considerable expertise in geography, ethnology, botany and zoology - especially ornithology (ornithology) - and Princess Therese began her extensive travels as a young woman. Together with her brother Prince Leopold and his wife Gisela Princess of Bavaria (née Archduchess of Austria) she travelled North Africa, Spain, Portugal and France. Princess Therese almost always travelled incognito, often under the name of a "Countess Elpen", and with a small entourage. In 1898 she undertook an expedition of several months to South America, from which she brought a rich collection of zoological, botanical and ethnological material, including over 200 species of fish. These collections were later bequeathed to the Zoologische Staatssammlung München and the Münchner Völkerkundemuseum. Unfortunately, the collections were almost completely destroyed during the Second World War. Princess Therese discovered on her travels also previously unknown animal species, such as the catfish in Colombia, a longhorn beetle in Ecuador and a singing chirp in Trinidad. On her travels to South America, she also explored several Indian tribes in the Amazon region that were unknown to date in European scientific circles. In 1893 Princess Therese travelled North America, where she was particularly interested in the Plains Indians. In addition to ethnological and zoological studies, the princess also conducted botanical studies on her travels. The plants discovered by her in the process found their way into botanical literature with the addition of the name "theresiae". Princess Therese published scientific treatises and travelogues about her numerous journeys: In 1880 the article "A trip to Tunis" about her trip to North Africa was published. The experiences of her trip to Russia were included in the treatise "Travel Impressions and Sketches from Russia", which was published in 1895. The impressions of Princess Therese's travels to Central and South America were processed in the publications "On Mexican Lakes", "My Trip to the Brazilian Tropics", "On the Purpose and Editions of My Trip to South America in 1898", "Writings on a Trip to South America", "On a Trip to the West Indies and South America", "Some Words on Cultural Development in Pre-Spanish Peru" and "Travel Studies from Western South America", published between 1895 and 1908. About the Pueblo Indians she wrote in 1902 the essay "Einiges über die Pueblo-Indianer". Princess Therese published her first essays on her travels under the pseudonym "Th of Bavaria" in order to prevent her a priori being denied recognition as a woman by male experts. In addition to these publications, Princess Therese also documented her travels with the help of the then newly invented roll-film camera, of which only the most important were given to Princess Therese in the course of her life: On December 9, 1897, the princess was the first woman to receive an honorary doctorate from the Philosophical Faculty of the University of Munich "for her excellent knowledge of the natural sciences, proven by excellent books" ("propter insignem rerum naturalium scientiam praeclaris libris comprobatam"). In 1892 she became an honorary member of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and the Geographic Society in Munich. In 1897 Princess Therese became a corresponding member of the Geographic Society in Lisbon and in 1898 an honorary member of the Geographic Society in Vienna. In 1908 Princess Therese received the Austro-Hungarian Medal of Honor for Science and Art. One year later she was awarded the title of "Officier de l'Instruction publique" by the French Ministry of Education. At the same time, Princess Therese became an honorary member of the Société des Américanistes de Paris, and after the death of her father, Prince Regent Luitpold, the Princess gave up her long journeys and dedicated herself to charitable and social projects and institutions for which she took over the protectorate. At the beginning of the First World War, she set up a hospital for the wounded in her "Villa Amsee" in Lindau. Pictures of this military hospital are available in Bü 986 and 1166 of this collection. Princess Therese, who was abbess of the Damenstift St. Anna in Munich, remained unmarried throughout her life. According to the relevant specialist literature, the princess fell in love at a young age with her cousin Prince Otto, who later became Otto König von Bayern, but who suffered from a mental illness and was therefore out of the question for marriage. Still in later years Princess Therese was interested in the state of health of her cousin King Otto, as the correspondence with Philipp Freiherr von Redwitz and Georg Freiherr von Stengel, the court marshals of King Otto, which is preserved in this collection, proves about the state of health of the king (subcategory, Bü 1105, 1107 and 1149). Princess Therese died on 19 September 1925 in Munich. She was buried in the Theatinerkirche in Munich. Princess Therese is remembered in Bavaria today by the "Therese-von-Bayern-Stiftung", founded in 1997 to promote women in science. The foundation supports habilitations and scientific projects of young academics and regularly awards the "Therese-von-Bayern-Preis". In 1997 a television documentary entitled "Princess Therese of Bavaria - Researcher, Collector, World Traveler" about the Princess was produced. Furthermore, in the same year H. Bußmann and E. Neukum-Fichtner the publication ""Ich bleiben ein Wesen eigener Art" - Princess Therese of Bavaria. Ludwig III, King of Bavaria-Ludwig Prince of Bavaria, the later King Ludwig III, was born in Munich on 7 January 1845 as the son of Luitpold Prince of Bavaria, the later Prince Regent, and Auguste Ferdinande Princess of Bavaria (née Archduchess of Austria-Tuscany), who was educated by house teachers, including the clergyman Karl Rinecker. From 1864 to 1865, the Prince studied philosophy, history, law, economics and art history at the University of Munich, without however obtaining a degree in the individual subjects. In the war of 1866 Ludwig served as lieutenant and orderly officer of his father Prince Luitpold. As the son of a subsequent prince, Prince Ludwig initially had no prospect of the Bavarian royal crown, since it passed to King Ludwig II and King Otto, the sons of Ludwig's uncle King Maximilian II and thus cousins of Prince Ludwig. Instead, however, Ludwig was entitled to the Greek royal throne because Ludwig's uncle Otto had no descendants. However, when King Otto had to leave Greece in 1862 due to a military revolt, Ludwig lost his prospects for the Greek royal throne, and on 20 February 1868 Prince Louis of Bavaria Marie Therese married Archduchess of Austria-Este Princess of Modena in Vienna. Prince Ludwig showed great interest in agriculture, veterinary medicine and technology. In 1868 he became Honorary President of the Central Committee of the Agricultural Association of Bavaria. The Leutstetten estate on Lake Starnberg, which he acquired in 1875, was converted by Ludwig into a model agricultural estate, which earned him the nickname "Millibauer" among the population. Finally, Prince Ludwig supported the expansion of the Rhine-Main-Danube Canal and the Bavarian Canal Association. Prince Ludwig was politically active in the Catholic Conservative Patriotic Party, the later Centre Party, for which he ran unsuccessfully in the 1871 Reichstag elections. In addition, the Prince was a member of the Reich Council, where he stood up for Bavarian interests and emphasized the interests of the individual states vis-à-vis the Reich. In the Imperial Council, Prince Ludwig also spoke out in favour of direct relative majority voting, which earned him great praise from August Bebel. Bebel said that if in Germany the Emperor were elected by the people from one of the ruling princely houses, then Prince Ludwig would have the best prospects of becoming German Emperor. In the years after 1900 Ludwig also frequently performed representational duties for his father Prinzregent Luitpold. When Prince Regent Luitpold died in 1912, Prince Ludwig succeeded him as Prince Regent of Bavaria in December. Right at the beginning of Prince Ludwig's reign, there were discussions in Bavaria about the royal question. The Centre Party and the Bavarian Prime Minister Georg von Hertling spoke out in favour of transforming the regency into a royalty and thus in favour of deposing Otto, who was a minor due to mental illness. After hard political conflicts and a constitutional amendment, Otto König von Bayern was finally declared deposed, and Prince Regent Ludwig was able to ascend the Bavarian throne as King Ludwig III on 5 November 1913. During the First World War, Ludwig III was commander-in-chief of the Bavarian troops and from 1915 also Prussian Field Marshal, the latter function being limited exclusively to representative tasks. At the beginning of the war Ludwig hoped to be able to extend the Bavarian Palatinate by parts of Alsace. On November 2, 1918, Ludwig announced the establishment of a parliamentary system of government in Bavaria. However, Ludwig could no longer install a new state government with the participation of the majority Social Democrats (MSPD), as he had already been dismissed by the Social Democratic politician Kurt Eisner on November 7, 1918. From Wildenwart Castle he went to Anif Castle near Salzburg, where he issued a declaration on 13 November exempting the officials, officers and soldiers in Bavaria from the oath of allegiance. King Ludwig III continued to refuse to abdicate formally and to renounce his claims to the throne, living temporarily in Austria, Liechtenstein, Switzerland and Wildenwart Castle after the introduction of the republic in Bavaria. The king also stayed in Sárvár (Hungary), where he died on 18 October 1921. Ludwig III and his wife Marie Therese Queen of Bavaria, who had already died on February 3, 1919, found their final resting place in the Cathedral of Our Lady of Munich. The eulogy at the funeral ceremony on November 5, 1921, was given by Cardinal Michael von Faulhaber, Archbishop of Munich-Freising. A printed version of the speech can be found in Bü 839 of this collection; illustrations of the funeral are available in Bü 934 and 1170. Ludwig's heart was buried in the Chapel of Grace in Altötting, in accordance with the tradition of the Bavarian royal house (cf. the illustrations in Bü 1087). 1.4 Marie Therese Princess of Bavaria (née Archduchess of Austria-Este Princess of Modena)Marie (Maria) Therese Henriette Dorothea Archduchess of Austria-Este Princess of Modena was born on the 2nd of January in Modena. Born in July 1849 in Brno as the only child of Ferdinand Archduke of Austria-Este Prince of Modena and Elisabeth Archduchess of Austria-Este Princess of Modena (née Archduchess of Austria), her father died of typhoid fever in Brno on 15 December 1849, just a few months after Marie Therese's birth. Marie Therese's mother married Karl Ferdinand Archduke of Austria in 1854. This marriage produced six children, four of whom reached adulthood. In detail these are: Friedrich Erzherzog von Österreich Herzog von Teschen (1856-1936), Karl Stephan Erzherzog von Österreich (1860-1933), Imperial and Royal Admiral, Eugen Erzherzog von Österreich (1863-1954), High and German Master of the Teutonic Order and Imperial and Royal Field Marshal, and the daughter Maria Christina Erzherzogin von Österreich (1858-1929). The latter married Alfonso XII in 1879. Archduchess Marie Therese was descended from the House of Austria-Este, a line of the House of Austria that ruled the duchies of Modena and Guastalla in Upper Italy until their incorporation into the Kingdom of Italy in 1859. Marie Therese had inherited on her father's side the throne claims of the Stuarts to the English throne through the houses of Savoy and Orléans, which is why she was the legitimate queen of Scotland for the Stuart followers and legitimists as Mary III and the legitimate queen of England, France and Ireland as Mary IV. Of course Marie Therese's claims to the throne on the English, French, Scottish and Irish royal dignity were never claimed by her. Archduchess Marie Therese was educated strictly Catholic and received instruction from house teachers. At the funeral ceremonies for the late Mathilde Archduchess of Austria in 1867, she met Ludwig Prinz of Bavaria, with whom she immediately fell in love. The Archduchess succeeded in marrying Prince Ludwig against the resistance of her family and, above all, her uncle Franz V. Duke of Modena Archduke of Austria-Este. Marie Therese originally wanted to marry Ferdinand (IV), titular Grand Duke of Tuscany, Archduke of Austria-Tuscany, who was the son of Grand Duke Leopold II of Tuscany, who went into exile in 1859 and lived in exile in Austria and Bohemia. The wedding of Archduchess Marie Therese and Ludwig Prince of Bavaria took place on 20 February 1868 in Vienna. The marriage produced a total of thirteen children, ten of whom reached adulthood. Princess Marie Therese took care of the education of her children. Since she hardly had to fulfil any representation duties in the first years of her marriage, there was enough time for her to do so. Princess Marie Therese devoted herself to social charitable tasks. Since 1889 she headed the Bavarian Red Cross. In this function she also visited Henri Dunant, the founder of the Red Cross (see Bü 584). During the First World War she set up - as already mentioned - a so-called "war sewing room" in the Nibelungensälen of the Munich Residenz, which quickly and unbureaucratically provided the soldiers at the front with laundry. In Leutstetten she set up a so-called Alpinum, in which she almost completely assembled the alpine flora. Princess Marie Therese was also an enthusiastic hobby artist and Marie Therese Queen of Bavaria died at Wildenwart Castle on 3 February 1919. She was first buried in the castle chapel at Schloss Wildenwart. After the death of her husband, her remains were buried together with those of her husband on 5 November 1921 in the Cathedral of Our Lady in Munich. 1.5 Luitpold Prinzregent von BayernLuitpold Prinz von Bayern, the later Prinzregent von Bayern, was born in Würzburg on 12 March 1821 as the son of Ludwig Prinz von Bayern, the later King Ludwig I of Bavaria, and Therese Prinzessin von Bayern (née Prinzessin von Sachsen-Hildburghausen), the later Queen of Bavaria, who was taught by renowned personalities and tutors. The most notable are the theologian Georg von Oettl, who was a pupil of Johann Michael Sailer and later became Bishop of Eichstätt, the painter Domenico Quaglio, the natural philosopher Gotthilf Heinrich von Schubert, the philosopher George Philipps and the national economist Friedrich Benedikt von Hermann. The prince had a military career since 1835. Already in 1848 he was promoted to lieutenant general. In 1856 he was appointed commander of the 1st division. From 1861 Luitpold was field witness for the army inspection. He took part in the 1866 war as commander of the 3rd division. In the years after 1866 he was entrusted with the reorganization of the Bavarian military on the model of Prussia. In the war of 1870/71 the prince was detached as a representative of Bavaria to the Great Headquarters. In 1876 Prince Luitpold was appointed Fieldmaster General in the rank of Field Marshal General. Politically Luitpold was in the years before 1866 on the side of the Greater Germans and for a rapprochement to Austria. 10 June 1886 took over Prince Luitpold first the regency for his nephew Ludwig II King of Bavaria, who had been declared mentally ill and unable to govern. After the death of King Ludwig, Luitpold took over the regency for his mentally ill nephew Otto König von Bayern, the brother of King Ludwig II. Although the population was initially reserved towards Luitpold, the Prince Regent soon won the affection of large parts of the Bavarian people. Prince Regent Luitpold ruled strictly constitutionally. Luitpold's reign was retrospectively glorified by his contemporaries as the "Prinzregenten period", which was characterized by economic upswing, an improvement in living conditions and, above all, cultural prosperity. The latter in particular is inseparably linked with the Prinzregenten period. Under Luitpolds regency, Munich developed into a cultural centre in Germany. "Luitpold Prinzregent von Bayern died on 12 December 1912 in Munich. He was buried in the Theatinerkirche in Munich. 1.6 Auguste Ferdinande Princess of Bavaria (née Archduchess of Austria-Tuscany)Auguste Ferdinande Archduchess of Austria-Tuscany was born on 1 April 1825 in Florence as the daughter of Leopold II. Grand Duke of Tuscany and Maria Anna Grand Duchess of Tuscany (née Princess of Saxony), she married Luitpold Prince of Bavaria on 15 April 1844 in Florence. The marriage produced the sons Ludwig, the later King Ludwig III, Leopold, later Field Marshal, and Arnulf, later Colonel General, and the explorer Princess Therese, the deeply religious Princess Auguste Ferdinande who, together with the house teachers, took care of the strict Catholic education of her children. Princess Auguste Ferdinande showed great interest in the arts - she had a talent for drawing - and in history. Princess Auguste Ferdinande died on 26 April 1864 in Munich. She was buried in the Theatinerkirche in Munich. 2. on the content, order and distortion of the holdings: As mentioned above, the GU 119 holdings include several partial estates of members of the House of Bavaria. By far the largest and most extensive partial legacy is that of the Wiltrud Duchess of Urach, née Princess of Bavaria (category 1). In the following, the contents of the estate of the Duchess Wiltrud will be discussed in more detail.2.1 Estate of Wiltrud Duchess von Urach (née Prinzessin von Bayern)The most extensive part of the estate of the Duchess Wiltrud in the inventory GU 119, apart from the photographs, is the correspondence of the Duchess Wiltrud (section 1.2). Within the correspondence, the letters of relatives of Wiltrud and her husband represent an important and large group. Section 1.2 begins with letters from members of the House of Bavaria (Wittelsbach) to Princess Wiltrud (sub-section 1.2.1). Above all, the letters of her parents Ludwig III King and Marie Therese Queen of Bavaria are to be mentioned here (subcategory The correspondence with Wiltrud's siblings and their families must also be mentioned here: in detail, these are letters from Rupprecht Crown Prince of Bavaria, from the princes Karl, Franz and Wolfgang of Bavaria and from the princesses Adelgunde (verh. Princess of Hohenzollern), Maria (Duchess of Calabria, Princess of Bourbon-Sicily), Mathilde (Princess of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha), Hildegard, Helmtrud and Gundelinde (Countess of Preysing-Lichtenegg-Moos) of Bavaria (subcategory Letters from the spouses and children of the siblings can also be found in subcategory In addition, letters from the other representatives of the royal line (subcategory and the ducal line of the House of Bavaria (subcategory as well as from the House of Leuchtenberg (subcategory, which is related to the House of Bavaria, can also be expected in the estate of Princess Wiltrud. Finally, subheading 1.2.1 also includes letters from members of the Bavarian court (subheading and servants of the royal family in Bavaria and Sárvár (Hungary) (subheading Among the letters from members of the court, the letters of Bertha Freiin von Wulffen, the educator and later court lady of Princess Wiltrud, are particularly noteworthy (Bü 440-447). The close relatives of Princess Wiltrud also include the members of the House of Austria (Habsburg), with whom Wiltrud's mother Marie Therese was Queen of Bavaria, who was a born Archduchess of Austria-Este Princess of Modena, and Wiltrud's grandmother Auguste Ferdinande Princess of Bavaria, who was a born Archduchess of Austria-Tuscany. Last but not least, the House of Bavaria with the House of Austria in the 19th century was also the marriage of the Elisabeth Duchess in Bavaria with Emperor Franz Joseph of Austria and the marriage of her daughter Gisela Archduchess of Austria with Leopold Prince of Bavaria as well as the marriage of the Adelgunde Princess of Bavaria with Franz V. Duke of Modena Archduke of Austria-Este related. The letters of representatives of the House of Austria can be found in subcategory 1.2.2 of this inventory. This includes letters from members of the Austria-Hungary line (subheadings and, Austria-Este (Ducal Family of Modena) (subheading and Austria-Tuscany (subheading as well as from members of the Court of the House of Austria (subheading In addition to two letters from the Zita Empress of Austria Queen of Hungary (née Princess of Bourbon-Parma) (Bü 368), the letters of the High and German Master Eugen Archduke of Austria (Bü 180), of the Imperial and Royal Colonel Karl Albrecht Archduke of Austria (Bü 400), of the Imperial and Royal Colonel Karl Albrecht Archduke of Austria (Bü 400), of the Imperial and Royal Colonel Eugen Archduke of Austria (Bü 180) and of the German and Royal Colonel Eugen Archduke of Austria (Bü 180) are also included. Field marshal Friedrich Archduke of Austria (Bü 390) and the aristocrat Archduchess of Austria-Este Duchess of Modena (née Princess of Bavaria) (Bü 346 and 347).) Duke of Urach can be found mainly in subcategory 1.2.3. In addition to letters from her brother-in-law Karl Fürst von Urach (subcategory, letters from the children of Duke Wilhelm (II.) from his marriage to Amalie Herzogin von Urach (née Duchess of Bavaria) (subcategory can be expected in the estate of Princess Wiltrud. The letters of the spouses of the children and the grandchildren of Duke Wilhelm (II.) are also included in subheading On the other hand, there are no letters from the husband Wilhelm (II.) Duke of Urach to his wife Wiltrud in this collection. Duchess Wiltrud also had an extensive correspondence with the Altieri, Enzenberg, Thun-Hohenstein, Vetter von der Lilie, Forni and Bayer von Ehrenberg families (subcategory, who were related to the House of Urach. The family relations with these families came about through the marriages of the Auguste Eugenie Countess of Württemberg (Countess of Enzenberg, Countess of Thun-Hohenstein) and Mathilde Princess of Urach Countess of Württemberg (Countess of Württemberg). Principessa Altieri), who were half-sisters of Duke Wilhelm (II.), as well as the marriage of the Marie Countess of Württemberg, who was a daughter of Wilhelm Duke of Württemberg and Wilhelmine Princess of Württemberg (née Freiin von Tunderfeld-Rhodis), with the Count of Taubenheim. Subheading contains letters from Urach staff. The relatives of Duke Wilhelm (II.) also include the representatives of the House of Württemberg (subcategory 1.2.4), including Charlotte Queen of Württemberg (née Princess zu Schaumburg-Lippe) (subcategory, Albrecht Duke of Württemberg and Philipp Albrecht Duke of Württemberg (subcategory, Louis II Prince of Monaco (subcategory 1.2.5) and Elisabeth Princess of and to Liechtenstein (née Princess of Urach) and her husband Karl Prince of and to Liechtenstein (subcategory 1.2.6), from whom letters are available in each case. In addition to the members of the aforementioned princely houses, Princess Wiltrud also corresponded with the members of the other princely houses in Germany and Europe (subcategories 1.2.7 and 1.2.8). The most notable are Elisabeth Queen of Belgians (née Duchess of Bavaria) (Bü 122), the Grand Duchesses Maria Anna (née Infanta of Portugal) and Charlotte of Luxembourg (Bü 247 and 124), Maria Christina Queen of Spain (née Archduchess of Austria) (Bü 243) and Alfonso XIII King of Spain (Bü 504). Among the representatives of the German ruling or former ruling princely houses, Friedrich II Grand Duke of Baden (Bü 359), Max Prince of Saxony (Bü 366), Professor of the Catholic Liturgy and the Languages of the Christian East in Fribourg/Üechtland, and Hermione Princess of Prussia (widowed Princess of Schönaich-Carolath, née Princess Reuß) (Bü 106), the second wife of Emperor Wilhelm II, should be mentioned. A telegram is available from Emperor Wilhelm II, who was visited by Duchess Wiltrud in Haus Doorn/Netherlands (Bü 319). correspondence with the members of the princely houses is followed by letters from members of the nobility (Unterrubrik, the barons (Unterrubrik and the nobility (Unterrubrik in Germany and Austria. Letters from aristocrats can also be found in the correspondence series "aristocratic acquaintances from Bavaria" (subcategory and "aristocratic and bourgeois acquaintances from Württemberg" (subcategory 1.2.11). The letters of aristocrats existing in the two correspondence series were explicitly left in the respective series and not classified in subcategories to in order to retain the formation made by Duchess Wiltrud.Among the letters of personalities of public life (subcategory 1.2.13) are especially in Bü 250 the letters of the clergy Michael von Faulhaber, archbishop of Munich-Freising, Giovanni Battista Montini, papal undersecretary of state and later Pope Paul VI, Carl Joseph Leiprecht, bishop of Rottenburg, Sigismund Felix Freiherr von Ow-Felldorf, bishop of Passau, and Prelate Konrad Kümmel (Bü 27), editor of the "Katholisches Sonntagsblatt". Correspondence by Johann Baptista Sproll, bishop of Rottenburg, can be found in Bü 38. Among the letters of writers, the letters of the writers Emmy Giehrl (née Aschenbrenner, pseudonym "Tante Emmy") (Bü 246) and Gertrud Freiin von Le Fort (Bü 68) are particularly noteworthy. Duchess Wiltrud also maintained personal contact with the latter, since Gertrud Freiin von Le Fort had also lived in Oberstdorf since 1939. almost all the correspondence in this collection is so-called unilateral correspondence, which means that only the incoming letters from the correspondence partners in GU 119 are to be expected. Only occasionally can one find letter concepts or drafts by Duchess Wiltrud among these partners, including those from letters that were not sent later. Only some of the letters of Princess Wiltrud to her parents Ludwig III Königin and Marie Therese Königin von Bayern as well as to her aunt Therese Prinzessin von Bayern are included in the inventory of GU 119 in the partial estates of King Ludwig III. (heading 3), Queen Marie Therese (heading 4) and Princess Therese (heading 2) (Bü 1098, 1099, 1101-1103 and 1112). The letters of the parents and the aunt Princess Therese to Princess Wiltrud, on the other hand, are listed in the sub-categories and in the estate of Princess Wiltrud (Bü 344, 345, 350 and 352-354). If one looks at the running time of Wiltrud's correspondence in the present collection, it is noticeable that, apart from a few exceptions, hardly any letters to Wiltrud are contained from the period after 1960. An interesting insight into the way of thinking of the German nobility in the second half of the 19th and the first half of the 20th century is provided by the extensive correspondence of Duchess Wiltrud kept in GU 119 (category 1).2) as well as the correspondence of the Therese Princess of Bavaria (section 2.1), the Ludwig III King of Bavaria (section 3.1), the Marie Therese Queen of Bavaria (section 4.1) and the Luitpold Prince Regent of Bavaria (section 5.2). In addition, the correspondence for prosopographical and biographical research, especially on the nobility in Germany and Austria, as well as on the history of individual German princely and noble houses, is of particular importance.Duchess Wiltrud's interest in the genealogy of the House of Grimaldi, the Princely Family of Monaco, is reflected in the extensive materials on the history of the House of Monaco and in the correspondence of the Duchess with Louis II, Prince of Monaco and the members of the houses Chabrillan and Lévis-Mirepoix (Bü 520 and 1244). Documents on court life, court society and protocol, especially at the Bavarian royal court, which give an insight into the court and the representative duties of the Prince Regent and later King Ludwig III of Bavaria and his family, can be found in Section 1.5. These include in particular the materials on Ludwig's official visits to Bavarian cities and on state visits, including those of Kaiser Wilhelm II to Bavaria. Individual documents also deal with the Württemberg royal court and the House of Urach. Here the memories of the Emilie von Sonntag of Florestine Herzogin von Urach (née Prinzessin von Monaco) (Bü 144) and of Wilhelm (I.) Herzog von Urach (Bü 356) are to be mentioned, for example. Documents on weddings, birthdays, funerals and other family celebrations and family events in the houses of Bavaria and Urach as well as in other princely houses are to be found in category 1.As already mentioned, the illustrations, photographs and photographs form the most extensive category (1.16) of the GU 119 collection in addition to correspondence. The largest subcategory are the illustrations of persons and group photographs (subcategory 1.16.1). This subheading contains pictures of Princess Wiltrud, her parents, her siblings and other members of the House of Bavaria (subheading as well as members of the Houses of Austria (subheading, Hohenberg (subheading, Urach and Württemberg (subheading There are also illustrations of representatives of the ruling or former ruling princely houses in Europe (subcategory and in Germany (subcategory, of the other aristocrats in Germany, Austria and the rest of Europe (subcategories and and of citizens (subcategory and of public figures (subcategory The structure of the illustrations essentially follows the structure of the correspondence, with the illustrations of persons, the group shots and the shots of events, the persons depicted on the shots are usually listed in the Containment note. Often the information on the back of the photographs, most of which were taken by Duchess Wiltrud, was adopted. It was not possible to verify this information in view of the amount of work and time involved. In addition, the identification of persons on photographs which do not show any information on the reverse side often had to be omitted for the same reasons.subheading 1.16.2 includes illustrations of events. This subheading mainly includes recordings of official events, representation commitments (subheading and family celebrations as well as family events (subheading The illustrations of these sub-categories thus represent partial additions to the written documents on court life, court society, representation obligations of the House of Bavaria kept in sub-categories 1.5 and 1.7, as well as family celebrations and family events. 1.16 also includes illustrations of the Duchess Wiltrud's travels, places, buildings and landscapes, works of art, animals, ships, zeppelins, etc. The extensive picture collections listed in section 1.16 supplement the illustrations and picture collections kept in the GU 99 holdings (photo collections and albums of the Dukes and Princes of Urach Counts of Württemberg), some of which also come from the Duchess Wiltrud's possession or were created by her. The illustrations in the holdings GU 99 and GU 119, together with the materials on court life, on the representation obligations of the House of Bavaria and on family celebrations and family events in the houses of Bavaria, Austria and Urach kept in the aforementioned sections 1.5 and 1.7, represent an interesting source for the history of the houses mentioned. In addition, the above image holdings and the materials in sections 1.5 and 1.7 are of significance for the history of culture and mentality and the everyday history of the nobility.2 As already indicated, documents on Duchess Wiltrud are to be expected in the holdings of photo albums and collections of the Dukes and Princes of Urach Counts of Württemberg (holdings GU 99) as well as in the holdings GU 117 (Wilhelm (II.) Duke of Urach) and GU 120 (Karl Prince of Urach).2.2 Partial estate of Princess Therese of BavariaIn addition to documents from the estate of the Wiltrud Duchess of Urach (née Princess of Bavaria), GU 119 also contains partial estates and fragments of estates of other members of the House of Bavaria. The most extensive part of the collection is the one of the explorer Therese Princess of Bavaria (1850-1925), which is listed in category 2. These are documents from the estate of Princess Therese, which have been transferred to her niece Duchess Wiltrud. As can be seen from Bü 297, the materials kept in the inventory of GU 119 were handed over to Duchess Wiltrud by Oberarchivrat Franz Xaver Deybeck of the Bavarian Main State Archives in Munich, since they were out of the question for safekeeping in the Department of the Bavarian Main State Archives' Secret House Archives, in which the greater part of the written estate of Princess Therese is kept. Deybeck regarded some of the documents from the princess's estate as "wastepaper", only of "personal value and significance" and thus for the "Hausarchiv ohne Wert", as some of Deybeck's inscriptions on the corresponding envelopes reveal. The structure of the partial estate of Princess Therese is essentially based on the structure of the estate of Duchess Wiltrud. Subcategory 2.1 Correspondence mainly contains letters from relatives in Bavaria (subcategory 2.1.1), Austria, Austria-Este and Austria-Tuscany (subcategory 2.1.2). Among them are letters from Marie Therese Queen of Bavaria (née Archduchess of Austria-Este Princess of Modena) (Bü 1110, 1112, 1120-1122), Adelgunde Archduchess of Austria-Este Duchess of Modena (née Archduchess of Austria-Este Duchess of Modena) (née Archduchess of Austria-Este Princess of Modena). Princess of Bavaria) (Bü 1131), Elisabeth Archduchess of Austria (widowed Archduchess of Austria-Este) (Bü 1123 and 1124) as well as Eugen Archduke of Austria, High and German Master of the Teutonic Order and Field Marshal, Karl Stephan Archduke of Austria, Stephanie Crown Princess of Austria (née Princess of Belgium and later married Princess Lónyay of Nagy-Lónya) (all Bü 1135). Princess Therese also corresponded with members of the Houses of Württemberg and Urach. The queens Pauline, Olga (born Grand Duchess of Russia) and Charlotte (born Princess of Schaumburg-Lippe) of Württemberg (all Bü 1113), Florestine Duchess of Urach (born Princess of Württemberg), Wilhelm (II.) Duke of Urach and Eugenie Countess of Württemberg (all Bü 1114) as well as Auguste Eugenie Countess of Thun-Hohenstein (widowed Countess of Enzenberg) of Thun-Hohenstein (widowed Countess of Enzenberg) of Württemberg (all Bü 1113) are to be mentioned here. Countess of Württemberg) (Bü 1116) and Donna Mathilde Principessa Altieri (née Princess of Urach Countess of Württemberg) (Bü 1115). of the correspondents among the representatives of the other ruling and formerly ruling princely houses in Germany and Europe, Carola Queen of Saxony (née Princess of Saxony) (Bü 1116) and Donna Mathilde Principessa Altieri (née Princess of Urach Countess of Württemberg) (Bü 1115) are here. Princess Wasa) (Bü 1104), Maria Christina Queen of Spain (née Archduchess of Austria) (Bü 1125) as well as Elisabeth Queen of Belgium (née Duchess of Bavaria) and Josephine Queen of Sweden and Norway (née Princess of Leuchtenberg) (both Bü 1136).In addition, two letters of the writer, pacifist and Nobel Peace Prize winner Bertha Freifrau von Suttner (née Countess Kinsky von Chinic und Tettau) (Bü 1152) are included in the partial estate of Princess Therese, the most extensive category after the correspondence in the partial estate of Therese Princess of Bavaria. Particularly worth mentioning are the illustrations of Therese Princess of Bavaria (subcategory and of other members of the House of Bavaria (subcategory Other partial estates and fragments of estates, especially of representatives of the House of BavariaRubric 3 unites documents from the estate of Ludwig III, King of Bavaria. It contains letters from the princesses Wiltrud and Hildegard to their father King Ludwig III. (Bü 1099, 1103 and 1237) and a notepad of Prince Ludwig, later King Ludwig III, with entries for his military service in 1863 (Bü 1092). In addition, the partial estate of Ludwig III contains telegrams from Johanna Freiin von Malsen to King Ludwig III and to "Countess Elpen" (incognito of Therese Princess of Bavaria), both of whom were in exile in Lucerne, about the illness and death of Marie Therese Queen of Bavaria in 1919 (Bü 1178). There are also ten audiance books of Prince Ludwig from the years 1902 to 1913 which contain information about the names of the persons received in audiences by Prince Ludwig and about the topics discussed in the audiences (Bü 1091). These audience booklets served Princess Wiltrud and her sisters as a reminder for conversations with the court lords, diplomats, ministers and generals. The audience booklets are an interesting source of information about court life at the Bavarian royal court. The partial estate of the Marie Therese Queen of Bavaria kept in category 4 contains only letters and postcards to the Queen. Among them are the letters of Princess Wiltrud (Bü 1098, 1101 and 1102) and Therese Princess of Bavaria (Bü 1126-1128). the documents from the partial estate of the Prince Regent Luitpold of Bavaria, which form category 5, include the correspondence of the Prince Regent with his sister Adelgunde Archduchess of Austria-Este Duchess of Modena (born Princess of Bavaria) (Bü 1155), the printed speech of Bishop Johann Michael Sailer on the occasion of the marriage of Prince Luitpold to Auguste Ferdinande Archduchess of Austria-Tuscany (Bü 1095) and poems of Prince Luitpold with dedications and a. to Olga Grand Duchess of Russia (proclaimed Queen of Württemberg), Marie Princess of Saxony-Altenburg (proclaimed Queen of Hanover) and Alexandra Princess of Saxony-Altenburg (proclaimed Queen of Saxony-Altenburg). The partial estate of Auguste Ferdinande Princess of Bavaria (née Archduchess of Austria-Tuscany) (rubric 6) contains, among other things, a letter from her father, Grand Duke Leopold II. from Tuscany (Bü 1194) to Auguste Ferdinande and letters from Auguste Ferdinand to her court lady Natalie Gräfin von Rotenhan (Bü 1148) the fragment of a diary in Italian (Bü 1188), copies of literary texts (subcategory 6.3) and printed matter of a religious nature (subcategory 6.5); Section 7 unites the estate splinters of Hildegard Princess of Bavaria (subcategory 7.1), Elisabeth Archduchess of Austria (widowed) and Elisabeth of the Holy Roman Empire (widowed). Archduchess of Austria-Este (subcategory 7.2), Mathilde Archduchess of Austria (subcategory 7.3), Therese Freifrau von Giese (subcategory 7.4) and Gustav Freiherr von Perfall (subcategory 7.5). Letters from the Therese Princess of Bavaria to Elisabeth Archduchess of Austria (widowed Archduchess of Austria-Este (Bü 1108), as well as letters from the Alexandra Princess of Bavaria and the Adelgunde Archduchess of Austria-Este Duchess of Modena (née. With the exception of Princess Wiltrud, the Department of Secret Archives of the Bavarian Main State Archives in Munich keeps the main estates of the members of the House of Bavaria represented in this collection. 2.4 The order and indexing of the holdingsThe holdings of GU 119, together with the Archives of the Dukes and Princes of Urach Grafen von Württemberg, were deposited in 1987 in the Main State Archives. There, the archives of the House of Urach form the GU series of inventories within the tectonics (inventory classification). During the reorganization of the archives by Wolfgang Schmierer, director of the archives, the documents of Wiltrud Herzogin von Urach were given the signature GU 119. Where it seemed appropriate, the units found were retained, for example in the correspondence series. In the course of the development work, numerous documents were separated from the GU 119 holdings and above all added to the GU 96 (Miscellaneous and Unclear), GU 117 (Wilhelm II.) Duke of Urach), GU 118 (Amalie Duchess of Urach née Duchess of Bavaria), GU 120 (Karl Prince of Urach), GU 123 (Carola Hilda Princess of Urach), GU 128 (Margarethe Princess of Urach) and GU 134 (Mechthilde Princess of Urach). As a rule, the married ladies listed in the present inventory, especially those of the high nobility, are always listed under the married name, i.e. the surname of the husband, whereby the maiden name is mentioned in brackets in the title entry. In exceptional cases the married ladies are also mentioned under the maiden name, and the married name is then in brackets. In the person index married ladies are listed under both names, with the addition of the respective girl's name or married name after the marriage. For example, Adelgunde Fürstin von Hohenzollern (née Prinzessin von Bayern) is mentioned in the person index under "Hohenzollern, Adelgunde Fürstin von, née Prinzessin von Bayern" and under "Bayern, Adelgunde Prinzessin von, verh. Fürstin von Hohenzollern". In the case of the married members of the count's, baronial and aristocratic houses, the maiden name or married name was determined - insofar as this was possible with justifiable effort and with the help of the Genealogical Manual of the nobility. If the maiden name or married name is already mentioned in a note of the Duchess Wiltrud, this was taken over without examination of the same on the basis of the relevant literature. Since there was no comparable possibility of research for bourgeois wives, only in those cases in which identification was possible on the basis of notes and inscriptions of Duchess Wiltrud, the respective maiden name or married surnames were taken over without checking the information of Duchess Wiltrud. The archives of the inventory of GU 119 may only be inspected with the prior permission of the chief of the House of Urach. The finding aid book of the inventory GU 119 was completed in winter 2007. Before packing, the stock comprises approx. 13 linear metres with 1247 numbers.Stuttgart, November 2007Eberhard Merk

Urach, Wiltrud Gräfin von Württemberg