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FO 383/143 · Item · 1916
Part of The National Archives

Germany: Prisoners, including: Estate of the late Charles Dutscher, naturalised British subject of Sierra Leone: he had privileges of British subject only within the Settlement. When he returned to Germany in 1905 he must be regarded as having resumed German nationality. Assets of West Afrikanische Handels Gesellschaft cannot be remitted to family in Germany, and the firm cannot be allowed to resume business, as from 1905 it was a German firm managed from Germany. Applications for release of Germans interned in Britain or in British overseas territories, including: Herman Giebler technically entitled to return to Germany on grounds of being 16 when he applied to do so; so must be allowed to do so even though he will no doubt bear arms against Britain. Josef Hofman, interned at Knockaloe Camp, Isle of Man: he cannot be granted a permit to go to United States of America as the issue of such permits is suspended. Dr Eugen Drouven: Governor of Hong Kong given instructions to release him. Richard Kube, and officers and crew of the steamship Prinz Adalbert ; case has been repeatedly considered, but release cannot be granted. Henry Corn, interned at Wakefield, Yorkshire: granted permit to proceed to United States. Ernst Sauer, interned at Alexandra Palace, London: does not wish to return to Germany even if he were eligible. Richard Hein, of the steamship Bethania , interned at Jamaica then at Amherst, Canada: requests to go to United States for cure by specialists of paralysis caused by gunshot wound in arm, inflicted by guard in Jamaica. Internment of German civilian doctors at Lofthouse Park Camp, Wakefield, Yorkshire: Doctors Richard Häffner, Richard Nolte, Ludwig Schwermer and P T Freytag. Dr Häffners repatriation agreed to as a special case. Internment of ten German physicians at Stratford Camp, East London: Doctors Casimir Casper, Gerhard Bartram, Karl Hoch, Franz Thalwizer, Georg Richter, Berthold Baneth, Martin Ficker, Fritz Goldberg, Ed Gimper, and Siebert. Not entitled to repatriation. Eight to be transferred to Lofthouse Park, Wakefield, the other two to Alexandra Palace. Kaspar Joseph Vogel: his release cannot be authorised. His son Williem E Vogel appeals. Professor G A Bredow, sculptor, arrested at sea and interned at Gibraltar then at Douglas, Isle of Man, then at Wakefield, Yorkshire; Home Office refuse him a permit to proceed to the Argentine. Dr L Siebert, interned at Stratford, East London. Max Kypke, superintendent of Phoenix Ceramic Works, Perth Amboy, New Jersey, USA, arrested at sea and interned at Edinburgh Castle. His release cannot be authorised. Mrs Reiser, an English woman married to a German, asks British to ask French to release her husband from internment in the Ile dYeu, Vendée, France, so that he can live with her at their home in Bordeaux; request refused. Ludwig Lichtenstadter, interned at Lofthouse Park Camp, Wakefield, Yorkshire: United States Ambassador asks for his release to proceed to United States to marry his fiancée Miss Edith Cohen and observe absolute neutrality. Request refused. Hans von Chorus: his release cannot be authorised. Dr Adolf Muller: Governor General of Australia decides he cannot be released from internment there because of unsatisfactory conduct in connection with imprisonment of Captain J Anderson, master of the steamship Messina at Nauru, Pacific Ocean. Baron Louis Anton von Horst, interned in the German Hospital, Dalston, London. Jacob Kirchoff (alias Kant), interned in Canada. Reverend Theodor Meyner, a German missionary, interned. Repatriation of German and Austrian missionaries from India. H Brammer, First Officer of the German steamship Eleonore Woermann, protests about contravention of international law in manner of his arrest; interned at Lofthouse Park Camp, Wakefield. Count Eg. Beissel von Gymnich, interned at Lofthouse Park Camp, Wakefield: claims that his poor health merits his repatriation. List of 18 German internees with decisions on their cases (names given in dockets nos.33310 and 40076). Freiherr von Türckheim-Baden, interned at Douglas Private Camp, Isle of Man: claims that his poor health merits his repatriation. P Ernst Goretzki, Catholic priest sent from Togoland to Stratford Camp, East London: requests repatriation as he is suffering from malaria. Willi Haas, interned at Knockaloe Camp, Isle of Man: aged 15, applies for repatriation. Karl Gonser and Hermann Bense, interned at Knockaloe Camp Isle of Man: both arrested in Portuguese West Africa and claim wrongful arrest. Andreas Holst, interned at Ahmednagar Camp, India: requests release. Friedrich Wolfgang Donath: cannot be released as he is a ships boy over 17. Ernst Friedrich O H von Ortenberg: was released from internment at Gibraltar on 17 March 1915. Repatriation of German civilians from HM Colonies. German subjects entitled to release under agreements. Dr Richard Daub, interned at Ahmednagar, India: claims repatriation as a member of the German Red Cross. Repatriation of civilian prisoners captured by naval authorities. Four prisoners interned at Stratford Camp, East London: Carl Koettgen, Hans Titel, Carl Henry Meyer, and Ernst von Bärensprung. Carl Gadgens, interned at Knockaloe Camp. Heinz Klinge, interned at Liverpool, New South Wales, Australia. Kurt Wollheim: his release cannot be authorised. Transport of repatriated German civilians to the Netherlands. Richard Heckmann, interned at Lofthouse Park, Wakefield, with concurrence of French Government: Algerian Government enquire about his present situation. List of 12 German internees applying for release (names given in docket no.56512). List of 12 German internees applying for release (names given in docket no.56513). Fr Gerntholz, captain of German steamship, interned at Knockaloe Camp. Oscar Ehlers, employee of firm of Boultons at Maracaibo, Venezuela, removed from steamship off Gibraltar and interned in Britain: representation for his release from his employer John Boulton of Venezuela. Adolf Vielhauer and Rudolf Widmaier, German missionaries arrested at Bali, Cameroons, and interned at Alexandra Palace, London. Max Truckenbrod and Erwin Petermann, both interned in Britain: medical certificates forwarded. Dr Johannes R Hemmen, interned in Britain: his release cannot be authorised. Otto Reimers, interned at Edinburgh: deported from Japan and worked for active enemy organisation; his release cannot be authorised. Rudolf von Wülfing, interned at Lofthouse Park, Wakefield. Walter Apetz, interned at Lofthouse Park, Wakefield. Code 1218 Files 77-151 (to paper 75788).

FO 383/437 · Item · 1918
Part of The National Archives

Germany: Prisoners, including: Request by the Technical Club at Douglas Detention Camp to receive certain technical periodicals; decision by the War Office to withhold permission. Oberleutnant der Reserve Wilhelm Brandt and Unteroffizier Werner Müller, including: Report by the British authorities that Oberleutnant Brandt had been acquitted at his trial before a military court. German memorandum requesting information on the whereabouts of Oberleutnant Brandt; confirmation that he was interned in Egypt. Unteroffizier Müller: sentence of three years penal servitude at Dar es Salaam military court. Geman memorandum protesting about the sentences passed on Unteroffizier Müller and Kapitänleutnant J Schutt. Transfer of German civilian prisoners from Pietermaritzburg to Kanus, South West Africa, including: Request by the German Government for a list of the prisoners; provision of the list (in docket no. 1099234) by the British authorities, and the reasons for their transfer. Mr Adolf Jelinek: copy of a letter complaining about the circumstances of the transfer and the conditions at Kanus. Report on conditions at Kanus Camp. Gustav Menk, a German prisoner interned in France: decision not to permit his transfer to British custody. Correspondence regarding lists of German prisoners repatriated from South Africa on SS Erna Woermann and SS Rufidgi. Allegations regarding the treatment of German prisoners in France after their capture, including: German memoranda alleging that officers had been robbed following their arrest, and threatening reprisals. Copy of a letter from German officers interned at Holyport Camp. British memorandum responding to the allegations, with comments from the War Office. Explanation of the reasons for the stoppage of correspondence rights for some German prisoners. Evidence from various German prisoners (names in docket no. 34583) of their alleged ill-treatment by British soldiers. Max Neukuchatz, a repatriated German subject: decision not to permit the transmission of certain forms to him from the UK. Oberleutnant Günther Voigt, interned at Ahmednagar Camp, India, including: Request for his transfer on health grounds to a hill station; decision not to permit the transfer. Claim for a refund of the money taken from him when captured in Persia. Issues of dual nationality, including: Dr Fritz Noetling, former German Consul at Hobart, Tasmania: information that he was a naturalised British subject. Request by the German authorities for Dr Noetlings repatriation, with claims that he held dual British and German nationality. Proposal by the German authorities for a reciprocal agreement on the repatriation of women and children possessing dual nationality, with a list (in docket no. 109623) of German children currently detained in the UK. Demand by certain naturalised British subjects of German origin interned in Australia for repatriation. Walter Grunewaldt and Florian Rohner, interned at Liverpool Camp, New South Wales, Australia: confirmation of their German nationality. Costs of repatriating German civilians, including: Rejection by the German Government of British proposals for refunding the costs of repatriation, with a sample enquiry form for the provision of details regarding the repatriation of uninterned German civilians. British memorandum suggesting alternative arrangements. Kapitän Carl Diercks: request by the German Embassy at The Hague for a refund of the costs of his repatriation. Claims made by German prisoners for compensation from the British Government, including: German memorandum requesting compensation for the loss of personal effects of prisoners during transportation from Tilbury to Le Havre, France. Allegations that possessions were removed from the prisoners at Brocton Camp prior to their departure, with lists of the prisoners names (in docket no. 76949) and the missing possessions. German memorandum protesting that German officers transferred to Switzerland were obliged to leave most of their luggage in England. Heinrich Ludwig Krüder, formerly interned at Ahmednagar, India: request by the German authorities for a copy of his death certificate. Personal effects of certain deceased German civilians, including: German memorandum requesting the return of personal effects, with particular reference to four cases (names in docket no. 41703) and a list of the personal effects of Mr Ernst Schirmer. Information that Mr Schirmer had removed his possessions when he was repatriated. Johannes Deistel: request by his widow for his possessions to be returned to Mülhausen, Germany. Code 1218 Files 26671-41703.

FO 383/237 · Item · 1916
Part of The National Archives

Miscellaneous (General). Prisoners, including: Proposal by the International Committee of the Red Cross for measures to enable the identification and removal of the killed and wounded on the field of battle. Repatriation from India on the SS Golconda of the wives and children of Austrian and German prisoners interned at Ahmednegar Camp, including: Petition from the Reverend C R Handmann, requesting safe conduct for the wives and children of the prisoners, endorsed by the Austro-Hungarian Government. Official reply to the Austro-Hungarian Government, and their response alleging the forcible repatriation of the civilian passengers. Printed list of passengers who embarked on the SS Golconda at Madras. Arrangements for the Zeeland Company to convey the passengers to the Netherlands, following their arrival in the United Kingdom. Repatriation from South Africa of enemy seamen on the SS Erna Woermann , with a copy of Army Council Instruction No. 285 of 1916, Prisoners of War - Repatriation of Merchant Seamen. Exchange of invalid civilian prisoners of war , Army Council Instruction No.338 of 1916. Repatriation of enemy subjects from South Africa to Holland on the SS Vondel and the SS Rindjani , with passenger lists (in docket nos.34900 and 45369). Repatriation of enemy civilian prisoners from Tilbury to Flushing in Holland. Repatriation of Jesuit priests on the second voyage of the SS Golconda : enquiry about the legal situation regarding their proposed residency in Holland or Germany. Instructions to Governors of the Colonies requesting early notification of the repatriation of enemy subjects. Mrs Maria Johanna Markart and Miss Anna Marie Kathe Sturm: repatriation from Durban to Rotterdam on the SS Prinz der Nederlanden. Details of passengers repatriated from Cape Town to Holland on the SS Ophir and the SS Prinz der Nederlanden (in docket no.48815). Mr Bado J Dangers, a passenger on the SS Vondel : request for the return of his passport. Details of passengers repatriated from Cape Town to Holland on the SS Tamboura and the SS Prinses Juliana March (in docket no.59563). Departure of Miss Martha Elizabeth Alwine Budde from Durban to Rotterdam on the SS Kawi. Parliamentary question from Mr Rawlinson on the exchange of civilian prisoners. Passenger lists of German subjects on the second voyage of the SS Golconda (in docket nos. 84126 and 104044 ). Report by the German Acting-Consul of Madras, Albert Brill, on conditions on board the SS Golconda ; response to the report by the Foreign Office. Details of civilian prisoners repatriated from Cape Town to Holland on the SS Ophir (in docket no.154635). Details of civilian prisoners repatriated on the SS Kawi (in docket no.179099). Repatriation of German prisoners from Malta to the United Kingdom, with some names (in docket no.180634). Printed lists of enemy prisoners interned in India who were exempt from repatriation (in docket no.193745). Details of civilian prisoners repatriated from Cape Town to Rotterdam on the SS Goenteur (in docket no.211497). Details of civilian prisoners repatriated from Cape Town to Amsterdam on the SS Orange (in docket no.223859). Repatriation of Mrs Ulrichs, her four children and their nurse, Miss Kopke, on the SS Rindjani. Arrest of Mr Campbell, a Times correspondent, at Delémont in Switzerland, on charges of spying; protest by the British Government, and subsequent release of Mr Campbell. Correspondence regarding a petition from certain Egyptians interned in Malta requesting repatriation to Egypt. Proposal by the National Council of the Young Mens Christian Association (YMCA) to provide the names of Allied prisoners in Russia and Germany requiring food parcels from America. Amended scale of rations for prisoners of war , Army Council Instruction No. 103 of January, 1916. Conditions at the military and civil camps at Ahmednagar and Belgaum in India, including: Complaints by the German and Austro-Hungarian governments about conditions at the camps. Report by Mr James A Smith, American Consul-General at Calcutta, on the military and civil camps at Ahmednagar; printed response to the findings of the report by the Army Department of the Government of India. Commonwealth of Australia, Department of Defence, Supplement to Second Edition of Manual of War Precautions (Melbourne, 1915). Reports (French language) by M Edward Glardon on conditions at prisoners of war camps at Dorchester and Alexandra Palace. Extracts from The Times of April 10 and April 13, 1916, reporting on speeches made in the German Parliament (The Reichstag) by Herr Cohn. Grant of working pay to interned civilians , Army Council Instruction No. 1280 of 1916. Instructions relative to the Internment and Treatment of Enemy Subjects - Amendment to Instruction No. X , Army Council Instruction No. 1511 of 1916. Employment of soldier prisoners of war. Amendment of A.C.I. 1421 of 1916 , Army Council Instruction No. 1552 of 1916. Employment of soldier prisoners of war , Army Council Instruction No. 1572 of 1916. Proposals by Colonel Earle for the provision of employment to British prisoners interned in Switzerland. Scale of Rations for Prisoners of War. Substitutes for Potatoes , Army Council Instruction No. 2397 of 1916. Policy on postal services for prisoners, including: Customs duty payable on parcels addressed to prisoners interned in the United Kingdom. Policy on correspondence addressed by prisoners interned in the United Kingdom to diplomatic officials in neutral countries. Policy on enquiries regarding prisoners in Germany addressed to the American Embassy in Berlin. Postal facilities between the prisoner of war camp in Ahmednagar, India, and German East Africa. Communication with prisoners of war interned abroad , General Post Office, November 1915; updated copy, December 1916. Prisoners of War. Penal Restrictions on Correspondence , Army Council Instruction No. 337 of 1916. Enquiry about the exemption from postage charges for the Commission des Otages and the Serbian Red Cross Society in Switzerland. Inland postal charges for prisoners in the United Kingdom. Code 1250 Files 114-11519.