18433 Treffer anzeigen

MPK 1/98 · Objekt · 1895
Teil von The National Archives

3 items (attachments to Commissioner Johnstons report on British Central Africa for 1895-1896) extracted from FO 2/106. (1) Map of the Shire Highlands showing the Division of Estates 1895: the words Division of have been deleted and the words devoted to Coffe [ sic ] Planting 1895 added after Estates. Also shows place names, rivers, routes, police posts. Scale: 1 inch to 4 miles. Compass indicator. Signed by Otto L. Beringer, AMICE. (2) Tracing of part of (1) showing the estates of Messrs Buchanan Bros. (3) Tracing of part of (1) showing the estates of Mr Sharrer.

MPG 1/1061 · Objekt · 1907-1908
Teil von The National Archives

3 items extracted from CO 520/62. (1) Outline Map of Northern and Southern Nigeria, with reference table, January 1907. MS additions, [1908], show areas in the Eastern Province of Southern Nigeria occupied 1907-08 and to be occupied in the next year as part of a pacification programme; and area on the border with Cameroon for transfer to Northern Nigeria. (2) and (3) 2 copies of the southern part of the Outline Map of Northern and Southern Nigeria, showing (2) Present distribution of troops in Southern Nigeria June 1908 and (3) Proposed distribution of troops in Southern Nigeria 1908-1909. Dimensions: (1) 56 cm x 68 cm; (2) 42.5 cm x 49 cm; (3) 42.5 m x 57 cm.

MPG 1/1123/2-4 · Objekt · 1886
Teil von The National Archives

3 items extracted from CO 885/5/24. 3 maps of Western Samoa. (2) Upolu Island. Map of The Neutral Territory of Apia showing the boundaries of the neutral territory and the Municipality. Coloured to show ownership of land. Scale: 1 inch to 60 chains. Compass indicator. (3) Map of Upolu Island and (inset) map of Savaii Island, showing rivers and settlements. Reference keys to each map and lengthy explanatory notes on land ownership and cultivation. Scales: Upolu Island: 1 inch to approx 2 sea miles; Savaii Island: 1 inch to approx 7 sea miles. (4) Map of Savaii Island with reference key to land ownership. Scale: 1 inch to approx 2 nautical miles. All lithographed by Dangerfield, 22 Bedford Street, Covent Garden. Originally enclosures 4, 40 and 14 respectively in the report upon the condition of the Samoan Islands by Acting High Commissioner J B Thurston, CMG, to the Right Honourable E Stanhope MP, October 1886. Dimensions (2) 32.3 cm x 135.1 cm; (3) 32.3 cm x 61 cm; (4) 32.8 cm x 61 cm.

MPG 1/1033 · Objekt · 1915
Teil von The National Archives

4 items extracted from CO 418/134. Western Pacific. (1) Map of the southern islands of New Hebrides Group showing ports at which SS Makambo called, and ports at which she was unable to call because of bad weather. Reference table. Scale: 1 inch to 18 miles. (2) Map of the northern islands of New Hebrides Group showing ports at which SS Makambo called, and ports at which she was unable to call because of bad weather. Reference table. Scale: 1 inch to 20 miles. (3) Map of the Banks and Torres Islands, showing ports visited by SS Makambo. Scale: 1 inch to 18 miles. (4) Pacific Wireless Scheme. Map showing distances between transmitter stations in Kaiser Wilhelmsland or German New Guinea and the Bismarck Archipelago, including Manus, New Pomerania (now New Britain), New Mecklenburg (now New Ireland), and Kieta (now Bougainville Island), all now in Papua New Guinea. MS coloured. Dimensions: (1) 32 cm x 30.5 cm; (2) 47 cm x 47.5 cm; (3) 33 cm x 30.5 cm; (4) 20.5 cm x 32.5 cm.

MFQ 1/273 · Objekt · 1903
Teil von The National Archives

4 items extracted from CO 879/82. West Africa. Nigeria - Kamerun Boundary Commission Survey. 4 maps of the boundary between Northern Nigeria and Cameroon (1) IDWO 1818: Country in Neighbourhood of Yola; reference notes on fords and heights; scale: 1:250,000. (2) IDWO 1819: Line South of Yola: also showing rivers, towns and villages; scale: 1:250,000. (3) Plan of Yola: showing the division into Fula (Fulani) and Hausa districts; scale: 1:10,000; compass indicator. (4) IDWO 1821: Faro-Benue Confluence: showing sandbanks, surrounding vegetation, and the agreed main mouth of the Faro River; scale: 1:20,000; compass indicator. Items 1-2 drawn by Captain [G]eorge] F A W[hitlock], Royal Engineers, 7 August 1903; all items zincographed at the Intelligence Division, War Office, December 1903. All items countersigned: Lieutenant Colonel Louis Jackson, Royal Engineers, and Captain Glauning, Yola-Chad Boundary Commissioners, 10 August 1903. Dimensions: (1) 19 cm x 55 cm; (2) 26 cm x 55 cm; (3) 31 cm x 49 cm; (4) 29 cm x 39 cm.

MFQ 1/181 · Objekt · 1910-1911
Teil von The National Archives

4 items extracted from FO 367/290. Central Africa. (1) Companiha do Caminho de Ferro de Benguella Esboço geographico indicando a directriz da binha ferrea do Lobito á Catanga e a sua possivel ligação com arede da Africa do Sul 1910-11. Map of the area between Congo, Angola and Mozambique showing railway tracks laid and proposed to be laid. Reference tables. Scale: 1 inch to 80 miles. Inset: altitudinal section. Drawn up by A A dOliveira, November 1910. Printed from annual report of the Benguella Railway Company 1910. (2) Photograph showing a general view of railway station at Lobito. (3) Photograph showing Catumbella (now Catumbela). (4) Panoramic photographic view of the Catumbella (Catumbela) delta.

MFQ 1/13 · Objekt · 1904
Teil von The National Archives

5 items extracted from FO 64/1653. West Africa. The area shown is now in Nigeria and Cameroon.(1) IDWO 1921: Nigeria-Kamerun Boundary Commission Survey. Map of area from Lake Chad south to the Alantika Mountains: proposed boundaries; relief, rivers, types of vegetation, towns, villages. Scale: 1:1000000. Reduced on a single sheet from the 3 sheets of IDWO 1902. Lithographed at the Intelligence Division, War Office, October 1904. (2) IDWO 1946: Map showing outline plan of Dikoa [now Dikwa in Nigeria]. Scale: 6 inches to 1 mile [1:10560]. Compass points showing true and magnetic north. Dikoa (Dikwa) Beacon range and distance, latitude 12 ° 2 3 " and longitude 13 ° 55 46 ". (3) IDWO 1820: Yola (now in Nigeria). Sketch map showing division into Hausa and Fulah districts. Zincographed. Scale: 1:10000. Compass indicator. Signed Louis Jackson, Lieutenant Colonel, Royal Engineers, and Captain Glauning, Yola-Chad Boundary Commissioners, 10 August 1903. Zincographed at the Intelligence Division, War Office, December 1903. (4) IDWO 1818: Map of the Nigeria-Cameroon border area in the neighbourhood of Yola. Zincographed. Scale: 1:250000. Notes on fords and heights. Drawn by G F A W [George F A Whitlock], Captain Royal Engineers, 7 August 1903. Countersigned Louis Jackson, Lieutenant Colonel Royal Engineer, and Captain Glauning, Yola-Chad Boundary Commissioners, 10 August 1903. Zincographed at the Intelligence Division, War Office, December 1903. (5) IDWO 1819: Map of the Nigeria-Cameroon border area south of Yola, showing relief, rivers, vegetation, towns, villages. Zincographed. Scale: 1:250000. Notes on fords and heights. Drawn by G F A W [George F A Whitlock], Captain, Royal Engineers, 7 August 1903. Countersigned Louis Jackson, Lieutenant Colonel Royal Engineers, and Captain Glauning, Yola-Chad Boundary Commissioners, 10 August 1903. Zincographed at the Intelligence Division, War Office, December 1903. Dimensions: (1) 54 cm x 32 cm; (3) 31 cm x 49 cm; (4) 23 cm x 55 cm; (5) 20 cm x 56 cm.

5 Kostschulmädchen von Madschame
ALMW_II._BA_DV_VIa/53,Auf.69+68 · Objekt · ohne Datum
Teil von Evangelisch-Lutherisches Missionswerk Leipzig

Fototyp: Foto. Format: 11,6 X 16,7. Beschreibung: verschiedenes Alter, europ. Kleider, im Hintergrund rechteckige Gebäude mit Dächern aus Pflanzenfasern und Glockenstuhl, eingefaßte Rabatten.

Leipziger Missionswerk
MPG 1/1021/5-6 · Objekt · 1902
Teil von The National Archives

(5) Rough Tracing to illustrate letter sent to Governor, Gold Coast on March 4, 1902. Map of French West Africa, showing the frontier as proposed, and the probable frontier as laid down in Anglo-German Agreement, 14 November 1899. MS, coloured, on tracing cloth. Signed by W J Johnston, Captain RE, Chief British Commissioner, Anglo-German Boundary Commission. The main features of this map were taken from Sprigades Togogebiet. The area shown is on or near the border between the Gold Coast (now Ghana) and Togo, north of 8°N. (6) A lithographed version of (5) above, with the title altered to Rough Sketch... Lithographed by E Weller and Grahams Ltd. Dimensions: (5) 38 cm x 24 cm; (6) 45 cm x 34 cm.

MPG 1/814 · Objekt · 1877
Teil von The National Archives

6 items extracted from CO 83/15. (1) Sketch map showing part of New Guinea, part of Queensland, New Britain, New Caledonia, the Solomon Islands, the New Hebrides, Samoa, the Caroline Islands and the Fiji Islands, showing distances of various points from Suva on Fiji. No scale shown, but calculated as about 1 inch to 100 miles. (2) Two sketches on a single sheet of the leading light for Fiji. Scale: stated as one quarter full size. [By] J Hopkinson. (3)-(6) Five plans on four sheets of the Suva area showing various lights and their limits of visibility. Plan I is on (3), plans II and III on (4), plan IV on (5) and plan V on (6). Dimensions: (1) Irregularly shaped, maximum size 63 cm x 91 cm; (2) 53 cm x 36 cm; (3) 18 cm x 26 cm; (4) Overall sheet size 33.5 cm x 20.5 cm; (5) 33.5 cm x 39.5 cm; (6) 33.5 cm 39.5 cm.

MPG 1/975 · Objekt · 1911-1922
Teil von The National Archives

9 items extracted from CO 691/36. Tanganyika (now Tanzania). (1) Ethnographical map of Tanganyika Territory after Professor K Weule, showing tribal areas and movements. Reference table to tribal areas and languages. Scale: 1 inch to about 95 miles. MS, coloured, on tracing cloth. (2) Map of Tanganyika Territory showing political stations, rivers and place names. Scale: 1 inch to 30 miles. Blueprint. (3) Tanganyika Territory 1920, showing forest and game reserves, tribal areas, railways and telegraphs. Reference table. Scale: 1 inch to about 150 miles. MS, coloured, on tracing cloth. (4) Tanga Province. Sketch map showing the spread of smallpox epidemic November 1919-February 1920 with rivers and towns. Scale: 1 inch to about 5 miles. MS, coloured. (5) Map of environs of Dar es Salaam showing swamps in blue and completed drainage in red. Scale: 1 inch to 0.4 mile. MS, coloured. (6) Lake Province. German measures against sleeping sickness on the Victoria Nyanza 1911. A map of area on the west and south shores of the Lake, showing infected areas, boundary of closed area, forest reserves, clearing done and to be done. Reference table. MS, coloured. (7) Survey of Measures taken to combat S[leeping] S[ickness] in Shirati District. Victoria Nyanza. A map showing progress of measures and position of police to prevent traffic across Mara River. Reference table. Compass indicator. MS, coloured. (8) Incidence of Sleeping Sickness and Distribution of G. Morsitans on the Rovuma River as found by the Germans 1912-1915. A map of area from Lake Malawi eastward along the river, and south of Songea, showing rivers and towns. Reference table. MS, coloured, on tracing cloth. (9) Leprosy in Tanganyika Territory 1920. A map showing incidence by districts, with towns, rivers, and communications. Reference table. MS, coloured. Dimensions: (1) 27 cm x 21 cm; (2) 70 cm x 68 cm; (3) 19 cm x 20 cm; (4) 32 cm x 21 cm; (5) 30 cm x 20 cm; (6) 38 cm x 35 cm; (7) 35 cm x 38 cm; (8) 32 cm x 58 cm; (9) 40 cm x 32 cm.