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FO 383/193 · Objekt · 1916
Teil von The National Archives

Germany: Prisoners, including: Erwin Alfred Klug, Austrian subject, former electrical engineer with Messrs Siemens Brothers, Madras, India: his internment at Ahmednagar Camp; his escapes; and his death in a railway tunnel in Goa, Portuguese India. Transfer of officer prisoners from one camp to another. Payment of salary to German colonial officials interned in Britain. Receipt of drugs and medicines by prisoners. Supply of boots to prisoners in Germany. Lieutenant J R Wilkinson, 3rd Lancashire Fusiliers, interned at Gnadenfrei-Schlesien: his sudden death, and his fathers request for return of his personal effects. George Early, exchanged civilian prisoner: his efforts to cash a banknote for 1,000 German marks. Major Maitland Makgill Crichton, 10th Gordon Highlanders, killed during the Battle of Loos: his widows request to erect an iron memorial cross on his grave; request regretfully refused. Repatriation of invalid civilians. James Zimmermann and Ernest Bucher, Swiss subjects in German East Africa: enquiries concerning them. Affairs in German East Africa, including: Arrest and release of missionaries. Cardinals de Belmonte and Bournes interests on behalf of members of the Congrégation du Saint Esprit. Kamna Rubber Estate Ltd: safety of property and employees. Welfare of British subjects, including Archdeacon D J Rees, G H Prytz, James Scott-Brown and William Lock. Release by Belgian troops of British subjects from Tabora (with lists of surnames in dockets no. 233296 and 253891). Donation by Imperial Tobacco Company of shipment of tobacco for British prisoners in Germany. August Eckstein and Fräulein Gretchen Stahl: certificate of their marriage at Neustadt am Aisch, Bavaria. Richard Kuenzer, former German Consul in Macedonia, interned at Ras-el-Tin Camp, Alexandria, Egypt. Food and clothing for British prisoners in Germany; treatment of them. Allied soldiers and civilians interned in Germany, including French, Serbians, Belgians, Japanese, Portuguese and Russians. Replenishment of British Emergency Relief Fund in Berlin. Siegfried Schlomer, interned at Islington, London. Hermann Steinke, interned at Knockaloe Camp, Isle of Man. Ernst Hans Davidsen, interned at Knockaloe Camp, Isle of Man: released on parole for one week in March 1916 to visit his dying wife in Glamorganshire; Home Office advise against his being paroled again. C Schneberger, interned at Knockaloe Camp, Isle of Man: his objection to his son being enlisted into the British Army. Martin Joachim: remittances to be made to account of his wife Mrs Sophie Joachim in Amsterdam. Alleged conditions of imprisonment of German subjects at Reading: HM Government maintain that Reading Gaol is not a camp for prisoners of war and contains many persons who are not enemy aliens; those who are, are guilty of grave acts of espionage and their identities cannot be disclosed; but US Embassy may investigate conditions under which German civilians are detained there. Sergeant John Bryce, Gordon Highlanders, imprisoned for refusing to take over command of squad from a superior non-commissioned officer on instructions of Camp Sergeant-Major: German Government uphold verdict of Court Martial. Jules Leon, of Cologne (Köln): recovery of money advanced to him from British Emergency Relief Fund. Code 1218 Files 103262-111245.

FO 383/146 · Objekt · 1916
Teil von The National Archives

Germany: Prisoners, including: William Jackson, British civilian prisoner, interned at Ruhleben: his death in the Dr Weill Sanatorium, Schlachtensee, Berlin. Interned medical personnel, including: Members of German sanitary personnel interned in Britain. List of 12 names (in docket no.183). Johannes Heinrich Hagemann, interned German Medical Corps assistant captured in the Cameroons. Incapacitated German prisoners requesting release. Repatriation of British and German medical and sanitary personnel. Lieutenant (later Captain) D A Laird, Royal Army Medical Corps (RAMC): his return to Britain from Germany. Doctor [Theodor] Schweitzer (oberarzt: assistant medical director). Governor of German East Africa Protectorate refuses to allow the exchange of Doctors E C Holtom, RN, (interned in German East Africa) and Schweitzer (interned in the Union of South Africa); so proposal made that Dr Schweitzer be sent to Britain to join the other German medical officers taken from the Protectorate. Captain Hasso Willy von Keller, wounded German prisoner. Lieutenant-Colonel Maxwell Earle, Grenadier Guards, prisoner at Friedburg: unfit for service. If he is repatriated, British will allow 4 Germans to transfer from Lofthouse Park, Wakefield, back to Donington Hall, Castle Donington, Leicestershire. Lord Kitchener, Secretary of State for War, blocks sending of prisoners to Switzerland. British RAMC members released from Germany. Major Priestley and Captain Vidal, RAMC: their detention in Germany; report by Lieutenant Lauder. Their continued detention in Germany makes repatriation of German medical personnel impossible. Released: to cross to England on 23 February 1916. Exchange of British and German incapacitated prisoners and invalid civilians. Private James Bailey, West Kent Regiment, prisoner at Friedrichsfeld, and Corporal Jeremiah Mulcahy, 1st Cheshire Regiment, prisoner at Limburg: neither soldier is incapacitated, so release refused. Hermann Wilhelm Wartenberg, interned at Knockaloe Camp: asks for repatriation as German Red Cross Corporal; but was arrested in London, not while serving in the field, so request denied. German members of Tsingtau Medical Corps interned at Knockaloe Camp. Means of recognition under Geneva Convention of German prisoners claiming to be members of medical services of combatant units. Alfred Reitz, arrested in the Cameroons, interned at Lofthouse Park, Wakefield. Curt Ludwig, interned at Knockaloe Camp. Carl Müller, interned at Edinburgh Castle. Adolf Lienemann, interned at Leigh, Lancashire. Dr Alfred E Trautmann, staff surgeon, interned at Edinburgh Castle, then at Wakefield. Dr Adolf Rosenbaum, interned at Edinburgh Castle, then at Wakefield. Dr Karl Ludwig Stoll, opthalmologist, German subject and resident of Cincinnati, United States of America, interned at Edinburgh Castle, then at Wakefield. Alleged to be dangerous; was active in United States. Repatriation of prisoners wearing Red Cross armband when captured. Dr Zieschank, naval surgeon, interned at Apia, Western Samoa. Anton Meier, interned at Alexandra Palace. Max Frohberg, interned at Knockaloe Camp. George Hoffmann, interned at Lofthouse Park, Wakefield. List of 27 British wounded prisoners in Germany, giving name, regiment, place of internment and wounds (in docket no.44678). Dr Carl Greiff, medical officer interned at Wakefield. Major Harold Richard Charley, 2nd Battalion, Royal Irish Rifles, interned at Guadenfrei, Schlesien, Germany. Lance Corporal S G Sellers, 7th Battalion, Canadian Infantry, interned at Diakonen Anstalt, Duisburg, Germany; badly wounded. Dr Casimir Casper, interned at Lofthouse Park, Wakefield. Code 1218 Files 168-183 (to paper 51942).